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Thread: This is dedicated to all Oldies

  1. #46


    Hey everyone! Been a long time. I mostly hung out in General and the FF1 forum. Hope everyone is doing well. I've just began my 11th year (!) of teaching, I also moved to Las Vegas two years ago. Life is good! I hope all of you are doing well, too. <3

  2. #47
    enter the pyunverse Cell's Avatar
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    I genuinely just remembered this place was a thing, ha. I've never been a regular despite joining over twenty years ago.

  3. #48
    Back of the net Recognized Member Heath's Avatar
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    I've been replaying FFVIII recently and feeling massively nostalgic. I was genuinely shocked when I realised I probably first played that game almost 25 years ago. Games like Space Invaders are 25 years old, right, not peak Playstation games? FFVIII was never my favourite, but I'm enjoying it so much, and I feel a genuine attachment to the characters and their slightly cheesy 90s vibes in a way I never did before ('....Whatever'). I've just done the visit to Trabia Garden and the flashback, so probably appropriate I'm now having my own flashback!

    EoFF always has a special place in my heart, and I'm glad to see it's still alive and people are doing well. So much is different for me, for everyone, and the world from how it was when a socially awkward Brit joined in June 2002. While I've seen and experienced so much since, part of me misses being a teenager, posting here on a Saturday night, and whiling away hours here or on #eoff. Oh that, and perennially coming runner up in those CK competitions. Surely it's my turn soon, right?

    I do pop back occasionally to see how the place is doing. And I'm glad to see familiar faces still here. I miss you, but hope you're all safe and well wherever life since EoFF's heyday has taken you.
    Not my words Carol, the words of Top Gear magazine.

  4. #49
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Heath View Post
    I've been replaying FFVIII recently and feeling massively nostalgic. I was genuinely shocked when I realised I probably first played that game almost 25 years ago. Games like Space Invaders are 25 years old, right, not peak Playstation games? FFVIII was never my favourite, but I'm enjoying it so much, and I feel a genuine attachment to the characters and their slightly cheesy 90s vibes in a way I never did before ('....Whatever'). I've just done the visit to Trabia Garden and the flashback, so probably appropriate I'm now having my own flashback!

    EoFF always has a special place in my heart, and I'm glad to see it's still alive and people are doing well. So much is different for me, for everyone, and the world from how it was when a socially awkward Brit joined in June 2002. While I've seen and experienced so much since, part of me misses being a teenager, posting here on a Saturday night, and whiling away hours here or on #eoff. Oh that, and perennially coming runner up in those CK competitions. Surely it's my turn soon, right?

    I do pop back occasionally to see how the place is doing. And I'm glad to see familiar faces still here. I miss you, but hope you're all safe and well wherever life since EoFF's heyday has taken you.
    I'm surprised to see you still alive and sane given that Everton is now a performance art piece to drive its supporters to abject misery.

  5. #50
    Gobbledygook! Recognized Member Christmas's Avatar
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    It has really been forever.

  6. #51
    KentaRawr!'s Avatar
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    I love this site and everyone on it.

  7. #52
    Back of the net Recognized Member Heath's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Psychotic View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Heath View Post
    I've been replaying FFVIII recently and feeling massively nostalgic. I was genuinely shocked when I realised I probably first played that game almost 25 years ago. Games like Space Invaders are 25 years old, right, not peak Playstation games? FFVIII was never my favourite, but I'm enjoying it so much, and I feel a genuine attachment to the characters and their slightly cheesy 90s vibes in a way I never did before ('....Whatever'). I've just done the visit to Trabia Garden and the flashback, so probably appropriate I'm now having my own flashback!

    EoFF always has a special place in my heart, and I'm glad to see it's still alive and people are doing well. So much is different for me, for everyone, and the world from how it was when a socially awkward Brit joined in June 2002. While I've seen and experienced so much since, part of me misses being a teenager, posting here on a Saturday night, and whiling away hours here or on #eoff. Oh that, and perennially coming runner up in those CK competitions. Surely it's my turn soon, right?

    I do pop back occasionally to see how the place is doing. And I'm glad to see familiar faces still here. I miss you, but hope you're all safe and well wherever life since EoFF's heyday has taken you.
    I'm surprised to see you still alive and sane given that Everton is now a performance art piece to drive its supporters to abject misery.
    I've just become numb to it at this juncture. I am looking forward to the eventual Amazon series they reveal that's been in the works for the last 6 years or so.

  8. #53
    I've Seen Things Rydia of Mist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Loony BoB View Post
    I wonder how easily we could figure out when you joined? Your oldest remaining post is July 2001, but you also won Best CK in August 2001, so I'm confident you were around a good amount of time before then...

    EDIT: Thanks to my old chat logs I used to save (and have kept ever since), I can confirm I mentioned to someone about getting your phone number in Feb 2001. xD I've updated it to then but I bet we can find something more accurate somewhere. Wayback Machine has failed me but I do have my IRC logs on my dormant PC... I should migrate them to this one sometime.
    Ayyyy, that's a little closer! Still probably not quite far back enough, because I doubt I'd be doling out my phone number as a brand new member, but I have zero content saved from that far back.

    Still wild to think about the fact that I've been around for nearly a quarter century. Gawdamn.

  9. #54
    word chionos's Avatar
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    Rydia was before me for sure I think probably definitely. Had to be. One of my idols when I was a baby.

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