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Thread: Once Again: The Official Eyes on Final Fantasy Survey

  1. #1
    Little Pyschopath Dew Drop's Avatar
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    Jun 2001
    Right behind you...bwehehe >=D

    Default Once Again: The Official Eyes on Final Fantasy Survey

    Yes folks, it's that time once again! This time, however, I have added more questions and some general EoFF Questions (what fora do you visit most often? etc.)

    Have fun!

    Sexual Orientation:

    Music Genre:
    TV Show:
    Person at EoFF:

    What you want your kids' names to be.

    Other info:

    Fill that out please! And then this:

    3 Things You Love About Your Body:

    3 Things You Hate About Your Body:

    3 Things You Like About Your Personality:

    3 Things You Wish You Could Change About Your Personality:

    3 Things You Would Do With A Million Dollars Cash:

    3 Things You Never Want To Do/Have Happen To You:

    3 Things you want to do/have happen to you before you die:

    Do you like candles?
    Do you like incense?
    Do you like the taste of blood?
    Biggest turn on?:
    If you could meet any one famous in the world, (i.e: they've been on television, or in a book, movie, etc...) who and why?
    What song is stuck in your head right now?
    Do you like stuffed animals?
    If you could get away with it and murder anyone, who and for what reason?
    Person you wish you could be with right now?
    What do you want done with your body when you die?

    In the past 24 hours, have you:
    Flashed someone?
    Mooned someone?
    Tried to kill yourself?
    Tried to kill someone else?
    Told someone you hated them?
    Told someone you loved them and didn't mean it?
    Taken a shower?
    Hugged someone?
    Kissed someone?
    Had sex?
    Been drunk?
    Been high?
    Been in a fight?
    Made someone laugh?
    Has someone else made you laugh?
    Had a philosophical conversation?
    Contemplated suicide?
    Wished on a star?
    Fantasized about someone?

    Would you rather....:
    Be in the Mountains or at the Beach?
    Have someone break up with you or break up with someone?
    Be caused physical pain or cause someone physical pain?
    Be alone or with someone else?

    Have you ever...:
    Ever Been So Drunk You Blacked out?
    Missed School Because It Was Raining?
    Set Any Body Part On Fire For Amusement?
    Kept A Secret From Everyone?
    Had an imaginary friend?
    Wanted To Hook Up With A Friend?
    Ever Cried During A Flick?
    Ever liked a teacher?
    Ever Thought An Animated Character was Hot?
    Ever Prank Called Someone?
    Been On Stage?

    What are your/do you prefer...:
    Favourite Colors?
    Favourite Kind of music?
    Lace or Satin?
    Favourite Cartoon Character?
    Do You Like Scary Or Happy Movies?
    Do You Like Talking To People On The phone or in
    Lust Or Love?

    Do you Have a bf/gf?
    Who's your loudest friend?
    Who is the shyest?
    Who do you go to for advice?
    Most Mean?
    Most sarcastic?

    Have you/do you...:
    Talked To Someone you have a crush on?
    Miss someone?
    Hugged someone you liked?
    Fought With Your Parents?
    Laughed Until You Cried?
    Watched A Sunrise/Sunset?
    Went To The Beach At Night?

    Are you...:
    Are You Happy?
    Are You Talking To Someone Online?

    Do you believe...:
    Do you believe in God/Devil?
    Do you believe in Love?
    Do you believe in the Big Bang Theory?
    *snips* You don't need two.
    Do you believe in soulmates?
    Do you believe in Love at first sight?
    Do you believe in Heaven?
    Do you believe in Hell?
    Do you believe in any of the following: Santa Claus, The Easter Bunny, The Tooth Fairy or Jesus Christ?:

    General stuff...:
    Who Named You?
    What Is Right Next To You?
    What Is You Computer Desk Made Of?
    What Are The Last 4 Digits In Your phone number?
    How Many Buddies Do You Have On Your List?
    How's The Weather Right now:
    How do you eat Oreos?
    Are You To Shy To Ask A Girl/Guy Out?
    If You Could Change Your Name, What Would It Be?
    Do You Consider Cheerleading A Sport?

    Which forum do you visit the most?
    Do you visit the website often?
    Would you say the mods did a good job?
    Would you say the admins did a good job?
    Do you find the forum members friendly?
    Would you be interested in helping with the site?
    Do you feel at home on the fora?
    Are there are any fora you would wish to see added?
    Are you for or against the merging of the artists/writers forums?
    Other thoughts:

    There we go! Enjoy!
    Last edited by Dew Drop; 05-31-2002 at 06:55 PM.

  2. #2
    Holy crap, I'm customized Lightning_Demon's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Current mood: =D


    Oh god... that's a long survey... I'll fill it out over the weekend! Sorry, HW time. But to start:

    Anirban Ghosh
    Always Looking for the next fight (Jeet Kune Do Masta)
    PM to me the answer to this question: What is 1+1?
    I'll change my sig infrequently to reflect my avatar... and my emotions....
    Pulsating, changing constantly, I still remain in this seat of power... Am I a god, a sinner, or simply myself...
    Frankly, I need a gimmick. It's called DEMON'S CHOICE. We all like pretty pictures, I just think some should really be seen. This will not be updated frequently, the honor is difficult to acrue.

    Transformers... Robots in Disguise :

  3. #3
    Fortune Teller Recognized Member Roogle's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Lone Tree, Colorado
    Blog Entries

    FFXIV Character

    Roose Dorvauldar (Gilgamesh)
    • Former Administator
    • Former Senior Site Staff


    Name: Jamie Chughtai.
    DOB: July 14, 1986.
    Gender: Male.
    Location: Florissant, Missouri.
    Sexual Orientation: *doesn't answer*
    Hair: Dark brown.
    Eyes: Brown.
    Height: 6'0 ft.
    Weight: 145 lbs.
    Religion: *doesn't answer*
    Nationality: American.

    Music Genre: Game.
    Band: *doesn't answer*
    Song: *doesn't answer*
    Album: *doesn't answer*
    Singer: *doesn't answer*
    Soundtrack: I can't answer that question, either...
    TV Show: *doesn't answer*
    Movie: Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.
    Game: *doesn't answer*
    Actor: Hm... umm...
    Actress: Nathalie Portman?
    Food: Crab legs.
    Drink: Pepsi.
    Quote: "All quotes in life have exceptions, and their theme can be broken by anyone with half a brain, so don't live your life by them..." or something like that. Realize the IRONY.
    Person at EoFF: I don't know anyone here yet THAT well...

    What you want your kids' names to be.
    Boys: I'm not having any kids.
    Girls: I'm not having any kids.
    (At least, I hope not... God, no...)

    Other info:

    Fill that out please! (NO. I won't fill that out! And for the sake of brevity...) And then this:

    Do you like candles? Yes.
    Do you like incense? No.
    Do you like the taste of blood? No.
    Fetishes? No.
    Biggest turn on?: No.

    What song is stuck in your head right now? Nothing.
    Do you like stuffed animals? Yes.
    If you could get away with it and murder anyone, who and for what reason? No one.

    Person you wish you could be with right now? *doesn't answer*
    What do you want done with your body when you die? Hmm... I try not to think about those things...

    In the past 24 hours, have you:
    Flashed someone? No.
    Mooned someone? No.
    Tried to kill yourself? No.
    Tried to kill someone else? No.
    Told someone you hated them? No.
    Told someone you loved them and didn't mean it? GOD, no.
    Taken a shower? Yes.
    Hugged someone? No.
    Kissed someone? No.
    Had sex? No.
    Been drunk? No...
    Been high? ... no...
    Been in a fight? ... no.
    Sang? No!
    Danced? No!
    Made someone laugh? Yes.
    Has someone else made you laugh? Not really...
    Had a philosophical conversation? No.
    Contemplated suicide? No.
    Wished on a star? No.
    Fantasized about someone? I'm not having any kids. (Eh, how'd that get there?)

    Would you rather....:
    Be in the Mountains or at the Beach? Beach.
    Have someone break up with you or break up with someone? Me break up with someone.
    Be caused physical pain or cause someone physical pain? Cause someone physical pain...
    Be alone or with someone else? With someone else.

    Have you ever...:
    Ever Been So Drunk You Blacked out? No.
    Missed School Because It Was Raining? No.
    Set Any Body Part On Fire For Amusement? No.
    Kept A Secret From Everyone? Yes.
    Had an imaginary friend? No.
    Wanted To Hook Up With A Fiend? Goodness, no.
    Ever Cried During A Flick? Yes.
    Ever liked a teacher? No.
    Ever Thought An Animated Character was Hot? Not... really.
    Ever Prank Called Someone? Yes.
    Been On Stage? Yes.

    What are your/do you prefer...:
    Favourite Colors? Blue and green.
    Day/Night? Day.
    Favourite Kind of music? Game music.
    Lace or Satin? What?
    Favourite Cartoon Character? Tiffiekins. ^^
    Do You Like Scary Or Happy Movies? No movies.
    Do You Like Talking To People On The phone or in
    person? People in person, if only...
    Lust Or Love? Love.

    Do you Have a bf/gf? Umm... not... quite...
    Who's your loudest friend? I don't have that many friends.
    Who is the shyest? I don't know.
    Who do you go to for advice? I don't know!
    Most Mean? Don't know...
    Most sarcastic? Dunno...

    Have you/do you...:
    Talked To Someone you have a crush on? Yes.
    Miss someone? Yes.
    Hugged someone you liked? No.
    Fought With Your Parents? Yes.
    Laughed Until You Cried? YES. xD
    Watched A Sunrise/Sunset? No.
    Went To The Beach At Night? Yes... but I was scared of stepping on crabs.

    Are you...:
    Are You Happy? Umm...
    Are You Talking To Someone Online? Yes.

    Do you believe...:
    Do you believe in God/Devil? Dunno.
    Do you believe in Love? Dunno.
    Do you believe in the Big Bang Theory? Yes?
    Do you believe in love? Again...?
    Do you believe in soulmates? No. But still...
    Do you believe in Love at first sight? No.
    Do you believe in Heaven? Dunno.
    Do you believe in Hell? I don't know, geez, stop with the questions...
    Do you believe in any of the following: Santa Claus, The Easter Bunny, The Tooth Fairy or Jesus Christ?: I don't know about the fourth one.

    General stuff...:
    Who Named You? My mom and dad?
    What Is Right Next To You? A bed.
    What Is You Computer Desk Made Of? The stuff computer desks are made of.
    What Are The Last 4 Digits In Your phone number? 2920.
    How Many Buddies Do You Have On Your List? Which list?
    How's The Weather Right now: Sunny, but it's going to rain soon.
    How do you eat Oreos? Lick the creme off first.
    Are You To Shy To Ask A Girl/Guy Out? No.
    If You Could Change Your Name, What Would It Be? I don't know. Maybe Alias.
    Do You Consider Cheerleading A Sport? No.

    Which forum do you visit the most? General chat, for now...
    Do you visit the website often? Yes.
    Would you say the mods did a good job? Yes.
    Would you say the admins did a good job? Yes.
    Do you find the forum members friendly? Yes.
    Would you be interested in helping with the site? I already do, in a way.
    Do you feel at home on the fora? Not yet, I've only been here so long.
    Are there are any fora you would wish to see added? Eh...
    Are you for or against the merging of the artists/writers forums? For...?
    Other thoughts:
    I believe in the power of humanity.

  4. #4
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Blog Entries

    FFXIV Character

    Loony Bob (Twintania)


    Waaah, now I have to waste my time. Yes, I HAVE to.

