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Thread: How the rest will be divided up (my theory)

  1. #46


    Nah. People hate Yuffie, because she stole their materia, man. Has nothing to do with being optional. Plus, for an optional character, Yuffie is actually more developed than plenty of mandatory characters in other games. If you didn't know she was optional, you'd never know it from her interactions

  2. #47


    Yuffie was never really portrayed as a serious character. Even in Dirge of Cerberus, which is her most serious role, she's still pretty silly.

    I think if they're gonna kill someone for dramatic effect, it's gotta be either Aerith or Tifa. They're both mostly serious characters and both have the relationship with Cloud, who we're supposed to be seeing the world through.

    If they killed either Yuffie, Cid, Vincent or Red, Cloud is really not gonna be that traumatized. He'd just be a bit sad, but carry on as usual.

  3. #48


    Nope, the choice didn't matter at all. The effect would have been exactly the same if Cait Sith Number 2 had died. Sure, Cait Sith Number 3 would be right around the corner, but we'd have been devastated by the loss of our short lived pal. In fact, I'm sure Kitase just rolled some dice to decide who would die, because it didn't matter at all.

  4. #49


    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Golbez View Post
    1. Saying her death is important and impactful to the story does not mean that it was a sacrifice that accomplished something.

    2. Comparing the significance of her death unfavoravly to that of Tellah's is laughable. Tellah's death has very little significance and amounts to playing some sad music for a few seconds and then moving on like it never happened.

    3. Yes, the game already does strongly imply that Holy was activated by Aeris. If not specifically by her death, than at least by what she was doing prior to her death, which certainly makes her death as much of a noble sacrifice as Tellah's.

    4. The game also implies, either independently from or due to activation of Holy that Aeris bears some responsibility for the lifestream coming to protect the planet from Meteor. Likely only possible because she died and returned to the Lifestream.
    This is exactly what I meant when I said her death is too important and impactful to the story. I never said she sacrificed herself because I know she doesn't. Life and death and surviving complex are major themes of FFVII. Her death becomes a motor for the others, and even if she summoned Holy before dying, she's also helping from the Lifestream. As much as I love Aerith, if she doesn't die, it ruins a huge part of the story.

  5. #50


    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Golbez View Post
    The effect would have been exactly the same if Cait Sith Number 2 had died.
    lol, I forgot Cait Sith even existed.
    Jack: How do you know?

    Will: It's more of a feeling really.

    Jack: Well, that's not scientific. Feeling isn't knowing. Feeling is believing. If you believe it, you can't know because there's no knowing what you believe. Then again, no one should believe what they know either. Once you know anything that anything becomes unbelievable if only by virtue of the fact you now... know it. You know?

    Will: No.

    If Demolition Man were remade today

    Huxley: What's wrong? You broke contact.
    Spartan: Contact? I didn't even touch you.
    Huxley: Don't you want to make love?
    Spartan: Is that what you call this? Why don't we just do it the old-fashioned way?
    Huxley: NO!
    Spartan: Whoa! Okay, calm down.
    Huxley: Don't tell me to calm down!
    Spartan: What's gotten into you? 'Cause it sure as hell wasn't me.
    Huxley: Physical relations in the way of intercourse are no longer acceptable John Spartan.
    Spartan: What? Why the hell not?
    Huxley: It's the law, John. And for your information, the very idea that you suggested it makes me feel personally violated.
    Spartan: Wait a minute... violated? Huxley what the hell are you accusing me of here?
    Huxley: You need to leave, John.
    Spartan: But Huxley.
    Huxley: Get out!
    Moments later Spartan is arrested for "violating" Huxley.

    By the way, that's called satire. Get over it.

  6. #51


    That just made me realize. They probably do intend to get as far as the Gold Saucer in the next game.

    Why else would they have shown Cait Sith in Remake? They're not gonna show him and then wait until the third game to have the character appear.

  7. #52
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    I never got around to doing this:

    Chapter 1: Fleeing to Kalm - To start the game off with a bang, the party will now be pursued by Shinra forces. May have a battle with Reno or Rude, or perhaps bring back our SOLDIER boy to lead these troops.

    Chapter 2: Kalm - Party reaches town, which is now a hub world. The party ends up having to do odd jobs to get their supplies in order as they plan their next move. Sephy makes an appearance before some of them and says something like he's heading "to where their story began". Cloud confirms it will be Nibelheim and now the team has to figure out a way to get to the other continent. They decide they'll head to FT Condor first.

