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Thread: A Full Final Fantasy Fmarathon (Community Edition)

  1. #136

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    Enjoying your thread since I'm still in FFIV; just read a few of your other posts up there. First of all, I like Kotaku but the Crystal Palace and beyond is collectively one of the best parts of III. Couldn't put the PSP down!

    Secondly, when you were talking about optional dungeons you said you were curious to see how the Sealed Cave was (a relatively quick early-game cave), were you referring actually to "???" ? The ??? cave is mostly a disappointment. While it's fun (and very productive) to be in a cave where you only encounter colored dragons, you get to a point where you can both kill them by sneezing on them, AND breeze through the final dungeon without a scratch...all before being able to last more than two turns against the Iron Giant. After that, it's just a very long grind against unfit enemies, until you can beat him. The cave itself is about one screen long.

    Unless, is there another "Sealed Cave?"

    Anyway, you finish The After Years? I just got through the Lodestone Cavern where you can't wear anything metallic until the Dark Elf.

    And Shauna, II is actually one of my favorites so far. Gets my award for best of the NES era.
    Current: Final Fantasy VI (finally!)

    Completed: Final Fantasy, FFII, FFIII, FFIV, FFIV Interlude, FFIV The After Years,
    FFV, Secret of Mana, FFVII, FFX

  2. #137
    Radical Dreamer Fynn's Avatar
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    I think I was actually referring to the Sealed Temple in FFV Advanced. I didn’t cover any extra dungeons from FFIII, aside from the ones where you get the optional summons, since I was playing the NES version

    Might as well update my progress on The After Years then! Edge’s challenge dungeon went by quick - no surprises there considering it was timed. I’m currently on Edward’s Tale, which means I’ve completed Porom’s Tale in its entirety and... let me tell you, while Palom’s Tale might be my favorite, Porom’s is probably the weakest. Our girl Porom was done dirty, as her story not only doesn’t really add anything to the overall narrative, but it’s also not really her story, but everyone else’s. First it’s all about Palom, then about Kain, and Porom doesn’t really get to do much aside from wonder if she’ll ever find love and do something with her life without her brother. And I generally really like Porom as a character - it’s need to see the other twin all grown up, and she’s one of the best characters in the game in terms of gameplay, but the writers really did her dirty. Or maybe they just didn’t know what to do with her.

    Her challenge dungeon went by pretty fast too but I had to do most of the grinding outside of it, which was different.

  3. #138
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    Finished Edward’s story and now grinding for the Challenge Dungeon. With these characters, it’s an absolute slog.

    You guys, I’ve actually been playing this game far more frequently than all the previous entries on this marathon, and I think it’s already taking me longer than all the previous four combined.

    The After Years is long.

  4. #139
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    So I haven’t updated in a while, but I’ve definitely been playing. Edward’s Challenge Dungeon took me really long. It was interesting but those same mechanics that made it interesting also made it kinda grueling, especially considering the fact that this tale probably had the absolute worst party in the entire game. When Edward is the strongest member of your party, you know you’re screwed.

    Then came Kain’s Tale, which was pretty much the best one yet, with probably the best challenge dungeon party in the entire game (though it still took super long because leveling four characters at once takes ages here). I like how this ties up most things together for the climax and honestly, aside from giving people more value for their money, I feel like combining Ceodore and Kain’s chapters together was a terrible choice for the Wii version. It’s clearly meant to be played near the end, as played at the beginning it makes several chapters irrelevant (mostly Porom’s) and the other chapters just feel like filler instead of enhancing the intrigue of this plot. After Kain’s Tale you’re pretty much just ready to finish things.

    Now I’m in Golbez’s chapter and it’s another one of those very interesting chapters. Golbez himself is a very odd character, serving as both a black mage and a tanky warrior that draws attacks, making him a sort of reverse Paladin, but not a dark knight lol While I already knew the reveal, I feel like this being the first time you actually defeat the Maenad and she stays dead, only to come back later thus revealing there are more, was really well done. I’ll be finishing this off soon and then it’s time for the final two challenge dungeons before the big final chapter!

    I’m also thinking about what my final party should be. My previous run I basically did the classic party just with Golbez instead of Edge, but now I wanna do things differently. Considering going with the kids (Ceodore, Ursula, Luca, Palom, Porom) but I have my doubts about that setup. I’m pretty set on going Palom and Porom at least, just for fun. Porom is probably the best healer with dual cast and while Rydia is probably a better black mage in every way, I don’t think this game is hard enough to warrant such min maxing, and I like the idea of the twins reuniting for the climax. Cecil is a character I think I want there if only because he’s absent for most of the game, but then he’s also probably just the best character all around, like in IV proper. But then maybe there are some other characters I should consider?

  5. #140
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    Almost done!

    I’m on the final tale now, entered the depths, beat all the bosses from I, II and III. My party consists of Cecil, Ceodore, Ursula, Palom and Porom and I’m quite happy with this setup! I’m gonna be approaching the hardest bosses soon so I’m actually thinking of skipping ahead and nabbing Dualcast for Porom before coming back to take out the hardest of the bunch. I’m kinda mad that you really only get proper access to Cecil once you enter the depths and he lags behind the others in terms of levels if you did all the challenge dungeons.