    Name: Towns, Daniel Peter
    DOB: 04/03/84
    Gender: M
    Location: Scotland, now.
    Sexual Orientation: Stefanie.
    Hair: Brown
    Eyes: Brown
    Height: 5'8"
    Weight: 50-something kg. 53?
    Religion: Christian-esque.
    Nationality: Kiwi

    Music Genre: Rock/Pop
    Band: Matchbox 20? *dunno*
    Song: 3am/Black Balloon (right now)
    Album: Affirmation/Beer Drinking Songs.
    Singer: Bryan Adams
    Soundtrack: City of Angels.
    TV Show: *dunno*
    Movie: LotR: FotR
    Game: FFVII/Tetris
    Actor: Tommy Lee Jones/Mel Gibson/Sly Stallone/Wesley Snipes/I always forget the last one >_<
    Actress: Sandra Bullock... I think.
    Food: Chilli Con Carne, NZ meat.
    Drink: Fanta.
    Quote: Chickenchachachachachachachachachaaaaaaa! ~BOU
    Person at EoFF: Thorn/Tatum... kinda. Not fave. Just closest to heart and mind.

    What you want your kids' names to be.
    Boys: Let the Mum decide
    Girls: Ditto.

    Other info:

    Fill that out please! And then this:

    3 Things You Love About Your Body:
    1. Scars.
    2. Left Eyebrow
    3. Right Eyebrow

    3 Things You Hate About Your Body:
    1. The rest.
    2. ...uh...
    3. ...yeah.

    3 Things You Like About Your Personality:
    1. I'm modest.

    3 Things You Wish You Could Change About Your Personality:
    1. Selfishness.
    2. Jealousy.
    3. Obsessions.

    3 Things You Would Do With A Million Dollars Cash:
    1. Fly to Stefanie.
    2. Who cares? I've got Stefanie!
    3. Oh, yeah. xD Fly to Kath, Chicky, Britt, Ally, Skye, and whoever else I know in this world that would randomly come to mind. I'd just fly, baby.

    3 Things You Never Want To Do/Have Happen To You:
    1. Die.
    2. Deal with the loss of a wife.
    3. Deal with the loss of a child...

    3 Things you want to do/have happen to you before you die:
    1. Marry.
    2. Have kids.
    3. Go see all my closest friends.

    Do you like candles? Yeah.
    Do you like incense? ...not usually.
    Do you like the taste of blood? It's okay.
    Fetishes? Hair, apparently. I'd sooner say 'net and girls in general. >_<;;
    Biggest turn on?: I'm not saying. It's disturbing now.
    If you could meet any one famous in the world, (i.e: they've been on television, or in a book, movie, etc...) who and why? *shrugs*
    What song is stuck in your head right now? When You Believe, coz it was just on the radio.
    Do you like stuffed animals? Yup! STUMPIES!
    If you could get away with it and murder anyone, who and for what reason? Nobody.
    Person you wish you could be with right now? Stefanie/Ally. Tie.
    What do you want done with your body when you die? Buried. Or eaten. I mean, hey, would you rather cannibals eat a LIVE person? This is progress!

    In the past 24 hours, have you:
    Flashed someone? No!
    Mooned someone? No...
    Tried to kill yourself? No.
    Tried to kill someone else? No.
    Told someone you hated them? Ehh, kinda... but that was just being stupid and joking around. She knew.
    Told someone you loved them and didn't mean it? Nope.
    Taken a shower? Nope.
    Hugged someone? Yup.
    Kissed someone? Nope.
    Had sex? Technically, no. Oh, I'm awful, I am...
    Been drunk? Nope.
    Been high? Nah.
    Been in a fight? Kinda.
    Sang? ...maybe?
    Danced? Never.
    Made someone laugh? I'm not sure. Oh! Yeah! At work =D
    Has someone else made you laugh? Yup.
    Had a philosophical conversation? Mmm... half?
    Contemplated suicide? No.
    Wished on a star? No. =/
    Fantasized about someone? Yeah.

    Would you rather....:
    Be in the Mountains or at the Beach? Mountains.
    Have someone break up with you or break up with someone? Neither! I hate that question.
    Be caused physical pain or cause someone physical pain? Be caused physical pain. *shrugs*
    Be alone or with someone else? Depends on who.

    Have you ever...:
    Ever Been So Drunk You Blacked out? Nope.
    Missed School Because It Was Raining? Nope.
    Set Any Body Part On Fire For Amusement? Nope.
    Kept A Secret From Everyone? Yup.
    Had an imaginary friend? Nope.
    Wanted To Hook Up With A Friend? Hell yes.
    Ever Cried During A Flick? Nope.
    Ever liked a teacher? Nope.
    Ever Thought An Animated Character was Hot? *nods emphatically*
    Ever Prank Called Someone? Yeah.
    Been On Stage? Yup.

    What are your/do you prefer...:
    Favourite Colors? Green
    Day/Night? Night.
    Favourite Kind of music? ...deja vu...
    Lace or Satin? This isn't on ME, is it? Lace, I guess. I have no idea. I need to have specimens in 'em. *dies*
    Favourite Cartoon Character? Not sure.
    Do You Like Scary Or Happy Movies? Both.
    Do You Like Talking To People On The phone or in
    person? Both.
    Lust Or Love? Love =)

    Do you Have a bf/gf? Yeah.
    Who's your loudest friend? *makes fun of Nicky more*
    Who is the shyest? Stef.
    Who do you go to for advice? Kath.
    Most Mean? My MEANEST friend? WTF?
    Most sarcastic? Me.

    Have you/do you...:
    Talked To Someone you have a crush on? Yeah.
    Miss someone? Yeah.
    Hugged someone you liked? I wish...
    Fought With Your Parents? Yeah.
    Laughed Until You Cried? Not without 'aid'.
    Watched A Sunrise/Sunset? Yes =)
    Went To The Beach At Night? Mmmhmmm...

    Are you...:
    Are You Happy? Most of the time.
    Are You Talking To Someone Online? Ally. *hugs*

    Do you believe...:
    Do you believe in God/Devil? Aye.
    Do you believe in Love? Aye.
    Do you believe in the Big Bang Theory? Nah.
    Do you believe in love? ....this is just WRONG.
    Do you believe in soulmates? Nah.
    Do you believe in Love at first sight? Nah.
    Do you believe in Heaven? Yup.
    Do you believe in Hell? Yup.
    Do you believe in any of the following: Santa Claus, The Easter Bunny, The Tooth Fairy or Jesus Christ?: Yup.

    General stuff...:
    Who Named You? Mum and Dad. Duh.
    What Is Right Next To You? My phone.
    What Is You Computer Desk Made Of? Wood! =D
    What Are The Last 4 Digits In Your phone number? Ask someone else, I forgot *_*
    How Many Buddies Do You Have On Your List? LJ=40 or so, Y!M: 98 or so (so I can add without not getting it screwy) and AIM: 101
    How's The Weather Right now: Boring.
    How do you eat Oreos? I don't.
    Are You To Shy To Ask A Girl/Guy Out? Apparently not xD
    If You Could Change Your Name, What Would It Be? I wouldn't!
    Do You Consider Cheerleading A Sport? After reading Chauntell's LJ, yes.

    Which forum do you visit the most? Open Source xD
    Do you visit the website often? Everyday or two, now.
    Would you say the mods did a good job? Yup.
    Would you say the admins did a good job? Yeah =)
    Do you find the forum members friendly? *nods* Lovoo!
    Would you be interested in helping with the site? No, never! xD
    Do you feel at home on the fora? Closer to home.
    Are there are any fora you would wish to see added? I don't mind right now.
    Are you for or against the merging of the artists/writers forums? Neutral, now.
    Other thoughts: I love you all! Especially Britt Stefanie... *sigh*
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  5. #5
    Gyrating Possum Chaos's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    A Wheelie bin.


    Name: Elly
    DOB: 4/4/87
    Gender: F
    Location: England, Kent
    Sexual Orientation: Straight
    Hair: Mousey Brown
    Eyes: Brown
    Height: 5ft 4
    Weight: *shrugs*
    Religion: Humanist...It aint a religion but meh.
    Nationality: English

    Music Genre: Punk Rock
    Band: The Offspring and Bad Religion
    Song: Epiphany - Bad Religion
    Album: The Offspring - The Offspring
    Singer: *shrugs*
    Soundtrack: LoTR:FoTR
    TV Show: The Simpsons
    Movie: Starwars Attack of the Clones
    Game: FF7
    Actor: Orlando Bloom
    Actress: *shrugs*
    Food: Fruit!
    Drink: Orange Juice
    Quote: 'Damn Right'
    Person at EoFF: YOU...*points*

    What you want your kids' names to be.
    Boys: Dan, Jason,
    Girls: Lucrecia, Emerald

    Other info:

    Fill that out please! And then this:

    3 Things You Love About Your Body:
    1. My Eyes
    2. My skin
    3. My Mouth

    3 Things You Hate About Your Body:
    1. My smallness
    2. My Legs
    3. My hair

    3 Things You Like About Your Personality:
    1. Honerable
    2. Funny (hopefully)
    3. Insane

    3 Things You Wish You Could Change About Your Personality:
    1. Too angry
    2. Too sarcastic
    3. Too stupid

    3 Things You Would Do With A Million Dollars Cash:
    1. Give some to charity
    2. Buy me mum a new motor!
    3. Spend Spend Spend

    3 Things You Never Want To Do/Have Happen To You:
    1. Die
    2. Be alone
    3. ..dunno..

    3 Things you want to do/have happen to you before you die:
    1. You wouldn't want to know..
    2. Can't mention that forums...
    3. can say...

    Do you like candles? Yes
    Do you like incense? Yes
    Do you like the taste of blood? Yes
    Fetishes? Hmm...ya wouldnt wanna know
    Biggest turn on?: Starry Nights
    If you could meet any one famous in the world, (i.e: they've been on television, or in a book, movie, etc...) who and why? George Lucus to ask him about Starwars
    What song is stuck in your head right now? Light my Fire, but someone...dunno who
    Do you like stuffed animals? Yup
    If you could get away with it and murder anyone, who and for what reason? *grins* some people in my form, for being soo up themselves and annoying.
    Person you wish you could be with right now? Dan
    What do you want done with your body when you die? Cremated and Ashes scattered

    In the past 24 hours, have you:
    Flashed someone? Ooh No
    Mooned someone? Not yet
    Tried to kill yourself? Nope
    Tried to kill someone else? That would be telling..
    Told someone you hated them? No
    Told someone you loved them and didn't mean it? No
    Taken a shower? No, will do though
    Hugged someone? Yes
    Kissed someone? Yes
    Had sex? Ye---No..
    Been drunk? No
    Been high? No
    Been in a fight? Not a real one
    Sang? Poorley
    Danced? Ooh yes
    Made someone laugh? Yes
    Has someone else made you laugh? Yes
    Had a philosophical conversation? Yes
    Contemplated suicide? No
    Wished on a star? Not night yet
    Fantasized about someone? Yes

    Would you rather....:
    Be in the Mountains or at the Beach? Mountains
    Have someone break up with you or break up with someone? Someone break up with me, less pain for them..
    Be caused physical pain or cause someone physical pain? Toughie, neither preferably
    Be alone or with someone else? With someone else, only if I could choose who..

    Have you ever...:
    Ever Been So Drunk You Blacked out? No, not that bad
    Missed School Because It Was Raining? Yes
    Set Any Body Part On Fire For Amusement? Yes, my fingers
    Kept A Secret From Everyone? Yup
    Had an imaginary friend? Ooh yes...I used to lock God out of heaven...I was messed up..
    Wanted To Hook Up With A Friend? Yes
    Ever Cried During A Flick? Yes, I'm a girl, comes with the genes
    Ever liked a teacher? Not like THAT
    Ever Thought An Animated Character was Hot? Why am I here? *coff* Vinnie*coff*
    Ever Prank Called Someone? Many a time.
    Been On Stage? Yes...several million..

