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Thread: An old leak about FF16 which now looks accurate.

  1. #16
    WarZidane's Avatar
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    See also: Luminous' "Backstage" tech demo, and Square Enix of course isn't the only company to do tech demos like that, Unreal likes to do it as well with things like Samaritan (2011) and the recent Unreal Engine 5 tech demo that's unlikely to become an actual game. Quantic Dream's Dark Sorcerer tech demo as well, though Quantic Dream's Kara tech demo did eventually sort of become a game in Detroit: Become Human, but it was definitely not planned at the time.

  2. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by Wolf Kanno View Post
    The FFVIII tech demo for the PS2
    Genuinely had no idea that existed. Why have I never heard of that?

  3. #18
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JJ Strife View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Wolf Kanno View Post
    The FFVIII tech demo for the PS2
    Genuinely had no idea that existed. Why have I never heard of that?
    Honestly, it sounds more interesting than it really is. It's just the Balamb Graduation dance scene CGI rendered through the PS2 to show off the faster loading times.

  4. #19


    That's the sort of thing that would've blown me away back in 1999. I remember getting so hyped by the graphical jump between the PS1 and PS2.

    Until this current upcoming generation (I've got a Series S pre-ordered), the PS2 was the only console I've ever bought on launch day.

  5. #20


    PS2 was probably the last impressive graphical leap. Since then it's been incremental stuff and HD trout. I mean if we jumped right from PS2 to PS5 or even PS4 it'd be pretty impressive, but the console to console change doesn't seem like a big deal.

  6. #21


    It was the last time there was a huge jump from day 1. Although I think the PS3/Xbox 360 saw a bigger improvement over its lifetime. Like if you compare Elder Scrolls Oblivion (early PS3) with something like The Last of Us (late PS3), the jump in graphical quality is huge.

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