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Thread: WK Plays FFXI

  1. #31
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    New update.

    • I didn't find the Beastman Blood yet, my poor fishing rod broke before I could. I did not expect this thing to be so damn rare.
    • I did finally farm five Beetle Shells for a stupid starter quest I've been holding onto for ages.
    • I reached Jueno finally and started a few quests. I did dig the story of the Galka who works on the Clock Tower.
    • The new Ballista alternative cutscene was amusing to see how the three nations deal with each other. Finally got to see Shantatto in action.
    • I now understand why the Tarutaru are kind of divisive with their strange speech patters. Low key glad this game is old and doesn't have voice acting.
    • Went to Norg and met Iroha, and learned this questline is technically the game's finale questline.
    • Leveled MNK to Lv. 40. I am switching back to WAR and seeing if I can farm better equipment for it because next to PLD, it's the class I have the most disjointed equipment options for. I also don't have any real equipment options for my party above Lv. 24.
    • With that said, I am finally reaching the end of my more generous inventory options in my Mog House, so I will need to start selling stuff soon to stay on top of that, and look into seeing if any of the expansion questlines have opened up for me since I've reached Jueno.
    • The price jump for equipment in shops in Jueno is insane. I was finally feeling good about my money because I have over 22,000 gil, but that would only afford me one piece of any equipment for my MNK's level range and it would be the cheapest option too. I will need to look into better ways to make money.
    • One of the most annoying things that's happened recently is that the Beastmen have taken control of quite a few zones on my server, and I don't think there are enough active players in the San'Doria region to do Conquest to liberate them. I am also not Rank 3, so I can't do anything either.
    • I am constantly reminded that Bastok really was the ideal starting city for me, because most of the classes I want to play as are from there. Though I believe I have started the questlines to earn both the DNC and SAM classes.

    Overall, a much more productive night, and look at me finally leaving the safe haven of my Elvaan nest and actually venturing to real cities beyond my starter one. I will probably cycle through some of the classes again until they hit Lv. 40. While it is probably better to stick to two or three classes at most for early game, I like to keep my options open and the whole point of a Job system is variety anyway.

  2. #32
    Radical Dreamer Fynn's Avatar
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    Somehow i completely missed you were playing this again? Lol

    Glad to see you’re making progress!

  3. #33
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Not as productive of a night.

    • Leveled WAR to 26 and raised Axes to the 50 range. Still a ways to go.
    • Finished some super easy starter quests I missed.
    • Managed to finally get the Willow Log needed to finish the Carpenter Guild's quest and got a Trainee Axe, which is the first Great-axe I've seen, but has terrible stats.
    • It's a Christmas event going on, and it's pretty cute with the decorations. I only wish we had a snow effect to go with it.
    • Finally noticed what the Ephermial Moogle is for and dumped all my elemental crystals onto it.
    • Just realized I was two levels away from starting the MNK's Artifact Weapon. Of course, my first issue is the questline is in Bastok, which I haven't reached yet. The second issue is that hardcore players consider it awful with much better alternatives for it's level range. But then I would need it for the Artifact Gear.
    • Reading up on some MNK builds, I've learned I am apparently not optimizing very well. Which I frankly don't care about.
    • Part of me is thinking about slipping back into Norg and seeing if Shantatto II may help me kill the enemies in the area so I can level up WAR faster.
    • I did manage to get him into some better gear, but now my weapon options are kind of bleh. My strongest weapon is a Spear and I would rather keep him working on axes, since they are his best weapons.
    • Broke another damn fishing rod trying to get a higher leveled Thread Leech to spwan in Jugner Forest. Since I have yet to acquire any Light Crystals, I am stuck buying another rod...
    • Course, with the rod broken, I could try out bows...

    The plan is to go back to Jueno and maybe explore the Ballista Downs area a bit more to level up and hopefully get some good drops.

  4. #34
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Shorter update from last night.

