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Thread: WK's improptu 100% Playthrough

  1. #16
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Yep, those obnoxious Queen Coeurls got me in the Clasko quest.

  2. #17
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    I got me some uniforms and I'm sneaking into Leblanc's Chateau. Did the cringy mini-game and got in on the first try, so yay for that!

    • Now that I have the Gold Hairpin and Soul of Thamasa, Black Mage is going to be awesome.
    • I am not far from getting the best dressphere in the game that isn't Mascot.
    • Time has been kinder to Leblanc and her cronies for me. I'm finding them far more entertaining this time around compared to the first time.
    • Finally got an upgrade for the Vanguard Garment Grid which is now my new default.
    • I find it amusing that despite DVDs being very common place at the time frame, SE chose to make Spheres like magic video cassettes that have been left in a dusty warehouse for too long. Interestingly enough, it reminds me of the data spheres in Secret of Mana.
    • The dialogue for Kimarhi is amusing because the correct answer is to always tell him to suck it up and figure it out himself. I'm having P2 flashbacks.

    • I love how Leblanc is trolling me with her Blue Magic.
    • I don't know why, but I feel like this chapter dragged on way too long.
    • I find it amusing that the game has been frequent with just having palette swap enemies teaming up with each other. Kind of rubbing it into our face how small the enemy variety was in this game and FFX.
    • I love that we get a jump button in this game and it's only for the new areas for the most part.
    • I am so used to having control of the camera. I didn't realize how much this would annoy me but several times so far I've wanted to move the camera to look at something only to be reminded of the fixed camera.

  3. #18
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Chapter 2 is finished and Chapter 3 has just started.

    • Got my favorite Dressphere Dark Knight
    • I also gained the amusing Lady Luck dressphere.
    • I managed to win two really great Garment Grids, Treasure Hunter (Mug), and one that lets me cast white magic.
    • I got to beat a dog at sphere break.
    • Though a bit tedious, I made sure to finishe the tower puzzle to get the Ribbon treasure.

    • Drill Shot is a wonderful example of why Gun Mage is not as good as other Blue Mage classes. The skill itself isn't bad, it's just a pain in the ass to gain it, easily missable without a guide, and becomes even more frustrating when you realize you have to get hit with it three times so it drags a fight out way longer than it should be. Basically you get this off a of boss you only fight twice in the game. One who is very aggressive and fast, as well as one that has the defense of wet paper. His spell Drill Shot only activates if you change his HP by either damaging him or healing him 10 times, at which point he'll use the move on the character who last manipulated his HP. That's a little excessive for a mid-tier, single target Blue Magic spell. The only saving grace is that it's easy to manipulate him to get him to attack who you want so you're not wasting even more time making him hit the right person. Seriously though, I'll never understand why the series never let Blue Mages share their spell list after FFV.
    • The one major flaw with Sphere break is that the RNG can totally screw you over. When I battled the dog, I got a session where they kept pulling 1s, making it impossible to reach the 40 quota within 15 turns goal since using the inner coins doesn't count towards your quota and you have to start a round using one. Not a big deal when it happens once or twice outside of breaking your echo bonus, but a little annoying when it happens seven times of your fifteen turns.
    • I'm a little disappointed how badly they nerfed Bahamut for shock value. Considering how OP he was in the original, it's a shame the devs chose to make him the first Dark Aeon you fight in the story and a total wimp since you're barely a quarter of the way through the game. Even though he's my least favorite incarnation of the King of Dragons, it was sad they made him a warm up boss.

  4. #19
    Recognized Member Jessweeee♪'s Avatar
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    fun fact playing this game made my family think i was a lesbian

    Also yeah i can't stand collecting blue magic when the spell list isn't shared. Or, at least let me use it against my own party so they can learn that way if not.

  5. #20
    Witch of Theatergoing Karifean's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wolf Kanno View Post
    • Got my favorite Dressphere Dark Knight
    • I also gained the amusing Lady Luck dressphere.
    I have a bit of a love/hate relationship with the Dark Knight. It's decently powerful but sacrifices a lot of speed for tankiness and comes in around the same time you get other strong attackers (Samurai, Berserker, even Lady Luck) that are significantly faster. Combined with the infinite healing from Alchemist, the dressphere overall is pretty encouraging of *very slow* playstyles which I don't think is where X-2's combat particularly shines, so it kinda sucks. That being said, it is pretty badass.

