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Thread: Favorite "Dead" Franchise

  1. #16


    I'd agree with that grouping, except I'd use a less neutral, more critical word than "modern."

    As for the topic, I'd definitely have to go with Suikoden for number one. Other major ones include Breath of Fire, Chrono, and Wild ARMs.

  2. #17
    Radical Dreamer Fynn's Avatar
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    I’d still group 1-3 with the second category. They may not have aged as well as 4-6, but they’re still immensely enjoyable and set the stage for later games.

    But tbh claiming that FF is in any way dead is absolutely ludicrous.

  3. #18


    Tenchu, Klonoa, Forbidden Siren, Ape Escape, Star Wars Battlefront (and I mean the REAL Battlefront, not the EA garbage) honestly way too many for me to count.

  4. #19
    Blood In The Water sharkythesharkdogg's Avatar
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    Tenchu is a good one I forgot about. Ape Escape too.

  5. #20
    Blood In The Water sharkythesharkdogg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JJ Strife View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by sharkythesharkdogg View Post
    I think it's in three phases personally. I feel it had its second transition between 9 and 10, but I can see the argument you're making.
    Lol, I divide it up as

    FF1- FF3 (the experimental starters)
    FF4-FF10 (the classics)
    FF11-FF15 (the modern reinvention)

    And I love both of the 2 latter categories. Don't give much of a hoot about the first.
    I can also see the line being drawn between 10 and 11/12 as that's when the gameplay took its most drastic turn in a good while. I personally don't care for the "MMO-ification" of single player RPGs, but it is what it is.

    I personally find a game like FF World closer to what the mainline FF games used to be and in my mind how the series continues. Some form of turn-based/ATB system is important to me.

  6. #21


    Quote Originally Posted by JJ Strife View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Vyk View Post
    What if there was only only one in the series? Because I want another Bloodborne
    Same, but I more or less consider them just the same series.
    I'm not sure how you guys justify that
    They don't have connected lore, I highly doubt they take place in the same universe. They're not even spiritual successors. To me that's like considering Saga Crono and FF games to basically be in the same series. Same studio and same genre. Soulsborne are all from same studio and same genre. But that's the only common threads. Just curious how you guys parse this

  7. #22
    *permanent smite* Spuuky's Avatar
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    Hell, eventually.


    The game design is identical (well, I haven't played Sekiro). To turn Bloodborne into Dark Souls 2.5 all you would have to do is change the outfits some characters wear and the names of the stats, and that's it basically. I mean, Final Fantasy 7 and 8 have basically nothing in common at all except "RPGs made by Square-Enix" and a few shared enemy names and skill names but people don't pretend they are different series, I would say they have less in common than Bloodborne and DS3 do.

  8. #23
    Blood In The Water sharkythesharkdogg's Avatar
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    Maybe it's just the difference between product families and product lines?

    I always relate things to cars, so bear with me.

    You have Ford's product line that has a my Crown Victoria. It also has the F150, the Mustang, etc. They all share some things in common because Ford reuses components and designs across all platforms in that line-up where it makes sense financially. So like the FF7/FF8 example, while there are similarities, they're not trying to be the same product. They're different products reusing assets where they can.

    Then, also from Ford, you had the Mercury and Lincoln family or brand with their own product line.

    Mercury had the Grand Marquis, and Lincoln had the Town Car, which are both essentially the same car as my Ford Crown Victoria. The three cars are far more similar to each other than any other vehicle in their own product line. The cars were marketed to slightly different customers, but the product was very, very much the same outside of cosmetic/customer interface differences.

    Maybe in that way it's relates to how playing CT feels like playing FFs made around the same time with an ATB system and other similarities.

    Meanwhile, newer FF's that are in the same FF line don't feel as related. Basically the studio is just tweaking what works/what R&D has already created, and offering it as a different product/family of products.

  9. #24


    Jak and Daxter is the first thing that came to mind. I loved The Lost Frontier, so I'm extra sad that it was that which killed the series. I would also have said Crash Bandicoot a few months ago, but not anymore . So glad it's coming back!

  10. #25
    Steve Steve Steve Steve Iceglow's Avatar
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    Oh man, so many games come to mind. In no particular order:

    Actual series:

    Front Mission (the last installment was a troutty 3rd person Mech-warrior wannabe. Give me a full FM3 style tactical JRPG with trout loads of customization)

    Parasite Eve (SE developed horror survival game with JRPG elements being British I got only to play the second game but it rocked)

    Colony Wars (best console space combat sim out there FACT)

    Oddworld (Abes Oddessy, this has had a few sequels but I think it is dead now. Oddworld could also be substituted for Gex enter the Gecko, Tombi or Kloana)

    Breath of Fire (Owned 4, played 3 courtesy of an emulator and played Dragon Quarter. Didn't appreciate V in it's time but loved 3 and 4)

    Suidoken (I have Suidoken 5 for PS2 and smurfing loved it a JRPG where you literally got to sail around like a bloody pirate and fight not only traditional JRPG battles, Tactical RPG ship combat but also 1 v 1 stylized duels in one game with a fairly good story and a huge, I mean huge ensemble cast of playable characters in the form of the 108 stars of destiny to recruit from and from everything I read this was one of the weaker entries in a long standing series).

