I'm not sure Part 2 will be able to keep up with the pacing scene for scene as well as Part 1 (with several more scenes thrown in), especially with (SPOILER)the ending with the Whispers suggesting they are seriously going to mess with established canon. However, I can't imagine they'd skip out on Gold Saucer for this episode and that's the place I'm looking forward to playing the most. Also with Cosmo Canyon (which I think they will need to get to since Red XIII will be a character), I am very interested in seeing how they re-imagine it in HD.

Also, based on how much it was mentioned in Remake, I'd expect a huge subplot with Wuitai making it a large and non-optional section of the game. Depending on when they introduce Yuffie, we may get the big Wutai part in the next game or the following game. My kids and I have a fun theory that the next game will start with Yuffie stealing all your materia and equipment outside of Midgar so you have to start the game from scratch.