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Thread: Once Again: The Official Eyes on Final Fantasy Survey

  1. #16

    Join Date
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    Default I don't know why I do these.

    Have fun! No.

    Name: Mikey
    DOB: 1/24/1985
    Gender: Male
    Location: Cali
    Sexual Orientation: Straight in practice, Bi while joking.
    Hair: Yes.
    Eyes: No. x_x
    Height: Tall
    Weight: Fat
    Religion: Agnostic
    Nationality: Meh-hee-kan.

    Music Genre: It's all music, man.
    Band: Pink Floyd
    Song: "Shine on You Crazy Diamond" by Floyd is first, then "The Bends" by Radiohead and "Everybody Hurts" by REM =P
    Album: Dark Side of the Moon by Pink Floyd
    Singer: Thom Yorke, Bob Dylan, or Syd Barrett.
    Soundtrack: Magnolia
    TV Show: Quantum Leap
    Movie: The Shawshank Redemption or Magnola
    Game: Xenogears
    Actor: Tom Cruise, actually >=D
    Actress: Renee Zellweger, dope.
    Food: Tamales
    Drink: *dunno*
    Quote: Right now it's "Mulder plays in the mud, ya know?" --Mulder
    Person at EoFF: Why do people ask this?

    What you want your kids' names to be.
    Boys: Steve, Tim.
    Girls: Mulgor. Ultimate Monster. Sex Object.

    Other info:

    Fill that out please! And then this: >=|

    3 Things You Love About Your Body:
    1. Works
    2. Lets me walk
    3. Big

    3 Things You Hate About Your Body:
    1. Doesn't fit under stuff
    2. can't fly
    3. goes out of control and kills people somtimes.

    3 Things You Like About Your Personality:
    1. you are boring
    2. this question is boring
    3. please let me go to the next part

    3 Things You Wish You Could Change About Your Personality:
    1. wait
    2. this is the same thing but reversed
    3. i'ma cwy

    3 Things You Would Do With A Million Dollars Cash:
    1. not work
    2. sit around
    3. buy stuff

    3 Things You Never Want To Do/Have Happen To You:
    1. jump
    2. eat a huge brick of poison
    3. get bopped on the head

    3 Things you want to do/have happen to you before you die:
    1. jump
    2. eat a MASSIVE brick of poison
    3. get bopped on the *cough* head

    Do you like candles? s'pose
    Do you like incense? kinna
    Do you like the taste of blood? nope
    Fetishes? nah
    Biggest turn on?: yoop
    If you could meet any one famous in the world, (i.e: they've been on television, or in a book, movie, etc...) who and why? living or dead? 'cuz I wanna meet Isaac Asimov and huggle him forever because he was the best writer on the planet.
    What song is stuck in your head right now? "Bullet with Butterfly Wings" by Smashing Pumpkins
    Do you like stuffed animals? Yep!
    If you could get away with it and murder anyone, who and for what reason? Steve Bueno so I can take his name.
    Person you wish you could be with right now? Shup
    What do you want done with your body when you die? thrown from a plane into the middle of a crowded children's playground.

    In the past 24 hours, have you:
    Flashed someone? don't you remember?
    Mooned someone? nah
    Tried to kill yourself? I ate a massive cheeseburger if that counts
    Tried to kill someone else? nah
    Told someone you hated them? prolly as a joke
    Told someone you loved them and didn't mean it? prolly as a joke
    Taken a shower? prolly as a joke
    Hugged someone? sure
    Kissed someone? could be
    Had sex? with a partner? no.
    Been drunk? nah
    Been high? on life.
    Been in a fight? I am always fighting
    Sang? 'course. "Lola" by the Kinks
    Danced? most likely
    Made someone laugh? of course.
    Has someone else made you laugh? yesh. I had math class today didn't I? >=| gosh you're dumb, survey. I sowwy
    Had a philosophical conversation? just a little over 24 hours ago, so no.
    Contemplated suicide? thought about dying, but more like getting hit by a meteor than doing any home dental work with a huge shotgun.
    Wished on a star? nah
    Fantasized about someone? shush

    Would you rather....:
    Be in the Mountains or at the Beach? beach
    Have someone break up with you or break up with someone? =P
    Be caused physical pain or cause someone physical pain? cause physical pain, duh.
    Be alone or with someone else? someone else.

    Have you ever...:
    Ever Been So Drunk You Blacked out? sry
    Missed School Because It Was Raining? actually yes. =O But it wasn't my fault so shush.
    Set Any Body Part On Fire For Amusement? No, but I have friends that have.
    Kept A Secret From Everyone? everyone? No, I don't think so.
    Had an imaginary friend? yesh
    Wanted To Hook Up With A Friend? yep
    Ever Cried During A Flick? shush again. >=P
    Ever liked a teacher? haha, no.
    Ever Thought An Animated Character was Hot? Yes
    Ever Prank Called Someone? used to all the time.
    Been On Stage? Yes ma'am

    What are your/do you prefer...:
    Favourite Colors? Orange, bluey..yeah but not at the same time or anywhere near each other. ;P
    Day/Night? Night
    Favourite Kind of music? Didn't someone already ask that?
    Lace or Satin? Lace?
    Favourite Cartoon Character? Homer Simpson
    Do You Like Scary Or Happy Movies? Happy? Although that's pretty narrow
    Do You Like Talking To People On The phone or in
    person? In person. More hand motions, more making fun of people that walk by.
    Lust Or Love? There's a place and time for everything. =P

    Do you Have a bf/gf? no
    Who's your loudest friend? Brittany Kane? Everyone I know in real life. =P
    Who is the shyest? Kaleybell
    Who do you go to for advice? *shrug*
    Most Mean? Depends. I punched a little girl and yell at people I don't know. So prolly me.
    Most sarcastic? Jessie Crawley =O

    Have you/do you...:
    Talked To Someone you have a crush on? how else am I supposed to get a crush on them? o_o
    Miss someone? yesh. =P
    Hugged someone you liked? think so.
    Fought With Your Parents? fist fight? nah.
    Laughed Until You Cried? laughed until I blew chunks, if that counts.
    Watched A Sunrise/Sunset? Of course
    Went To The Beach At Night? I've stayed at the beach until nighttime, but I never arrived there before sunset. ;P

    Are you...:
    Are You Happy? Mostly.
    Are You Talking To Someone Online? Nope.

    Do you believe...:
    Do you believe in God/Devil? Ya never know.
    Do you believe in Love? Yes. *nods*
    Do you believe in the Big Bang Theory? Ya never know.
    Do you believe in love? ...?
    Do you believe in soulmates? Try not to, but it's hard sometimes.
    Do you believe in Love at first sight? No. That's just foolishness.
    Do you believe in Heaven? Ya never know.
    Do you believe in Hell? Dude, I SAID you never know! Crap.
    Do you believe in any of the following: Santa Claus, The Easter Bunny, The Tooth Fairy or Jesus Christ?: Ya never know. >=|

    General stuff...:
    Who Named You? Mommy?
    What Is Right Next To You? Lotsa stuff, yo.
    What Is You Computer Desk Made Of? wood!
    What Are The Last 4 Digits In Your phone number? what the eff? Go away. >=|
    How Many Buddies Do You Have On Your List? I assume you mean AIM... in that case I got it down to 90.
    How's The Weather Right now: Pretty warm. I like it.
    How do you eat Oreos? Eat the inside, dunk the rest in milk.
    Are You To Shy To Ask A Girl/Guy Out? Yes.
    If You Could Change Your Name, What Would It Be? Shingo
    Do You Consider Cheerleading A Sport? No.