  6. #141
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    Beat The After Years! I very much enjoyed my final party, definitely didn’t enjoy having to bring in Rydia to the Bahamut battle as she was 15 levels behind everyone else, but I beat that too. Overall my opinion of TAY has remained the same. It’s a good game that overstays its welcome a bit and relies too much on nostalgia, but it’s still absolutely solid. Ursula is my new favorite character as she absolutely wrecks the game. I also really enjoyed the little shipping moments between Edge and Rydia. Looks like 17 years was enough for him to mature into someone anyone would want to commit to. Did not enjoy the fact that Kain didn’t get a lady, or is even over Rosa after all those years. Then again, he is an incel, but at least it looks like he’s okay with it now lol

    Now it’s time for FFV! I’m thinking of doing something differently this time. Usually I just played around with two physical fighters and two mages, but I’ve decided I probably won’t be giving my characters such rigid roles this time and switch them around more. So I’m actually thinking of starting out with Knight, Thief, Monk and Blue Mage this time around. I’ve never played a game where I didn’t have a white and black mage in my initial party, so this is gonna be interesting.

    Also, I’ve decided to make a little addition to my marathon. Chrono Trigger is actually going to be in there between VI and VII. Now I know it’s not an FF, but I kind of feel like it’s appropriate to put it in there. The makers of FF and DQ both worked on this game and you can see it’s influence on the following projects of both (those being FFVII and DQVI). I might change my mind if I decide that I really want to jump into VII right away but for now I’m just really looking for an excuse to replay CT soon

  7. #142
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Guess this means I should boot up my Let's Play again. Still have to do that Suicide Squad final party.

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    Ok, so I’m not very far in yet but I’m playing V! Reached Tule and my party is Bartz the Thief, Lenna the Blue Mage, Galuf the Monk and Faris the Knight. I also leveled up Lenna as a white mage once so she could have level one white magic as support.

  9. #144


    Exciting! Definitely a faster pace than what I was going at when I started. FFV is my favorite out of the first six final fantasy titles.
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  10. #145
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    So I haven’t updated in a while but in between Christmas stuff and Nier Automata I have still been playing FFV! I’m at the merged world currently and going into the Desert Temple

  11. #146
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    Long time no update but I got something big! I beat the main story of FFV, as well as Shinryu and Omega. My setup was Bartz and Krile as Freelancers and Lenna and Faris as Mimes, with all abilities learned. Was at around level 38 and didn’t have any problems with anyone. Shinryu and Omega were complete pushovers with the element-absorbing equipment. So now I’m about to head out into the Sealed Temple! Hope Neo Shinryu and Omega Mk. II are more of a challenge

  12. #147
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    And that’s FFV done! Omega Mk II was a pushover but Neo Shinryu actually had me scratching my head. I see people online say you need to be level 80 for both but I was level 40 and did it? For Neo Shinryu I really had to rely on Quick a lot but with some patience I got him and hey, I actually beat him with my own strategy! Bartz was jumping and had some backup blue magic, Lenna had blue and time and had the Force Shield, so she was basically the support wall, usually the only one to survive after Almagest, but she was enough. Krile had time and combine, since there’s a nice combo of items that really hurts dragons, while Faris had time and summon (basically just for Golem) and attacked with Apollo’s Harp for massive damage. Levels really don’t matter that much in this game, though I have to admit my elixir stock was nearly dry. After that battle Enuo was pretty much an afterthought.

    So yeah, that’s it for me. I never planned to do Cloister of the Dead since it really just doesn’t seem that interesting or important. Giving you Necromancer after Enuo is honestly ridiculous. So yeah now I’m playing VI and I’ve made it to South Figaro

  13. #148
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Necromancer is a pretty fun class once you figure out how to acquire their spells. It becomes a pretty good replacement for the Black Mage class. Though I agree it sucks that it's useless since there is nothing left to use the class against except old Ex-Death.

  14. #149
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    So I’m really not updating frequently but I’m just way too into FFVI to spend time on this lol

    It’s tied with XII as my favorite FF and yet I’m always amazed with how good it is when I come back. The Floating Continent is up now, so I’ll be finishing the World of Balance soon. Just trying to get some rages, lores, and spells on my mages before that

  15. #150
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    Ok, there we go. I’ve beaten both VI’s main story and the Dragon’s Den. Theoretically I could also go in again and beat the Omega Weapon but since it’s still the same dungeon and Kaiser was harder than Omega, I really don’t feel like it. In general, VI has been an absolute blast and the Dragon’s Den a really interesting dungeon. I’m sad the later games don’t have these expensive post-game optional dungeons, since I’ve come to like them very much.

    On that note, we’re at the end of an era! The 2D FF games are now behind me and it’s all 3D from here - with the exception of Chrono Trigger, of course, which I’ve already started and have already been found innocent during the trial I think I’m gonna do a little summary of the games I’ve played so far in the upcoming days, so if you’re interested, watch this space

    From Discord I know I’m not the only one doing this marathon, so I just wanted to give a quick shoutout to all those who are on this journey as well! It may be a long road ahead, but you’re doing great! But most importantly, let’s all have fun reliving this series that brought us all together

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