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Thread: How the rest will be divided up (my theory)

  1. #16


    I think it's kind of hard to push both Northern crater visits into the same game. That's covering a lot of material. I could see it if they only do 3 games, but with 4 or more, I'm more inclined to expect the first northern crater visit as the final section of the penultimate game.

  2. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Golbez View Post
    My thought on it is that your breakdown is cramming about 40% of the original game into the last part and including, at the absolute most, only 10% of the original game in the second part. Seems like a crazy way to do things, especially since there probably won't be any kind of world map so division by continents doesn't seem to have much value.
    I agree if they don't go with a typical open-world, then there's less reason to have it align with each continent, and so they might have the next game end at the Gold Saucer, or Cosmo Canyon instead.

    I still think the general point about geographical size is correct though, even without a standard open-world. The size and detail of the locations just dictates how long it takes them to make, and how much disc storage it takes. So the fact that it's 40% of the time spent in the original game just won't matter. Because that 40% requires almost no new assets, except a few new models (the Weapons) and a lot of voice acting/animation.

    That 40% probably took them a lot less time to make during the original game too. It's just that we never knew that, because it's sold as an entire story, so you don't get to see how the development time was divided up.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jarvio View Post
    It's all about appropriate start-points and end-points IMO.

    Based on that, I think it will go like this:

    Part 2 (FFVII Rebirth) - Kalm/Nibelheim flashback to Nibelheim/Mt Nibel (So starts and ends with Nibelheim)

    Part 3 (FFVII Resurrection) - Rocket Town, Tiny bronco sea exploration, Wutai (compulsory), Gold Saucer Date, Temple Of The Ancients, Bone Village, Sleeping Forest, City Of The Ancients

    Part 4 (FFVII Reunion) - Northern Continent, Icicle Inn etc, all the way to endgame (So starts and ends at the northern continent)
    This sounds very plausible too! I definitely agree on the start point/end point issue. They definitely want each part to feel like its own standalone story, given that they haven't gone with "part1, part2, part3" subtitles.

    The Nibelheim point also makes sense because they'll probably have storage space issues, like they did with Remake. So beginning and ending with the same location is helpful because it means they won't need to reuse it again in the game after.
    Last edited by JJ Strife; 05-07-2020 at 08:54 AM.

  3. #18
    Radical Dreamer Fynn's Avatar
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    I honestly don’t think Nibelheim is a good place to end an episode since there’s nothing exactly climactic happening there during your first actual visit. You see the weird Sephiroth clones, pass through and... that’s pretty much it. Oh yeah and you get Vincent. Not exactly a good place to end a game imo, unless I’m forgetting something big.

  4. #19


    Quote Originally Posted by Fynn View Post
    I honestly don’t think Nibelheim is a good place to end an episode since there’s nothing exactly climactic happening there during your first actual visit. You see the weird Sephiroth clones, pass through and... that’s pretty much it. Oh yeah and you get Vincent. Not exactly a good place to end a game imo, unless I’m forgetting something big.
    Well my expectation was that they'd add a tonne of stuff to it. And have Vincent as a guest like Red XIII was

  5. #20


    Quote Originally Posted by Mercen-X View Post
    But what does it imply on a deeper level for Part 2 to be called Rebirth rather than one of the other two titles you've selected?

    Rebirth implies "new beginning". Seemingly Part 1 would make more sense to have been the Rebirth. Of course, Resurrection, means to "rise again", thus with fan and development team expectation, Part 1 could have been called Resurrection. I don't want to believe that SQEX would choose titles for 7R's subsequent installments that didn't also have the double meaning attributed to Part 1's Remake.
    Well I was thinking Jenova Rebirth but who knows really. I just like the idea of 'Re' titles. They could also throw in some rebirth stuff with Zack in the gongaga parts, but I'd personally not want them to screw with that