    What are your/do you prefer...:
    Favourite Colors? Green/Red/Black
    Day/Night? Twilight
    Favourite Kind of music? Punk Rock
    Lace or Satin? Satin...meow
    Favourite Cartoon Character? Mr Burns
    Do You Like Scary Or Happy Movies? Happy
    Do You Like Talking To People On The phone or in
    person? Person
    Lust Or Love? Love with a hint of lust

    Do you Have a bf/gf? No...but soon..*plots*
    Who's your loudest friend? Jessi
    Who is the shyest? Han
    Who do you go to for advice? Anyone who'll listen
    Most Mean? *shrugs* They have their moments..
    Most sarcastic? Jessi

    Have you/do you...:
    Talked To Someone you have a crush on? Yes, am now
    Miss someone? Yes
    Hugged someone you liked? Yes
    Fought With Your Parents? Yes
    Laughed Until You Cried? Oh yes
    Watched A Sunrise/Sunset? Yup
    Went To The Beach At Night? No, gotta do that.

    Are you...:
    Are You Happy? Yes
    Are You Talking To Someone Online? Definitly

    Do you believe...:
    Do you believe in God/Devil? Kinda
    Do you believe in Love? Oh yes.
    Do you believe in the Big Bang Theory? Ish
    Do you believe in love? Yes
    Do you believe in soulmates? Yes
    Do you believe in Love at first sight? Kinda, not sure
    Do you believe in Heaven? Somewhere good where we go when we die? Yes.
    Do you believe in Hell? Sort of
    Do you believe in any of the following: Santa Claus, The Easter Bunny, The Tooth Fairy or Jesus Christ?: Yeah, they all rawk. *hugs*

    General stuff...:
    Who Named You? My parents
    What Is Right Next To You? A pen
    What Is You Computer Desk Made Of? Wood
    What Are The Last 4 Digits In Your phone number? That would be telling
    How Many Buddies Do You Have On Your List? ...60?
    How's The Weather Right now: Cool
    How do you eat Oreos? Rarely
    Are You To Shy To Ask A Girl/Guy Out? Nope..
    If You Could Change Your Name, What Would It Be? Storme
    Do You Consider Cheerleading A Sport? NO

    Which forum do you visit the most? GC or Fanart
    Do you visit the website often? Yes
    Would you say the mods did a good job? Sure diddly do!
    Would you say the admins did a good job? Yeah, pretty much
    Do you find the forum members friendly? Yuppers
    Would you be interested in helping with the site? Maybe
    Do you feel at home on the fora? Dangd right.
    Are there are any fora you would wish to see added? Not spcificly, although an 'All about Chaos' would be nice.
    Are you for or against the merging of the artists/writers forums? Yes, they should stay different.
    Other thoughts: Cheese is good.


    I give you stick-pokies!
    Livejournal~Elfwood Gallery~

  6. #6
    Master of PYREX Awrini's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    Lynnwood,PA USA

    FFXIV Character

    Awrini Bellato (Excalibur)


    Name: Franklin Robert Steiner
    DOB: December 27, !986
    Gender: Male
    Location: Belle Vernon, Pennsylvania United States
    Sexual Orientation: ?
    Hair: Black
    Eyes: Blue
    Height: 5'3
    Weight: 128lbs
    Religion: none
    Nationality: *thinks*

    Music Genre: All but Rap
    Band: none
    Song: ?
    Album: *shakes head*
    Singer: none
    Soundtrack: *thinks again*
    TV Show: Stargate SG1
    Movie: Stargate
    Game: *can't decide*
    Actor: Sean Connery
    Actress: none
    Food: *meh*
    Drink: Milk
    Quote: I'll get back to you on that k.
    Person at EoFF: Thats a tuffie

    What you want your kids' names to be.
    Boys: Robert, Dan
    Girls: Sarah, Saundra

    Other info: !?

    Fill that out please! And then this:

    3 Things You Love About Your Body:
    1. Eyes
    2. Hair
    3. nothing

    3 Things You Hate About Your Body:
    1. ?
    2. ?
    3. ?

    3 Things You Like About Your Personality:
    1. *can't really think of his personality at the moment*

    3 Things You Wish You Could Change About Your Personality:

    3 Things You Would Do With A Million Dollars Cash:
    1. More than likely nothing

    3 Things You Never Want To Do/Have Happen To You:
    1. *can't think*

    3 Things you want to do/have happen to you before you die:
    1. Tour the world...(yeah right)
    2. *can't think of anything else at the moment*

    Do you like candles? Yes
    Do you like incense? erm... yes...
    Do you like the taste of blood? Kinda
    Fetishes? *thinks*
    Biggest turn on?: ?
    If you could meet any one famous in the world, (i.e: they've been on television, or in a book, movie, etc...) who and why? *shakes head*
    What song is stuck in your head right now? ...
    Do you like stuffed animals? Kinda
    If you could get away with it and murder anyone, who and for what reason? NOBODY!!!
    Person you wish you could be with right now? ...
    What do you want done with your body when you die? ...

    In the past 24 hours, have you:
    Flashed someone? no
    Mooned someone? no
    Tried to kill yourself? no
    Tried to kill someone else? no
    Told someone you hated them? no
    Told someone you loved them and didn't mean it? no
    Taken a shower? yes
    Hugged someone? yes
    Kissed someone? yes
    Had sex? no
    Been drunk? no
    Been high? no
    Been in a fight? not quite
    Sang? no
    Danced? Yes
    Made someone laugh? Yes
    Has someone else made you laugh? yes
    Had a philosophical conversation? no
    Contemplated suicide? *thinks*
    Wished on a star? on
    Fantasized about someone? no

    Would you rather....:
    Be in the Mountains or at the Beach? Mountains
    Have someone break up with you or break up with someone? Break up with someone
    Be caused physical pain or cause someone physical pain? Be caused physical pain
    Be alone or with someone else? with someone else

    Have you ever...:
    Ever Been So Drunk You Blacked out? No
    Missed School Because It Was Raining? no
    Set Any Body Part On Fire For Amusement? No
    Kept A Secret From Everyone? Yes
    Had an imaginary friend? More than likely
    Wanted To Hook Up With A Friend? Yes
    Ever Cried During A Flick? Yes
    Ever liked a teacher? no
    Ever Thought An Animated Character was Hot? Yes
    Ever Prank Called Someone? Yes many many times
    Been On Stage? Why Yes

    What are your/do you prefer...:
    Favourite Colors? Blue
    Day/Night? Day
    Favourite Kind of music? ...
    Lace or Satin? ?
    Favourite Cartoon Character? ...
    Do You Like Scary Or Happy Movies? Scary
    Do You Like Talking To People On The phone or in
    person? In person
    Lust Or Love? ...

    Do you Have a bf/gf? No
    Who's your loudest friend? *points over at Mindflare*
    Who is the shyest? Couldn't say
    Who do you go to for advice? Most all my friends
    Most Mean? *shakes head and laughs*
    Most sarcastic? *laughs harder*

    Have you/do you...:
    Talked To Someone you have a crush on? Yes
    Miss someone? Kinda
    Hugged someone you liked? Yes
    Fought With Your Parents? Yes
    Laughed Until You Cried? Yes
    Watched A Sunrise/Sunset? Most all the time
    Went To The Beach At Night? Once

    Are you...:
    Are You Happy? Yes
    Are You Talking To Someone Online? Not really

    Do you believe...:
    Do you believe in God/Devil? Yes
    Do you believe in Love? Yes
    Do you believe in the Big Bang Theory? Yes
    Do you believe in love? ?
    Do you believe in soulmates? No
    Do you believe in Love at first sight? Yes
    Do you believe in Heaven? Kinda
    Do you believe in Hell? Kinda
    Do you believe in any of the following: Santa Claus, The Easter Bunny, The Tooth Fairy or Jesus Christ?: Kinda

    General stuff...:
    Who Named You? !?
    What Is Right Next To You? A can of Pepsi
    What Is You Computer Desk Made Of? Wood
    What Are The Last 4 Digits In Your phone number? 2543
    How Many Buddies Do You Have On Your List? List what list?
    How's The Weather Right now: Hot
    How do you eat Oreos? Got Milk?
    Are You To Shy To Ask A Girl/Guy Out? At times
    If You Could Change Your Name, What Would It Be? No change
    Do You Consider Cheerleading A Sport? Well Yes and No

    Which forum do you visit the most? General Chat
    Do you visit the website often? All the time
    Would you say the mods did a good job? Yes
    Would you say the admins did a good job? Yes
    Do you find the forum members friendly? Yes
    Would you be interested in helping with the site? Yes
    Do you feel at home on the fora? Yes
    Are there are any fora you would wish to see added? ...
    Are you for or against the merging of the artists/writers forums? ...
    Other thoughts: *none*

    Oh My that was long!!!!

  7. #7
    Super-Rad Recognized Member Spatvark's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    The Mysterious Island of Bigfoot Women
    • Former Cid's Knight
    • Former Senior Site Staff


    Name: Peter
    DOB: 26/9/83
    Gender: Male
    Location: Langley, England
    Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
    Hair: Brown
    Eyes: Blue
    Height: 5'7"
    Weight: I'm really not sure... about 10st. I think
    Religion: Athiest
    Nationality: Welsh

    Music Genre:
    Band: Millencolin
    Song: Lowlife by Millenncolin
    Album: The Art Of Drowning by AFI
    Singer: Dido
    Soundtrack: Highway
    TV Show: Teachers
    Movie: The Crow
    Game: Chrono Trigger
    Actor: Samuel L. Jackson
    Actress: Don't have one really... though I'll watch every film Salma Hayek is in.. RAWR!
    Food: Fried rice, I just love the stuff
    Drink: Coke
    Person at EoFF: My darling plushiebunny, closely followed by my wife...

    What you want your kids' names to be.
    Girls: Kahlan...

    Other info:
    I'm bored quite a lot... and my website is NOT HERE honest...