    • Got WAR to Lv. 32 and managed to get a better piece of body armor that is actually not in the teen range. Funny enough, I do keep finding some weapons that are higher level than the axe I am using, but not surprisingly, they are not as powerful as the axe I am currently using. The nice boost for WAR was gaining Double Attack, which has finally allowed the class to step up to MNK in damage potential.
    • Won a really neat sword for PLD in the Goblin Treasure thing. At least that class has a cool weapon to look forward to since it's not above the level cap.
    • Managed to make a scythe that I might start using so DRK isn't handicapped when I get it. Of course, it is significantly weaker than my axe. but what are you going to do?
    • Finished the flower questline for the Mithra child I started way back when I first started the game. The pacing of quests in this game is so weird, but I guess it's just a result of my single players brain dealing with a very different medium.
    • Found a path to reach Bastok since I started encountering their beastmen in the region. Was not planning on heading there first, but we'll see. I do have NIN and DRK waiting for me there.

    I think one of my goals right now is to see if I can find a better weapon upgrade for my WAR. Specifically a Great Axe if I can. I've noticed that equipment drops are getting a bit rarer with higher level monsters, so it looks like Lv. 25 is about the point where upgrading equipment is going to come down to buying or making it, outside of the rare enemy drops. So I will need to look up ways to make money fast, because lord knows quests and gil drops are incredibly stingy compared to the price gouging of Valan'diel's greedy merchant class.

  5. #35
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Interesting evening. I spent most of it exploring Jueno so I can try to make it to Windhurst after my second attempt to reach it started to send me to Bastok. Realized I left the wrong exit. I did manage to acquire a Greataxe which does great damage for it's level but has the worst accuracy and delay. Not sure how I feel about that, and I almost went back to Norg to see if I could power level my way through the proficiency levels by fighting the tough crabs there. On the brightside, I almost have a complete set of the Studded Armor set, but I am missing the head piece which I really want because I'm not a big fan of the Iron Mask design. Kind of wish the game had better helmet options, but not helping is my preference to Souls game design where I prefer ones that cover most of the head instead of these accent pieces XI is doing.

    Alas, I was killed by a rare monster I accidentally aggro and for some reason, my ReRaise Earrings did not activate, so I decided to feed some chocolate to the annoying Merrymaking Goblins and finish a Christmas event, but then the game crashed and I figured that was a sign to call it a night.

    I only have like Five levels before WAR hits Lv. 40 and then I plan on jumping to RDM again. While part of me was thinking of raising all the classes to Lv. 40 as I explore, part of me is thinking I may drop the ones I didn't care for, especially since I will likely be getting more advanced classes and this will take forever if I go that route. So I'll likely ignore THF and WHM for the time being until I gain a class that really needs them.

  6. #36
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    After several trials and errors, I made it to Windhurst. I actually got killed by the same monster as before. I don't think it's so much a Hunt as it is just a high level creature roaming the map, similar to the Saurian in the Estersands of FFXII.

    Outside of talking to the Fisherman's Guild leader and farming five of the six special Chocobo Healing grass I need for the Chocobo quest, I didn't really get as much done last night as I would have liked, but I also got a late start. Greataxe is up to Lv. 40 which is still way too low for my taste. My WAR is close to 40, but not quite there. On the brightside, being in the starting region of a new area, means it won't be quite as daunting jumping back into other classes or starting new ones.

    The Windhurst region was not what I expected visually. I knew it was based around a tree, so I was expecting more like an evergreen type environment or something like Seiken Densetsu. I was not expecting it to be something closer to Australia or the African Savannah, but I do appreciate the visual variety. Especially since Jueno looks like it was built in the middle of Mordor. Once I get settled in to Windhurst, I'll sneak back to Norg to finish leveling WAR so I can do either RDM or BLM missions for Windhurst. I like the idea of leveling up my mage classes in the mage-centric nation of this game. I am surprised the devs didn't name the city Mysidia though.