  6. #21


    Quote Originally Posted by Fynn View Post
    I honestly don’t think Nibelheim is a good place to end an episode since there’s nothing exactly climactic happening there during your first actual visit. You see the weird Sephiroth clones, pass through and... that’s pretty much it. Oh yeah and you get Vincent. Not exactly a good place to end a game imo, unless I’m forgetting something big.
    Nothing really big happens in the original, but it's a significant location to the story, so I could easily see that changing in the remake. It's also an area where you (optionally) see Sephiroth again and can have the Destruct materia chucked out. The famous line "I don't even know what a reunion is" is spoken there. The fact that you see Sephiroth potentially leaves it open for adding a
    Jenova battle, but I'm not sure that would be a great idea. Also, it's probably the first time in the game where they really start casting doubt on Cloud's story (yeah there are hints before, but those wouldn't be as easy to catch on a first time through). Here Cloud is trying to figure out why the town he saw burn down five years ago is still standing and why none of the townspeople he questions about it know what he's talking about. It might not be a great location for a final battle, but its rich with potential for dramatic storytelling.

  7. #22


    It's been so long since I played the original, I don't even remember what happened with Nibelheim in the story.

    How was it supposed to have been restored to normal, with new people? Did Shinra just rebuild it?

  8. #23


    Yeah. Shinra rebuilt and replaced the residents with a bunch of researchers, if memory servers, which is why they lie that there was never a fire there when Cloud shows up and starts asking about it. A lot of this is completely optional dialogue though. I think there's some scene as you enter town, but other than that you can pass through straight to Mt. Nibel without talking to anyone, including Sephiroth. In fact, I remember testing this out and if you skip the Sephiroth scene here you can come back much later when it wouldn't really make sense and the scene still plays out. If I remember correctly, I did this on disc 2, but I might be remembering incorrectly on the timing.

  9. #24


    If Part 2 can take the story all the way back to the rebuilt Nibelheim, then Resurrection could make sense as a title.
    Jack: How do you know?

    Will: It's more of a feeling really.

    Jack: Well, that's not scientific. Feeling isn't knowing. Feeling is believing. If you believe it, you can't know because there's no knowing what you believe. Then again, no one should believe what they know either. Once you know anything that anything becomes unbelievable if only by virtue of the fact you now... know it. You know?

    Will: No.

    If Demolition Man were remade today

    Huxley: What's wrong? You broke contact.
    Spartan: Contact? I didn't even touch you.
    Huxley: Don't you want to make love?
    Spartan: Is that what you call this? Why don't we just do it the old-fashioned way?
    Huxley: NO!
    Spartan: Whoa! Okay, calm down.
    Huxley: Don't tell me to calm down!
    Spartan: What's gotten into you? 'Cause it sure as hell wasn't me.
    Huxley: Physical relations in the way of intercourse are no longer acceptable John Spartan.
    Spartan: What? Why the hell not?
    Huxley: It's the law, John. And for your information, the very idea that you suggested it makes me feel personally violated.
    Spartan: Wait a minute... violated? Huxley what the hell are you accusing me of here?
    Huxley: You need to leave, John.
    Spartan: But Huxley.
    Huxley: Get out!
    Moments later Spartan is arrested for "violating" Huxley.

    By the way, that's called satire. Get over it.

  10. #25


    Yeah they could easily alter that to be the end of a game. Just have a battle in the mansion basement, or maybe in the reactor at Mt Nibel, just like the Sephiroth battle in Crisis Core.

  11. #26


    It's true, Sephiroth does make a canon appearance in the Shinra Manor's basement. Hell, he could finish the epic battle by pelting Cloud with an orb of materia and casually walking away.

  12. #27


    I think a Jenova battle in the Mansion basement instead of the boat might be a really good one.

    Then again, I guess a cargo ship would allow for more room. Maybe the Shinra lab could be expanded in size like the one in the Shinra building.

    I think some kind of flashback battle featuring a younger tifa/cloud getting thoroughly hammered by Seph could also be some fun, along with a bunch of Tifa "i dont remember any of this" stuff.

  13. #28
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    I need to confirm two things in the Remake before I'll post my thoughts on this.