    Fill that out please! And then this:
    3 Things You Love About Your Body:
    My hair
    2. My eyes
    3. My crazy facial hair

    3 Things You Hate About Your Body:
    Beer belly... it's not big but it is annoying
    2. My feet...
    3. My right hand... it really is hideous

    3 Things You Like About Your Personality:
    2. Sarcasm
    3. Audacity

    3 Things You Wish You Could Change About Your Personality:
    Less shy
    2. Less wussy
    3. Less lazy

    3 Things You Would Do With A Million Dollars Cash:
    Spend it
    2. Save it
    3. Burn it

    3 Things You Never Want To Do/Have Happen To You:
    Live too long
    2. See my loved ones die
    3. Fall a long distance ( rather, the landing from that)

    3 Things you want to do/have happen to you before you die:
    Too dirty to say
    2. Too dirty to say
    3. Too dirty to say

    Do you like candles? Don't mind 'em
    Do you like incense? See the last one
    Do you like the taste of blood? Nothing against it
    Fetishes? Yes please
    Biggest turn on: Stretching (I just find it really erotic)
    If you could meet any one famous in the world, (i.e: they've been on television, or in a book, movie, etc...) who and why? Not really...
    What song is stuck in your head right now? Hunter by Dido
    Do you like stuffed animals? Nope
    If you could get away with it and murder anyone, who and for what reason? There's too many people on the list...
    Person you wish you could be with right now? Michelle... otherwise, I'd love to meet up with Nicky, that'd be so kewl
    What do you want done with your body when you die? Organ donation then cremation

    In the past 24 hours, have you:
    Flashed someone?
    Mooned someone? No
    Tried to kill yourself? No
    Tried to kill someone else? No
    Told someone you hated them? No
    Told someone you loved them and didn't mean it? No
    Taken a shower? No Yes
    Hugged someone? No
    Kissed someone? No
    Had sex? No
    Been drunk? No
    Been high? No
    Been in a fight? No
    Sang? Yes
    Danced? No
    Made someone laugh? No
    Has someone else made you laugh? Yes
    Had a philosophical conversation? No
    Contemplated suicide? No
    Wished on a star? No
    Fantasized about someone? Yes

    Would you rather....:
    Be in the Mountains or at the Beach?
    Have someone break up with you or break up with someone? Break up with me
    Be caused physical pain or cause someone physical pain? Be caused pain
    Be alone or with someone else? With someone else

    Have you ever...:
    Ever Been So Drunk You Blacked out?
    Missed School Because It Was Raining? Nope
    Set Any Body Part On Fire For Amusement? Yup XD
    Kept A Secret From Everyone? Yup
    Had an imaginary friend? I don't think I ever did but I can't be sure
    Wanted To Hook Up With A Friend? Yup
    Ever Cried During A Flick? Nope
    Ever liked a teacher? Yes, but not in that way
    Ever Thought An Animated Character was Hot? And you don't? Jessica Rabbit is the single sexiest person ever... so what if she's a 'toon?
    Ever Prank Called Someone? Hell yeah
    Been On Stage? Lots of times

    What are your/do you prefer...:
    Favourite Colors?
    Red, Black
    Day/Night? Night
    Favourite Kind of music? Punk (again)
    Lace or Satin? Lace... *pervs*
    Favourite Cartoon Character? Hobbes
    Do You Like Scary Or Happy Movies? Both
    Do You Like Talking To People On The phone or in
    In person
    Lust Or Love? Trick question...

    Do you Have a bf/gf?
    Who's your loudest friend? Natasha
    Who is the shyest? Me
    Who do you go to for advice? I don't, they come to me for advice
    Most Mean? Me
    Most sarcastic? Most definitely me

    Have you/do you...:
    Talked To Someone you have a crush on?
    Hasn't everyone?
    Miss someone? I want my darling plushiebunny back! Seriously though, yes
    Hugged someone you liked? Yes
    Fought With Your Parents? Yes
    Laughed Until You Cried? Nope
    Watched A Sunrise/Sunset? Yes
    Went To The Beach At Night? No

    Are you...:
    Are You Happy?
    Are You Talking To Someone Online? Sorta

    Do you believe...:
    Do you believe in God/Devil?
    Not if you dont include my brother in that
    Do you believe in Love? Yes
    Do you believe in the Big Bang Theory? Yes
    Do you believe in love? Yes (again)
    Do you believe in soulmates? Not sure
    Do you believe in Love at first sight? Nope
    Do you believe in Heaven? Nope
    Do you believe in Hell? Yes, we live in it
    Do you believe in any of the following: Santa Claus, The Easter Bunny, The Tooth Fairy or Jesus Christ?: None of them

    General stuff...:
    Who Named You?
    The insane asylum
    What Is Right Next To You? A stack of coke cans
    What Is You Computer Desk Made Of? It looks like wood...
    What Are The Last 4 Digits In Your phone number? 7896
    How Many Buddies Do You Have On Your List? uhh... none on EoFF, 8 on Y!M, 31 on MSN, 1 on ICQ and 46 on AIM
    How's The Weather Right now: Overcast
    How do you eat Oreos? Nope
    Are You To Shy To Ask A Girl/Guy Out? Yup
    If You Could Change Your Name, What Would It Be? Dejamir Kalijan
    Do You Consider Cheerleading A Sport? As long as you consider bedroom stuff a sport as well

    Which forum do you visit the most?
    The Writer's Corner
    Do you visit the website often? When I'm cheating on silly trivia things in the fora
    Would you say the mods did a good job? Yup
    Would you say the admins did a good job? Yup, even my darling plushiebunny occassionally does some work
    Do you find the forum members friendly? Most of them
    Would you be interested in helping with the site? I am already
    Do you feel at home on the fora? Yup
    Are there are any fora you would wish to see added? Not really...
    Are you for or against the merging of the artists/writers forums? Against I think...
    Other thoughts: I do have a yearning to be an administrator here one day but I guess I just gotta wait and see how things pan out...
    Last edited by Spatvark; 05-30-2002 at 10:04 PM.
    Seriously the best band in the world.
    And here's where I'll stay / For ten years and a day
    We're on a quest to find hidden treasure / And mystery on The Wild Sea

  8. #8
    Sane Scientist Bahamut2000X's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2001


    Name: Matt
    DOB: December 1, 1987
    Gender: Male
    Location: Ohio
    Sexual Orientation: *is stupid so dosn't understand big words*
    Hair: Brown
    Eyes: Green
    Height: about 6 feet
    Weight: 115
    Religion: Catholic
    Nationality: America

    Music Genre: Video game music
    Band: none
    Song: Any FF song
    TV Show: DBZ
    Movie: Star Wars episode II
    Game: Final FantasyXI (yes I havn't played it and I already like it )
    Actor: Some guy
    Actress: Some girl
    Food: Pizza
    Drink: REAL cheary coke
    Person at EoFF: Anybody that dosn't spam/flame and is always funny and such.

    What you want your kids' names to be.
    Boys: Bahamut2000X II
    Girls: Bahamut2000X's daughter II

    Other info:

    Fill that out please! And then this:

    3 Things You Love About Your Body:
    1. My scar
    2. My nose
    3. My ear

    3 Things You Hate About Your Body:
    1. My scar
    2. My nose
    3. My ear

    3 Things You Like About Your Personality:
    1. I got several of them
    2. ------
    3. ------

    3 Things You Wish You Could Change About Your Personality:
    1. I were actually funny
    2. I had a sure-er one
    3. ------

    3 Things You Would Do With A Million Dollars Cash:
    1. Buy lot's of video games/systems
    2. Buy every videogame/computer company in the world
    3. Burn all the worlds supply of pants. Pants are just too annoying XD

    3 Things You Never Want To Do/Have Happen To You:
    1. Die
    2. Die
    3. Did I mention die?

    3 Things you want to do/have happen to you before you die:
    1. Go on a date
    2. Go on a date
    3. Go on a date

    Do you like candles? no
    Do you like incense? no
    Do you like the taste of blood? no
    Fetishes? Aghhh another big word *dies*
    Biggest turn on?: Ummm anything that deals with a pretty girl.
    If you could meet any one famous in the world, (i.e: they've been on television, or in a book, movie, etc...) who and why? No one. I would rather be online.
    What song is stuck in your head right now? My mind is just blank right now *stares into space*
    Do you like stuffed animals? Not really
    If you could get away with it and murder anyone, who and for what reason? My teachers. They always pick on me for no reason.
    Person you wish you could be with right now? Any pretty girl
    What do you want done with your body when you die? To be buried oooooooorrrrrr have my carcuss be picked on upon by wolves whichever happens first.

    In the past 24 hours, have you:
    Flashed someone? No
    Mooned someone? No
    Tried to kill yourself? No
    Tried to kill someone else? If ants count YES.
    Told someone you hated them? indirectly by NOT telling them
    Told someone you loved them and didn't mean it? No
    Taken a shower? Yes
    Hugged someone? No
    Kissed someone? No
    Had sex? No
    Been drunk? No
    Been high? No
    Been in a fight? No
    Sang? No
    Danced? No
    Made someone laugh? No
    Has someone else made you laugh? Ya
    Had a philosophical conversation? No
    Contemplated suicide? Another big word but I will say yes
    Wished on a star? No
    Fantasized about someone? Yes

    Would you rather....:
    Be in the Mountains or at the Beach? Beach
    Have someone break up with you or break up with someone? None I couldn't take either
    Be caused physical pain or cause someone physical pain? None I don't want to hurt anyone.
    Be alone or with someone else? Someone else.

    Have you ever...:
    Ever Been So Drunk You Blacked out? No
    Missed School Because It Was Raining? No
    Set Any Body Part On Fire For Amusement? No
    Kept A Secret From Everyone? Yes
    Had an imaginary friend? No
    Wanted To Hook Up With A Friend? Yes
    Ever Cried During A Flick? No
    Ever liked a teacher? No
    Ever Thought An Animated Character was Hot? Yes
    Ever Prank Called Someone? No
    Been On Stage? Yes

    What are your/do you prefer...:
    Favourite Colors? Black
    Day/Night? Depends what mood I am in.
    Favourite Kind of music? Video game music
    Lace or Satin? *dosn't care*
    Favourite Cartoon Character? Adult Trunks
    Do You Like Scary Or Happy Movies? Happy
    Do You Like Talking To People On The phone or in
    person? Person
    Lust Or Love? Love

    Do you Have a bf/gf? No
    Who's your loudest friend? Courtney
    Who is the shyest? None
    Who do you go to for advice? Anyone smart
    Most Mean? Ryan
    Most sarcastic? Ryan

    Have you/do you...:
    Talked To Someone you have a crush on? Ya
    Miss someone? Ya
    Hugged someone you liked? No
    Fought With Your Parents? No
    Laughed Until You Cried? Ya
    Watched A Sunrise/Sunset? No
    Went To The Beach At Night? No

    Are you...:
    Are You Happy? No
    Are You Talking To Someone Online? No

    Do you believe...:
    Do you believe in God/Devil? Ya
    Do you believe in Love? Ya
    Do you believe in the Big Bang Theory? Ya
    Do you believe in love? Ya
    Do you believe in soulmates? Ya
    Do you believe in Love at first sight? Ya
    Do you believe in Heaven? Ya
    Do you believe in Hell? Ya
    Do you believe in any of the following: Santa Claus, The Easter Bunny, The Tooth Fairy or Jesus Christ?: Jesus ya everyone else no.

    General stuff...:
    Who Named You? My parents
    What Is Right Next To You? Another person (at the library)
    What Is You Computer Desk Made Of? Wood and plastic and metal
    What Are The Last 4 Digits In Your phone number? 1975
    How Many Buddies Do You Have On Your List? About 37 (too lazy to check)
    How's The Weather Right now: Sunny and hot as hell.
    How do you eat Oreos? I just eat them
    Are You To Shy To Ask A Girl/Guy Out? Yep
    If You Could Change Your Name, What Would It Be? Dain
    Do You Consider Cheerleading A Sport? No

    Which forum do you visit the most? General chat because people post there more
    Do you visit the website often? No
    Would you say the mods did a good job? Ya
    Would you say the admins did a good job? Ya
    Do you find the forum members friendly? Ya
    Would you be interested in helping with the site? Yep
    Do you feel at home on the fora? Not really
    Are there are any fora you would wish to see added? Maybe a anime
    Are you for or against the merging of the artists/writers forums? dosn't matter to me as I never go there.
    Other thoughts:
    This space intentionally left blank.