  7. #37
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Another mini-update. The holiday season and the obligations that come with it are eating up my free time.

    Mostly explored Windhurst last night, and I must say, I am so grateful this game does not have voice acting because this place would drive me smurfing nuts. Like the culture of the region is cool, and I like the interesting dynamic between the Tarutaru, Mithra, and the Yagudo Beast tribe. But Holy hell is the funny talk translation driving me crazy. I wasn't necessarily a fan of Shantatto's rhyming dialogue, but now that's I've been listening to regular Tarutaru talk, I can see why she's the fan favorite because the rhyming is less annoying than the baby talk of the rest of her species. The Mithra rolling their Rs like a purr for the cat talk is also obnoxious, but I imagine the Japanese has them doing the Nyaa sound in every talking point, so I guess this was the best they could do. But the worst has to be the Cardians. Like I don't even bother trying to read their dialogue because it's such a visual mess that I might get an aneurysm from attempting. Amusingly, I imagine they would be the least annoying if the game did have VA work.

    I activated the first of the Shantatto Ascension quest, and I do really like the fact the little black mage Tarutaru army she has has the shadow face like the OG Black mages. One of the things that makes me a little sad about XI is that the outfits don't give you that effect. I also realized I could use all these Spark points to purchase better gear for my party, but I have to be careful because I am hitting the inventory cap in my Mog House and it may be time for an intervention for my hoarding tendencies in video games. I'm thinking of selling off everything that is leveled between lv. 1 and 10 at first, just because I know I will be leveling future classes eventually. I'll likely keep my starting armor set so I have something and a few lv. 1 weapons, but leveling is so fast, that I could easily go without the rest of the gear until my teens. Then I would likely do something similar where I'll keep anything around lv. 14 or 15 and sell everything between that and Lv. 24. I will start with the starting gear first before I jump to that step though. I almost used my Sparks to buy a really neat set of armor with some great stat bonuses and decent defense for it's lv. range, but the armor can only be used by WAR and PLD, and I just couldn't bother getting an armor set for just two classes that isn't level cap lv. I imagine at Lv. 50, I'm going to have to start focusing on equipment options for the classes I want to keep using, so I shouldn't waste inventory space for anything before that point.

    I also went to Norg and leveled, WAR to lv. 40 and got Great Axe skills level up a bit more, though it is still lower than I would care for and I will likely need to double down when I take the class to lv 50. I have now returned to RDM, who I leveled two more levels just so I could get him into some decent gear, but I need a better sword for him, so I may invest in that. Perhaps a rapier since it fits the image of a red mage better? I could do maces as well, but I might hold off since I'll likely need to use WHM again. I do like the idea of leveling up my mage classes while running quests in Windhurst, seems fitting. I also unlocked the quest to do the Ranger quest, and that seems like it will be a fairly easy task compared to PLD and DRG have been. I do need to look for the SUM class, as well so I guess I should put the ruby stone in my inventory.

    Anyway, we'll see where this all leads me in my next playthrough. I went to the San'Doria embassy and got my next mission. The Elvvan are kind of insufferable to be honest, like stereotypical, stuffy, aristocratic Europeans. I was not expecting the Mithra to be the tree hugging race though, I was kind of thinking the Galka were going that route with their more Native American sounding naming schemes.

  8. #38
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Another short evening. Mainly finished exploring Windhurst and did a few quests within the town. Between the two nations, Windhurst is far more interesting. San'Doria's plotline doesn't feel as interesting with a simple succession crisis and the Elvaan being wary of the rise of the Beastmen races again, with the only interesting aspect being that they seem to blame the other nations for not keeping their Beastmen in check while being in total denial that they are also struggling to push back the Orcs. Granted, there is some intrigue with the lost of one of their settlements in the Crystal War, but I get the impression this is just a colorful footnote until later expansions delve into it. Even the Orcs are kind of boring just being a more brutish version of the Elvaan that is invading from the north.

