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Thread: Improve an FF

  1. #1
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Red Exclamation Mark Improve an FF

    Haven't done this in awhile. What is one thing you would change about each FF to make it better? If you can't think of something, just skip it. The only restriction is that it can only be one thing, and "burn the original and start over" is not an answer.

  2. #2


    FFXII going to get hate for this but replace Larsa with Balthier. Balthier ? Just put him in Exdeath's void.

    A-nyways, bye, nice knowing you all.

  3. #3
    Radical Dreamer Fynn's Avatar
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    FFVII - rewrite everything post-Aerith’s death. But if I were to narrow it down, the huge Materia quest as it is now just has to go. Either give another big drawback to Shinra’s plan so that it actually feels like their mission succeeding is as bad as meteor falling, or give the party an actual plan to use the huge Materia to save the world.

  4. #4


    FFXII - Focus on the war and characters involved in the war more than tangentially. Ashe's quest is stupid. Also, if Vayne's still going to be the final boss, at least provide some damn scenes with him that give some context for his 11th hour rant about gods so it doesn't look like some out of leftfield bs to elevate him as a villain.

    Okay that's two things. Well I want the focus on the war more, but if that's too big I'll settle for Vayne.

    FFVI - More linearity in the world of ruin/individual characters still existing in WoR with respect to dialogue.

    FFVII - Do something about the huge materia quest. It's not all bad, but it's the weakest point of the game. Some closure on Cid's and Barret's stories are wrapped up in that arc and I'd like to keep that in some form, but the submarine thing can at least go probably. Also it should be explained better because it looks a little plot holey.

    FFIV. - There are four dark crystals in the underworld but where the fcuk were they originally? Golbez has two already when you get there but that doesn't explain where he got them from. Only two crystal rooms appear in the underworld. The underworld should be expanded. Add locations for the other two crystals.

    FFIX - Do something about the whole "my eidolon is better than you're eidolon. Gotta catch em all until I have the best eidolon" portion of the plot that dominates the end of the second disc and much of disc 3. It hasn't stood the test of time and really kind of ruins Kuja as a villain.

    FFX - I'm not sure if I want more Seymour or less but that way it is just feels a bit anticlimactic. Either have Seymour show up less or have him be more successful as a villain. Dude almost feels like Ultros by the last time you fight him.

    FFV - More Faris, because she's the only good character. More specific? Faris is the main character. Bartz preferably doesn't even exist.

    FFII - Experience and levels please.

    FFXV - Bring back classic ATB or failing that upgrade to FF7 remake style ATB. Sorry don't know enough about the story to have a plot based change.

    FFXIII - More combat options early in the game instead of making everything autobattle emphasized. Don't know enough about the plot other than to say don't open the game with everyone yammering about l'cie and falcie and whatever other made up words with no context. As much as I hate long ass intro exposition, that trout is even worse.

    FFVIII - More Laguna flashbacks. Maybe consider getting rid of the muppet babies scene.

    FF - Actually have characters in you party? With characters even joining throughout. Let's have Bikke join the party! Maybe Matoya too.
    Last edited by Lord Golbez; 06-07-2020 at 09:11 AM.

  5. #5
    WarZidane's Avatar
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    FFX - Allow people to skip cutscenes

    FFVI - Expand on the world of ruin (what happened to people like Bannon?), change it up a little so it feels less like a sidequest gauntlet and more connected

    FFVII - A bunch really, but if i had to pick only one, I'll jump on the huge materia train

    FFVIII - Either do something relevant with the GF amnesia thing or ditch it and the ridiculous orphanage twist

    FFIX - Speed up the combat. FFIX's biggest weakness is how slow the random encounters feel.

    FFXI - Introduce an offline version where you adventure with some of the NPCs. They're already halfway there with the Trust NPCs. Not that I mind the online particularly, but more people would get to experience it this way.

    FFXIV - Same as XI. I love the game, but again, it would get more people to play and experience it.

    FFXV - Make the world feel more alive. That's a bit broad, but the best way I can put it. Better sidequests, less wide open empty space that is never used.

  6. #6
    Friendship *is* magic. MJN SEIFER's Avatar
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    I'll target my favorite and second favorite respectively;

    FFVII: The Limit Breaks are now all interactive in some way, like FFVIII and FFX (and in places FFVI.) In addition, Tifa's Limit Break changes from being based on slots to being based on fighting game style button commands (no idea why they didn't do this...)

    FFVIII: mini-games now exist - no idea where they'd go (VII did very well at making its mini-games fit in with the storyline), but they exist. A T-Board mini-game is definitely among them. Also, the main characters who aren't Squall and Rinoa have more storylines of their own, even if they're still only optional detours from the main story.

  7. #7
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    FFII - Probably make the dungeons more interesting and engaging.

    FFIII - Save points in dungeons.

    FFVI - Retool the battle system to make it more challenging and worthwhile to use all the tools the game gives you.

    FFVII - probably a lot of re-writes, but I would either redo the Big Materia Quest or Sephiroth's plan.

    FFVIII - Either drop Ultimecia for Adel as the final boss, or make the amnesia subplot more prominent throughout the game.

    FFIX - Finish Freya's plot.

    FFX - Drop Seymour and the corrupt Yevon church plot. That or actually make the world feel a bit more consistent with it's own mythology.

    FFXII - Explain better how destroying the Sun-Cryst actually stops the Occurians.

    FFXIII - Way too many issues to address. Either give the player more reasons to care about the fate of cocoon, or expand the gameplay to make it more interesting.

    FFXV - Turn Kingsglaive into a playable section that serves as a tutorial for the player and lets you play as Regis and Lunafreya.

    FFTactics - Give more focus to the War of the Lions part in the last two chapters instead of letting the Lucavi plotline take over.

    FFTA - Rework the Quest item system so that once an item is gained it never leaves, letting you have access to all missions as they becomes available.

    FFTA2 - Rewrite the main plot to be actually engaging and interesting.

    FF4HoL - Give the player a more conventional inventory system. It's a pain to get into a boss fight and realize you're not equipped right and have to backtrack to inventory shop to trade out items. It's probably the biggest element of fake difficulty in the game.

    The After Years - change the final dungeon to be less tedious.

    Crisis Core - Drop Genesis after the time skip and let the game actually just be about Zack and Cloud's journey back to Midgar.

    X-2 - You have three ideas of what you want this story to be about. Pick one and stick with it instead of painfully trying to juggle all three of them.

    Revenant Wings - Actually write the cast as they were in their original.

  8. #8
    Gobbledygook! Recognized Member Christmas's Avatar
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    FFVII - Allow u to play the game from Cid's POV

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