  9. #9
    an unusually clever whore
    Join Date
    Jun 2001


    since i was too lazy to do this quiz last year, i suppose i'll do it now...*mumbles about stuff*

    Name: Bunny tokki Lin
    DOB: 10.19.85
    Gender: girl
    Location: Toronto
    Sexual Orientation: i like guys
    Hair: brown
    Eyes: blue
    Height: 5"5 or 5"6
    Weight: 130, i think..shut up, k..
    Religion: Christian
    Nationality: Canadian and Korean

    Music Genre: rock
    Band: system of a down
    Song: holy moment - matt redman
    Album: slash giftees XD
    Singer: greg XD
    Soundtrack: i dunno.
    TV Show: 24 or oz
    Movie: don't leik movies
    Game: chrono cross
    Actor: leonardo dicaprio...XD just joking.
    Actress: *shrugs*
    Food: kim bap..*drools*
    Drink: ice cappucino
    Person at EoFF: harlequil

    What you want your kids' names to be.
    Boys: Noah
    Girls: Rebekah

    Other info:

    Fill that out please! And then this:

    3 Things You Love About Your Body:
    1. nothing

    3 Things You Hate About Your Body:
    1. EVERYTHING!!!

    3 Things You Like About Your Personality:
    1. my crazeness
    2. craze
    3. craze...y

    3 Things You Wish You Could Change About Your Personality:
    1. my immaturity
    2. my whining
    3. my immature whining

    3 Things You Would Do With A Million Dollars Cash:
    1. eat it

    3 Things You Never Want To Do/Have Happen To You:
    1. fall down the stairs

    3 Things you want to do/have happen to you before you die:
    1. get married and not have kids

    Do you like candles? no
    Do you like incense? what's that?
    Do you like the taste of blood? no!
    Fetishes? blood
    Biggest turn on?: carrots
    If you could meet any one famous in the world, (i.e: they've been on television, or in a book, movie, etc...) who and why? Jesus. do i need to explain why?
    What song is stuck in your head right now?
    Do you like stuffed animals? yup
    If you could get away with it and murder anyone, who and for what reason? i would murder 2small, cos she's making me go to a museum with her tomorrow.
    Person you wish you could be with right now? *sings* i wanna be with you...
    What do you want done with your body when you die? buried

    In the past 24 hours, have you:
    Flashed someone?
    Mooned someone?
    Tried to kill yourself?
    Tried to kill someone else?
    Told someone you hated them?
    Told someone you loved them and didn't mean it?
    Taken a shower?
    Hugged someone?
    Kissed someone?
    Had sex?
    Been drunk?
    Been high?
    Been in a fight?
    Made someone laugh?
    Has someone else made you laugh?
    Had a philosophical conversation?
    Contemplated suicide?
    Wished on a star?
    Fantasized about someone? \


    Would you rather....:
    Be in the Mountains or at the Beach? mountains
    Have someone break up with you or break up with someone? them break up with me..that's how it always happens.
    Be caused physical pain or cause someone physical pain? cause someone else pain
    Be alone or with someone else? with someone

    Have you ever...:
    Ever Been So Drunk You Blacked out? nope
    Missed School Because It Was Raining? i went home from school once cos it was raining..
    Set Any Body Part On Fire For Amusement? no.
    Kept A Secret From Everyone? sure
    Had an imaginary friend? i don't think so..
    Wanted To Hook Up With A Friend?
    Ever Cried During A Flick? uh huh
    Ever liked a teacher? YES, YES!! i mean..err..
    Ever Thought An Animated Character was Hot? sure
    Ever Prank Called Someone? all the time
    Been On Stage? yeah

    What are your/do you prefer...:
    Favourite Colors? red
    Day/Night? night
    Favourite Kind of music? rock
    Lace or Satin? what's satin??
    Favourite Cartoon Character? sion..*drools*
    Do You Like Scary Or Happy Movies? scary
    Do You Like Talking To People On The phone or in
    person? phone
    Lust Or Love? love

    Do you Have a bf/gf? no
    Who's your loudest friend? shiro petto #1
    Who is the shyest? 2small
    Who do you go to for advice? cutepa2te
    Most Mean? lanky
    Most sarcastic? polar_bear07

    Have you/do you...:
    Talked To Someone you have a crush on? sure
    Miss someone? yeah
    Hugged someone you liked? yep
    Fought With Your Parents? every, every hour..
    Laughed Until You Cried? pretty much every day
    Watched A Sunrise/Sunset? yeah
    Went To The Beach At Night? no

    Are you...:
    Are You Happy? no
    Are You Talking To Someone Online? *squints at owa*

    Do you believe...:
    Do you believe in God/Devil? yes
    Do you believe in Love? no XD
    Do you believe in the Big Bang Theory? NO!!
    Do you believe in love? no!! i already told you!!
    Do you believe in soulmates? no
    Do you believe in Love at first sight? no
    Do you believe in Heaven? yes
    Do you believe in Hell? yes
    Do you believe in any of the following: Santa Claus, The Easter Bunny, The Tooth Fairy or Jesus Christ?: i believe in Jesus, and that's it.

    General stuff...:
    Who Named You? i did. *nods*
    What Is Right Next To You? a phone
    What Is You Computer Desk Made Of? wood
    What Are The Last 4 Digits In Your phone number? 2695
    How Many Buddies Do You Have On Your List? on icq? umm..*counts* 48
    How's The Weather Right now: really HOT -_-;;
    How do you eat Oreos? i DON'T
    Are You To Shy To Ask A Girl/Guy Out? yes
    If You Could Change Your Name, What Would It Be? something more normal
    Do You Consider Cheerleading A Sport? no

    Which forum do you visit the most? writer's corner! ^_^ *gives props to fellow writers*
    Do you visit the website often? almost every day
    Would you say the mods did a good job? *fear*
    Would you say the admins did a good job? *again, fear*
    Do you find the forum members friendly? most of 'em..
    Would you be interested in helping with the site? *shrugs*
    Do you feel at home on the fora? i feel at home at home
    Are there are any fora you would wish to see added?'s fine as it is
    Are you for or against the merging of the artists/writers forums? against it, i suppose
    Other thoughts: i like stuff

  10. #10


    Name: James Latimer
    DOB: 27/01/86
    Gender: Male
    Location: London England
    Sexual Orientation: Straight
    Hair: Really really dark brown (aka Black)
    Eyes: Brown
    Height: 6'1
    Weight: 12 stone *dunno*
    Religion: Jedi
    Nationality: English, Spanish, Italian etc

    Music Genre: Ambient/ Spanish Flamenco
    Band: Les Jumeaux
    Song: Miracle Road/ Qui Mal
    Album: Gypsy Kings : The greatest hits
    Singer: err...ahh *can't remember name*
    Soundtrack: Chrono Cross
    TV Show: Simpsons
    Movie: Chrouching Tiger Hidden Dragon
    Game: hmmm Prob Chrono Cross
    Actor: George Clooney
    Actress: Buffy, Zhang Ziyi too many to name
    Food: Chinese Stir Fry
    Drink: Mango Juice
    Quote: I would tell you but I would have to kill you...
    Person at EoFF: Too many to only choose one...

    What you want your kids' names to be.
    Boys: Lucas
    Girls: Adele/Yasmine

    Other info:

    Fill that out please! And then this:

    3 (only 3? *growls*) Things You Love About Your Body:
    1. Height
    2. Eyebrows
    3. Hairy arms and legs xD

    3 Things You Hate About Your Body:
    1. Feet

    3 Things You Like About Your Personality:
    1. Nuttyness
    2. Seriousness
    3. Unpredictability

    3 Things You Wish You Could Change About Your Personality:
    1. Shyness

    3 Things You Would Do With A Million Dollars Cash:
    1. Give it to my mum
    2. Buy my own Movie/game Studio
    3. friends/family

    3 Things You Never Want To Do/Have Happen To You:
    1. Be alone
    2. Loose sense of humour
    3. do an exam *shudder*

    3 Things you want to do/have happen to you before you die:
    1. Enjoy life
    2. Be with the people I love/like
    3. Do something to be remembered

    Do you like candles? Yup
    Do you like incense? Yup
    Do you like the taste of blood? errk
    Fetishes? ...
    Biggest turn on?: Cute looks and personality; just general cuteness
    If you could meet any one famous in the world, (i.e: they've been on television, or in a book, movie, etc...) who and why?
    What song is stuck in your head right now? Lux Northern Lights
    Do you like stuffed animals? No but I like ripping em up xD
    If you could get away with it and murder anyone, who and for what reason? Some girl I really hate... *growls* Can't say why
    Person you wish you could be with right now? Marie *sniffle*
    What do you want done with your body when you die? Sold for meat

    In the past 24 hours, have you:
    Flashed someone? ha nope
    Mooned someone? nope
    Tried to kill yourself? O_o
    Tried to kill someone else? *cough* Brother *cough*
    Told someone you hated them? nope
    Told someone you loved them and didn't mean it? nope
    Taken a shower? nope
    Hugged someone? yep
    Kissed someone? nope
    Had sex? nope
    Been drunk? I've never been drunk
    Been high? read above
    Been in a fight? nope
    Sang? Hell, no!
    Danced? yep xD
    Made someone laugh? yep
    Has someone else made you laugh? yep
    Had a philosophical conversation? nope
    Contemplated suicide? I have never thought of that...
    Wished on a star? nope
    Fantasized about someone? sorta

    Would you rather....:
    Be in the Mountains or at the Beach? Beach
    Have someone break up with you or break up with someone? Break up with someone
    Be caused physical pain or cause someone physical pain? cause someone physical pain
    Be alone or with someone else? be with someone else

    Have you ever...:
    Ever Been So Drunk You Blacked out? nope
    Missed School Because It Was Raining? nope
    Set Any Body Part On Fire For Amusement? nope
    Kept A Secret From Everyone? yes
    Had an imaginary friend? haha no
    Wanted To Hook Up With A Friend? *has happened; dies*
    Ever Cried During A Flick? dunno what a flick is xD
    Ever liked a teacher? hmm... yep
    Ever Thought An Animated Character was Hot? Yep
    Ever Prank Called Someone? hell yeah xD
    Been On Stage? yep

    What are your/do you prefer...:
    Favourite Colors? Blue
    Day/Night? Night
    Favourite Kind of music? Spanish/ambient
    Lace or Satin? Satin
    Favourite Cartoon Character? Bender Futurama
    Do You Like Scary Or Happy Movies? Happy
    Do You Like Talking To People On The phone or in
    person? Definately person
    Lust Or Love? Love

    Do you Have a bf/gf? sorta yep *she's in another country *
    Who's your loudest friend? Lizzy
    Who is the shyest? Darsan
    Who do you go to for advice? Darsan/Tom
    Most Mean? Edward
    Most sarcastic? Edward

    Have you/do you...:
    Talked To Someone you have a crush on? many times
    Miss someone? yep right now
    Hugged someone you liked? yep
    Fought With Your Parents? yep
    Laughed Until You Cried? yeah loads times *smilies*
    Watched A Sunrise/Sunset? Yep with my girlfriend *one of the best days in life *sighs*
    Went To The Beach At Night? yep

    Are you...:
    Are You Happy? Yep =D
    Are You Talking To Someone Online? Yep *waves to lil sis, Harlequil and many others*

    Do you believe...:
    Do you believe in God/Devil? nope
    Do you believe in Love? sure
    Do you believe in the Big Bang Theory? nope
    Do you believe in love? see above
    Do you believe in soulmates? yep
    Do you believe in Love at first sight? yep
    Do you believe in Heaven? their damn well better be xD
    Do you believe in Hell? see above
    Do you believe in any of the following: Santa Claus, The Easter Bunny, The Tooth Fairy or Jesus Christ?: Whaddya mean believe they are ALL real *growl*

    General stuff...:
    Who Named You? Mummy!
    What Is Right Next To You? Cat sleeping on my desk
    What Is You Computer Desk Made Of? *hits desk wood*
    What Are The Last 4 Digits In Your phone number? 1175
    How Many Buddies Do You Have On Your List? 20 odd
    How's The Weather Right now: rubbish as usual
    How do you eat Oreos? dunno what they are
    Are You To Shy To Ask A Girl/Guy Out? definately
    If You Could Change Your Name, What Would It Be? real name: Joguez
    Do You Consider Cheerleading A Sport? pfft

    Which forum do you visit the most? Writers Corner/Artists/FF7/FFX
    Do you visit the website often? every day almost
    Would you say the mods did a good job? yep
    Would you say the admins did a good job? yep
    Do you find the forum members friendly? most are...
    Would you be interested in helping with the site? *is one the EoFF news reporters for the main site* =D
    Do you feel at home on the fora? not quite
    Are there are any fora you would wish to see added? Kingdom Hearts!
    Are you for or against the merging of the artists/writers forums? against
    Other thoughts: This was surprisingly fun O_o
    Last edited by James Latimer Cockney Rebel; 06-04-2002 at 04:08 PM.
    That's really my hair.