    Which forum do you visit the most? GC, I spose.
    Do you visit the website often? Yeah, I check it out every time it's updated.
    Would you say the mods did a good job? I think the mods and I have a different concept of "Good job" but woteva.
    Would you say the admins did a good job? There are admins? =O
    Do you find the forum members friendly? perhaps
    Would you be interested in helping with the site? Been there, done that.
    Do you feel at home on the fora? I guess.
    Are there are any fora you would wish to see added? Conversational Forum. But no one likes it. >=|
    Are you for or against the merging of the artists/writers forums? against.
    Other thoughts: I am going to be immortal in a few weeks, yo.
    Last edited by Big Ogre Umaro; 05-31-2002 at 02:56 AM.

  2. #17
    is very female. Recognized Member Daryl's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2000
    • Former Cid's Knight


    Name: Becky
    DOB: 02-28-1982
    Gender: Female
    Location: Wisconsin
    Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
    Hair: Short and brown
    Eyes: Dark brown, hidden behind glasses.
    Height: Around 5'5"
    Weight: Bah. =P
    Religion: No, thanks.
    Nationality: American

    Music Genre: I like music.
    Band: If I must pick, Dave Matthews Band.
    Song: If I must pick... argh, I can't. Warehouse - DMB, Street Spirit (Fade Out) - Radiohead... lots of others.
    Album: *dunno*
    Singer: Dave Matthews? Eh. Dunno. Sarah Brightman's good.
    Soundtrack: *dunno*
    TV Show: I don't watch enough TV to have a favorite show.
    Movie: Currently, Star Wars: Episode II, but I like a lot of movies.
    Game: Final Fantasy VI, baby. >=D
    Actor: Hugh Jackman, Ian McKellan, Ewan McGregor
    Actress: Sandra Bullock, Nicole Kidman, Catherine Zeta-Jones
    Food: Black olives, most all fruits.
    Drink: *dunno*
    Quote: "You have to risk everything to gain anything."
    Person at EoFF: Kawaii Ryûkishi, closely followed by Rydia of Mist.

    What you want your kids' names to be.
    Boys: That will be decided with their other parent.
    Girls: See previous.

    Other info: I freakin' rawk.

    Fill that out please! And then this: *growls*

    3 Things You Love About Your Body:
    1. Eyes
    2. Hair
    3. I like being short

    3 Things You Hate About Your Body:
    1. Eyes
    2. Legs
    3. Big, nasty scars

    3 Things You Like About Your Personality:
    1. I can be funny.
    2. I'm very precise in some things.
    3. I'm very open minded.

    3 Things You Wish You Could Change About Your Personality:
    1. Not be so shy.
    2. Not have periods of self-doubt.
    3. Not push others away when they're trying to get to know me.

    3 Things You Would Do With A Million Dollars Cash:
    1. Pay for school.
    2. Move out and get my own place to live.
    3. Save.

    3 Things You Never Want To Do/Have Happen To You:
    1. Rape.
    2. Murder.
    3. Die alone.

    3 Things you want to do/have happen to you before you die:
    1. Marriage.
    2. Children.
    3. Be happy.

    Do you like candles? Yes.
    Do you like incense? Yes.
    Do you like the taste of blood? It's all right.
    Fetishes? Not appropriate at a family forum.
    Biggest turn on?: See previous.
    If you could meet any one famous in the world, (i.e: they've been on television, or in a book, movie, etc...) who and why? Y'know, I really don't have one I'd like to meet.
    What song is stuck in your head right now? U2 - Elevation
    Do you like stuffed animals? Sure.
    If you could get away with it and murder anyone, who and for what reason? I wouldn't.
    Person you wish you could be with right now? John-Paul
    What do you want done with your body when you die? I don't care. I'll be dead, do what you will.

    In the past 24 hours, have you:
    Flashed someone? No.
    Mooned someone? No.
    Tried to kill yourself? No.
    Tried to kill someone else? No.
    Told someone you hated them? No.
    Told someone you loved them and didn't mean it? No.
    Taken a shower? Yes.
    Hugged someone? No.
    Kissed someone? No.
    Had sex? No.
    Been drunk? No.
    Been high? No.
    Been in a fight? No.
    Sang? Yes.
    Danced? Yes.
    Made someone laugh? Yes.
    Has someone else made you laugh? Yes.
    Had a philosophical conversation? Yes.
    Contemplated suicide? No.
    Wished on a star? Not on a star, but wished, yes.
    Fantasized about someone? Yes.

    Would you rather....:
    Be in the Mountains or at the Beach? The mountains during daylight, the beach at night.
    Have someone break up with you or break up with someone? Have someone break up with me. God, I hate breaking up with people.
    Be caused physical pain or cause someone physical pain? Be caused pain. I hate causing people pain.
    Be alone or with someone else? Be with someone else, provided I can choose who that someone else is.

    Have you ever...:
    Ever Been So Drunk You Blacked out? No.
    Missed School Because It Was Raining? No.
    Set Any Body Part On Fire For Amusement? No.
    Kept A Secret From Everyone? Yes.
    Had an imaginary friend? Yes.
    Wanted To Hook Up With A Friend? Oh, yes.
    Ever Cried During A Flick? Yes.
    Ever liked a teacher? Yes.
    Ever Thought An Animated Character was Hot? Yes.
    Ever Prank Called Someone? Probabaly.
    Been On Stage? Yes.

    What are your/do you prefer...:
    Favourite Colors? Purple, black, gray.
    Day/Night? Night.
    Favourite Kind of music? I like music.
    Lace or Satin? Satin, I guess. I like both.
    Favourite Cartoon Character? Storm of the X-Men
    Do You Like Scary Or Happy Movies? I like both.
    Do You Like Talking To People On The phone or in
    person? I like both but prefer to be in person.
    Lust Or Love? I like both, but lust isn't nearly as fulfilling without love. Both at once, that's the way to go.

    Do you Have a bf/gf? Yes.
    Who's your loudest friend? *dunno*
    Who is the shyest? Me! If I can't say me, then, Mike (not of EoFF).
    Who do you go to for advice? John-Paul, Laura, Majken, Dan, Mike.
    Most Mean? *dunno*
    Most sarcastic? Me! If I can't say me, then, Mike.

    Have you/do you...: I assumed these questions were in no particular time frame, so, I'm saying yes if I've ever done these things in my life.
    Talked To Someone you have a crush on? Yes.
    Miss someone? Oh, yes.
    Hugged someone you liked? Yes.
    Fought With Your Parents? Yes.
    Laughed Until You Cried? Yes.
    Watched A Sunrise/Sunset? Yes.
    Went To The Beach At Night? Yes.

