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Thread: WK Plays FFXI

  1. #1
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Default WK Plays FFXI

    We'll see how long this lasts. I'm currently a Lv. 21 Monk in San'Odaria. Picking up my playthrough from Fynn's time playing. I'm on Mission 2-1 for the nation and just found the missing trainee.

    I seriously don't know what I'm doing. This game is also slooooooowwwww.

  2. #2
    word chionos's Avatar
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    Good ol' Sandy. I don't know what's wrong with my psychology that the thought of killing rabbits to that incredible Ronfaure music makes me sick with nostalgia even after a decade. I'm glad I have it uninstalled on everything or I'd be so tempted right now to go back.

  3. #3
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    I turned in the Rescue quest and managed to find my way to the beach city where I've started the sub-class quest. I was able to obtain the first item he asked for, but not the second just yet. I then decided that if I'm going to be subbing a class for my Monk, perhaps I should level a new job, so I changed to a warrior and have been leveling up some new weapon types.

    So far, my biggest gripe with the game is the limited inventory that counts your equipment as part of your inventory. It's really annoying to have to stop and drop items left and right because my inventory space gets filled up too quickly. I wish I had more furnishings in my Mog House as well but that trout is expensive, and I haven't quite looked into how to make money quickly in this game.

    MNK is a fun class, and I liked WAR as well, it's a bit nostalgic playing this class again because my first time trying the game out I was this class, though I was in Bastok instead of San'Doria. I must say, I do prefer Bastok a little bit more than San'Doria because the Elvann are certainly a bit more insufferable than the Humes and Galka. With all that said, I am also thinking of trying out RDM as well since I've heard it;s a good class to sub with MNK if you're doing a solo play. Well until I unlock DNC of course.

    I do have a quest that involves me needing to find some Jungle forest thing to get some info, so I will have to look into that as well. But first, I need to turn in maybe two quests I managed to do, and I really should look into seeing if I can acquire more Trusts since my schedule is going to make coordinating with other players too much of a hassle.

  4. #4
    word chionos's Avatar
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    Elvs are the worst. Windurst is my favorite starting area, and it's not particularly close, but I love Sandy's music. I'm a Galka4Lifebro, but Bastok is too drab. /rdm or /whm cut downtime in half at the very least.

  5. #5
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Leveled WAR to 15 and switched to RDM since I rarely dabble in magic much and wanted to give it a try. I finished a few quests, including one to unlock the Paladin class.

    It also looks like I'm almost far enough in my kingdoms questline that they may sjhip me off to another kingdom, so we'll see how that goes.

    Right now, I'm hooping to level RDM and finish some of these nagging smaller quests. I still need to unlock Sub-Classing as well. Overall, I'm starting to have fun outside of the item management nonsense. Will be fun to see how magic changes the game up for me and I want to complete a few more Trust quests so I can build a strong enough party to help me advance further into the game.

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    word chionos's Avatar
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    Just hearing someone talk about the game "inspired" me to redownload and resub.
    I'll probably not end up playing, though, cause I don't remember for the life of me all the millions of tweaks I had to do to get it running properly before. I'd forgotten what a pain that was. Even getting a controller to work is annoying.

    Item management definitely gets better once you start getting inventory extensions and greater moghouse storage, but then it gets worse at the same time, because you get more and more classes to gear, random quest items, and lord forbid you ever get into crafting. I'd always ran at least two mules minimum, and sometimes up to 4 to deal with it all.

  7. #7
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    I don't think I'll go full crafting or what not. I doubt, I'll even get a Job to. Lv. 99. My main goal is to defeat Shadow Lord and finish the OG questline before the expansions. Which is not to say I won't dip into some of the expansions, but I don't have a plan to do 85% of FFXI. I'll likely do just 405 at best, but we'll see. The game has been growing on me lately and I've been oddly looking forward to playing it, so that's a great sign for me.

  8. #8
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Mostly spent my evening clearing up a few quests in my quest log and learning how to do a few things like turning in Ciphers to get more Trust options. I think I won one from a event, cause I unlocked some Paladin dude who goes a little over the top in battle and murders everything. Made leveling easier.

    I finally finished the quest to pass out magic flyers, delivered a receipt to a prince, amd I am currently catching a pickpocket.