    "Faris, Calvin; you don't seem to understand! This is not a thread about homosexuality! Girls can love Barret! Guys can love Barret! It's not gay! Barret's love is beyond any form of gay-ness. It is transcendent; like the sun and moon and stars! It's like loving God! Would you say a boy who loves God is gay? That's what I thought!

    So please, don't fight. Just spead the love! And the Barret sexyness. RAWR! =D~"

    - Linxiaotuzi

  11. #11
    Banished Ace Recognized Member Agent Proto's Avatar
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    • Former Cid's Knight

    Wink I hate you.

    Name: Jeff Parker
    DOB: 10/28/82
    Gender: M
    Location: VA
    Sexual Orientation: Straighter than straight
    Hair: Black
    Eyes: Brown
    Height: 6'8"
    Weight: Dunno
    Religion: Catholic
    Nationality: American

    Music Genre: General
    Band: Linkin Park comes in mind
    Song: Doesn't matter
    Album: Don't have.
    Singer: Same.
    Soundtrack: Ditto.
    TV Show: Heh.
    Movie: Spider-Man
    Game: Seiken Densetsu 3
    Food: Sinigang
    Drink: Soda
    Quote: "pfft."
    Person at EoFF: Myself.

    What you want your kids' names to be.
    Boys: Doesn't matter.
    Girls: Doesn't matter.

    Other info:

    Fill that out please! And then this:

    3 Things You Love About Your Body:
    1. Height.
    2. Face.
    3. Meh.

    3 Things You Hate About Your Body:
    1. Hair
    2. Belly
    3. Eyes

    3 Things You Like About Your Personality:
    1. Nice
    2. Smart
    3. *dunno*

    3 Things You Wish You Could Change About Your Personality:
    1. Less Shy
    2. More open
    3. More thoughtful

    3 Things You Would Do With A Million Dollars Cash:
    1. Save it.
    2. Spend it.
    3. Donate it.

    3 Things You Never Want To Do/Have Happen To You:
    1. Die young.
    2. Lose a friend.
    3. Lose a family member.

    3 Things you want to do/have happen to you before you die:
    1. Get married.
    2. Get a job.
    3. Get a family.

    Do you like candles? Not really.
    Do you like incense? No.
    Do you like the taste of blood? Kinda salty.
    Fetishes? No.
    Biggest turn on?
    If you could meet any one famous in the world, (i.e: they've been on television, or in a book, movie, etc...) who and why? No one.
    What song is stuck in your head right now? All About the Benjamins
    Do you like stuffed animals? Who doesn't?
    If you could get away with it and murder anyone, who and for what reason? No one.
    Person you wish you could be with right now? ...(SPOILER)Kath
    What do you want done with your body when you die? Buried?

    In the past 24 hours, have you:
    Flashed someone? Nah.
    Mooned someone? No.
    Tried to kill yourself? Ni.
    Tried to kill someone else? No.
    Told someone you hated them? Not really.
    Told someone you loved them and didn't mean it? No.
    Taken a shower? Should. O_o
    Hugged someone? E-hugged? yes.
    Kissed someone? No
    Had sex? hahahaha. no.
    Been drunk? No.
    Been high? YEP. j/k
    Been in a fight? No.
    Sang? No.
    Danced? No.
    Made someone laugh? I think so.
    Has someone else made you laugh? No.
    Had a philosophical conversation? Yes.
    Contemplated suicide? No.
    Wished on a star? No.
    Fantasized about someone? Yes.

    Would you rather....:
    Be in the Mountains or at the Beach? Mountains
    Have someone break up with you or break up with someone? Break up by them. ;_;
    Be caused physical pain or cause someone physical pain? Cause pain.
    Be alone or with someone else? Alone.

    Have you ever...:
    Ever Been So Drunk You Blacked out? No.
    Missed School Because It Was Raining? No.
    Set Any Body Part On Fire For Amusement? No.
    Kept A Secret From Everyone? Yes.
    Had an imaginary friend? No.
    Wanted To Hook Up With A Friend? Yes. ;_;
    Ever Cried During A Flick? No. ;D
    Ever liked a teacher? Yeah?
    Ever Thought An Animated Character was Hot? Yep.
    Ever Prank Called Someone? Moop.
    Been On Stage? Yes, during band.

    What are your/do you prefer...:
    Favourite Colors? Blue....
    Day/Night? Night
    Favourite Kind of music?
    Lace or Satin? Satin
    Favourite Cartoon Character? *dunno*
    Do You Like Scary Or Happy Movies? Happy Movies. ^_^
    Do You Like Talking To People On The phone or in
    person? Dunno. In person?
    Lust Or Love? Love

    Do you Have a bf/gf? No.
    Who's your loudest friend? I dunno.
    Who is the shyest? Me, I suppose.
    Who do you go to for advice? Daryl, Kath.
    Most Mean? BoB. >=O
    Most sarcastic? Daryl.

    Have you/do you...:
    Talked To Someone you have a crush on? Yeah
    Miss someone? Yea.
    Hugged someone you liked? Online? Yeah. :P
    Fought With Your Parents? No.
    Laughed Until You Cried? No.
    Watched A Sunrise/Sunset? No.
    Went To The Beach At Night? Nope.

    Are you...:
    Are You Happy? Not at the moment.
    Are You Talking To Someone Online? Not at the moment.

    Do you believe...:
    Do you believe in God/Devil? Yes.
    Do you believe in Love? I guess.
    Do you believe in the Big Bang Theory? It's possible.
    Do you believe in love? *shrugs*
    Do you believe in soulmates? Not really.
    Do you believe in Love at first sight? No.
    Do you believe in Heaven? Yes.
    Do you believe in Hell? Maybe.
    Do you believe in any of the following: Santa Claus, The Easter Bunny, The Tooth Fairy or Jesus Christ?: WWJD?

    General stuff...:
    Who Named You? My parents.
    What Is Right Next To You? No one.
    What Is You Computer Desk Made Of? Some fake wood.
    What Are The Last 4 Digits In Your phone number? 5367
    How Many Buddies Do You Have On Your List? To many to count.
    How's The Weather Right now: It's quite nice, rather.
    How do you eat Oreos? I eat them normally.
    Are You To Shy To Ask A Girl/Guy Out? IRL, yes. OL, sorta.
    If You Could Change Your Name, What Would It Be? Jeremy. xD
    Do You Consider Cheerleading A Sport? No.

    Which forum do you visit the most? General Chat
    Do you visit the website often? Once in awhile.
    Would you say the mods did a good job? I dunno. What do you think?
    Would you say the admins did a good job? They be doing a fine damn job.
    Do you find the forum members friendly? Majority, yes.
    Would you be interested in helping with the site? I would be if I had the time.
    Do you feel at home on the fora? Not really, but I do.
    Are there are any fora you would wish to see added? No.
    Are you for or against the merging of the artists/writers forums? Who cares?
    Other thoughts: Hahahaha. This is a long quiz Tiffie.

    Apparently, I have been declared banished.

  12. #12
    why Recognized Member Pancaek's Avatar
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    Name: Nicole
    DOB: 8-15-88
    Gender: Female
    Location: In front of the computer, I suppose.
    Sexual Orientation: Straight
    Hair: Blonde
    Eyes: Greenish-grey
    Height: 5'5"
    Weight: *checks* Oh dear...
    Religion: No.
    Nationality: Canadian

    Music Genre: Changes every day. Today it's probably game music. Or maybe techno. Actually, techno game music. ;D
    Band: System of a Down
    Song: Man With The Machine Gun, or Sealed Door, both from Project Majestic Mix Silver Edition.
    Album: Savage Garden - Affirmation
    Singer: Darren Hayes
    Soundtrack: Project Majestic Mix Silver Edition, if that counts.
    TV Show: Simpsons or Robot Wars
    Movie: Spider-Man
    Game: Seiken Densetsu 3
    Actor: No idea.
    Actress: See above.
    Food: At the moment, tofu and rice with soy sauce.
    Drink: Non-alcoholic cider.
    Quote: (not verbatim) "Hi, I'm Papa Smurf, and these are my associates!" -- Hawk, Seiken Densetsu 3
    Person at EoFF: *cough* ;D

    What you want your kids' names to be.
    Boys: No.
    Girls: No.

    Other info: No. ;D

    Fill that out please! And then this: "And then?" "No and then." "And then?" "No and then. "And thennnn?" "NO AND THEN!" *dies*

    3 Things You Love About Your Body:
    1. i r h0t chix0r
    2. See above
    3. See above

    3 Things You Hate About Your Body:
    1. My hands.
    2. Some of my baby teeth still haven't grown in all the way, so when I smile I look like a hick or something.
    3. At any given moment, I have at least one zit on my forehead.

    3 Things You Like About Your Personality:
    1. I'm quiet. Offline, at least.
    2. I'm one of the only people in school who takes school seriously.
    3. Nothing else in particular, I guess.

    3 Things You Wish You Could Change About Your Personality:
    1. I wish the general population didn't annoy me so much.
    2. I sometimes wish I was more sensitive to other people's feelings.
    3. I wish I wasn't so short-tempered.

    3 Things You Would Do With A Million Dollars Cash:
    1. Visit some of you.
    2. Get some stuff I've always wanted.
    3. Send a ton of letters.

    3 Things You Never Want To Do/Have Happen To You:
    1. Lose anyone I know and/or love.
    2. Kill anyone.
    3. Die.

    3 Things you want to do/have happen to you before you die:
    1. Visit some of you at least once.
    2. Be successful and/or make a lot of money.
    3. I'd rather not talk about the third one.

    Do you like candles? No.
    Do you like incense? No.
    Do you like the taste of blood? No.
    Fetishes? Not really.
    Biggest turn on?: Dunno.
    If you could meet any one famous in the world, (i.e: they've been on television, or in a book, movie, etc...) who and why? No. To me they're just another person.
    What song is stuck in your head right now? Obsession, from .hack//SIGN.
    Do you like stuffed animals? Depends.
    If you could get away with it and murder anyone, who and for what reason? No.
    Person you wish you could be with right now? Brian.
    What do you want done with your body when you die? Cremation.

    In the past 24 hours, have you:
    Flashed someone? No.
    Mooned someone? No.
    Tried to kill yourself? No.
    Tried to kill someone else? No.
    Told someone you hated them? No.
    Told someone you loved them and didn't mean it? No.
    Taken a shower? Yes.
    Hugged someone? Yes.
    Kissed someone? No.
    Had sex? No.
    Been drunk? No.
    Been high? Kinda. Not off of any drugs, though. Just a natural high.
    Been in a fight? No.
    Sang? I suppose.
    Danced? No.
    Made someone laugh? No.
    Has someone else made you laugh? Yeah.
    Had a philosophical conversation? No.
    Contemplated suicide? No.
    Wished on a star? No.
    Fantasized about someone? Who?

    Would you rather....:
    Be in the Mountains or at the Beach? Mountains.
    Have someone break up with you or break up with someone? Break up with someone. If I've gotten to that point, then I most likely won't care how they feel after that. It's very different if they're breaking up with you, though.
    Be caused physical pain or cause someone physical pain? Cause someone else physical pain, but it depends who.
    Be alone or with someone else? Depends on who. Most likely alone.