    Valkyrie Chronicles (I think has been stopped I came late to this picking up some of them on PC, bloody good games)

    Ogre Tactics (One of the best PSP tactics series outside of FFT)

    Onimusha (Samurai resident evil essentially - YES)

    Tenchu Stealth Assassins (Ninjas enough said)

    Wild Arms (Not as good as it's JRPG cousins but I recall having a lot of fun in Wild Arms 2)

    Alundra (Some say it is a poor man's Zelda. I say nay. Alundra 2 was a bit of a departure but I recall the first being unforgiving as hell and loving it all the same)

    Dark Chronicles (Yes, yes and yes)

    Dino Crisis (Dinosaur Resident Evil - Yes!)

    Ridge Racer (Arcade driving Classic)

    Driver (classic action scenes from every tv and movie made in to a game with a unique story line)

    The Getaway (I liked this because it was very GTA but not whilst also being set in actual London so I could use actual knowledge to navigate)

    Mass Effect (not andromeda but a real sequel to the beauty of 1 - 3)

    Vampyr Masquerade (good fun detailed action RPG vampire game)

    Some interesting ones that stood alone at the time but need sequels:

    Vagrant Story (I know this is technically part of the Ivalice setting but I want more Vagrant Story games because smurf me this was the first ever game to get 40/40 from Famitsu magazine and was well deserved)

    The Bouncer (Square's ill fated high graphics Streets Of Rage tribute act was actually quite enjoyable if a little slow and clunky in the combat controls but seemed to be heading for and deserved a sequel imho)

    Ring Of Red deserved a sequel (Valkyrie Chronicles meets Mechwarrior what wouldn't I love about this game?)

  11. #26
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    Bully, even though there was only one game. What a masterpiece.

  12. #27
    Blood In The Water sharkythesharkdogg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Psychotic View Post
    Bully, even though there was only one game. What a masterpiece.
    I feel you, but I don't know how they'd make a sequel now. There's plenty to work with if it were done correctly. I just don't know if climate would be particularly receptive of some of the humor and themes any more.

    As much as it was exaggerated for entertainment, I think a lot of the ways it poked fun of and stereotyped people fell into that tween/young adult mentality. So it worked, and I liked the game. It felt like it was self-aware of the humor, and used it to poke fun of the idea of finding these things funny. I just don't know how much of it would fly now.

  13. #28
    Steve Steve Steve Steve Iceglow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sharkythesharkdogg View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Psychotic View Post
    Bully, even though there was only one game. What a masterpiece.
    I feel you, but I don't know how they'd make a sequel now. There's plenty to work with if it were done correctly. I just don't know if climate would be particularly receptive of some of the humor and themes any more.
    We need to remember that this is a title made by those behind Grand Theft Auto - since when has "will this fly" been a factor in their decision making lmao

  14. #29
    Blood In The Water sharkythesharkdogg's Avatar
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    Since it's been 7 years from GTA 5's release. A lot has changed, and people dumping millions of dollars into a triple A game are aware of the risks of popular opinion/backlash/cancel culture on both sides of the culture war. They may be damned if they do, damned if they don't.

    Create a game that's viewed as too politically correct or supposedly pushing a liberal agenda with its choice in one of the main characters, and you'll get endless backlash from conservative gamers like Last of Us 2 did. Interestingly enough, none of those gamers made a big stink about making crass jokes towards transgendered NPCs in GTA5 and/or beating them to death.

    Create a nuanced LGBTQ character like Last of Us 2, and you get an outcry from one type of gamer. Put little to no nuance into your representation of those people in a game, and get backlash from different gamers.

    I know which ones I'd care more about upsetting.

  15. #30
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    I think you're doing Bully a little bit of a disservice there sharky, in that it was surprisingly progressive. It was the first game I ever played with an LGBTQ main character and it wasn't played for laughs. You could just go around making out with boys, or girls, or both, or neither, and it was no big thing. The school was also diverse - especially considering it was a private school - and students weren't just pigeonholed. You had black students who were nerds, greasers and spoiled rich kids, and not just jocks.

    I do agree that the stereotypes are a little dated, having borrowed heavily from the 80's John Hughes era of jocks, nerds, preps, etc. and that it might be hard to pull off today. I guess today's equivalent is your Netflix Teen meme drama, and as those are more serious and tackle issues such as gender identity, that wouldn't really be something to parody.

    As far as GTA/The Last of Us goes, I actually remember the endless rage and threats to boycott on GameFAQs because the main character of GTA San Andreas was a black man. I guess some things never change! GTA itself as a whole has though, shifting away from mob and gangster movies and into being something more like a South Park lite. "Ooh, isn't modern life vapid and empty!" I think, if any franchise could get away with it, GTA could, keeping in mind that it satirises all comers and not just any one side.

    I have a somewhat cynical view of TLOU2 and its controversy. It should go without saying but I'll say it anyway, the people getting upset about Ellie, Abby and Lev are hateful and pathetic, and I think some self-reflection about their insecurities is something they urgently need. I actually think that Naughty Dog knew exactly what it was doing though, and deliberately wanted to stoke controversy to push sales of their game. I might be wrong, and I also might be skewed because I think the writers think their game is a lot deeper and more clever than it actually is. To be fair though, regardless of their motivations you're correct that they are on the right side of this, and more diverse casts in gaming media is something that must be strived for.

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