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Thread: Will there be a PS5 version?

  1. #16


    The only thing that makes me think they might aim for 3 parts in total, is the fact that it didn't sell quite as highly as some might've hoped.

    It'll definitely be regarded as a financial success on their part, and will probably end up similar sales figures as FFXV when all of the different versions are out (i.e around 9 million copies sold total). But a lot of us were thinking that such a legendary game in the collective imagination of the games industry would hopefully mean the Remake exploded in sales numbers, and become one of those games that gets into the tens of millions of sales (e.g Witcher 3, Skyrim, GTA, Red Dead 2).

    That obviously hasn't happened. Whilst I'm sure they'll still be very happy with the sales numbers (especially given how many were digital, meaning they made more profit), it is kinda sad that the series hasn't increased its audience size at all in 25 years. If it WAS aiming for 20 million sales, rather than 10 million, I'd be much more convinced they were going for the 4 or 5 part story. But given that FFXV might end up outselling it in total numbers (even if it made less profit), Squenix might be thinking to themselves "we obviously shouldn't spend too much time on this when new entries are doing better"

  2. #17
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Honestly, I feel VIIR did fairly well considering how divisive it was. Considering this game is also a pet project for three different people at SE who hold a lot of clout from the company, I can see them pushing this out longer if sales remain consistent. Unlike with a new IP, there is a better chance that Episode 2 will have a similar sales number, and considering they won't have to build all new assets from scratch, they sequel will likely be successful regardless if the games take a minor hit an lose half a million to a million unit sales. I mean the XIII sequels didn't do well in terms of units sold, but they still made SE a lot of money since they didn't have to start from zero to make any of them.

    As for expanding their base, I don't feel that was ever going to happen. The original has been around forever and been available as well. So it's not like this entry was going to bring in too many FFVII virgins to the fold. Likewise, despite VII having a massive number of sales, again it's a legacy title and those sales don't necessarily translate into "core fans" I know a lot of people who either don't care for the games, or were simply too young to understand what the big deal was. It's not even like the remake itself had the same technological clout as the original had. It didn't break any new ground by any design, so it's not like it had the same kind of buzz the original had back in 97.

    I can't imagine the game being wrapped up in two more episodes if they are still going to hit every story beat and expand on some of them. I could see it only going to three if they decide to go off rails with the sequels and change the story dramatically. Otherwise, I feel four entries is a safe number, five likely being the max unless they decide to go with smaller twenty hour experiences with faster turn around.

  3. #18


    Well that approach of "we'll continue as long as the sales figures keep high" would work fine, except for the slight problem that they kinda need to decide ahead of time what they're doing with Part 2. They need to decide if it ends at Aeriths death (i.e 3 parts total) or ends at Nibelheim (i.e 4 parts total) or ends at the Cargo Ship (i.e 5 parts total), before they have any idea what the sales numbers will be. So they could decide to make it a 5 parter, but then the sales for Part 2 completely fall off a cliff, and they're screwed. Or they could decide to make it a 3-parter but then the sales for Part 2 are higher than the first (in the first year, very very unlikely they could be higher in total obviously)

  4. #19
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    I don't believe they have even thought that far ahead. The main trio helming this project are not exactly well known for making a plan.

  5. #20


    Yeah, last I heard they really still hadn't decided how many parts it will be, so obviously they have to choose an ending point for the next game before they complete it but other than that who knows? Could they end at the cargo ship and then finish all the rest in a third part? Probably, if they feel like just doing a rush job, skipping some stuff, and modifying the story to suit their deadlines.

  6. #21


    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Golbez View Post
    Could they end at the cargo ship and then finish all the rest in a third part? Probably, if they feel like just doing a rush job, skipping some stuff, and modifying the story to suit their deadlines.
    Lol the Gold Saucer now has 2 attractions, Mount Nibel has become a mere grassy knoll, and when you knock on Vincent's coffin he just ignores you and carries on sleeping.

  7. #22


    Quote Originally Posted by JJ Strife View Post
    With them probably launching Xbox and PC versions some time next year, I'm wondering if they'll just do that as part of a next-gen version of the game. I was kinda skeptical they'd bother with the Xbox One given that it probably has the smallest JRPG audience, and is also the least powerful console (meaning necessary optimization and/or downgrade), so I'm thinking they just skip it and do PC and SeriesX versions, which means they could do a PS5 version at the same time?

    I'd really appreciate the same game in 60fps and some of the bad texturing fixed from the slums areas.

    They'll more than likely release an upscaled port of part 1 for the PS5 once we're approaching the release date of part 2, and release another port as part of the All-In-One package after the final part has been released.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wolf Kanno View Post
    I feel it's a given that SE will double dip and release FFVIIR Episode 1 on PS5. I feel the bigger concern would be whether the Remake will be finished before everyone forgets the PS4? Would suck to start the series and then realize you're going to have to shelve an extra $500+ dollars for a new console just to play Episode 3 and beyond. Of anything, this will give the PC players more gloating power unless Sony works a deal to make sure the PC release for later episodes is postponed until a much later date.
    It depends on how long SE is planning to milk this cash cow. If they plan to make it a trilogy then they could easily complete it by the end of next gen. Anything more than four parts will probably be pushed into the generation after.

  8. #23


    Quote Originally Posted by Example View Post

    They'll more than likely release an upscaled port of part 1 for the PS5 once we're approaching the release date of part 2, and release another port as part of the All-In-One package after the final part has been released.
    I can't see them waiting that long, given that they'll want to release a PC version as soon as possible, for those people who still haven't played it (and the series does quite well on PC)

    Well the PC version will definitely contain graphical improvements like 60fps and higher resolutions. So why not just do the PS5 and SeriesX versions at the same time and make it the same upgraded version?

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