    Are you...:
    Are You Happy? Yes.
    Are You Talking To Someone Online? Yes.

    Do you believe...:
    Do you believe in God/Devil? No.
    Do you believe in Love? Yes.
    Do you believe in the Big Bang Theory? I don't know.
    Do you believe in love? Again, yes.
    Do you believe in soulmates? Maybe.
    Do you believe in Love at first sight? No, but I believe in lust at first sight.
    Do you believe in Heaven? No.
    Do you believe in Hell? No.
    Do you believe in any of the following: Santa Claus, The Easter Bunny, The Tooth Fairy or Jesus Christ?: No.

    General stuff...:
    Who Named You? My parents.
    What Is Right Next To You? Left - a wall, window. Right - another desk and chair.
    What Is You Computer Desk Made Of? Wood.
    What Are The Last 4 Digits In Your phone number? 0572
    How Many Buddies Do You Have On Your List? Not counting.
    How's The Weather Right now: Sunny, a little cloudy. Too freakin' hot.
    How do you eat Oreos? With my mouth.
    Are You To Shy To Ask A Girl/Guy Out? Usually, yes.
    If You Could Change Your Name, What Would It Be? Daryl
    Do You Consider Cheerleading A Sport? Yes.

    Which forum do you visit the most? GC or EoEO. Not sure.
    Do you visit the website often? Yes.
    Would you say the mods did a good job? Yes. >=P
    Would you say the admins did a good job? Yes.
    Do you find the forum members friendly? For the most part.
    Would you be interested in helping with the site? Yes.
    Do you feel at home on the fora? Usually.
    Are there are any fora you would wish to see added? No.
    Are you for or against the merging of the artists/writers forums? Strongly against.
    Other thoughts: Nope, that about covers it.

  3. #18


    Name: Ryan McCarty
    DOB: 3/13/86
    Gender: male
    Location: usa
    Sexual Orientation: straight
    Hair: dark blonde
    Eyes: hazel
    Height: 6' 2"
    Weight: 176
    Religion: catholic
    Nationality: american
    Music Genre: rock
    Band: Slipknot
    Song: Liberate
    Album: The Sickness
    Singer: Jonathan Davis
    Soundtrack: Queen of the Damned
    TV Show: simpsons
    Movie: -
    Game: ff7&shadow hearts
    Actor: -
    Actress: Jennifer Love Hewitt
    Food: pizza
    Drink: mountain dew
    Quote: -
    Person at EoFF: -

    What you want your kids' names to be.
    Boys: Dameon
    Girls: Stacey
    Other info: *shrugs*

    3 Things You Love About Your Body:
    1. height
    2. muscle tone
    3. length

    3 Things You Hate About Your Body:
    1. to skinny
    2. bulging veins
    3. severely injured knee

    3 Things You Like About Your Personality:
    1. friendlyness
    2. calmness
    3. patience

    3 Things You Wish You Could Change About Your Personality:
    1. anger
    2. hatred
    3. -

    3 Things You Would Do With A Million Dollars Cash:
    1. buy a house
    2. buy a car
    3. put it in the bank

    3 Things You Never Want To Do/Have Happen To You:
    1. live past my 50s
    2. have 20 kids
    3. get a STD

    3 Things you want to do/have happen to you before you die:
    1. get married
    2. have a big web site
    3. be retired

    Do you like candles? no
    Do you like incense? no
    Do you like the taste of blood? no
    Fetishes? none
    Biggest turn on?: women
    If you could meet any one famous in the world, who and why: Jennifer Love Hewitt cause she is hot
    What song is stuck in your head right now? Watershed by Coal Chamber
    Do you like stuffed animals? no
    If you could get away with it and murder anyone, who and for what reason? id rather not say
    Person you wish you could be with right now? Heather Myers
    What do you want done with your body when you die? buried

    in the past 24 hours have you
    Flashed someone? no
    Mooned someone? no
    Tried to kill yourself? no
    Tried to kill someone else? no
    Told someone you hated them? no
    Told someone you loved them and didn't mean it? no
    Taken a shower? yes
    Hugged someone? yes
    Kissed someone?yes
    Had sex? yes
    Been drunk? no
    Been high? no
    Been in a fight? yes
    Sang? yes
    Danced? no
    Made someone laugh? yes
    Has someone else made you laugh? no
    Had a philosophical conversation? yes
    Contemplated suicide? yes
    Wished on a star? no
    Fantasized about someone? yes

    Would you rather....:
    Be in the Mountains or at the Beach? beach
    Have someone break up with you or break up with someone? break up with someone
    Be caused physical pain or cause someone physical pain? be caused
    Be alone or with someone else? with someone

    Have you ever...:
    Ever Been So Drunk You Blacked out? yes
    Missed School Because It Was Raining? no
    Set Any Body Part On Fire For Amusement? no
    Kept A Secret From Everyone? yes
    Had an imaginary friend? no
    Wanted To Hook Up With A Friend? yes
    Ever Cried During A Flick? no
    Ever liked a teacher? yes
    Ever Thought An Animated Character was Hot? yes
    Ever Prank Called Someone? yes
    Been On Stage? yes

    What are your/do you prefer...:
    Favourite Colors? black, red
    Day/Night? night
    Favourite Kind of music? hard
    Lace or Satin? satin
    Favourite Cartoon Character? *shrugs*
    Do You Like Scary Or Happy Movies? scary
    Do You Like Talking To People On The phone or in
    person? in person
    Lust Or Love? love

    Do you Have a bf/gf? yes
    Who's your loudest friend? Toni Bartlett
    Who is the shyest? Julian Teegarden
    Who do you go to for advice? myself
    Most Mean? Chris White
    Most sarcastic? Mike Lopez

    Have you/do you...:
    Talked To Someone you have a crush on? yes
    Miss someone? yes
    Hugged someone you liked? yes
    Fought With Your Parents? yes
    Laughed Until You Cried? no
    Watched A Sunrise/Sunset? no
    Went To The Beach At Night? no

    Are you...:
    Are You Happy? no
    Are You Talking To Someone Online? yes

    Do you believe...:
    Do you believe in God/Devil? yes
    Do you believe in Love? yes
    Do you believe in the Big Bang Theory? no
    Do you believe in love? yes
    Do you believe in soulmates? no
    Do you believe in Love at first sight? yes
    Do you believe in Heaven? no
    Do you believe in Hell? yes
    Do you believe in any of the following: Santa Claus, The Easter Bunny, The Tooth Fairy or Jesus Christ?: no

    General stuff...:
    Who Named You? my mom
    What Is Right Next To You? nobody
    What Is You Computer Desk Made Of? wood
    What Are The Last 4 Digits In Your phone number? 3357
    How Many Buddies Do You Have On Your List? 0
    How's The Weather Right now: 85 degrees sunny
    How do you eat Oreos? i dont
    Are You To Shy To Ask A Girl/Guy Out? no
    If You Could Change Your Name, What Would It Be? *shrugs*
    Do You Consider Cheerleading A Sport? no