    My classes are:
    MNK - 22 starting class
    WAR - 15
    RDM - 15 Current class

    Even though I have magic, I haven't delved too much into using it because having a full party of Trusts means everything dies before I get a chance. I was hoping to try out the new sword I obtained in the Knight class questline, but since my sword proficiency is stupidly high thanks to my time as WAR, I've been using a club instead which confers better benefits for my RDM than a sword would.

    I do feel like the FFXI Wiki is missing some information when it comes to finding some items. Like I'm trying to find the 5 Beetle Shells and the wiki is pointing towards buying them in a far off country or doing a Lv. 30 Instance, and I'm just a bit baffled that such a simple request would require that to acquire. Then again, I've been murdering Scarab Beetles for days now, and not one has dropped one so perhaps I'm in the wrong here...

    Anyway, I had to stop while out on the field, I need to head back home because my inventory is getting full due to carrying a bunch of low level armor because I started off as a Lv. 4-5ish RDM when I left the town last night.

  9. #9
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Semi-productive night. Mostly just learning my way around a few elements and the maps.I'm trying to do this optional Mission for my city that involves finding a fort, but I keep either getting lost, or party wiped by carelessness. I did manage to complete a few quests and dabbled more into magic with my RDM. Managed to get him to Lv. 20 and then decided to level warrior up to the same point, afterwards, I'll be going back to MNK for a bit since I have too much good gear for the class. I will grateful when I reach Lv. 30 with some classes, because then I can ditch the silly beginner's hat and shirt that makes me look like a dorky tourist. But the buffs they provide are just too good to pass up and I'll likely bring them out again if I decide to dabble in BLM or THF.

    My new pet peeve of the game is how Trusts will disappear anytime you enter a new area. Almost got wiped because I forgot this fact and picked a fight I shouldn't have. I managed to acquire another Trust that is a Mithra that I believe is a WHM but I am not sure. She might be a RDM with a weird spell selection. I also learned that two of my Trusts are weird support units that offer a bonus for being in the party, but at the cost of them sort of wasting a slot as a combat unit. Kupfrend is adorable with his little crown and I love me a moogle that seems to offer an XP bonus, but my god man. I may have to bench him for awhile so I can get my death squad going.

    So the plan for my next session is to finish the story Mission and see if I can finish any quests that I'll find in the area. Then I will make a serious effort to unlock sub-classes and see how I can really open this game up. I will also try to unlock PLD and potentially DRG if I can before heading to a new nation. I would also like to unlock a Chocobo because teleportation is expensive and weird in this game.

  10. #10
    Feel the Bern Administrator Del Murder's Avatar
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    Are you playing on a private server or in the retail game? The retail game is super slow. On private servers, many of them tweak the settings to increase exp gain and movement speed and enable more fast travel options earlier in the game.

    Proud to be the Unofficial Secret Illegal Enforcer of Eyes on Final Fantasy!
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  11. #11
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Oh no. I am playing on Steam. I am using Windower to help smooth some aspects out though.

  12. #12
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Oof, a lot going on.

    Mainly was having issues finding the Davoi camp because the instructions were very vague and even using the Wiki, it wasn't the most helpful since the game really wants you to learn to read the map with their grid structure and I'm just a little more visual inclined when it comes to finding places. Also, it was a troll (or should I say orcish?) move to place a very high level Orc Commander right by the entrance to this place.

    I also tried to do a hunt and... that wasted a good chunk of my evening because the damn thing never seemed to spawn. Not sure if there was something else I was suppose to do, but the XI Wiki just says it has a chance to spawn in this one area, and yeah, that took forever. I remember one of my friends whom their main complaint about FFXII is that it basically played like XI, which he liked, and now playing XI, I can see what he means. But my god, XII got rid of so much of the bulltrout. It's like if XI played well.

    Anyway, I am about to start the quest that sends my dumb ass to the two other kingdoms, so I'm probably going to try and unlock sub-classes and maybe a few advanced jobs before I leave. I'm thinking of going to Windhurst first, since it would be the only one of the main three kingdoms I have not been to in any of my attempted playthroughs of XI.

    I have leveled WAR to 20 and I must say, I don't particularly care for the class. Not sure why, but it might be due to having issues keeping him well equipped. The few weapons I have that are at his current level are ones I haven't used before so his low proficiency makes using them awful.

