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Thread: Tax

  1. #1
    Gobbledygook! Recognized Member Christmas's Avatar
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    Default Tax

    Do you think the nations in FF games should implement tax for the income you earned either from killing monsters or another sources? For example, Insomnia and Alexandria could use the extra bucks for their rebuilding efforts!

    For Honeybee Inn, there should be a pleasure tax.
    Last edited by Christmas; 09-16-2022 at 02:50 AM.

  2. #2
    Total Sweetheart
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    I've seen what the vendors charge for their wares at the Moonflow.

    I would like my money to go towards Shoopuf recovery, but instead it lines their pockets.

    It's not fair.

  3. #3


    I always thought it was smurfed up that SeeD income is based on the result of some tests. So you're telling me I can be the lazy SeeD on a crap detail (with plenty of time to study for the test) and be on the same wage as that sexy dude and his sexy friends who risk their lives fighting every day? Sign me the smurf up!

    OK, there was that one long day at the battle of the gardens but it wasn't THAT bad. I just took some lower classman from room to room grinding earnings and was mostly out of risk. In fact, that sexy dude did most of my fighting for me anyway!

    I just feel some guilt at being highly paid for doing very little - maybe I could find a way to give some back.... there is that charity marathon next week... that should get me some good income - and it's for a good cause!

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