    Have you ever...:
    Ever Been So Drunk You Blacked out? No.
    Missed School Because It Was Raining? No.
    Set Any Body Part On Fire For Amusement? No.
    Kept A Secret From Everyone? Yeah.
    Had an imaginary friend? Yeah.
    Wanted To Hook Up With A Friend? Yeah.
    Ever Cried During A Flick? Yeah.
    Ever liked a teacher? No.
    Ever Thought An Animated Character was Hot? I can't count the times. *dies*
    Ever Prank Called Someone? No.
    Been On Stage? Yeah.

    What are your/do you prefer...:
    Favourite Colors? Black and these colors here.
    Day/Night? Night.
    Favourite Kind of music? You already asked that.
    Lace or Satin? Satin.
    Favourite Cartoon Character? Homer (Simpsons), Lain (Lain), Kuroneko (Trigun), or Tsukasa (.hack//SIGN).
    Do You Like Scary Or Happy Movies? Happy.
    Do You Like Talking To People On The phone or in person? It depends.
    Lust Or Love? Love.

    Do you Have a bf/gf? No.
    Who's your loudest friend? Elisa (an offline friend).
    Who is the shyest? I don't know.
    Who do you go to for advice? It depends on what kind of advice.
    Most Mean? No idea.
    Most sarcastic? Probably Brian.

    Have you/do you...:
    Talked To Someone you have a crush on? Yeah.
    Miss someone? Yeah.
    Hugged someone you liked? I've *hugged* them, if that counts.
    Fought With Your Parents? Yeah. Not often, thankfully.
    Laughed Until You Cried? Yeah.
    Watched A Sunrise/Sunset? I've seen them, but I've never sat around and watched them.
    Went To The Beach At Night? No.

    Are you...:
    Are You Happy? In general, but not right now.
    Are You Talking To Someone Online? Not at the moment.

    Do you believe...:
    Do you believe in God/Devil? No.
    Do you believe in Love? Yes.
    Do you believe in the Big Bang Theory? Yeah.
    Do you believe in love? Um... you just asked that.
    Do you believe in soulmates? Yeah.
    Do you believe in Love at first sight? No, but I believe in lust at first sight.
    Do you believe in Heaven? Yeah.
    Do you believe in Hell? No.
    Do you believe in any of the following: Santa Claus, The Easter Bunny, The Tooth Fairy or Jesus Christ?: No.

    General stuff...:
    Who Named You? My parents.
    What Is Right Next To You? The keyboard and mouse.
    What Is You Computer Desk Made Of? w00d, j00 cpas. *swack*
    What Are The Last 4 Digits In Your phone number? 9654
    How Many Buddies Do You Have On Your List? 14, not counting multiple screen names.
    How's The Weather Right now: Partly cloudy.
    How do you eat Oreos? I either twist them apart, lick the icing off, and eat the cookie, or I just eat it all at once.
    Are You To Shy To Ask A Girl/Guy Out? I might be if there was anyone in town worth asking out.
    If You Could Change Your Name, What Would It Be? Skye.
    Do You Consider Cheerleading A Sport? I disapprove of cheerleading.

    Which forum do you visit the most? General Chat.
    Do you visit the website often? I don't have the fora bookmarked for some stupid reason, so I go there either through the main site, or Brian's site.
    Would you say the mods did a good job? Yeah.
    Would you say the admins did a good job? Yeah.
    Do you find the forum members friendly? Mostly.
    Would you be interested in helping with the site? I would if I was good at anything they need.
    Do you feel at home on the fora? Yeah.
    Are there are any fora you would wish to see added? It's fine the way it is, but a Seiken Densetsu/Holy Sword Legend/whatever forum might be nice.
    Are you for or against the merging of the artists/writers forums? Against.
    Other thoughts: No.

  13. #13


    Name: Christopher Mihelich (I go by CJ)
    DOB: August 6, 1984
    Gender: M
    Location: Virginia Beach, Virginia, USA
    Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
    Hair: Dark Brown
    Eyes: Dark Brown
    Height: 5'11"
    Weight: 165lbs
    Religion: Roman Catholic
    Nationality: American

    Music Genre: Erm... Does video game music count?
    Band: The Minibosses
    Song: Defeat You - Smash Mouth
    Album: The Black Album - Metallica
    Singer: N/A
    Soundtrack: Total Annihilation
    TV Show: Rocko's Modern Life
    Movie: The Empire Strike Back
    Game: Currently- A tie between X-Com and Half-Life
    Actor: Robin Williams
    Actress: N/A
    Food: Meat. As long as it was an animal, it counts.
    Drink: Dr Pepper
    Quote: "Life is like a box of chocolates... someone else gets the good one."
    Person at EoFF: Dr. Unne

    What you want your kids' names to be.
    Boys: Nathan
    Girls: Melissa

    Other info: I like swords?

    3 Things You Love About Your Body:
    1. N/A
    2. N/A
    3. N/A

    3 Things You Hate About Your Body:
    1. My horrible eyesight
    2. Everything else
    3. N/A

    3 Things You Like About Your Personality:
    1. Some people tell me that I'm witty
    2. N/A
    3. N/A

    3 Things You Wish You Could Change About Your Personality:
    1. I'd like to be more outgoing
    2. I'd like to be more atheletic
    3. I'd like to be less lazy

    3 Things You Would Do With A Million Dollars Cash:
    1. Invest it
    2. Vegas!
    3. Donations to various "help the ___" funds.

    3 Things You Never Want To Do/Have Happen To You:
    1. Death
    2. Bungee Jumping
    3. A loss of ability to use computers

    3 Things you want to do/have happen to you before you die:
    1. Make a world-renowned game
    2. Visit Europe
    3. Find a way to live forever

    Do you like candles? Yes
    Do you like incense? No
    Do you like the taste of blood? Yes
    Fetishes? No
    Biggest turn on?: Vanilla Perfume
    If you could meet any one famous in the world, (i.e: they've been on television, or in a book, movie, etc...) who and why? I'd like to talk to Charles Babbage. He was pretty much the inventor of the computer, you know.
    What song is stuck in your head right now? The Disney Robin Hood Theme
    Do you like stuffed animals? Yes
    If you could get away with it and murder anyone, who and for what reason? Nobody. I don't hate anyone enough to merit taking their life. Besides, an eternity of torture would be much more fun.
    Person you wish you could be with right now? N/A
    What do you want done with your body when you die? I want my brain to be preserved so I can live on in my clone body.

    In the past 24 hours, have you:
    Flashed someone? No
    Mooned someone? No
    Tried to kill yourself? No
    Tried to kill someone else? No
    Told someone you hated them? Nope
    Told someone you loved them and didn't mean it? Negative
    Taken a shower? Yes
    Hugged someone? No
    Kissed someone? No
    Had sex? That too, is a no.
    Been drunk? No
    Been high? No
    Been in a fight? No
    Sang? No
    Danced? No
    Made someone laugh? Yes
    Has someone else made you laugh? Yes
    Had a philosophical conversation? Yes
    Contemplated suicide? Partially
    Wished on a star? No
    Fantasized about someone? Yes

    Would you rather....:
    Be in the Mountains or at the Beach? The Mountains
    Have someone break up with you or break up with someone? Have them break up with me.
    Be caused physical pain or cause someone physical pain? Be caused pain.
    Be alone or with someone else? Alone

    Have you ever...:
    Ever Been So Drunk You Blacked out? No
    Missed School Because It Was Raining? No
    Set Any Body Part On Fire For Amusement? No
    Kept A Secret From Everyone? Yes
    Had an imaginary friend? No
    Wanted To Hook Up With A Friend? No
    Ever Cried During A Flick? No
    Ever liked a teacher? No
    Ever Thought An Animated Character was Hot? Yes
    Ever Prank Called Someone? No
    Been On Stage? Yes, many times.

    What are your/do you prefer...:
    Favourite Colors? Green
    Day/Night? Night
    Favourite Kind of music? (See answer in music section)
    Lace or Satin? Satin, I guess.
    Favourite Cartoon Character? Mr. Bighead
    Do You Like Scary Or Happy Movies? Scary
    Do You Like Talking To People On The phone or in
    person? On the phone
    Lust Or Love? I wouldn't know

    Do you Have a bf/gf? No
    Who's your loudest friend? His name is Matt
    Who is the shyest? Me
    Who do you go to for advice? My inner self
    Most Mean? His name is Matt
    Most sarcastic? His name is Matt

    Have you/do you...:
    Talked To Someone you have a crush on? Yes
    Miss someone? Yes
    Hugged someone you liked? No
    Fought With Your Parents? Yes
    Laughed Until You Cried? No
    Watched A Sunrise/Sunset? No
    Went To The Beach At Night? Yes

    Are you...:
    Are You Happy? No
    Are You Talking To Someone Online? Not at the moment

    Do you believe...:
    Do you believe in God/Devil? Sort of
    Do you believe in Love? No
    Do you believe in the Big Bang Theory? Partialy
    Do you believe in soulmates? No
    Do you believe in Love at first sight? No
    Do you believe in Heaven? Partially
    Do you believe in Hell? See above answer
    Do you believe in any of the following: Santa Claus, The Easter Bunny, The Tooth Fairy or Jesus Christ?: The latter.

    General stuff...:
    Who Named You? My parents
    What Is Right Next To You? My computer
    What Is You Computer Desk Made Of? Wood
    What Are The Last 4 Digits In Your phone number? 9275
    How Many Buddies Do You Have On Your List? 71
    How's The Weather Right now: Somewhat cloudy, 75 degrees Farenheight
    How do you eat Oreos? Yes
    Are You To Shy To Ask A Girl/Guy Out? Yes
    If You Could Change Your Name, What Would It Be? N/A
    Do You Consider Cheerleading A Sport? No

    Which forum do you visit the most? General Chat
    Do you visit the website often? No
    Would you say the mods did a good job? Yes
    Would you say the admins did a good job? Yes
    Do you find the forum members friendly? Yes
    Would you be interested in helping with the site? Yes
    Do you feel at home on the fora? Not really
    Are there are any fora you would wish to see added? A 'meeting other people' forum, and a possible split of FF1-4 to FF1-3 and FF4
    Are you for or against the merging of the artists/writers forums? Against.
    Other thoughts: Swords are shiney.

  14. #14


    When I leave it blank, it's "none"

    Name: Anne
    DOB: 12/19/2002
    Gender: F
    Location: NJ
    Sexual Orientation: none *is not into guys (or girls) for the most part...* alright, striaght
    Hair: black
    Eyes: brown
    Height: 5' something
    Weight: dunno
    Religion: atheist
    Nationality: Japanese/Canadian/American

    Music Genre:
    TV Show:
    Movie: FIGHT CLUB! YEAH!
    Game: FFTactics
    Quote: "For smurf's sake" (FFS)
    Person at EoFF: no faves

    What you want your kids' names to be.
    Boys: not gonna have kids (I hope)
    Girls: yeesh, look above

    Other info: I play ice hockey, want to be asexual (it's too early to tell though), write, read stuff, etc

    Fill that out please! And then this:

    3 Things You Love About Your Body:
    1. eyes
    2. "smile" (BANNOR! XD)
    3. hair

    3 Things You Hate About Your Body:
    1. face
    2. arms (frick'n skinny)
    3. everything else

    3 Things You Like About Your Personality:
    1. cynical/sarcasm
    2. despise of stupidity
    3. capability to be bored

    3 Things You Wish You Could Change About Your Personality:
    1. boredem
    2. being occasionally mean
    3. occasional immaturity

    3 Things You Would Do With A Million Dollars Cash:
    1. nothin
    2. nothin
    3. BUY DANCE DANCE REVOLUTION! I'm addicted and I've only played twice so far...

