Oh yeah I absolutely understand how people may still be upset with the game because I’ll be the first to admit all of the stuff that’s in the game now should have been in from the start. XV might be the most mangled game in the series, with so many harmful executive decisions made that it’s no wonder the initial reception was kinda sour.

In a way, I guess I’m lucky I waited. But the pacing is still off because of the disjointed nature, but I still can’t help but adore what this game is? I think the closest comparison I have on what I feel is with Xenogears - both we’re games that were too ambitious and had to be cut down, especially in the later half - and yet I still wouldn’t change how the game looks now. It’s something that touches me on a deep, emotional level, but it’s not really in spite of its flaws, as those flaws are inherently a part of what makes this a unique experience.

But yeah, here’s hoping SE learns their lesson and just makes XVI complete at launch. I’m just happy they seem to have moved away from the games as a service model haha