    I did really enjoy RDM more than I thought I would. I honestly feel it's probably the best starter class since it will give you a taste of using the other classes barring the thief. I may jump back onto that for awhile. But for now, I am back to my starting class of MNK and doing really well. The class is wrecking ball, and while I don't care for staff weapons, the fists have been great, though I really need to see if I can find an upgrade for the Brass pair I am currently using, at least see if there is a copper variant.

    Overall, despite my whining this update, I am still having fun with the game and surprised to learn I'm close to the halfway mark of the OG campaign. I may dip into one of the expansions, if only so I can unlock BLU despite all the mixed things I hear about the class. SAM and DRK are also classes I am interested in, but we'll see if we get there. I am not even sure I have the levels to finish the quests to get PAL or even start DRA, but we'll see.

  13. #13
    word chionos's Avatar
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    WAR has always been kind of bland, if versatile. There have been a few times in the past when it had specific niche usefulness, but it's mostly always been a subjob-only type class.
    Good luck getting to the other kingdoms. I recall many many deaths during that portion of the game.

  14. #14
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    I am starting to dislike the FFXI Wiki. Lost an hour of time trying to do a Squire's Test II and all because the Wiki left out a few steps like needing to talk to two other people to get the effect to work. I am trying to do a Knight's Test, but this might be a challenge because it involves making a long trip through the Orc Camp in Davoi.

    I am also a bit stuck trying to get the sub-job quest to finish. Ghouls just don't seem to like to spawn in the places they allegedly spawn all the time out, while the one spot I do find them tend to spawn at most two, and the RNG has not been kind to me despite the item I need being like a common drop from them. Ironically, the third item needed from the quest and is actually a rare drop, I managed to acquire after my fifth or sixth crab monster.

    I finished a few quests, and learned I may have tossed a valuable item not realizing it boosts one of the crafting skills. I did dabble in a little crafting but it feels like way more of an investment than I really want to do. Though I would like to give my Mog Room a bed...

    I leveled MNK to like 32 and I am back on RDM because I've acquired a ton of spells and I am now seeing some issues with the class because the options in battle are a bit overwhelming and unlike half the FFs in the series, status magic is actually useful in this game. I will likely level the class for a bit and I am debating about checking out the other three classes I've been avoiding of the starter pack. I feel like I would have fun with BLM and THF is probably not as bad as I think. WHM would likely be one of the most useful to level, but since I'm largely a Trust Fund player at this point, I doubt it will feel as rewarding. On the brightside, I finally figured out how to re-target with the keyboard commands so healing and support magic is finally useful for my RDM.

    I think I will focus on getting the SUB-Job nonsense finished. It's just annoying that the areas he spawns in that I have access to, require it to be night for him to spawn. I guess I could do the Auction House, but I'm a bit poor. So my list of things to do keeps growing.

  15. #15
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Mixed evening for sure.

    On the one hand, I couldn't hardly get the Ghoul enemy to spawn. The Wiki has not been helpful as I explored two area that allegedly they spawn at and neither had the enemy show up. I can only seem to get them to spawn at the beach area where the quest is given by Selbina and even then, I only ever get two to spawn and waiting for night to fall again for the next spawn is tedious. So I ended up largely just leveling my RDM job.

    On the other hand, I finally figured out how to use the river to bypass all the ridiculously overleveled Orcs in Davoi and managed to acquire the Knight's token needed to unlock the Paladin class. I also learned I could start the Dragoon quest if I switch back over to my MNK that is over lv. 32. But I might hold off for just a bit.

    With my first Advanced job unlocked, I'm debating about checking it out or seeing if I should level the other three starter classes. I've been kind of wanting to try out BLM at least, despite the fact I would probably only use it with RDM at the moment if I can ever finish the Sub-Job quest.

    I've also been thinking about leveling some of my crafting skills or finally reading up on how to make money in this game so I can level up my crafting better or at least make it easier to check off stuff to get me to the end of the base game. I know if I want to get that Bronze bed for my Mog House, I';m either going to have to move the story along and travel to Windhurst or try my luck with the Auction House, because it looks like one item for the crafting recipe is only cheaply accessible there.

    Regardless, I'm probably going to keep trying to get this drop from Ghoul.

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