    Grats on getting the Ribbon. There's a lot of nifty little optional treasures to get in that area. I remember being mindblown the first time I realized I could go up the chain wires behind the towers other than the one you come down on and find some decent chests up there.


    • Drill Shot is a wonderful example of why Gun Mage is not as good as other Blue Mage classes. The skill itself isn't bad, it's just a pain in the ass to gain it, easily missable without a guide, and becomes even more frustrating when you realize you have to get hit with it three times so it drags a fight out way longer than it should be. Basically you get this off a of boss you only fight twice in the game. One who is very aggressive and fast, as well as one that has the defense of wet paper. His spell Drill Shot only activates if you change his HP by either damaging him or healing him 10 times, at which point he'll use the move on the character who last manipulated his HP. That's a little excessive for a mid-tier, single target Blue Magic spell. The only saving grace is that it's easy to manipulate him to get him to attack who you want so you're not wasting even more time making him hit the right person. Seriously though, I'll never understand why the series never let Blue Mages share their spell list after FFV.
    I beg to differ, the skill is pretty bad. It's just a double damage normal attack, with a charge time. It'd be one thing if it was quad damage at a higher MP than Fiend Hunter to act as a sort of general purpose replacement, but as is it's pretty worthless and sort of a completionist's trap. Doesn't help that Baralai is arguably one of the first boss fights with actual fangs to it.

    At least the other two missable skills are both endgame and are defense-ignoring and two of the most powerful physical and magical attacks in the game. And yeah I agree, skill list should be shared. It's annoying to split it for no reason.

  6. #21
    Radical Dreamer Fynn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jessweeee♪ View Post
    fun fact playing this game made my family think i was a lesbian

    Also yeah i can't stand collecting blue magic when the spell list isn't shared. Or, at least let me use it against my own party so they can learn that way if not.
    lol I wonder why

    First time I experienced the Leblanc massage sequence was when my mom’s student came into the living room and had to wait because my mom wasn’t there. Since the lesson hadnt started yet, I just resumed playing. I was not prepared for what was coming, and I don’t think she was either. Worst part os my mom came back and I had to quit without saving, meaning I had to do it again later

  7. #22
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Karifean View Post

    I have a bit of a love/hate relationship with the Dark Knight. It's decently powerful but sacrifices a lot of speed for tankiness and comes in around the same time you get other strong attackers (Samurai, Berserker, even Lady Luck) that are significantly faster. Combined with the infinite healing from Alchemist, the dressphere overall is pretty encouraging of *very slow* playstyles which I don't think is where X-2's combat particularly shines, so it kinda sucks. That being said, it is pretty badass.

    Grats on getting the Ribbon. There's a lot of nifty little optional treasures to get in that area. I remember being mindblown the first time I realized I could go up the chain wires behind the towers other than the one you come down on and find some decent chests up there.
    I will have to get back to you on that assessment. DK was pretty much my prime attacker in my first playthrough. I don't remember much about any of the classes after this one. The tankiness is certainly useful, but the real draw is the built in Ribbon the class has with most of it's support skills giving it natural defense against the worst status effects. I'll come back after I've played with the other classes.

    Where I do disagree is that while X-2 is speedy, I feel most of its mechanics and classes work against that speed. I can see why XII and XIII chose to automate the system, because it's frustrating how inefficient the system is with the human element involved. X-2's combat often feels like trying to direct a runaway car. It's fast for sure, but unwieldy.

    I beg to differ, the skill is pretty bad. It's just a double damage normal attack, with a charge time. It'd be one thing if it was quad damage at a higher MP than Fiend Hunter to act as a sort of general purpose replacement, but as is it's pretty worthless and sort of a completionist's trap. Doesn't help that Baralai is arguably one of the first boss fights with actual fangs to it.

    At least the other two missable skills are both endgame and are defense-ignoring and two of the most powerful physical and magical attacks in the game. And yeah I agree, skill list should be shared. It's annoying to split it for no reason.
    To be fair, I haven't used the tech since I got it. I probably overinflated it's usefulness since I was basing it on what it did to my party.

    Baralai is more annoying than anything. The permanent haste effect, the fact his gets multiple actions per turn, and his annoying attack that drains your MP and casts stop on your party make him annoying. But with less than 3500 health he's a bit of a joke. As I kind of mentioned, the challenge was keeping him alive. My Gun Mages could hit him for 1200 damage with a back attack. It was unreal.