    Which forum do you visit the most? ffchrono
    Do you visit the website often? yes
    Would you say the mods did a good job? yes
    Would you say the admins did a good job? yes
    Do you find the forum members friendly? yes
    Would you be interested in helping with the site? yes
    Do you feel at home on the fora? yes
    Are there are any fora you would wish to see added? yes
    Are you for or against the merging of the artists/writers forums? against

  4. #19
    ORANGE Dr Unne's Avatar
    Join Date
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    Name: Brian
    DOB: 1980
    Gender: Male
    Location: Pittsburgh PA
    Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
    Hair: Very little
    Eyes: Brown
    Height: Five foot ten inches or so
    Weight: 135? Haven't checked for a while
    Religion: Atheist
    Nationality: American

    Music Genre: Classical
    Band Composer: Bach or Wagner
    Song: Die Meistersinger
    Album: Inapplicable
    Singer: Inapplicable
    Soundtrack: Inapplicable
    TV Show: Simpsons
    Movie: The Ten Commandments
    Game: FF1
    Actor: Inapplicable
    Actress: Inapplicable
    Food: Cucumbers, aka Food of the Gods
    Drink: Green tea
    Quote: Whatyagonnado
    Person at EoFF: Isn't nice to pick favorites

    What you want your kids' names to be.
    Boys: Inapplicable, never having kids
    Girls: Inapplicable

    Other info:

    Fill that out please! And then this:

    3 Things You Love About Your Body:
    1. I'm not short
    2. All my fingers and toes are intact
    3. I'm still breathing

    3 Things You Hate About Your Body:
    1. My flabbiness
    2. My weakness
    3. My ugliness

    3 Things You Like About Your Personality:
    1. I'm not too evil
    2. I'm "nice"
    3. I'm "smart"

    3 Things You Wish You Could Change About Your Personality:
    Ah, who knows.

    3 Things You Would Do With A Million Dollars Cash:
    1. Give it to my parents
    2. But a computer and give the rest to my parents
    3. Pay the rent

    3 Things You Never Want To Do/Have Happen To You:
    1. Die in a horribly painful manner
    2. Kill someone
    3. See someone I care about die

    3 Things you want to do/have happen to you before you die:
    1. Get a good job
    2. Figure out the Meaning of Life (Yeah right)
    3. Sleep a lot

    Do you like candles? No
    Do you like incense? No
    Do you like the taste of blood? No
    Fetishes? No
    Biggest turn on?: Inapplicable
    If you could meet any one famous in the world, (i.e: they've been on television, or in a book, movie, etc...) who and why? What's so great about famous people? I know enough people already.
    What song is stuck in your head right now? None
    Do you like stuffed animals? No
    If you could get away with it and murder anyone, who and for what reason? No one, because it's evil
    Person you wish you could be with right now? Dunno
    What do you want done with your body when you die? Don't care

    In the past 24 hours, have you:
    Flashed someone? No
    Mooned someone? No
    Tried to kill yourself? No
    Tried to kill someone else? These questions are dumb
    Told someone you hated them? See above
    Told someone you loved them and didn't mean it? No
    Taken a shower? Yes
    Hugged someone? No
    Kissed someone? No
    Had sex? No
    Been drunk? I dislike these questions
    Been high? See above
    Been in a fight? See above
    Sang? No
    Danced? No
    Made someone laugh? Doubtful
    Has someone else made you laugh? Fraid not
    Had a philosophical conversation? Depends on your definition of "philosophical" and "conversation"
    Contemplated suicide? No
    Wished on a star? No
    Fantasized about someone? No

    Would you rather....:
    Be in the Mountains or at the Beach? Neither
    Have someone break up with you or break up with someone? Neither
    Be caused physical pain or cause someone physical pain? Neither
    Be alone or with someone else? Either way

    Have you ever...:
    Ever Been So Drunk You Blacked out? Never
    Missed School Because It Was Raining? What?
    Set Any Body Part On Fire For Amusement? No
    Kept A Secret From Everyone? Yes
    Had an imaginary friend? No
    Wanted To Hook Up With A Friend? No
    Ever Cried During A Flick? No
    Ever liked a teacher? Define "like"
    Ever Thought An Animated Character was Hot? No
    Ever Prank Called Someone? No
    Been On Stage? In elementary school

    What are your/do you prefer...:
    Favourite Colors? Green
    Day/Night? Don't care
    Favourite Kind of music? Already answered this
    Lace or Satin? Bwah?
    Favourite Cartoon Character(s)? The Simpsons
    Do You Like Scary Or Happy Movies? Neither
    Do You Like Talking To People On The phone or in
    person? Person
    Lust Or Love? Inapplicable

    Do you Have a bf/gf? No
    Who's your loudest friend? My friends are quiet
    Who is the shyest? Who knows
    Who do you go to for advice? No one
    Most Mean? None of them
    Most sarcastic? Who cares?

    Have you/do you...:
    Talked To Someone you have a crush on? No
    Miss someone? Sure
    Hugged someone you liked? Define "liked"
    Fought With Your Parents? Yes
    Laughed Until You Cried? No
    Watched A Sunrise/Sunset? Probably
    Went To The Beach At Night? No

    Are you...:
    Are You Happy? Sure
    Are You Talking To Someone Online? Yes

    Do you believe...:
    Do you believe in God/Devil? No
    Do you believe in Love? Ridiculous question
    Do you believe in the Big Bang Theory? Who knows
    Do you believe in love? See above
    Do you believe in soulmates? No
    Do you believe in Love at first sight? No
    Do you believe in Heaven? No
    Do you believe in Hell? No
    Do you believe in any of the following: Santa Claus, The Easter Bunny, The Tooth Fairy or Jesus Christ?: No

    General stuff...:
    Who Named You? My parents, shouldn't that be obvious?
    What Is Right Next To You? Nothing
    What Is You Computer Desk Made Of? A wood-like substance
    What Are The Last 4 Digits In Your phone number? Yeah right
    How Many Buddies Do You Have On Your List? Plenty
    How's The Weather Right now: Crappy
    How do you eat Oreos? Put them in my mouth, chew, swallow, repeat
    Are You Too Shy To Ask A Girl/Guy Out? Beats me
    If You Could Change Your Name, What Would It Be? My name is fine
    Do You Consider Cheerleading A Sport? No

    Which forum do you visit the most? EoEO or General Chat or FF1-4
    Do you visit the website often? Yes
    Would you say the mods did a good job? Yes
    Would you say the admins did a good job? Yes
    Do you find the forum members friendly? Sure
    Would you be interested in helping with the site? No
    Do you feel at home on the fora? Sure
    Are there are any fora you would wish to see added? No
    Are you for or against the merging of the artists/writers forums? Don't care
    Other thoughts: Nothing I care to type up

  5. #20
    cyka blyat escobert's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2001
    Rush B! NO STOP!
    Blog Entries