    3 Things You Never Want To Do/Have Happen To You:
    1. never have kids
    2. never fall in love
    3. get published

    3 Things you want to do/have happen to you before you die:
    1. beat Ellington at DDR
    2. beat FF1
    3. see Signy again

    Do you like candles? yeah
    Do you like incense? hell yes
    Do you like the taste of blood? duh
    Fetishes? what are fetishes?
    Biggest turn on?: sarcasm. Intelligence.
    If you could meet any one famous in the world, (i.e: they've been on television, or in a book, movie, etc...) who and why? Harry Potter to beat the trout out of him. And add J.K. Rowling to that list.
    What song is stuck in your head right now?
    Do you like stuffed animals? only if they're cute
    If you could get away with it and murder anyone, who and for what reason? Harry Potter. J.K. Rowling.
    Person you wish you could be with right now? Signy
    What do you want done with your body when you die? burial

    In the past 24 hours, have you:
    Flashed someone? no
    Mooned someone? no
    Tried to kill yourself? no
    Tried to kill someone else? I wish
    Told someone you hated them? not this time
    Told someone you loved them and didn't mean it? no
    Taken a shower? yea
    Hugged someone? no
    Kissed someone? no
    Had sex? XD no
    Been drunk? I wish I could say yes
    Been high? no
    Been in a fight? God. I. Wish. I. Could. Say. YES! ...but no.
    Sang? hell no
    Danced? never
    Made someone laugh? yea
    Has someone else made you laugh? yea
    Had a philosophical conversation? no
    Contemplated suicide? no
    Wished on a star? no
    Fantasized about someone? no

    Would you rather....:
    Be in the Mountains or at the Beach? mountains
    Have someone break up with you or break up with someone? me break up w/them
    Be caused physical pain or cause someone physical pain? cause physical pain
    Be alone or with someone else? alone

    Have you ever...:
    Ever Been So Drunk You Blacked out? naw
    Missed School Because It Was Raining? nope
    Set Any Body Part On Fire For Amusement? I wish
    Kept A Secret From Everyone? yeah
    Had an imaginary friend? nope
    Wanted To Hook Up With A Friend? what does that mean?
    Ever Cried During A Flick? AS IF! Never.
    Ever liked a teacher? not really
    Ever Thought An Animated Character was Hot? If guys don't attract me, how will pixels?
    Ever Prank Called Someone? no
    Been On Stage? a couple

    What are your/do you prefer...:
    Favourite Colors? green, black
    Day/Night? night. Most def.
    Favourite Kind of music?
    Lace or Satin? satin
    Favourite Cartoon Character? none
    Do You Like Scary Or Happy Movies? neither. But scary preferred.
    Do You Like Talking To People On The phone or in
    person? in person
    Lust Or Love? neither. Love if I was forced to pick.

    Do you Have a bf/gf? no
    Who's your loudest friend? Lauren.
    Who is the shyest? me
    Who do you go to for advice? Julie
    Most Mean? me
    Most sarcastic? me and Ellington.

    Have you/do you...:
    Talked To Someone you have a crush on? yea. Like, three years ago.
    Miss someone? yes
    Hugged someone you liked? liked? What kind of liked? trick question.
    Fought With Your Parents? not really
    Laughed Until You Cried? yea
    Watched A Sunrise/Sunset? yea
    Went To The Beach At Night? no

    Are you...:
    Are You Happy? no
    Are You Talking To Someone Online? no

    Do you believe...:
    Do you believe in God/Devil? no
    Do you believe in Love? slightly
    Do you believe in the Big Bang Theory? what's that?
    Do you believe in love? slightly
    Do you believe in soulmates? no way
    Do you believe in Love at first sight? ...PFFT! NO!
    Do you believe in Heaven? no
    Do you believe in Hell? only if Kishi ever died.
    Do you believe in any of the following: Santa Claus, The Easter Bunny, The Tooth Fairy or Jesus Christ?: no

    General stuff...:
    Who Named You? my dad
    What Is Right Next To You? a mouse
    What Is You Computer Desk Made Of? wood
    What Are The Last 4 Digits In Your phone number? 0744
    How Many Buddies Do You Have On Your List? dunno
    How's The Weather Right now: hot
    How do you eat Oreos? normally
    Are You To Shy To Ask A Girl/Guy Out? yea
    If You Could Change Your Name, What Would It Be? Julie
    Do You Consider Cheerleading A Sport? HAHAHA. No.

    Which forum do you visit the most? WC
    Do you visit the website often? yea
    Would you say the mods did a good job? yea
    Would you say the admins did a good job? yea
    Do you find the forum members friendly? most of em
    Would you be interested in helping with the site? nah, no computer skills
    Do you feel at home on the fora? yea
    Are there are any fora you would wish to see added? general spam
    Are you for or against the merging of the artists/writers forums? against
    Other thoughts: Why did no one ever tell me three cookies are a dollar? THEY'VE BEEN RIPPING ME OFF! And sarcasm is good (afterthought).

  15. #15
    Lover of red wine! Nova Dragon's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    In the arms of Amanda


    Name: Rob Fantauzzi
    DOB: 83/09/28
    Gender: Male
    Location: Ontario, Canada
    Sexual Orientation: Jenna Durnin (straight)
    Hair: brown
    Eyes: brown
    Height: 5'8 to 5'9
    Weight: 140Ibs
    Religion: agnostic
    Nationality: Italian-Canadian

    Music Genre: Alternative
    Band: Creed
    Song: Torn
    Album: My Own Prison
    Singer: No one person in particular
    Soundtrack: Meh
    TV Show: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
    Movie: Lord of the Rings
    Game: Final Fantasy VII-X, Resident Evil 2, 3, CVX
    Actor: Al Pacino
    Actress: Angelina Jolie
    Food: Lasagne
    Drink: Cranberry juice
    Quote: "No one expects the Spainish Inquision"
    Person at EoFF: Sammy

    What you want your kids' names to be.
    Boys: Not sure
    Girls: Not sure

    Other info:

    Fill that out please! And then this:

    3 Things You Love About Your Body:
    1. How I have transformed my body from being overweight to being very physically fit
    2. My stamina level - being able to go on long runs
    3. Being able to go on very little sleep

    3 Things You Hate About Your Body:
    1. The burn on my finger
    2. The nasty hurt on my knee (though it's almost gone)
    3. How I seem to get headaches quite easily

    3 Things You Like About Your Personality:
    1. My sense of humour
    2. My honesty
    3. My awareness

    3 Things You Wish You Could Change About Your Personality:
    1. Not be so shy
    2. Umm...
    3. ahh...

    3 Things You Would Do With A Million Dollars Cash:
    1. Build a villa in Sora
    2. Help my folks to retire a bit earlier
    3. Save part of it

    3 Things You Never Want To Do/Have Happen To You:
    1. Be raped by a man
    2. Fall down the stairs
    3. Lose everything and everyone that is important to me.

    3 Things you want to do/have happen to you before you die:
    1. Find the woman who I know is out there waiting for me.
    2. Backpack through Europe
    3. Backpack through Canada (Doing part of that is summer)

    Do you like candles? meh
    Do you like incense? meh
    Do you like the taste of blood? No...
    Fetishes? Can't say I have one
    Biggest turn on?: A nice body, great smile, great peronality
    If you could meet any one famous in the world, (i.e: they've been on television, or in a book, movie, etc...) who and why? Nope
    What song is stuck in your head right now? One
    Do you like stuffed animals? Used to when I was younger
    If you could get away with it and murder anyone, who and for what reason? Wouldn't do it
    Person you wish you could be with right now? Jenna Durnin
    What do you want done with your body when you die? I want my ashes spread across the Atlanic

    In the past 24 hours, have you:
    Flashed someone? No
    Mooned someone? No
    Tried to kill yourself? No
    Tried to kill someone else? No
    Told someone you hated them? No
    Told someone you loved them and didn't mean it? No
    Taken a shower? Yup - 3 in fact
    Hugged someone? No
    Kissed someone? No
    Had sex? No
    Been drunk? Just a tiny bit tipsy last night
    Been high? No
    Been in a fight? No
    Sang? No
    Danced? No
    Made someone laugh? Yup
    Has someone else made you laugh? Yup
    Had a philosophical conversation? No
    Contemplated suicide? No
    Wished on a star? No
    Fantasized about someone? Ya

    Would you rather....:
    Be in the Mountains or at the Beach? Mountains
    Have someone break up with you or break up with someone? Depends.
    Be caused physical pain or cause someone physical pain? Depends.
    Be alone or with someone else? Depends

    Have you ever...:
    Ever Been So Drunk You Blacked out? Nope
    Missed School Because It Was Raining? Ya
    Set Any Body Part On Fire For Amusement?No
    Kept A Secret From Everyone? Ya
    Had an imaginary friend? No
    Wanted To Hook Up With A Friend? Ya
    Ever Cried During A Flick? No
    Ever liked a teacher? Ya
    Ever Thought An Animated Character was Hot? Ya
    Ever Prank Called Someone? Ya
    Been On Stage? No

    What are your/do you prefer...:
    Favourite Colors? Black or green
    Day/Night? Depends
    Favourite Kind of music? Alternative
    Lace or Satin? Satin
    Favourite Cartoon Character? Professor Frink
    Do You Like Scary Or Happy Movies? Scary
    Do You Like Talking To People On The phone or in
    person? In person.
    Lust Or Love? Love.

    Do you Have a bf/gf? No
    Who's your loudest friend? Paul
    Who is the shyest? Me
    Who do you go to for advice? Matt
    Most Mean? Not sure
    Most sarcastic? Me

    Have you/do you...:
    Talked To Someone you have a crush on? Ya
    Miss someone? Ya
    Hugged someone you liked? Ya
    Fought With Your Parents? Ya
    Laughed Until You Cried? Ya
    Watched A Sunrise/Sunset? Ya to both
    Went To The Beach At Night? Ya

    Are you...:
    Are You Happy? Yup
    Are You Talking To Someone Online? Not right now

    Do you believe...:
    Do you believe in God/Devil? Not sure
    Do you believe in Love? Yes
    Do you believe in the Big Bang Theory? Yes
    Do you believe in love? Yes
    Do you believe in soulmates? Yes
    Do you believe in Love at first sight? Yes
    Do you believe in Heaven? Not sure
    Do you believe in Hell? Not sure
    Do you believe in any of the following: Santa Claus, The Easter Bunny, The Tooth Fairy or Jesus Christ?: Is there any dispute that the Easter Bunny isn't real?

    General stuff...:
    Who Named You? Parents
    What Is Right Next To You? No one right now
    What Is You Computer Desk Made Of? Particle board that is pretending to be wood
    What Are The Last 4 Digits In Your phone number? 5167
    How Many Buddies Do You Have On Your List? 3
    How's The Weather Right now: Hot and humid
    How do you eat Oreos? Once in a LONG while
    Are You To Shy To Ask A Girl/Guy Out? Ya
    If You Could Change Your Name, What Would It Be? Rudager
    Do You Consider Cheerleading A Sport? Fraid not

    Which forum do you visit the most? General chat
    Do you visit the website often? Yup
    Would you say the mods did a good job? Yup
    Would you say the admins did a good job? Yup
    Do you find the forum members friendly? Very friendly
    Would you be interested in helping with the site? If I can
    Do you feel at home on the fora? Yes
    Are there are any fora you would wish to see added? Can't think of one
    Are you for or against the merging of the artists/writers forums? Doesn't really apply to me
    Other thoughts: I liked this survey, I like this forum community.

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