    I feel the more annoying aspect here is that a few of the spells I'm still waiting to get are left overs from FFX that weren't terribly great to begin with. Seriously, I had to wait until Chapter 3 to earn Seed Shot and Flame Breath? I may have to change some assessments by the end of the game.

  8. #23
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    I have actually been playing this in between my mad bouts of Sekiro... I'm a good ways into Chapter 3. I got stuck on the Machina Madness missions because I kept failing to get the Rikku scene I'll need to make it easier to pin her as the culprit in the mystery mission in the next chapter. I need that Ragnarok accessory because it's shiny and I want it. So having to redo that mission a few times left me little time to go further than I wanted. I did get to spend more time with Dark Knight, Alchemist, and Lady Luck classes, as well as earn Seed Shot and White Wind for the Gun Mage classes. I'll probably write up a thing about the three of them soon. From the look of my guide, it seems like Chapter 3 is when the game just starts handing out dresspheres left and right because by my account, I have three more heading my way very soon.

    I haven't even touched the Special Dresspheres, mainly because I remember them being kind of crappy for the amount of effort it takes to summon them and some of their stats seem to be based on how many dresspheres you transformed into before being able to use them. I'll likely wait until the end of the game to really play with them.

  9. #24
    Witch of Theatergoing Karifean's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wolf Kanno View Post
    I have actually been playing this in between my mad bouts of Sekiro... I'm a good ways into Chapter 3. I got stuck on the Machina Madness missions because I kept failing to get the Rikku scene I'll need to make it easier to pin her as the culprit in the mystery mission in the next chapter. I need that Ragnarok accessory because it's shiny and I want it. So having to redo that mission a few times left me little time to go further than I wanted. I did get to spend more time with Dark Knight, Alchemist, and Lady Luck classes, as well as earn Seed Shot and White Wind for the Gun Mage classes. I'll probably write up a thing about the three of them soon. From the look of my guide, it seems like Chapter 3 is when the game just starts handing out dresspheres left and right because by my account, I have three more heading my way very soon.
    Yeah between Dark Knight (end of Chapter 2), Berserker, Trainer, Samurai, Lady Luck, and arguably Alchemist still, you get basically a full second batch of dresspheres at this point, although all of them are optional so if you're playing blind chances are you'll miss half of them.

    (Also you can get Rikku caught without that scene but it's definitely a lot easier with it - DO NOT forget to have Shinra drop his commsphere topside after the mission as well though!)

    I haven't even touched the Special Dresspheres, mainly because I remember them being kind of crappy for the amount of effort it takes to summon them and some of their stats seem to be based on how many dresspheres you transformed into before being able to use them. I'll likely wait until the end of the game to really play with them.
    I never do either. They are definitely powerful, it's kinda like summoning an aeon in FFX but having three parts to each give commands to and are kinda totally self-sufficient. They're absolutely viable (at least before the postgame, they kinda fall off then since you don't get stats from your accessories on them), but imo not very fun either, so *shrug*.

  10. #25
    Recognized Member Jessweeee♪'s Avatar
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    ooouuuuu the commspheres. those things really screw you on a 100% run. I had 3 guides open at one point because they all missed some teeny tiny details here and there.

  11. #26
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Started this back up again. Just did the first part of the Cactaur Nation quest and I backtracked to get a few more Blue Mage skills including the awful Fire Breath skill and significantly better Heaven's Cataract (damages and lowers magic and magic defense) and the Storm Cannon (Group attack that calculates damage by User's Lv*30) so at least the class now has some better crowd control options. I am definitely digging the Lady Luck, Dark Knight Alchemist combo. It give me the same joy as an FFIII team of Dark Knight, Viking, Bard, and Evoker I used for a little while. While not exactly a great team for boss battles, it is a great team for dealing with trash mobs. I am running into some issues now since I switched Rikku and Yuna's classes with Yuna now being LL and Rikku being an Alchemist so I need to relevle them to regain Tantalize and Mega-Potion Stash. Paine is close to mastering DK and I'll switch her over to Berserker after that. I am a little annoyed by the fact certain enemies only appear in certain chapters. Specifically yhe fact the enemy that knows Mighty Guard appears in the first two chapters (when you have no access to Confusion) but now that I have three classes with the ability, said enemy is gone until Chapter 5. It's not even like Mighty Guard is OP in this entry.