    Name: bob
    DOB: 9/14/85
    Gender: male
    Location: look at my rank
    Sexual Orientation: im a lesbian
    Hair: blonde
    Eyes: blue
    Height: 6'1"
    Weight: 170lbs
    Religion: dont believe in it
    Nationality: USA

    Music Genre: punk
    Band: blink 182
    Song: in the end (demo version)
    Album: hybrid theory
    Singer: uhhh elvis
    Soundtrack: ...titanic
    TV Show: invader zim
    Movie: jay n silent bob
    Game: ff7
    Actor: me
    Actress: my dad
    Food: dog food
    Drink: captin morgan
    Quote: "hi im bob"
    Person at EoFF:

    What you want your kids' names to be.
    Boys: bob
    Girls: bob

    Other info:

    Fill that out please! And then this:

    3 Things You Love About Your Body:
    1. nuhtin
    2. nuhtin
    3. im a boy?

    3 Things You Hate About Your Body:
    1. im not a irl
    2. everything
    3.lots more

    3 Things You Like About Your Personality:
    1. im bitchy
    2. im lazy
    3. ima dork!!!!!!!

    3 Things You Wish You Could Change About Your Personality:
    1. nuhtin
    2. nuhtin
    3. nuhin

    3 Things You Would Do With A Million Dollars Cash:
    1. buy a new bed
    2. buy every games system and every rpg

    3 Things You Never Want To Do/Have Happen To You:
    1. have a dog humo me
    2. see a guy naked
    3. see my mum naked

    3 Things you want to do/have happen to you before you die:
    1. have lots of sex
    2. make money
    3. sleep

    Do you like candles? yes
    Do you like incense? no
    Do you like the taste of blood? ahhhhhhh no
    Fetishes? um i liek to sleep
    Biggest turn on?: likes to laugh
    If you could meet any one famous in the world, (i.e: they've been on television, or in a book, movie, etc...) who and why? tim from blink 182 so i could hump his leg
    What song is stuck in your head right now?
    Do you like stuffed animals? i love em
    If you could get away with it and murder anyone, who and for what reason? you! because this is too long
    Person you wish you could be with right now? stacie rivard
    What do you want done with your body when you die? sent to mars on in the white house

    In the past 24 hours, have you:
    Flashed someone? yes
    Mooned someone? yes
    Tried to kill yourself? of course
    Tried to kill someone else? what do u thinki am normal?
    Told someone you hated them? yes liek 10 min ago
    Told someone you loved them and didn't mean it? nope
    Taken a shower? whats that?
    Hugged someone? yes
    Kissed someone? yes
    Had sex? yes
    Been drunk? no
    Been high? nope
    Been in a fight? nope
    Sang? all day
    Danced? naked in the miror
    Made someone laugh? yes
    Has someone else made you laugh? yes
    Had a philosophical conversation? huh?
    Contemplated suicide? all day everyday
    Wished on a star? i cant see that far
    Fantasized about someone? my dad naked!

    Would you rather....:
    Be in the Mountains or at the Beach? my room
    Have someone break up with you or break up with someone? nope
    Be caused physical pain or cause someone physical pain? does faling down the stairs count?
    Be alone or with someone else? yes

    Have you ever...:
    Ever Been So Drunk You Blacked out? nope
    Missed School Because It Was Raining? yes
    Set Any Body Part On Fire For Amusement? no not on purpose
    Kept A Secret From Everyone? yes
    Had an imaginary friend? i stil have one lots of em
    Wanted To Hook Up With A Friend? whats a freind?
    Ever Cried During A Flick? yes
    Ever liked a teacher? nope
    Ever Thought An Animated Character was Hot? yes
    Ever Prank Called Someone? yes
    Been On Stage? yes

    What are your/do you prefer...:
    Favourite Colors? black purple
    Day/Night? night
    Favourite Kind of music? classicle
    Lace or Satin? leather
    Favourite Cartoon Character? porky pig
    Do You Like Scary Or Happy Movies? sad
    Do You Like Talking To People On The phone or in
    person? person
    Lust Or Love? love

    Do you Have a bf/gf? yes
    Who's your loudest friend?jeff
    Who is the shyest? sean
    Who do you go to for advice? my dog
    Most Mean? justin
    Most sarcastic? thomas

    Have you/do you...:
    Talked To Someone you have a crush on? yes
    Miss someone? yes
    Hugged someone you liked? yes
    Fought With Your Parents? of course
    Laughed Until You Cried? never
    Watched A Sunrise/Sunset? yes
    Went To The Beach At Night? yes

    Are you...:
    Are You Happy? yuppers
    Are You Talking To Someone Online? well yeah

    Do you believe...:
    Do you believe in God/Devil? nope
    Do you believe in Love? yes
    Do you believe in the Big Bang Theory? yes
    Do you believe in love? no
    Do you believe in soulmates? yes
    Do you believe in Love at first sight? yes
    Do you believe in Heaven? no
    Do you believe in Hell? no
    Do you believe in any of the following: Santa Claus, The Easter Bunny, The Tooth Fairy or Jesus Christ?: of course

    General stuff...:
    Who Named You? my dog
    What Is Right Next To You? my old Imac
    What Is You Computer Desk Made Of? bones
    What Are The Last 4 Digits In Your phone number? 5048
    How Many Buddies Do You Have On Your List? 191
    How's The Weather Right now: dark..night time
    How do you eat Oreos? nope
    Are You To Shy To Ask A Girl/Guy Out? yes
    If You Could Change Your Name, What Would It Be? harry potter
    Do You Consider Cheerleading A Sport? yes im a world champion :/

    Which forum do you visit the most? GC
    Do you visit the website often? yes
    Would you say the mods did a good job? yes
    Would you say the admins did a good job? yes
    Do you find the forum members friendly? yes
    Would you be interested in helping with the site? yeah
    Do you feel at home on the fora? yes
    Are there are any fora you would wish to see added? um a bob fora
    Are you for or against the merging of the artists/writers forums? dont care
    Other thoughts:

  6. #21
    Got obliterated Recognized Member Shoeberto's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Blog Entries
    • Former Cid's Knight


    Have fun! No.

    Name: Stu Miller (call me "Stew" and I'll break yer face."
    DOB: 10/3/88
    Gender: Male
    Location: Ohio, America
    Sexual Orientation: Straight
    Hair: Brown
    Eyes: Brown
    Height: 5'11" or so.
    Weight: Around 125lbs.
    Religion: Protestant
    Nationality: American

    Music Genre: Rock
    Band: Blink 182
    Song: Barenaked Ladies - Pinch Me
    Album: Blink 182 - Dude Ranch, or Boxcar Racer
    Singer: None
    Soundtrack: Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me
    TV Show: Probably the Drew Carey Show.
    Movie: The Matrix, or Akira.
    Game: Zelda LttP
    Actor: Dunno
    Actress: Again, don't know.
    Food: Mac & Cheese
    Drink: Code Red Mountain Dew
    Quote: "Bubble gum may double as an adhesive, but most adhesives do not double as bubble gum."
    Person at EoFF: You. *s3x0r*

    What you want your kids' names to be.
    Boys: Don't know.
    Girls: Don't know.

