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Thread: How often do people play the older Final Fantasy games these days

  1. #1

    Default How often do people play the older Final Fantasy games these days

    I became a little curious about this question because even though this is technically a forum dedicated to the final fantasy games most of the actual boards dedicated to each specific FF game is largely a ghost town. And when I say older I am mainly implying FF XIII on down (not including the VII remake). The fact that those boards rarely get posted on anymore made me think that perhaps people aren't playing those games anylonger. Just as an example of what I am talking about is that I noticed I made a post in the VIII section back in October 2019 and there have been only four other posts made in the entire section since then.

    Completely understandable if people aren't since it has been over twenty years since most of those games have been released (some of them over thirty years). So do you play the older final fantasy games anymore and if not how long has it been since you have played them?

  2. #2
    Radical Dreamer Fynn's Avatar
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    I absolutely play the older ones all the time, and honestly the assertion that stuff older than XIII is older is just... well it makes me feel super old :P I’m actually in the middle of a marathon now and even though it’s more or less on pause right now, I’m still on FFVII

  3. #3


    I play at least FFVI once a year, but I go back to some other of my favorite ones quite often, too, including older games.

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by Fynn View Post
    I absolutely play the older ones all the time, and honestly the assertion that stuff older than XIII is older is just... well it makes me feel super old :P
    Lol, yep, putting it in terms like that can make people feel old. When you think about it though the kids that were born the year XII came out would now be in highschool. And the kids that were born the year X came out are now getting in trouble for getting caught having alcohol in their dorm rooms.

    Back in the day prior to games being as graphic heavy as they are now where they could release a game pretty much every year five years was considered a lifetime ago in terms of gaming culture.

  5. #5


    I don't play any FF games these days. To be honest, most RPGs with their "heroes save the world" plot and vanilla turn-based strategy can't hold my attention anymore. Probably a combination of having played a million of them over the years and my attention span being ruined by modern always-connected life. I've heard FFXII has more of a grounded, political plot so I may have to check it out someday because I've never touched it.

    I had actually kind of written off turn-based RPGs in general after playing DragonQuest XI. It is and was a great game, but my impatient brain was bored enough of the combat by the end of it that I was pretty much ready to consider DQXI my farewell to these types of games.

    LUCKILY I picked up Yakuza: Like a Dragon on a whim and it has totally restored my faith that there are still interesting things to do in the genre. The combat does get kind of repetitive, but there are so many fun sidequests and minigames that I don't really care. The story and the dialogue are so far from anything I've ever played before that I actually care about the plot and what happens to the characters. HIGHLY recommended for JRPG fans.

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    Fynn has an FF marathon thread somewhere, a few of us are trekking through but mostly we talk about it on the discord channel. Come join us!

  7. #7
    Don't get mad, get moist I Don't Need A Name's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fynn View Post
    I absolutely play the older ones all the time, and honestly the assertion that stuff older than XIII is older is just... well it makes me feel super old :P

    In answer to the question - I don't really tend to play the older games, but not because I don't want to. I have so little free time that I can't tackle my modern gaming backlog, so I can never justify going back to play games I completed multiple times as a kid. That being said, I am planning on playing all the FFXII and FFT games soon - mainly because I've not played 90% of them.

    My wife recently replayed FFIX and is currently playing through FFVII as she never finished it, so I'm playing the games vicariously through her.
    I made one myself for a change! Although you can probably tell that..

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    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Not nearly as much as I would like. I actually haven't finished a playthrough of an older entry since XII:TZA. Like I Don't Need a Name, I have too much of a gaming backlog to feel content replaying old standbys. Which is not to say I don't wish to play them again, I just feel a bit guilty whenever I start a replay.

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by tony123 View Post
    I became a little curious about this question because even though this is technically a forum dedicated to the final fantasy games most of the actual boards dedicated to each specific FF game is largely a ghost town. And when I say older I am mainly implying FF XIII on down (not including the VII remake). The fact that those boards rarely get posted on anymore made me think that perhaps people aren't playing those games anylonger. Just as an example of what I am talking about is that I noticed I made a post in the VIII section back in October 2019 and there have been only four other posts made in the entire section since then.

    Completely understandable if people aren't since it has been over twenty years since most of those games have been released (some of them over thirty years). So do you play the older final fantasy games anymore and if not how long has it been since you have played them?
    Most of the boards are ghost towns, because having whole forums directed to individual games of a series is insanely overboard, not because people don't play them.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by tony123 View Post
    So do you play the older final fantasy games anymore and if not how long has it been since you have played them?
    I was reasonably active on this forum back from 2004-2010. At that point, I had just finished X, replayed IV, V, VI and VII, and played and finished IX for XII the first time. I was on the tail end of university, and was just starting my actual career. I had a lot of free time.

    Then life became super busy, and I stuck with purchasing only Nintendo consoles. I almost bought a PS3 so I could play FFXIII, but decided against it. I didn't post anything on this website for over 10 years.

    I was pleased when Nintendo announced they would be doing remasters of VII, VIII, IX, X and XII. After COVID started, I bought a Nintendo DS and play the FFIV DS version, which I enjoyed. I then decided to give VIII a shot after this past Christmas, and replayed VI recently with my son on the SNES Classic (FFVI still holds up very, very well).

    Because I am now in a Final Fantasy groove, and intend on doing more playthroughs of old games, I decided to revisit this website. I was barely able to remember my password.

    It's interesting after being away for so long to see who still posts on this website back from 2005-2010. The only person I recognize so far is Del Murder. So, I wanted to give a shout out to Del Murder for still being active.

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    Gobbledygook! Recognized Member Christmas's Avatar
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    All the remastered games will get people to play again. As for myself, i hardly even play games due to adult ife murdering and sucking the life out of me.

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    Master of Kittens Galuf's Avatar
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    I'm always giving FF V another run through every so often. Such a great replayable game! Somehow I've managed to play FF 1 2 and 3 more times than FF 9 even though i think FF 1 and 3 are the worst FF games and 9 the best. 2 is good though, play 2. Just incase you didn't understand I'm telling everyone to play FF2 and like it because it's an order.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Christmas View Post
    All the remastered games will get people to play again. As for myself, i hardly even play games due to adult ife murdering and sucking the life out of me.
    Agree! I would like to replay FF VII/VIII/IX with my Switch Lite but I can't find the Time

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