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Thread: Least Favorite musical track from every Final Fantasy game

  1. #1
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    *yawn* Least Favorite musical track from every Final Fantasy game

    Haven't done one of these in a while. Listing favorites is always a challenge, but I'm curious to see if everyone has a specific track they hate from each FF?

  2. #2
    Gobbledygook! Recognized Member Christmas's Avatar
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    I really dislike the Zozo's theme frm FFVI

  3. #3
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Christmas View Post
    I really dislike the Zozo's theme frm FFVI
    Is that because it gets stuck in your head so much?

  4. #4
    Witch of Theatergoing Karifean's Avatar
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    Rarely thought about this, interesting question.

    The moon theme in FFIV, it's kinda forgettable at best and doesn't make staying outside on the moon exactly pleasant.

    The third world theme in FFV, it feels more despondent than really fits the game and its strengths in what an adventure it is to play.

    Narshe theme in FFVI, it really overstays its welcome at the start for how plain it is.

    Racing Chocobos in FFVII, not Fiddle de Chocobo, the track that plays on the pre-race screen, it's kinda just whatever.

    Blue Fields in FFVIII, never really been a fan of this one, it feels somewhat out of place.

    Tetra Master theme in FFIX, probably mainly due to assocation, but it also just doesn't really do anything for me.

    Authorised to pass in FFX, it plays exactly once and just feels really overly evil for no reason in such a plain scene.

    The temple theme in FFX-2, it's kinda just droning.

    In FFXII OG it would have to be the Yensa Sandsea theme, again it just overstays its welcome. The sandseas are too long for this loop to play in both of them. In IZJS this is fixed (the Cerobi Steppe theme actually works pretty nicely for making the Nam Yensa feel wholly different), though TZA then introduces a whole bunch of new OSTs, none of which really do anything for me.

    Don't have enough of an opinion on the rest of them.

    Worth noting that my choices for VII, IX and X (and to a lesser extent IV and V) are more choices of exclusion, I looked through the soundtrack and these were the "least good ones", while for the rest I thought of them and thought that yeah, they are good picks for least favorite directly.

  5. #5
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    FFI ~ Menu screen would be my least favorite.

    FFII ~ Dungeon, largely because I hat the dungeons in this game. It's technically not bad on it's own, but you'll be hearing it a lot...

    FFIII ~ Forest of Healing, not a bad track, but it's Uematsu stealing the battle theme from DQ1.

    FFIV ~ Honestly, I love the whole soundtrack. But if I had to choose, maybe Tower of Bab-il since you got there twice and it's a long dungeon. Even then, it's not that bad.

    FFV ~ Pirates Ahoy, not a terrible track, but not one that really brings to mind pirates when I hear it.

    FFVI ~ I honestly love this OST too much to really pick a bad track of the bunch. Maybe Mt. Kolts? But even it is a pretty snazzy track.

    FFVII ~ Either Reunion or Fort Condor. Reunion is one of the game big buzzwords and I guess I was expecting something a little more ominous from a track sharing the buzzword. Ft. Condor's is just a bit grating with the weirs Psycho inspired horn section.

    FFVIII ~ Blue Fields easily. Worst overworld theme in the series. It's like the game is trying to put you to sleep.

    FFIX ~ I will second Karifean on this being Quad Mist, the Tetra Master theme song. It's a bit hokey and boring as well, which make it more infuriating considering the mini-game it's attached to.

    FFX ~ Either Battle, the worst battle theme in the series, or Mihen Highroad, the worst area in the game. I may give this to Battle, since unlike the Mihen Highroad, you'll never escape the Battle them until you've finished the game.

    Skipping XI.

    XII ~ Weirdly enough, Kiss Me Goodbye. It's a fine track, but doesn't really fit with the game very well and feels a bit tacked on like My Hands in FFXIII. Probably doesn't help that it sounds a bit like a break up song, and the game has no real overt romance to speak of. Also doesn't help that unlike the last four vocal tracks for FFs, this one isn't worked into the game's ost, so it really does feel out of touch with the rest of the score.

    XIII ~ The Sunleth Waterscape, I can't tell you how much I hate this bad Persona wanting track is. This track is the bane of my existence when it comes to FF games based around music or just ones that use characters throughout the series, because I will have to hear this track because people for whatever reason like it. In fact, I made this thread just so I could rant about this track.

    Skipping XIV

    XV ~ Nothing stands out as being awful, but probably The Hunters since it sounds like it';s trying too hard to be some badass theme you would hear on some crime detective show in the 2000s to signify the badass character. Like you can't hear this track without a mullet, a six pack, a cigar, and some tragic past that you're no longer allowed to shed tears for because you already shed all the tears you ever will... So yeah, a little too edge-lord for my taste.

    Skipping XVI

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    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    Kinda in agreement with everything on Wolf's list except:

    FFX - Minor disagreement - I'd easily put Mihen Road first well ahead of Battle. Some songs are just bad and I file this under that.
    FFXIII - Sunleth Waterscape, I love it.

    I'm also not sure I'd say The Hunters or Kiss Me Goodbye are all that bad, although I don't know a particular song off the top of my head that is worse than them in their respective games and am too lazy to check the full soundtracks.
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  7. #7
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    The Hunters and Kiss Me Goodbye fall into the same camps as my choices for FFIV and VI in that I couldn't find one particular track that was really bad, so I opted to find the one that brought me the least amount of joy. Those two fell into that camp.

    Battle from FFX is still the weakest Battle theme in the series for me. It sounds too high in octave for what it is trying to do, and almost feels like they were trying to give it a MIDI feel. It's just weird. It's a shame too because the other battle themes in the game are pretty good. The fact you have to listen to it the whole game is the worst part about it.

    I'd probably like Sunleth Waterscape if it wasn't for the vocals, which feel really out of place. Normally I associate vocal tracks with places of importance, but the dungeon this plays in is honestly a snooze fest and not terribly important. Not helping it is the fact it's weirdly upbeat. The track would have been fine as a character theme, but it's a lousy dungeon theme for a one-note dungeon.

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