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Thread: Entries you can't finish anymore because just...ugh...

  1. #16
    Do Myself a Mischief Vermachtnis's Avatar
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    I almost beat it once. On the PSOne, I made to like right outside Pandemonium. But the memory card became corrupted. That was my Final Fantasy memory card. It had IV-IX, Tactics, I and II on it. All gone. Anyway, I got the GBA version later. I think I made it to the snow field.

  2. #17


    10 for sure, as I've tried multiple times. Sadly, my first playthrough ended right before the last stretch. I had no motivation to continue. I tried again when I got older and found myself even less interested and barely made it past Rikku joining the party

    I've had similar experiences with 8 and 9, though I don't hate them as much, but would probably likely yield similar results. I just don't like them enough

    12 is a rare case where I thought I felt similarly about it, but then thoroughly enjoyed it my second playthrough almost 10 years after it came out. Unfortunately all of our PS2s started to act up, and then the re-release on the PS4 happened. So I found it hard to justify giving myself that much of a headache over it when I could just replay it more conveniently and with a better version on a newer console. I've yet to restart, but I have faith that I'd likely finish it when I do

    And since we're counting side games, FFT is definitely in there. I've tried maybe 3 times with that game. But it embodies everything I hate about modern tactical RPGs, especially those from Japan (Look at Fallout 1 & 2, and Divinity: Original Sin 1 and 2, and Torment: TIdes of Numenera. Towns to explore, people to talk to, and your character(s) have agency withing the world and the story). Nothing but battles and story sequences. And a lot of grinding. Which makes it even worse. Which is too bad, because outside of Fire Emblem, it's one of the only tactical JRPGs that doesn't have a battle gimick with colored squares or some similar garbage

    I think I would struggle with FF5 as well. It's hard to appreciate the characters when a lot of their mannerisms are just tropes and comedy schlock. I never felt any gravity or investment the couple of times I tried the game. I need to do a modern replay of FF4, 6, or 7, and see just how well they hold up to my nostalgic scrutiny. Maybe I'm just not a vintage JRPG fan anymore. But at least those hold some fond memories. I'm honestly surprised I've beaten FF1 multiple times since adulthood since I was like 6 when I first played that game, and it's still fun, for a lot of variable reasons, and surprisingly easy to just knock out over a couple of days

  3. #18


    Quote Originally Posted by Kikiara View Post

    Also, maybe a slightly controversial opinion, but I never really liked the World of Ruin very much in FFVI. I admire how bold the concept of it is, and certain individual scenes in it are very memorable, but on the whole I always found it kind of a drag to play compared to everything that comes before it. I've played VI up to that point five or six times, but I think I only ever finished the game once.
    I agree with this to a large extent. I also tend to feel that the characterization of it as the "second half" of the game is a mischaracterization. It's more like maybe the last quarter with a bunch of optional sidequests. Granted, those sidequests tend to be a bit more important than most FF sidequests, considering that getting party members depends on them, among other powerups, but they're still basically sidequests. It's only a second half (or more than that probably) in terms of grinding, which is what makes it a drag.

  4. #19
    Not a Banana Mo-Nercy's Avatar
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    I probably tried about 3-4 times to finish XIII. I remember being a pretty big defender of the battle system at the time. And I tried to force myself through the story repeatedly, but I'd always disengage by the time I got to that chapter where things open up and you can free roam a bit.

    Strangely enough, I probably would have pushed myself to completion if the game was even more linear.

    I also bought XIII-2, in another weird attempt to inspire me to finish XIII.

    Clearly I had money to burn in those days. xD

  5. #20
    CimminyCricket's Avatar
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    I have failed to really get into FF1 and 2 countless times. It only took two tries for me to get over XIII, though. I remember being pumped with all the advertisements and the previews we were getting and it just ended up being terrible.

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