    Probably the most intriguing revelation as someone whose knowledge of the game is based on tidbits thrown out by side content that features characters from the game is the fact Shantatto is not the most powerful mage among the Tarutaru. Stuff like Dissidia and the Opera Omnia give the impression she's like the most powerful magic using being in FF short of an actual deity with even Terra and most FF villains quaking in their boots at how powerful she is. It's interesting that the Tarutaru spend more of their time talking up the legendary hero who saved the Federation by summoning Fenrir than her, since she's considered to be a powerful but eccentric war hero the people ignore and the government puts up with. So lesson learned there.

    I am hoping to actually get outside of the city soon and finish up some of these quests that I've been accumulating. So far, I find one of the most interesting facets of the XI Community is how scattered it feels. For the second best selling FF game with over twenty years of existence, the Wiki's for the game are inconsistent in terms of content and organization. Like the actual FF Wiki has a full page on the history of the Tarutaru and Mithra, and goes into details about their culture but either of the other races get footnotes at best. In fact, it's becoming likely the only people playing XI are horny cat girl fans since the Mithra are the only race that consistently gets attention in fan made projects. Probably why Windhurst is also the only nation outside of the expansions that has detailed information on it. Though oddly the FFXI Wiki I'm using to help navigate through this game does not have the Windhurst Quests organized very well like they did for San'Ondoria. The fact that players views of Galka refrlects how the in-game world views them is also a bit ironic. If they weren't so tied into the overarching plot of the games, I doubt they would be mentioned. They also seem to be the race with the fewest Trusts you can acquire as it's still the only race I have no Trust magic for.

    I will try to track down the Spark NPC to upgrade my sword and shield for my RDM and then head out to do some quests proper and really explore the region.

  9. #39
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Holidays have kept me away from my PC so I have not played for a few days outside of logging in each day to get the log in item. But tonight I was able to put in some time.

    I keep exploring these ruins near Windhurst that have those Cardian machine and undead wandering around, but it doesn't take much to get overwhelmed and I've died a few times while exploring. I did manage to start a quest with the other eccentric Tarutaru whom might be doing some kind of drug if his dialogue is to be believed. I also went back to Norg and finished a Mission for Rhapsodies of Vana'diel which netted me a really good key item that cut down the gil cost for fast travel by quite a bit. So cheers to that. I also discovered I was supposed to be talking to some peeps to get the items needed for the Samurai class quest, so now I have three class quests I need to get on with. My RDM also reached Lv. 34, so I can start the SMN quest as well. I should switch back to WAR and MNK to use the items I was rewarded for reached Lv. 30 with both of them.

    My goal for the next few nights is:
    • I want to get further in the Job Class quests. Specifically RNG and DRG, but SAM would be nice too.
    • See if I can start a Windhurst nation mission so I can start getting some good mojo going on here.
    • Finish the two Chocobo Quests so I can start using Chocobos.
    • Get RDM to Lv. 40 and then I'll switch to BLM and WHM respectively. See if the new Key Item I gained is going to make this faster.
    • See if I can get Smithing and Woodcrafting skills a bit higher.
    • Finish some quests in Windhurst.

    So we will see how this goes. I have a feeling I won't be able to get much done tonight because I have plans to hang out with friends, but if I manage to get home before midnight, I'll slide in and see if I can at least get myself in position to tackle one of these objectives on Sunday.

  10. #40
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Was a bit too tired to really go at it last night, but I did check off a few things, such as getting my chocobo license and acquiring the Beastmaster job class. Was a pretty heartwarming set of quests when the dust settled. I also acquired two more pieces of furnishings for my Mog House back in San D'oria and one is another pot to grow things. I also got RDM up to Lv. 36. So I am not far off from switching jobs again. I also started the SMN class quest, but so far, I have not been able to activate the cutscenes needed for it, so I may need to do some more investigating. I hope I can get more work in tonight.