    Other info:

    Fill that out please! And then this:

    3 Things You Love About Your Body:
    1. Dunno
    2. Dunno
    3. Dunno

    3 Things You Hate About Your Body:
    1. No clue.
    2. Ditto.
    3. Ditto.

    3 Things You Like About Your Personality:
    1. Somewhat witty
    2. Original ideas.
    3. Er...I rock?

    3 Things You Wish You Could Change About Your Personality:
    1. Being less annoying at some times.
    2. Being better at talking with people online individually.
    3. Rocking more.

    3 Things You Would Do With A Million Dollars Cash:
    1. Buy bass equipment
    2. Buy gaming system.
    3. Flying to people's houses that I know online?

    3 Things You Never Want To Do/Have Happen To You:
    1. Die
    2. Reviving, then dying again.
    3. I don't wanna grow up.

    3 Things you want to do/have happen to you before you die:
    1. Not dying.
    2. Meeting at least one person I know online.
    3. Doing something ridiculously stupid publicly.

    Do you like candles? Not really.
    Do you like incense? Not too much.
    Do you like the taste of blood? Yes. And by yes I mean no.
    Fetishes? You don't wanna know.
    Biggest turn on?: Your mom. *drool*
    If you could meet any one famous in the world, (i.e: they've been on television, or in a book, movie, etc...) who and why? Blink 182. They're my rolemodels.
    What song is stuck in your head right now? Boxcar Racer - Cat-like Theif
    Do you like stuffed animals? No.
    If you could get away with it and murder anyone, who and for what reason? A tough choice between a couple of people at school.
    Person you wish you could be with right now? I dunno.
    What do you want done with your body when you die? Just buried.

    In the past 24 hours, have you:
    Flashed someone? No.
    Mooned someone? No.
    Tried to kill yourself? No.
    Tried to kill someone else? No.
    Told someone you hated them? No.
    Told someone you loved them and didn't mean it? No.
    Taken a shower? Yes.
    Hugged someone? No.
    Kissed someone? No.
    Had sex? No.
    Been drunk? No.
    Been high? No.
    Been in a fight? No.
    Sang? Yes.
    Danced? Yes. I'm lord of the dance :P
    Made someone laugh? Yes.
    Has someone else made you laugh? Yes.
    Had a philosophical conversation? Yes.
    Contemplated suicide? Possibly. I don't remember everything I think.
    Wished on a star? No.
    Fantasized about someone? Yes, dear lord, yes.

    Would you rather....:
    Be in the Mountains or at the Beach? Beach.
    Have someone break up with you or break up with someone? Have someone breakup with me.
    Be caused physical pain or cause someone physical pain? Cause someone physical pain.
    Be alone or with someone else? Depends on the person, but most likely alone.

    Have you ever...:
    Ever Been So Drunk You Blacked out? No.
    Missed School Because It Was Raining? No.
    Set Any Body Part On Fire For Amusement? No.
    Kept A Secret From Everyone? Probably.
    Had an imaginary friend? No.
    Wanted To Hook Up With A Friend? No.
    Ever Cried During A Flick? No.
    Ever liked a teacher? What kind of "like?"
    Ever Thought An Animated Character was Hot? Yes.
    Ever Prank Called Someone? Yes.
    Been On Stage? Yes.

    What are your/do you prefer...:
    Favorite Colors? Red
    Day/Night? Night
    Favourite Kind of music? Rock of any type, except for '70s and '80s.
    Lace or Satin? I don't know.
    Favourite Cartoon Character? Kaneda from Akira.
    Do You Like Scary Or Happy Movies? Depends.
    Do You Like Talking To People On The phone or in
    person? Person.
    Lust Or Love? Eh...dunno.

    Do you Have a bf/gf? No, unfortunately.
    Who's your loudest friend? You don't want to know. They're effing annoying.
    Who is the shyest? I'm the shyest in my group of friends.
    Who do you go to for advice? Depends on the advice needed.
    Most Mean? Again, ya don't wanna know.
    Most sarcastic? Sarcasm? No, we NEVER use sarcasm.

    Have you/do you...:
    Talked To Someone you have a crush on? Yes.
    Miss someone? Yes.
    Hugged someone you liked? No.
    Fought With Your Parents? Not really.
    Laughed Until You Cried? Yes.
    Watched A Sunrise/Sunset? Nope.
    Went To The Beach At Night? No.

    Are you...:
    Are You Happy? Kind of.
    Are You Talking To Someone Online? I'm in chat, but not talking.

    Do you believe...:
    Do you believe in God/Devil? Yes.
    Do you believe in Love? Yes.
    Do you believe in the Big Bang Theory? Sorta.
    Do you believe in love? No.
    Do you believe in soulmates? Not really.
    Do you believe in Love at first sight? Kind of.
    Do you believe in Heaven? Yes.
    Do you believe in Hell? Yes.
    Do you believe in any of the following: Santa Claus, The Easter Bunny, The Tooth Fairy or Jesus Christ?:
    Kind of.
    General stuff...:
    Who Named You? My dad.
    What Is Right Next To You? The floor.
    What Is You Computer Desk Made Of? Wood.
    What Are The Last 4 Digits In Your phone number? 5555
    How Many Buddies Do You Have On Your List? Which list?
    How's The Weather Right now: Hot and humid.
    How do you eat Oreos? Whole, no milk usually.
    Are You To Shy To Ask A Girl/Guy Out? Yes.
    If You Could Change Your Name, What Would It Be? I don't know.
    Do You Consider Cheerleading A Sport? No.

    Which forum do you visit the most? General Chat.
    Do you visit the website often? Only to check my e-mail.
    Would you say the mods did a good job? Yes.
    Would you say the admins did a good job? Yes.
    Do you find the forum members friendly? For the majority, yes.
    Would you be interested in helping with the site? Yes.
    Do you feel at home on the fora? Yeah.
    Are there are any fora you would wish to see added? Nope.
    Are you for or against the merging of the artists/writers forums? No. I'd like it. It'd be more like back in the day.
    Other thoughts: I love you.

  7. #22
    Talim Lover! BatChao's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    Torrance, CA


    Name: Kevin
    DOB: 12/06/1982
    Gender: M
    Location: UCI
    Sexual Orientation: Straight
    Hair: Black
    Eyes: Brown
    Height: 5ft 7.5 in
    Weight: 118lbs
    Religion: Buddhist
    Nationality: Chinese/Taiwanese...whatever

    Music Genre: Dunno...
    Band: FinKL
    Song: waiting...
    Album: Either 'Listen to My Heart' or 'NO. 1'
    Singer: BoA
    Soundtrack: Batman
    TV Show: Smallville
    Movie: Black Hawk Down
    Game: Chrono Trigger
    Actor: Haley Joel Osment
    Actress: Dunno
    Food: Italian?
    Drink: Cream Soda
    Quote: It's an adult kiss... we'll do the rest when you get back
    Person at EoFF: everyone!

