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Thread: Just got this on Steam!

  1. #31
    Radical Dreamer Fynn's Avatar
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    Still in side quest he’ll but I just wanted to drop in and say that the soundtrack slaps and I won’t let anyone tell me otherwise. We do not deserve Shimomura

  2. #32
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    I’ve made it to Altissia. After clearing Costlemark Tower I jumped another ten levels and now I’m level 65 lol. I can’t wait to see the story move forward though so I’m excited!

  3. #33
    Radical Dreamer Fynn's Avatar
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    Well I’ve beaten chapter 9 and was left completely broken. Then I played Episode Ignis and was broken further. Now I’m on the Pain Train and nothing is the same

    Episode Ignis was thankfully excellent. Mitsuda’s music definitely helped elevate it but it also just made the efents in Altissia all the more meaningful and epic, not to mention just showing us how deeply Ignis really loves Noct. I did have to hold back tears near the end. Ignis is also very fun to play as. One gripe I have with the DLC is that I can’t say when the best moment to play it is. On the one hand, it really enhances the game when you play it right after it’s canonically happened and gives Ravus some much needed character development. On the other hand, it shows you some incredibly spoilery things from the ending. If you’re like me and have already been spoiled on the stuff from the ending, that’s not a problem, but I know my wife wants to play this later too and she’s super spoiled-sensitive. So I could just tell her to leave this episode for after the main game, but then she’d also be missing some of the scenes that were - let’s be blunt - cut from the original game. There is no optimal experience because of that now, sadly.

  4. #34
    Radical Dreamer Fynn's Avatar
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    So I’ve reached the legendary chapter 13 now. We’ll see if it manages to break me. But I have to say, I have not been bothered by the linearity at all so far. It’s almost as if when I care about the characters and you build up an incredible atmosphere through how the game progresses, whether or not it’s linear doesn’t matter at all. I also had Episode Prompto to play with along the way, so that could’ve helped with the variety (it’s also my favorite of the episodes I think, though Ignis’ was also amazing), but yeah, so far I’m still immensely hooked. I’m leaving on vacation on Saturday so I may not be able to finish this now and will have to wait two weeks to finish, but that’s fine. So far it looks like ring magic is immensely broken.

  5. #35
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    I heard the ring magic was buffed but I remember it was pretty broken to start with. Does it just insta kill everything without a cast time now?

  6. #36
    Radical Dreamer Fynn's Avatar
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    Everything basically dies on the count of three. And while death happens they’re just writhing in place. And then there’s this other spell that activates when I press Y that just nukes everything in sight

  7. #37
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    Chapter 13 didn’t really bother me before, but I think maybe it did feel like it dragged on for some people maybe? The changes they made did speed it up a bit. I kind of liked the change to the gameplay in that moment and kind of wished you had the option to play without the buffs to the ring to see what you think of the original gameplay.

  8. #38
    Shlup's Retired Pimp Recognized Member Raistlin's Avatar
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    I really didn't like the end part of the game. The linearity was definitely jarring after the rest of the game, but I also just wasn't a huge fan of the story at that point. Now I didn't have the character DLC chapters that you did, but I'm not convinced that would make a huge difference to me.

  9. #39
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    Honestly the Royal/Windows Edition is a very different and much better game than what the original experience was.

    They fleshed out the story more, and inserted more clips from Kingsglaive in appropriate locations. You have the option of doing the DLCs where they take place in the story (rather than just having confusing gaps where the holes had been left for the DLC). Some of the combat gimmicks from the DLCs were worked into the base game, along with the ability to swap characters rather than just playing as Noctis with the occasional link strike.

    Chapter 13 now is a lot better in terms of flow etc. than it was the original with the buffs to the ring and the change in pacing.

    (SPOILER)And Insomnia was significantly adjusted too.

    Comparing the Windows/Royal Edition to the original release is like comparing apples and oranges really.

    I think if the game had released with the story enhancements of the Windows/Royal Edition (even sans-DLC), and the latter chapter adjustments and combat system overhauls, it would've got a much more positive reception in the eyes of long-term fans rather than the "half-baked" feeling it left many with.
    Last edited by Aulayna; 07-27-2020 at 06:13 PM.

  10. #40
    Radical Dreamer Fynn's Avatar
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    So I’ve beaten the main game. That was incredibly well-done.