  11. #41
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    Short evening, but I got a few things done.

    • Started the Mirror quest that lets me make a Fellow Adventurer. I don't really read all the guides for missions sometimes. I will try to figure it out myself, but in this case I was a bit perplexed and didn't realize I was making a character. Went with a Galka that has Jet from Cowboy Bebop's hair.
    • Because I often feel treasure is extremely arbitrary in this game on what it wants to drop, I some how managed to acquire Malboro Vines from a Sabertooth Lion? Anyway, it was the last item needed for a quest in San D'oria so guess I will be heading back that way.
    • Managed to get the Yellow Weather for the Carbuncle Ruby.
    • Since I am in Jueno, I decided I will walk back to Windhurst since a few quests I need to do there will be on the way anyway. Hoping to pick up RNG and get the SAM quest along a bit more. I may also try to do the quest I was asked to do by my nations embassy. We'll see.
    • Got my RDM to Lv. 37 and I picked up some more Studded Armor pieces I plan to sell before leaving Jueno.

  12. #42
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    Oof. the last two nights have been a bit more aimless than I would care for.

    The silly "The Rumor" quest has turned into my white whale, so to speak. The reward is a simple Drain spell, but for the life of me, I can't find anything that will drop Beastmen's Blood. Even the AH doesn't have it for sale. I wasted yesterday evening farming Poison Leeches on Rolanberry Field for the drop, but apparently the drop rate is abysmal with them. I may try fishing the Swamp Leech in the adjacent Marshlands once I acquire more bait, because they allegedly have the second best drop rate for the item behind some lv. 60+ creature roaming in the dungeon basement where the damn quest giver is.

    I tried to do a bit of the Bard quest, but yikes, why is parchment a pain in the ass to acquire? Making it requires like a lv. 30+Leather-craft, that AH is selling it for 10k gil, and my cheapest option involves finding some distant city I don't think anyone has even mentioned called Mahura.

    I also screwed up the SAM quest. I found the spot to bury the steel item I got and fogot about the part where it spawns some NM Bomb monster I have to beat. Well two things happened: 1) I got RDM to Lv. 40, so I switched to BLM who was lv. 22 ish at the time. Which is welkl below the Lv. 30 NM I just summoned. 2) One of my new Trusts Zeid was in the way of this monster, so when I tried to target it to get the aggro off of me, I kept pulling the Menuy option with the NPC and in my panic, I was unable to target the monster in time before he murdered my squishy mage. So I lost the special steel. So I had to track down another piece and that ended up involving either buying it at an extortionist rate at the Auction House or trying to farm it at some Raid event that involved another item I had to get from a secret shop in Jueno. Since I didn't like my odds due to their being like thirty different prizes, I went with extortion instead and bought the Damascus Orb for 5000gil so I can get the item back. I decided I would level a bit before trying the quest again, just to be on the safe side.

    On the bright side, I did manage to grow the best item needed for the kid Tarutaru quest in Windhurst and I bough an expensive cupboard in San D'oria that's suppose to get me a lucrative quest that will cover the cost of the cupboard. I have also decided to put a lot of stuff I keep getting handed up for auction because I keep getting stuff for the Lv. 75+ part of the game and I really don't think I'm going to be bothering with all of that, so I have a few items up and will hopefully get some much needed Gil to buy all the expensive spells in Windhurst. I've also managed to find four of the weather colors for the Carbuncle Ruby, but I may need to zone into Vakrum Dunes a bit to try to get the rare Red light.

    At this point, I'm starting to feel a bit of choice paralysis kicking in. I have like a dozen quests in each town unlocked and my OCD wants to start checking them off, but I still have to crawl around all of Altana's creation to get this done for the pitiful amount of gil some of them are giving as rewards. I still haven't even done the quest my nation wanted me to do in Windhurst. There is just so much to do and it's getting a bit overwhelming. So I may have to devise a plan of action to streamline all of this nonsense. Maybe narrow down the classes I am going to bother using and focus on moving the main story along more.

