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Thread: Spoilers up to the end of 'Headwind' chapter / getting 'With Great Power' achievement

  1. #1
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    Default Spoilers up to the end of 'Headwind' chapter / getting 'With Great Power' achievement

    This thread can be used to freely discuss the game up to the point where you receive the 'With Great Power' achievement / end the 'Headwind' chapter.

    You can feel free to post unmarked spoilers about this portion of the game in this thread.


    Damn, so much happened since the last story achievement! I'm enjoying the characters a lot more after the end of this chapter, with the Cid-Benedikta dynamic kicking in.

    It raised my eyebrows that Final Fantasy actually got a scene like the one we saw of Benedikta and the king in bed, flouting underboob and sideboob all over the place. Part of me is glad that Final Fantasy is maturing, but also part of me is a little sad for the end of that somewhat-innocence that we got to have in the series beforehand.

    The action is still mostly me smashing square to win, but the battle with the lizard in the greatwoods gave me my first "oh, I can't auto-dodge everything" moment, while we're starting to see more AOE attacks thrown about too - although they don't really hurt much if I did get hit by any of them.

    I kinda want Benedikta and Cid to make up and her to join our team. I really feel the need for more characters on our side in this game. I'm hoping Jill wakes up and takes up a spot soon. Torga is cool but not great for conversation, and having the same two dudes talking to each other all this time can get a little tiring. I'd like some slightly more eccentric personalities thrown into the mix to keep things moving a little better, as much as I do enjoy Cid and Clive's occasional joke, they aren't offering any really interesting dynamic. Probably why I like the Benedikta scenes so much (that and let's face it, she's a fox and a half).

    One problem I'm having is that the town music just makes me so sleepy every time, it's like a lullaby. Whenever I hit any peaceful moment, the music kicks in and I get tired, and I want to stay engaged, dammit. Pretty music, but perhaps I'm just needing more sleep in general, idk.

    Oh, as for battle moments, the part where Torga bites Benedikta's neck and then does a 360 around it? OOF. Goddam brutal.

    Looking forward to seeing what happens next. Getting a good few hunches at how this will generally play out but we'll see.
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  2. #2
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Loony BoB View Post
    It raised my eyebrows that Final Fantasy actually got a scene like the one we saw of Benedikta and the king in bed, flouting underboob and sideboob all over the place. Part of me is glad that Final Fantasy is maturing, but also part of me is a little sad for the end of that somewhat-innocence that we got to have in the series beforehand.
    Fret not, in 8 years wholesome reboots will replace gritty reboots.
    The action is still mostly me smashing square to win, but the battle with the lizard in the greatwoods gave me my first "oh, I can't auto-dodge everything" moment, while we're starting to see more AOE attacks thrown about too - although they don't really hurt much if I did get hit by any of them.
    Auto dodge? Are you using the accessories that do that? No judgment, I've slapped them on when I'm feeling lazy (or if my old man wrists are hurting!), but if you're bored take 'em off and go to town. And I mean you can use the basic combo over and over again if you want I guess, but it wouldn't be very fun.

    Try using different skills just for the hell of it and the spectacle. I like to do the combination stomp where you bounce off their heads, then when I'm airborne, land that extreme downthrust back onto them. I just think it looks cool as trout.

    as much as I do enjoy Cid and Clive's occasional joke, they aren't offering any really interesting dynamic.
    Huh really? I feel like we're playing different games. Cid clearly sees Clive's torment and wants to help him in the way that he failed to help Benedikta, but also doesn't want to get too close for that same reason. Cid's dialogue is really nice, and his quick little jokes are the embodiment of brevity being the soul of wit.
    Oh, as for battle moments, the part where Torga bites Benedikta's neck and then does a 360 around it? OOF. Goddam brutal.
    oh my god I know. Wolfhound Tornado DDT was the move I didn't know I needed!

  3. #3
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    Yesss, Torga is best boy.

    Quote Originally Posted by Psychotic View Post
    Fret not, in 8 years wholesome reboots will replace gritty reboots.
    xD yes, I can see this happening. I feel like indie devs in particular are already going to town with this, and I'm 100% here for it.
    Auto dodge? Are you using the accessories that do that? No judgment, I've slapped them on sometimes if I'm feeling lazy (or if my old man wrists are hurting!), but if you're bored take 'em off and go to town. And I mean you can use the basic combo over and over again if you want I guess, but it wouldn't be very fun.