  14. #29


    Part 2 predictions :

    Chapter 1- Traveling to Kalm
    Chapter 2- Cloud's past
    Chapter 3- Cloud past, Sephiroth burns down Nibelhiem
    Chapter 4-Chocobo Farm, Midgar Zolom and Elena's introduction
    Chapter 5- The Great Ninja Yuffie of Wutai !

    Chapter 6- Helping Fort Condor
    Chapter 7- Junon
    Chapter 8- Rufus's Parade in Junon
    Chapter 9- Junon Boat and Jenova
    Chapter 10- Costa Del Sol

    Chapter 11- Travelling to Corel
    Chapter 12- Corel and Barret's Past
    Chapter 13- The Theme Park and Cait Sith
    Chapter 14- Corel Prison and Dyne
    Chapter 15- Me, Gongaga ! Also hoping here for Cissnei as guest or saving Dyne.
    Chapter 16- Traveling to Cosmo Canyon
    Chapter 17- Cosmo Canyon and the Gi Tribe
    Chapter 18- Traveling to Nibelheim with another Sephiroth last battle, because of course.

    Part 3 predictions :

    Chapter 1- Vincent Valentine
    Chapter 2- Mt Nibel
    Chapter 4- Wutai
    Chapter 5- Wutai, Don Corneo

    Chapter 6- Some more Wutai
    Chapter 7- Gold Saucer date
    Chapter 8- Cait Sith Betrayal
    Chapter 9- Temple of the Ancients
    Chapter 10- Black Materia

    Chapter 11- Aerith Leaves
    Chapter 12- Finding Aerith and the Sleeping Forest
    Chapter 13- The Ancient City, and Aerith death ?
    Chapter 14- Snowboarding yeehaw
    Chapter 15- Ice Ice Baby and Snow
    Chapter 16- More Ice Ice Baby
    Chapter 17- Cloud losing his mind, Sephiroth boss fight, that you lose.
    Chapter 18- Weapons awaken

    Part 4 :

    Chapter 1 : Tifa in Junon
    Chapter 2 : Escaping Junon
    Chapter 3 : Mideel
    Chapter 4 : Weapon in Mideel, Tifa leaves
    Chapter 5 : Big Materia

    Chapter 6 : Big Materia
    Chapter 7 : Cloud and Tifa Lifestream
    Chapter 8 : Cloud is cured
    Chapter 9 : Underwater Reactor
    Chapter 10 : Underwater Reactor

    Chapter 11 : Going up in Space
    Chapter 12 : Space
    Chapter 13 : White Materia
    Chapter 14 : Weapon heading to Midgar
    Chapter 15 : Returning to Midgar
    Chapter 16 : Midgar
    Chapter 17 : The end of Shrina. Sephiroth battle, because of of course.
    Chapter 18 : Vincent vs Hojo

    Part 5

    Chapter 1 : Underneath the Highwind
    Chapter 2 : Characters saying goodbye
    Chapter 3 : Final Cave
    Chapter 4 : Final Cave
    Chapter 5 : Final Showdown with Sephiroth
    Chapter 6 : Lifestream saves the day

    Chapter 7 : Zack Crisis Core 1
    Chapter 8 : Zack Crisis Core 2
    Chapter 9 : Zack Crisis Core 3
    Chapter 10 : Zack Crisis Core 4
    Chapter 11 : Zack Crisis Core 5

    Chapter 12 : Advent Children timejump
    Chapter 13 : Timejump part 2
    Chapter 14 : Timejump part 3
    Chapter 15 : Timejump part 4
    Chapter 16 : Timejump part 5
    Chapter 17 : Timejump part 6
    Chapter 18: Sephiroth's return and Ending.

    TL;DR version : Predicting 5 parts with a mini Crisis Core remake and mini Advent Children remake slapped on at the end.

  15. #30


    If they actually end a battle with Sephiroth clocking Cloud with an orb of materia, I might just forgive them for the plot ghosts.

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