  13. #43
    Feel the Bern Administrator Del Murder's Avatar
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    Great to hear your progress. Curious how many other players are on while you play? Do they help you?

    Proud to be the Unofficial Secret Illegal Enforcer of Eyes on Final Fantasy!
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  14. #44
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Del Murder View Post
    Great to hear your progress. Curious how many other players are on while you play? Do they help you?
    There are quite a few other players, but it is rare to see a full party in the field. Jueno is covered with mules trying to sell stuff. I think I once had someone ask me for something, but I didn't catch it because I was logging out for the day., Felt bad being a bit rude, but I don't use the chat feature very often. I will say that of the areas I've visited, Windhurst is the most vacant, San D'oria has quite a few peeps. Everyone seems to be in Bastok because they usually win the Campaign rankings. Jueno, as I said, is littered with second accounts and regular players.

    In update news, I finally got that stupid Beastmen's Blood. I don't know why this quest came to possess me, likely because Drain isn't a great spell and yet for str5ange circumstances, the item needed for the quest was strangely rare for early game. I also managed to unlock the RNG class, which was hilariously awkward because when I found the cave for the quest, I encountered another player there and we had a quiet awkward moment where we both weren't sure if one of us was going to have to reload the area to get the item needed for the quest. I let them go first since they were there first and then found out that as long as the creatures body is there, I can still get the item regardless of whether another player has done so.

    DNC is out of the question for the moment because I do not have the means to time travel yet, so that's one class I'm probably going to avoid. My House Moogle wrote me a BRD song which was nice. I seriously need to sell some of my gear to free up room in my Mog House. Though I should be careful with some. I acquired some Mistletoe awhile ago and ended up selling it, now I need it. So back to Jugner Forest to farm Walking Trees. Speaking of, these holiday events are killing my inventory and I need to stop engaging in them. I have four trading cards, none being enough to make a whole set requested by the moogles. Shame I can't trade them to the Goblins for loot.

    Now that I am getting into the more challenging zones, the squishyness of BLM is becoming more apparent. I switched to a mace and shield combo they can use to give me more survivability and to raise the weapon level since staffs seem to be one of the worst weapons in the game due to all the classes that can use it having better options. I think my next order of business is to get on with the Nation Mission and maybe bee line it to Bastok to work on getting the class I really want and to finally have the means to get the Lv. upgrades for MNK and WAR. Though I have unlocked BST and RNG, I am probably not going to bother using them for the time being just to save myself some time. Same deal with SUM and BRD, I won't actively seek out completing those quests for the moment and will just see where I go from there. I will at least go back to get the item I lost for the SAM class since I did want to use that one.

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    Feel the Bern Administrator Del Murder's Avatar
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    I'm curious how you level, and what bonuses are available these days. Back in the day, the levels after around 40 start getting really slow. However, with level sync and maybe some additional options/zones for exp, it might not be that bad.

    For BLM you definitely want to go with +INT wands up until level 51. After that, the elemental staves are basically all you need. Macro in the one for the element you are casting, and you get a damage bonus. You typically don't get a lot of good damage pulling out your club and whacking things as BLM. If you are solo doing EP mobs, maybe those extra melee points are helpful. In a party, if you aren't nuking, you are better off resting for MP than whacking. That keeps you out of AOE skill range as well.

    A great solo option for BLM or any nuking job back in the day was the pets on BST mobs. The pets have very low HP and you can typically 1 or 2 shot the EM-T pets with your best nukes. Just make sure the main BST goblin or whatever has its back to you as if it sees you killing its pet, it will probably kill you. If it does not see this, it will respawn the pet in about a minute. Then you can repeat and make great exp chains that way.

    Proud to be the Unofficial Secret Illegal Enforcer of Eyes on Final Fantasy!
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