    As I’ve mentioned before and can now confirm with certainty, I did not mind the linearity of the letter parts of the game at all as it was a steady descent into misery that later got beatufilly uplifted with some hope in chapter 14. Chapter 13 was slightly too long for its own good, but it did a great job of building tension and shaking things up, and then chapter 13 verse 2 really did a good job tying up some loose ends for the empire, alongside completing Ravus’ character arc.

    And then in chapter 14 we got to see Cor again and that was very cool. I heard this section was pretty basic in the original release but now we really got to feel like we reclaimed Insomnia, what with the leftover bases, the Cerberus fight, and that little quest with the Comrades character I created earlier. That was fun. And then they added three of the former kings and queens as bosses between Ifrit and Ardyn with very nice little scenes with the bros added in there for good measure.

    Honestly, as disjointed as it still is, I’d say FFXV feels definitely complete at this point, especially on a thematic level. I cried more than once at the end because it all just hit me so hard. I feel this game kind of does X’s premise better. A hero must go on a journey with their friends in order to save the world, with the price being their own life. Except this time it actually hits harder because there’s no loophole for you to abuse so that you get a happily ever after (that is, of course, until the Dawn of the Future novel came and just turned this into another XIII), the trip feels like an actual road trip with real people and you play a part in how that journey gets recorded (like seriously, I did not expect the photography mechanic to end up being such a guy punch). I already discussed this with WK, but I find it really fascinating how XV was stripped of all elements linking it to the FNC mythos, while thematically still remaining very much a part of it. In a way, XV is still very much what Nomura said it would be on a thematic level - the opposite of XIII. While XIII was all about going against fate (the quality of the implementation of that notwithstanding), XV is all about accepting it. It’s about a person claiming responsibility, despite it being very overwhelming, for the sake of the greater good. Because Noctis himself had nothing to do with the world ending up like this, with his ancestor doing what he did to become the first king, with the Starscourge making everyone around them suffer. He could have just raised the middle finger and said he’s not defined by what his ancestors did or what fate the gods subjected him to. But instead, he accepts it, because he’s a true king who loved his people. And so ends an era.

    The most heartbreaking scene to me personally was the scene in the throne room, where Noctis sacrifices himself. Dawn plays here, linking it to the trailer of the same name, and it honestly wouldn’t be as powerful without it. I think being a father myself is a big part of it, but seeing Regis stand there, his back to his son as he’s pierced by the spirits of their ancestors one by one, with me remembering how he held his sleeping son, tears streaming down his eyes - it’s too much to take. And then he has to deal the killing blow. Regis’ tragedy is that he always knew he’d have to kill his son in order to save the world. It’s also a pretty interesting twist as Regis was accused of saving his son at the cost of his people before, but if only shows how he had the bigger picture in mind.

    Also, I get why people are upset with Luna’s portrayal, but I actually liked how there was a clear theme to this romance, and that was longing. It’s driven home especially in the new scene they added where Luna post-humously helps summon the Astrals to destroy the barrier on the Citadel, where for that brief moment they have they run to each other, only for Luna to disappear. It all makes that final scene with the kiss and the logo changing all the more satisfying. XV may not be a love story in the traditional sense, as brotherly love takes center stage here, but I’d say Noctis and Luna’s love is beautifully tragic on its own.

    I’m still not done with this game though. I’ve started Episode Ardyn and though I wasn’t impressed by the anime prologue in the slightest, the episode itself is actually pretty fantastic so far and I can’t wait to dig deeper into it. The freakiest part so far is Ardyn interaction with young Verstael, which is of course great because the empire deserves more screen time and Verstael only had a little time in Episode Prompto, but him actually having Prompto’s face just feels wrong, even though it’s exactly what it’s supposed to be. After that, I still have to do Comrades, there’s also the second Verse of Episode Ignis for some wish-fulfillment fantasy, and then I’ve got some post-game content to do. Omega, Adamantoise, Pitioss, Mellusine - those are the ones I can list off the top of my head, but I’m sure there’s more. I first have to figure out how to reach level 120 quickly.

