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Thread: Hi just here to remind you all that the Friendly Garuda is a bitch

  1. #1
    Master of Kittens Galuf's Avatar
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    Default Hi just here to remind you all that the Friendly Garuda is a bitch

    Hope it chokes on the sapphire. Stupid thing.
    Kill all Garuda's. in any FF game.

    Steiner is pretty cool though.

  2. #2
    Gobbledygook! Recognized Member Christmas's Avatar
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    So I was tending to my Ex-Death Farm that day and those unholy trees are growing more hellish with each passing days. So friendly Garuda dropped by that day riding its flying pig asking for a Sapphire. Unfortunately, all my sapphires have eloped with a donkey that day because it was mating season and the latter is the perfect mate.

    Garuda lost it and completely snapped. It started humping my trees furiously and defile my sacred lands with its diabolical screams of malice. Cries of agony filled the air as my Ex-Deaths withered and returned to the great void. The survivors lived with an eternity of trauma as images of Garuda violating them lives on forever in their mind. Satisfied with its ungodly exchange, Garuda gives me a smirk and crawled into its flying pig's womb.

    I stared at the flying pig and Garuda never emerge out from it. Till this day, the flying pig stands motionless on my farm bearing the fiendish bird in its body. Should it ever return, I am prepared!

  3. #3
    Master of Kittens Galuf's Avatar
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    How dare it! Never a day goes by that I don't dream of vengeance against all Garudakind...

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