New update.
- I didn't find the Beastman Blood yet, my poor fishing rod broke before I could. I did not expect this thing to be so damn rare.
- I did finally farm five Beetle Shells for a stupid starter quest I've been holding onto for ages.
- I reached Jueno finally and started a few quests. I did dig the story of the Galka who works on the Clock Tower.
- The new Ballista alternative cutscene was amusing to see how the three nations deal with each other. Finally got to see Shantatto in action.
- I now understand why the Tarutaru are kind of divisive with their strange speech patters. Low key glad this game is old and doesn't have voice acting.
- Went to Norg and met Iroha, and learned this questline is technically the game's finale questline.
- Leveled MNK to Lv. 40. I am switching back to WAR and seeing if I can farm better equipment for it because next to PLD, it's the class I have the most disjointed equipment options for. I also don't have any real equipment options for my party above Lv. 24.
- With that said, I am finally reaching the end of my more generous inventory options in my Mog House, so I will need to start selling stuff soon to stay on top of that, and look into seeing if any of the expansion questlines have opened up for me since I've reached Jueno.
- The price jump for equipment in shops in Jueno is insane. I was finally feeling good about my money because I have over 22,000 gil, but that would only afford me one piece of any equipment for my MNK's level range and it would be the cheapest option too. I will need to look into better ways to make money.
- One of the most annoying things that's happened recently is that the Beastmen have taken control of quite a few zones on my server, and I don't think there are enough active players in the San'Doria region to do Conquest to liberate them. I am also not Rank 3, so I can't do anything either.
- I am constantly reminded that Bastok really was the ideal starting city for me, because most of the classes I want to play as are from there. Though I believe I have started the questlines to earn both the DNC and SAM classes.
Overall, a much more productive night, and look at me finally leaving the safe haven of my Elvaan nest and actually venturing to real cities beyond my starter one. I will probably cycle through some of the classes again until they hit Lv. 40. While it is probably better to stick to two or three classes at most for early game, I like to keep my options open and the whole point of a Job system is variety anyway.