    Overall though, FFXV is now probably up there with VI and XII as one of my absolute favorites. It’s not flawless by any means, and I know the version I’ve been playing is not the game people who played it at launch we’re stuck with. And I can understand that it’s not for everyone, but even considering all that, I don’t think it’s fair to put it in the same category as XIII when giving examples on how the series has gone to trout. I can’t speak for everyone, but while XIII and it’s godawful sequel made me question why I even liked the series in the first place, XV absolutely rekindled my love for FF. I was reminded why I fell in love with it, why I stuck with it, and why it holds such a special place in my heart. In fact, I feel I may have another marathon coming up, a proper one this time. And it’s all because this game reminded me that Final Fantasy is something special.

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    Yeah I've long maintained that the Royal/Windows Edition is actually a very solid entry into the series and had it been the state the game was originally released in it would've got a lot less criticism leveled toward specific aspects of it.

    I mean for the Windows Edition it was fine as you basically get everything apart from Episode Ardyn as standard. If you bought the PS4 or X1 game at release and plunged on the season pass to get the DLCs, you still had to cough up even more money to upgrade to the Royal Edition changes and content, and then Episode Ardyn on top - which basically summed up to effectively having to buy the game twice to get the better experience. So I can definitely understand some of the salt that still gets showered on XV by console players.

    Let's just hope with XVI they get it right first time around and don't need to:

    a) Basically rebuild the entire game (FFXIV)
    b) Patch in a lot of significant gameplay changes post-release (FFXV)
    c) Rely on DLCs and DLCs converted into a book to actually tell the core plot of the game (FFXV)

    (Also have fun in Pitioss Ruins. )

  12. #42
    Radical Dreamer Fynn's Avatar
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    Oh yeah I absolutely understand how people may still be upset with the game because I’ll be the first to admit all of the stuff that’s in the game now should have been in from the start. XV might be the most mangled game in the series, with so many harmful executive decisions made that it’s no wonder the initial reception was kinda sour.

    In a way, I guess I’m lucky I waited. But the pacing is still off because of the disjointed nature, but I still can’t help but adore what this game is? I think the closest comparison I have on what I feel is with Xenogears - both we’re games that were too ambitious and had to be cut down, especially in the later half - and yet I still wouldn’t change how the game looks now. It’s something that touches me on a deep, emotional level, but it’s not really in spite of its flaws, as those flaws are inherently a part of what makes this a unique experience.

    But yeah, here’s hoping SE learns their lesson and just makes XVI complete at launch. I’m just happy they seem to have moved away from the games as a service model haha

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    This thread has inspired me to pick up the Royal Edition at some point. It's also incredibly cheap right now.

    FFXV had trouble from the start with all the delay in Versus then to be mostly remade to get to FFXV. But it's unfortunately not uncommon to see a release of an unpolished product to meet business targets only to patch it up over time. I guess I'm glad I waited on it!

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  14. #44
    Shlup's Retired Pimp Recognized Member Raistlin's Avatar
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    As I said earlier, I really didn't like the last chapters of the game and the ending, but I also played it on launch and haven't played it since. Most of the rest was pretty entertaining though. I've been toying with the idea of getting the full edition though it's also dumb that that should be necessary in the first place. You gave a rather glowing review, so maybe that'll nudge me to actually do it.

    I still can't imagine comparing it to VI or XII.

  15. #45
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    Tiny update on Episode Ardyn: I’m surprised at how much lore get explained here. I expected this to be more of a character study - and it is, and I’ll comment on that once I’m done with the episode, but I’m very happy with that aspect so far as well - but there’s a section in this game where you get to learn so much more about this world and it’s actually pretty great and makes the whole XV universe feel even richer. Again, all this should have been in the main game, but I’m happy that at least now we’re getting it.

    One more thing that worries me though is that this game’s main segment takes place during Regis’ reign. I don’t recall anyone ever mentioning an attack by Ifrit and some super powerful dude on Insomnia at that time, nor does Regis seem to recognize Ardyn in Kingsglaive, so I have to wonder whether this retcon will be justified enough to not conflict with the main story. Unless this is just meant to set up the alternate timeline that season two was supposed to cover and is now only covered in the novel.

    @Raistlin - yeah, I can definitely see it being a stretch and I am setting a high bar here. Too high perhaps. It’s very likely that most people won’t be as positive about it as I was, but to me personally, it just gave me a similar level of joy and satisfaction with the gameplay and themes. VI and XII are obviously still on top for me, but XV came closer than I ever imagined would be possible.

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