    Try using different skills just for the hell of it and the spectacle. I like to do the combination stomp where you bounce off their heads, then when I'm airborne, land that extreme downthrust back onto them. I just think it looks cool as trout.[/quote]
    Thing is, it does all the combos, not just the default, but also the fancy moves. So the spectacle is definitely there. There are, perhaps, moments where it would be better to save a certain move for a certain situation, such as when they are or are not staggered, but generally speaking I just focus on moving around the field and picking my enemy.

    I'm admittedly really trash at doing combos (I was never good at fighting games - I managed to beat Mortal Kombat 1 & 2 on the Mega Drive through using maybe two or three actual moves throughout the entire game). I don't doubt there's fun in it, but I was always a thinking gamer far more than a reflex gamer (as you no doubt know from our Halo 3 days where I was absolutely awful xD). I just wish there was an option for those of us that like to take a second to think on things. I can hold my own with movement/positioning mechanics because of FFXIV, but then it took me a lot longer in FFXIV to beat the hardest fights, even with my GCD helping me get a second to think.

    Huh really? I feel like we're playing different games. Cid clearly sees Clive's torment and wants to help him in the way that he failed to help Benedikta, but also doesn't want to get too close for that same reason. Cid's dialogue is really nice, and his quick little jokes are the embodiment of brevity being the soul of wit.
    I think it's more the lack of other dynamics that makes this dynamic feel less pronounced. Up to this point in the game, we've basically only seen Cid and Clive's dynamic and little else of note (when it comes to party members).

    EDIT: Actually, you know what, I'll give dropping the combo thing a go and see how I get on.
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  4. #4
    Feel the Bern Administrator Del Murder's Avatar
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    The game has really picked up at this point. There is a lot that I like:

    • The story is very intriguing and has great pacing. I like that there are not several pointless detours putting the brakes on the plot. Looking for the Eikon of fire? We found him, let's go! Mysterious warrior/magic lady shows up in a cutscene? Let's fight her at the end of this mission!
    • There is also a rich history in this world that you do not know everything about yet (Active Time Lore helps some) but it is not so convoluted that you need to read 100 datalogs or watch some prequel movie to understand it. Clive's current goal is very straightforward and it obviously leads to something bigger, but it is being revealed in a natural way.
    • Cid is awesome. They always do a good job with the Cid character. His banter is so subtle and amazing. "Before or after I catch my breath?" Fabulous. And also Thunder God. Thank you SE for the return of TG Cid. I agree with Psy that Cid is clearly trying to make up for his past with Clive and the banter is just his way of breaking the ice.
    • OMG Torgal. Reminds me of the dog you get in Dragon Age Origins. I never went without that dog. Being able to give him love is also great and my kid likes that too.
    • The combat is fun. I am not using the accessories and it is still pretty easy. But I like phoenix warping over to smash guys then fire twirl around to incinerate them. Benedikta boss fight was freaking hard though. I died and the game generously started me with full potions and health and her at like 33% health. I almost reset because that felt too generous but it was getting late...
    • The dramatic cinematics are great. They really get the blood pumping and it feels very satisfying to stagger an enemy with just a simple timed button press because the action on screen is so intense.
    • I appreciate limiting the number of potions you can carry as that adds some difficulty and forced inventory management. It's also more practical for someone out in the field to not have 99 potions.


    • I like Clive, but he feels a little one dimensional so far. Though that's how Cloud started out (and admittedly mostly ended...). What bugs me though is the single character approach. Torgal is a great companion and it was fun to have Cid lightning assist a few times but I miss a more party based approach where I at least have some control over outfitting them.
    • Maps are mostly linear, with a few off paths to find a random crafting item. Reminds me too much of FFXIII. The place I was just at was a little less linear and had some decent accessories in the chests I found at least.
    • Not a great amount of customization so far. With one weapon, 2 armor, 3 accessory slots, there is not a ton of variety so far and it has been basically "best in slot" for at least 3 of those. It also means most of the treasure you find is just random crafting and potions.
    • The only two side quests were incredibly simplistic "go talk to this person across town" type. I'm sure it is just getting started. At least Clive serving lunch was funny.

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