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Thread: That Bloke in the Pipe [SPOILERS]

  1. #31


    Dak, he can resist them to an extent. He was called to the reunion just as cloud was, but he wasn't able to be hypnotized the way cloud was when he nearly killed aeris, or when he gave sephy the black materia.

    And Kishi, read my first post in this topic. I said myself there isn't enough evidence to call it true. But it is possible. That's what I'm pointing out here.

    For love and peace....

  2. #32


    its kinda funny that zack couldnt possibly survive a bunch of bullets when other characters have survived far worse attacks.

  3. #33


    You see, frank gets it. I don't see why the rest of you can't.

    For love and peace....

  4. #34


    yup, i get it. cloud got a HUGE SWORD jabbed thru his chest. He then proceeded to LIFT sephiroth in the air, shake him side to side, and throw him over the edge of the rail. Tifa got slashed by sephi's sword and fell down the steps, probably hitting her head loads of times. CRAZY stuff.

    One more thing. Were sephiroth's hands superglued to the sword or something????

  5. #35



  6. #36
    Dak Rey


    look, aeris gets stabbed and dies. zack gets shot, and dies. if a single stab can kill aeris, then multiple shots from a gun will definately kill zack, jenova cells or not. where in the game does it say that jenova cells can repair lost head anyway? or even limbs for that matter, all that ever appens is the human recovery process, not some special jenova stuff. jenova just makes them harder to kill.

  7. #37


    Dak, read the whole topic before you post. Cloud was also stabbed. It's not easy to determine whether they shot zack in the head or chest, as ff7 has such blocky graphics. Vincent was brought back to life with Jenova research. Yadda yadda yadda.

    For love and peace....

  8. #38
    Ten-Year Vet Recognized Member Kawaii Ryűkishi's Avatar
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    People like Aeris and Zack die of realistic causes because battle logic simply does not carry over into cutscenes. That's why Tidus in FFX can run down a walkway fighting soldiers and getting sprayed in the face with bullets without a scratch to show for it, then be stopped in his tracks as the scene enters a cutscene and guns are held to his face.

    Cloud didn't die when he was stabbed with Masamune because that whole scene was set up to demonstrate how incredibly stronger Cloud is than Sephiroth. Plus, he's The Hero™.

  9. #39


    But cloud is still weak. Weaker than Zack. All he had working for him there was adrenaline, and that won't keep you alive. It just helps you ignore wounds. So if Zack is stronger and tougher than cloud, which he obviously is, he could have survived the bullets to the chest.

    For love and peace....

  10. #40
    Ten-Year Vet Recognized Member Kawaii Ryűkishi's Avatar
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    How do you figure Zack is so much stronger than Cloud? Sephiroth beat him badly, and the only reason he wasn't out of it like Cloud during the trip to Midgar was because the Jenova cells didn't have any effect on him. You could argue that they had no effect because Zack is so strong, but then why did Sephiroth, who was affected, beat him like he did?

    Furthermore, Cloud wasn't running on adrenaline, at least not entirely. We went through most of the game thinking of Sephiroth as some unbeatable god, and that flashback served to finally make the revelation that Sephiroth was in fact a wimp compared to Cloud.

  11. #41
    Space Priest Koi Lung Fish's Avatar
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    Well, given that Zack was liberally riddled with bullets in the abdomen, whilst Cloud was stabbed in the shoulder ... Wolfwood, what *are* you on about?
    [The death of God left the angels in a strange position]

  12. #42


    Cloud says himself, he didn't make it into SOLDIER because he was weak. He says that. Directly. Right after he rejoins the team after mideel. And he wasn't stabbed in the shoulder, he was stabbed in the gut. Since Cloud never made it into SOLDIER for being too weak, yet Zack made it in, it's an easy inference that Zack is stronger. When Cloud stabbed Sephi, he caught him off guard. And that whole time, he WAS runninng on adrenaline. " town....give it BACK". Not too difficult to assume that he's really, REALLY pissed off. Zack was at that town for his first time, and couldn't really care about it. So he didn't have that same adrenaline rush working for him.

    For love and peace....

  13. #43
    Whoa! radyk05's Avatar
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    you're saying in oder words that zack is some kind of super-hero. just let him die already!!

    just asking, does any of this have anything to do with what cloud says (i belive it is in the highwind) "i feel we are forgeting something (or someone, i don't remember)"?

  14. #44


    I don't remember that happening, but I doubt any relation to zack in that phrase.

    For love and peace....

  15. #45
    Dak Rey


    Originally posted by radyk05
    just asking, does any of this have anything to do with what cloud says (i belive it is in the highwind) "i feel we are forgeting something (or someone, i don't remember)"?
    this wasnt on the highwind, it was in junon after the cannon has been moved and cloud is just saying that it is missing, he just cant put his finger on it.

    the first time i played tho, i didnt notice, i just checked all my materia again since yuffie was in my party and i thought she had stolen it. i only realised myself the econd time through

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