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Thread: The most annoying song...

  1. #1
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Default The most annoying song...

    Since I've been playing a lot of TheaterRhthym Final Bar Line (what the hell is going on with these word salad titles SE?!) I've been thinking about certain musical tracks that might not invoke love or fun nostalgia, but instead bring back memories of senseless grind, terrible mini-games, or just dungeons and places you flat out don't like. So that's what this thread is about. What's a musical track that invokes disgust or annoyance from the FF series?

    I think the first that really comes to mind for me, and the above game certainly drove this home while playing through this game's song selection is stuff like the Mi'hen Highroad and the Thunder Plains from FFX. Personally, Mi-Hen Highroad is just kind of a hokey boring theme, but now it;s a bit annoying for me because that section of FFX is such a momentum killer and it's one of my least favorite sections of the game. Thunder Plains just makes me think about the awful minigame associated with the place. My disdain for Blitzball also means I'm not a huge fan of that track either. Like seriously, there is probably maybe four tracks tops in FFX that I genuinely like and half the issue is the bulltrout associated with a lot of them.

    While neither track is quite as rage inducing as the above, I do think my eye twitches a bit whenever I hear the Gold Saucer Theme and Wild West, better known by VI fans as the Veldt Theme. Not quite as bad, but I also know hearing those tracks means I'm probably not going to be having as much fun as the themes try to invoke.

  2. #2
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    Gold Saucer theme might be it for me. It goes like this:

    First time hearing: Oh wow this is a cool tune!
    Fifth time hearing: This is kind of grating.
    Tenth time hearing: Maybe I'll mute the game while here...
    Hundredth time hearing: I have become so used to this insufferable tune that it has somehow become background noise. I have built up a tolerance to the poison in my ears, I am unstoppable.

    But aside from that, idk. The Idyllshire day theme grated on me after a while, too, and I really wasn't a fan of a certain couple of other songs in FFXIV, but generally speaking most FF music is at least tolerable for me. It helps that by default I just like a wide variety of music.
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