    Chapter 3: Nibelheim Flashback Part 1 - The night before the party leaves, Cloud begins the story about Nibelheim. Covers events up until the end of the first trip to the reactor. Nibelheim will now have more things for Cloud to interact with, Sephy will be a guest party member like Red XIII.

    Chapter 4: Nibelheim Flashback Part 2 - Details Sephiroth torching town. Cloud will have more stuff to do like saving civilians during this point. Nibelheim and Mt. Nibel will serve as a dungeon. Sephy will now be a boss fight.

    Chapter 5: Escape from Kalm - Tifa tries to admit something is off with Cloud's story but the Whispers show up to stop her and the party gets annoyed they are still around trying to fix the timeline. Shinra troops roll into town and now the party has to make a flashy escape. They steal some vehicles and get out.

    Chapter 6: Pursuit - The teams vehicles get attacked as they flee the town. Redo of the motorcycle sequence from first game with our SOLDIER guy showing up again. Ends with Cloud's team destroying the pursuers forces, but getting their own vehicles wrecked.

    Chapter 7: Chocobo Ranch - The team wind up near the Midgar Marches and have a run in with the Midgar Zolom, they barely survive the encounter before traveling through a field and finding the chocobo ranch where they do odd jobs for the farm hands in exchange for the use of a chocobo to get across the marshes.

    Chapter 8: Midgar Marshes - Team gains a group of chocobos which they use to try and evade the midgar zolom which chases them through a winding maze of the marshes. It ends with an actual boss fight with the Midgar Zolom. Once they beat it, they try to reach the mythril mines, only to encounter another one, which is then cut down before them by Sephiroth who says some cryptic trout about overcoming destiny. He flees into the mines and the party pursues.

    Chapter 9: Mythril Mines - Now re-imgained as a real mine with mine carts and needing to do some puzzles to get further in. The team encounters the Turks Tseng and Elena and actually get to face off with them.

    Chapter 10: Journey to Ft. Condor, the team go through a new section of the mines to wind up in a forest on their way to Fort Condor. They encounter Yuffie in these woods which leads them on a wild goose chase as she steals a materia from them. They find Ft Condor by the end.

    Chapter 11: Ft. Condor - Hub town with several new NPCs. Town is protesting the issue with the Condors, and Shinra claims that the town has been infiltrated by Wutai in order to justify their campaign in there. Cloud doesn't want to get more involved but the team has to stick around to track down Yuffie who steals something they'll need to get into Junon. The locals like Yuffie because she sticks it to the Shinra and does some robin hood type stuff occasionally, so the team has to do odd jobs to earn the trust of the locals to get info about her. Side quest hell ensues.

    Chapter 12: The Shinobi from Wutai - After gaining all the information they need from Ft. Condor about Yuffies base within a forest. Lots of traps and Yuffie taunting the team. Eventually they chase her down when she accidentally wakes up a nest of those bird creatures with white wind that are random encounters in the area. The team ends up having to save her. She yells at the team for helping her and runs off but leaves behind the item they need to get into Junon.

    Chapter 13: Battle at Fort Condor - The team return to town to grab some provisions when they find the whole place under-siege. Full dungeon kicks in, probably a new SOLDIER member will be introduced leading the Shinra troops. Yuffie appears to help out during this sequences. Cloud has a minor mini-game where he has to direct the locals to defend certain spots of the town between slicing his own way through the place. Ends with team defeating SOLDIER leader and sending the Shinra packing. Yuffie steals enough enemy supplies to help the locals stayed armed enough to fight back future attacks.

    Chapter 14: Journey to Junon - The team finally sets off to get to Junon, they encounter Yuffie on their journey there and help the old mythril miner. The team tries to ditch Yuffie because she's a pain inthe ass, but the Whispers appear to force their hand. The scenario ends when they reach the Town of Junon.

    Chapter 15: Town of Junon - Party gets mixed up with the locals as they try to figure out a plan to get into the base. With the item from Yuffie, they can get in easily, but they all need disguises so the team does odd jobs in town to take out Shinra personnel to get their disguises and sneak into the place. Cloud, having taken a infantry soldier uniform, ends up getting separated by the team.
    Chapter 16: Rufus' Welcome Parade - Cloud and the others all have to work their way into the city all trying to make their way to the docks. The Whispers make an appearance and try to help them whenever someone blows their cover, which has Rufus zero in on them. Cloud has to fight an exhibition match for Rufus.

    Chapter 17: Escape from Junon - The party shenanigans has the city on high alert, but they encounter Sephiroth who helps guide the team to the ship Rufus is taking. Party has to fight through guards to get on the boat. They face off against some of Heidegger's new machines.