  12. #27
    Witch of Theatergoing Karifean's Avatar
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    Nice to see this back as well ^^

    Quote Originally Posted by Wolf Kanno View Post
    Started this back up again. Just did the first part of the Cactaur Nation quest and I backtracked to get a few more Blue Mage skills including the awful Fire Breath skill and significantly better Heaven's Cataract (damages and lowers magic and magic defense) and the Storm Cannon (Group attack that calculates damage by User's Lv*30) so at least the class now has some better crowd control options.
    Brings to mind that FFX-2 has two distinct kind of magic attacks. Specifically regular Black Magic is set up so that the move's own power constant is a huge deal, with the caster's magic stat and level being comparatively less important. While almost every other type of magic skill - including Fire Breath and Heaven's Cataract - scales with level and magic stat like a strength skill would, growing in power a lot over time. So the further up you go, the more Fire Breath will just leave the Firaga spell in the dust, for instance. Bit of a shame for the Black Mage job in the midgame but they get thrown a bone when you get to Garment Grids giving access to Flare and Ultima if nothing else.

    I am a little annoyed by the fact certain enemies only appear in certain chapters. Specifically yhe fact the enemy that knows Mighty Guard appears in the first two chapters (when you have no access to Confusion) but now that I have three classes with the ability, said enemy is gone until Chapter 5. It's not even like Mighty Guard is OP in this entry.
    It is a hassle yeah but I'm pretty sure you can get Mighty Guard from Garik in the Gagazet mission of this chapter. Of course what confused enemies use is random and who they use it on is also random so this kind of thing tends to be a patience game more than it ever should've been. Having some kind of Manipulation ability or learning the skill simply by witnessing it (or at least having the Blue Magic list shared ) was a real good call in earlier FF games.

  13. #28
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Yeah the Gun Mage has been a weird class so far. I think only the TA version of the class felt weirder. I do need to check an algorithm faq at some point because I do find the damage algorithms to be a bit weird. Also, why the hell is Stash Ether such an expensive skill? Sure ethers aren't exactly common, but they're also not terribly useful either. Of the four classes I can think of that need it, three of them can gain an MP absorb skill. There is also a Garment Grid that gives you Osmose for the fourth class (white mage) and later on you can gain Garment Grids that let you use Black/White magic innately regardless of your class so you can easily partner it up with a class that can already use said abilities and not have to worry about it. I feel Mega Phoenix and Ether should have switched.

    I have been playing with Garment Grids that let you use other skills. Yuna is equipped with one that lets her use White Magic and Paine has one that let's her use Warrior skills. Rikku has one that lets her use Mug which has been nice to rack up AP for the slow Alchemist class. I was hoping this would seriously open up the gameplay more but it's been a bit disappointing instead. White Magic is not as useful as Alchemist Stash skills and largely serves as a backup for when they go down. Even then, it's faster to use an item then cast the spell. Warrior is also more situational than one would think. Dark Knight is just a better class overall. I've also started working with Berserker and I'm remembering why I don't like the class in this game. They made it into a serious glass cannon. Great for trash mobs, but if you encounter something with high agility/hit or something incredibly tanky with high HP and attack power, and the class goes down super quickly.

    I'm currently grinding some AP for classes while raising Chocobo levels. I need a few at Level 5 so I can unlock some things later. When I have more time to dedicate to the game, I'll be going to check on the Chamber of the Stolen Fayeth to rescue some snotty nosed tourists.

  14. #29
    Witch of Theatergoing Karifean's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wolf Kanno View Post
    I'm currently grinding some AP for classes while raising Chocobo levels. I need a few at Level 5 so I can unlock some things later. When I have more time to dedicate to the game, I'll be going to check on the Chamber of the Stolen Fayeth to rescue some snotty nosed tourists.
    You can't get Level 5s before Chapter 5 actually. The max level of chocobos you catch can never go higher than the chapter you're currently in. You can do some pre-work now but the bulk of your chocobo ranching usually needs to wait for Chapter 5. At that point you can also check a chocobo's max level by just talking to them directly inside the ranch, which is handy. And never forget that you can savescum dispatch results just by saving directly before talking to Clasko >_>

  15. #30

    Default X-2

    I absolutely love X-2 not as much as X but just about almost because I unlocked almost everything there is to get in X-2 and i felt that X-2 had more to offer with all the secrets that you can find. I am very proud to say that I have it on Vita and that i recommend it to others to enjoy and experience yet the world in mix review would side less with this game but I love it regardless. I love X way more but X-2 has a place in history for everything you can get and to be honest if only they had "shared" the secrets before release it would have changed EVERYTHING.
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