    What you want your kids' names to be.
    Boys: Bruce/Terry
    Girls: Marle

    Other info:

    Fill that out please! And then this:

    3 Things You Love About Your Body:
    1. I can bend my thumb back around my hand...
    2. Hair is incredibly thich
    3. Unable to gain weight

    3 Things You Hate About Your Body:
    1. Unable to gain weight
    2. Crazy hair
    3. Not very strong

    3 Things You Like About Your Personality:
    1. Fun
    2. ...
    3. ...

    3 Things You Wish You Could Change About Your Personality:
    1. Be able to compliment myself
    2. Care about stuff
    3. Not be so shy

    3 Things You Would Do With A Million Dollars Cash:
    1. Buy a new computer
    2. Buy a PS2 and get lots of games for GC and PS2
    3. Buy Saleen S7

    3 Things You Never Want To Do/Have Happen To You:
    1. Have to decide between 2 people who dies
    2. Go to a war
    3. Have to kill someone

    3 Things you want to do/have happen to you before you die:
    1. Develop games
    2. Make a movie
    3. Save a life

    Do you like candles? When there's no electricity I do
    Do you like incense? Only when they're used religiously
    Do you like the taste of blood? Only my own
    Fetishes? When girls do that thing with the scrunchie on their wrist and they slide it on their hair
    Biggest turn on?: See above
    If you could meet any one famous in the world, (i.e: they've been on television, or in a book, movie, etc...) who and why? dunno
    What song is stuck in your head right now? Eyes on Me
    Do you like stuffed animals? Yea
    If you could get away with it and murder anyone, who and for what reason? Never ever would do that
    Person you wish you could be with right now? Nobody
    What do you want done with your body when you die? Cremated

    In the past 24 hours, have you:
    Flashed someone? No
    Mooned someone? No
    Tried to kill yourself? No
    Tried to kill someone else? No
    Told someone you hated them? No
    Told someone you loved them and didn't mean it? No
    Taken a shower? No
    Hugged someone? No
    Kissed someone? No
    Had sex? No
    Been drunk? No
    Been high? No
    Been in a fight? No
    Sang? I hummed...
    Danced? No
    Made someone laugh? Yes
    Has someone else made you laugh? I think so
    Had a philosophical conversation? No
    Contemplated suicide? No
    Wished on a star? No
    Fantasized about someone? Yes

    Would you rather....:
    Be in the Mountains or at the Beach? Beach... a clean one
    Have someone break up with you or break up with someone? Someone break up with me
    Be caused physical pain or cause someone physical pain? Be caused
    Be alone or with someone else? Alone

    Have you ever...:
    Ever Been So Drunk You Blacked out? No
    Missed School Because It Was Raining? No
    Set Any Body Part On Fire For Amusement? No
    Kept A Secret From Everyone? No
    Had an imaginary friend? Yes
    Wanted To Hook Up With A Friend? Yes
    Ever Cried During A Flick? Yes
    Ever liked a teacher? No
    Ever Thought An Animated Character was Hot? YES!
    Ever Prank Called Someone? Yes
    Been On Stage? Yes

    What are your/do you prefer...:
    Favourite Colors? Navy Blue
    Day/Night? Night
    Favourite Kind of music? Wasn't this question already on here?
    Lace or Satin? Don't care
    Favourite Cartoon Character? Batman
    Do You Like Scary Or Happy Movies? Either is fine as long as it's good
    Do You Like Talking To People On The phone or in
    person? Phone
    Lust Or Love? Love

    Do you Have a bf/gf? No
    Who's your loudest friend? My sister
    Who is the shyest? Me
    Who do you go to for advice? Mom
    Most Mean? none
    Most sarcastic? Jomiy

    Have you/do you...:
    Talked To Someone you have a crush on? No
    Miss someone? No
    Hugged someone you liked? Yes
    Fought With Your Parents? Yes
    Laughed Until You Cried? Yes
    Watched A Sunrise/Sunset? No
    Went To The Beach At Night? Yes

    Are you...:
    Are You Happy? Yes
    Are You Talking To Someone Online? No

    Do you believe...:
    Do you believe in God/Devil? I think... I need some more proof
    Do you believe in Love? Yes
    Do you believe in the Big Bang Theory? Yes
    Do you believe in love? wat's the difference between love and Love?
    Do you believe in soulmates? No
    Do you believe in Love at first sight? No
    Do you believe in Heaven? Yes
    Do you believe in Hell? No
    Do you believe in any of the following: Santa Claus, The Easter Bunny, The Tooth Fairy or Jesus Christ?: Jesus was real, but he's not the son of God

    General stuff...:
    Who Named You? One of both of my parents, I don't know
    What Is Right Next To You? Speakers
    What Is You Computer Desk Made Of? Wood
    What Are The Last 4 Digits In Your phone number? 6378
    How Many Buddies Do You Have On Your List? 93 - though I only talk to 20 or so
    How's The Weather Right now: Windy
    How do you eat Oreos? When I have them I do
    Are You To Shy To Ask A Girl/Guy Out? Yea
    If You Could Change Your Name, What Would It Be? I like my name
    Do You Consider Cheerleading A Sport? No

    Which forum do you visit the most? General Chat
    Do you visit the website often? Yes
    Would you say the mods did a good job? Yes!
    Would you say the admins did a good job? Yes!
    Do you find the forum members friendly? Yes!
    Would you be interested in helping with the site? Yes!
    Do you feel at home on the fora? Yes!
    Are there are any fora you would wish to see added? Not that I can think of
    Are you for or against the merging of the artists/writers forums? For
    Other thoughts: That was super mundo fun!
    "It's an adult kiss...we'll do the rest when you get back." -Misato Katsuragi

    [size=1]Soul Calibur r0x0rz my b0x0rz!
    Actually... I don't wear boxers, but Soul Calibur r0x0rz my briefz0rz just doesn't have the same ring to it...

    **Proud owner of the Mercedes Scar**

  8. #23
    falling away Jewels's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    New Zealand
    Name: Julie-Ann
    DOB: 27/01/87
    Gender: Female
    Location: Auckland, New Zealand
    Sexual Orientation: Straight
    Hair: Black
    Eyes: Brown
    Height: 5'4"
    Weight: 108
    Religion: Not part of any religion
    Nationality: Asian/Kiwi

    Music Genre: Rock, R'n'B
    Band: Lifehouse, The Calling, Nickelback
    Song: Somewhere In Between, Wherever You Will Go, Too Bad
    Album: Lifehouse: No Name Face
    Singer: Ja Rule, Ashanti, Vanessa Carlton, Michelle Branch
    Soundtrack: Shrek
    TV Show: Friends, Survivor, Ally McBeal
    Movie: LoTR: The Fellowship Of The Ring
    Game: FF7
    Actor: Orlando Bloom
    Actress: Sarah Michelle Gellar
    Food: Pasta, potato salad
    Drink: Smoothies, thickshakes, coke/pepsi
    Quote: "Pffft....doubt it"
    Person at EoFF: Rinoabella, Sakura Yume

    What you want your kids' names to be.
    Boys: Sebastian, Mike, Liam
    Girls: Bella, Melissa, Estelle