    Chapter 18: New Lands and Old Enemies - The team try to make their way through the ship to get to Rufus and Sephiroth. They learn that Sephy has been talking to Rufus and the two of them come to an agreement about changing destiny. The party has to fight against Jenova and then have another encounter with the Whispers Darkside avatar. His three minions being based off Aerith, Red-XIII and Yuffie this time. Once defeated, Sephiroth vanishes with the Whispers while Rufus and Heidegger escape by chopper. The ship is badly damaged by the battles and starts to sink with the party barely escaping. Cloud has a dream where Sephiroth elaborates more on the "7 seconds" nonsense and they have a minor battle. When he awakes, he finds the team has washed ashore on the beach near Costa Del Sol. Credits roll.

  8. #53


    That's all great, although my only issue would be that Junon would be way too short. If they're gonna make the entire next game fit onto the eastern continent, surely Junon would have to be a fairly large chunk of it. Maybe 1/3rd of the total game time?

  9. #54
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JJ Strife View Post
    That's all great, although my only issue would be that Junon would be way too short. If they're gonna make the entire next game fit onto the eastern continent, surely Junon would have to be a fairly large chunk of it. Maybe 1/3rd of the total game time?
    Honestly, I wouldn't worry about Junon feeling too short simply because the party will be coming back two more times to this location later on, so they have plenty of opportunities to expand it at those points.

  10. #55


    I can't really see any good reason or justification for extending Kalm so much. If they're going to use Kalm as a sidequest hub, which in and of itself doesn't seem unreasonable, I think it should be a hub for the combined area between Kalm and the Chocobo Farm with sidequests related to both occurring in the same chapter.

  11. #56
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Golbez View Post
    I can't really see any good reason or justification for extending Kalm so much. If they're going to use Kalm as a sidequest hub, which in and of itself doesn't seem unreasonable, I think it should be a hub for the combined area between Kalm and the Chocobo Farm with sidequests related to both occurring in the same chapter.
    I only said that because Episode 1 had pretty much done his for all the "towns". They force you to stay longer than normal and frankly, sticking around Kalm and giving it more for you to do there will make it feel like more than "just that place you see the Nibelheim Flashback in" which is why I imagine they'll extend it. Technically you're only in Kalm for two chapters in my version, as I don't count the flashback as part of it. I actually expect to see two new towns in Episode 2 which will either have a loose connection to the Chocobo Ranch and Fort Condor or perhaps two new places that serves as a stop off between Kalm and Chocobo ranch, as well as Fort Condor and Junon.

    Of anything, I'll be surprised if Episode 2 follows the plot closely and manages to get off the first continent. Though I could also see them throwing some serious curve balls like having Fort Condor actually have a serious Wutai presence and sneak in the Wutai scenario with Yuffie into this part of the game. Though considering the direction R1 went with them, I imagine that whole scenario will be both expanded and greatly retooled to be a bit more serious and plot-centric. As opposed to the original where Wutai is completely optional and pointless beyond humor.

  12. #57


    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Golbez View Post
    I can't really see any good reason or justification for extending Kalm so much. If they're going to use Kalm as a sidequest hub, which in and of itself doesn't seem unreasonable, I think it should be a hub for the combined area between Kalm and the Chocobo Farm with sidequests related to both occurring in the same chapter.
    My reason for extending Kalm would simply be that I think it's a cool and pleasant location, Lol.

    I always loved it in the original game because it's such an insane contrast to Midgar. It acted as a kind of signal to the first time player by saying "just so you know, this huge world is incredibly vast and varied"

  13. #58


    Kalm is pretty true to it's name though. It's probably the most mundane locale in the entire game, which is why it pretty much just serves as the backdrop for the flashback. It's like they just said we need a place for this story beat, let's use the template for "town."

  14. #59


    Yeah it is like the generic FF1-FF5 town, get made into 3D pre-rendered backdrop. Still, I like how quaint and comforting it is.

  15. #60


    I always thought of Kalm as being a palate cleanser after the dark and dingy vaguely-distopian Midgar. When I played the game for the first time (my first FF, without knowing anything about the game) stepping out from the dead plains around Midgar and into the green grass of the outside world was almost surprising. Then a tiny village where people are pretty nice? Great.

    (i don't really want to see it become a hub town, but it would make sense in some ways. for example i can foresee a fetch mission with a miner who left an item back at the mine before it closed, run over and get it will you? etc).

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