    Other info:

    Fill that out please! And then this:

    3 Things You Love About Your Body:
    1. The right size for my age
    2. My fingers are long and skinny
    3. Nothing broken

    3 Things You Hate About Your Body:
    1. Fatness
    2. Weakness
    3. Face skin is not completely smooth

    3 Things You Like About Your Personality:
    1. Friendliness
    2. Get along with people easily
    3. Different types of personalities

    3 Things You Wish You Could Change About Your Personality:
    Can't really think of any

    3 Things You Would Do With A Million Dollars Cash:
    1. Buy lots of clothes and shoes
    2. Go overseas
    3. Put the rest of it my bank account

    3 Things You Never Want To Do/Have Happen To You:
    1. Cry so much
    2. Kill someone
    3. See someone I care about die

    3 Things you want to do/have happen to you before you die:
    1. Finish school and get a job
    2. Feel excepted
    3. Be happy

    Do you like candles? Yes
    Do you like incense? Yes
    Do you like the taste of blood? No
    Fetishes? No
    Biggest turn on?: Probably lots of things
    If you could meet any one famous in the world, (i.e: they've been on television, or in a book, movie, etc...) Why? Can't think of anyone at the moment
    What song is stuck in your head right now? Ja Rule & Ashanti: Always On Time
    Do you like stuffed animals? Yes
    If you could get away with it and murder anyone, who and for what reason? I wouldn't kill anyone.....
    Person you wish you could be with right now? Don't want to be with anyone
    What do you want done with your body when you die? Don't care

    In the past 24 hours, have you:
    Flashed someone? No
    Mooned someone? No
    Tried to kill yourself? No
    Tried to kill someone else? No
    Told someone you hated them? Not to their face
    Told someone you loved them and didn't mean it? No
    Taken a shower? Yes
    Hugged someone? No
    Kissed someone? No
    Had sex? No
    Been drunk? No
    Been high? No
    Been in a fight? Not abusive
    Sang? Yes
    Danced? No
    Made someone laugh? Probably
    Has someone else made you laugh? Definitely
    Had a philosophical conversation? No
    Contemplated suicide? Yes
    Wished on a star? No
    Fantasized about someone? Yes

    Would you rather....:
    Be in the Mountains or at the Beach? Beach
    Have someone break up with you or break up with someone? Break up with someone
    Be caused physical pain or cause someone physical pain? Cause someone physical pain
    Be alone or with someone else? Depends

    Have you ever...:
    Ever Been So Drunk You Blacked out? No
    Missed School Because It Was Raining? No
    Set Any Body Part On Fire For Amusement? No
    Kept A Secret From Everyone? Yes
    Had an imaginary friend? Yes
    Wanted To Hook Up With A Friend? No
    Ever Cried During A Flick? Yes
    Ever liked a teacher? Haha, no
    Ever Thought An Animated Character was Hot? No
    Ever Prank Called Someone? No
    Been On Stage? Yes

    What are your/do you prefer...:
    Favourite Colors? Purple
    Day/Night? Night
    Favourite Kind of music? Rock, R'n'b but with good lyrics
    Lace or Satin? Satin
    Favourite Cartoon Character(s)? The Simpsons
    Do You Like Scary Or Happy Movies? Scary
    Do You Like Talking To People On The phone or in
    person? Person
    Lust Or Love? Lust

    Do you Have a bf/gf? No
    Who's your loudest friend? Rachel
    Who is the shyest? Joanne
    Who do you go to for advice? Tammy, Kelly
    Most Mean? Probably Tammy.....but she's more moody than mean
    Most sarcastic? Joseph

    Have you/do you...:
    Talked To Someone you have a crush on? Yes
    Miss someone? Yes
    Hugged someone you liked? No
    Fought With Your Parents? Yes
    Laughed Until You Cried? Yes
    Watched A Sunrise/Sunset? Yes
    Went To The Beach At Night? No

    Are you...:
    Are You Happy? At times
    Are You Talking To Someone Online? No

    Do you believe...:
    Do you believe in God/Devil? Sometimes
    Do you believe in Love? Sometimes
    Do you believe in the Big Bang Theory? Dunno...
    Do you believe in love? SOMETIMES
    Do you believe in soulmates? No
    Do you believe in Love at first sight? Yes
    Do you believe in Heaven? Yes
    Do you believe in Hell? Yes
    Do you believe in any of the following: Santa Claus, The Easter Bunny, The Tooth Fairy or Jesus Christ?: Yes

    General stuff...:
    Who Named You? My parents
    What Is Right Next To You? My brother's bin
    What Is You Computer Desk Made Of? Hard wood/plastic stuff
    What Are The Last 4 Digits In Your phone number? ......
    How Many Buddies Do You Have On Your List? Lots
    How's The Weather Right now: Sunny but windy
    How do you eat Oreos? Just stuff them in your mouth
    Are You Too Shy To Ask A Girl/Guy Out? Dunno
    If You Could Change Your Name, What Would It Be? Something more short
    Do You Consider Cheerleading A Sport? Yes

    Which forum do you visit the most? General Chat
    Do you visit the website often? Yes
    Would you say the mods did a good job? Kinda
    Would you say the admins did a good job? Kinda
    Do you find the forum members friendly? I guess so
    Would you be interested in helping with the site? No
    Do you feel at home on the fora? Not really
    Are there are any fora you would wish to see added? No
    Are you for or against the merging of the artists/writers forums? Don't mind
    Other thoughts: My hands are cold and this took me 10 mins to do
    I keep running....I am running....
    I keep living for the day that I'm with you

  9. #24


    Name: Stefanie M. Yoshimura
    DOB: 11.08.86
    Gender: Of the feminine kind
    Location: Ka-li-for-nye-eh!
    Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
    Hair: Dark, dark brown.
    Eyes: Hazel
    Height: 5'0"
    Weight: 104 lbs? 103 lbs?
    Religion: Somewhat Christian
    Nationality: Japanese/Run-of-the-mill Caucasian American

    Music Genre: Alternative Rock, JROCK
    Band: Goo Goo Dolls, Switchfoot, Vertical Horizon, Malice Mizer
    Song: Iris by the Goo Goo Dolls, Save Yourself by Sense Field, Vanilla by Gackt, etc.
    Album: "Astro Lounge" - Smashmouth
    Singer: Gackt, Josh Groban, Tori Amos
    Soundtrack: The Nightmare Before Christmas, Meet Joe Black, Seiken Densetsu 3
    TV Show: Invader Zim? I don't really watch TV.
    Movie: The Nightmare Before Christmas, LotR, You've Got Mail
    Game: Dance Dance Revolution, FFVII, Seiken Densetsu 3
    Actor: Tom Hanks, Elijah Wood
    Actress: Meg Ryan
    Food: Curry rice, ramen, lasagna
    Drink: Chocolate chai latte, Sprite
    Quote: "Chicken are just like salmon, except they're not. But if they were, they would be. Just without ice cream."
    Person at EoFF: Aww, everybody's cool. But I do have a particular affinity for BoB...

    What you want your kids' names to be.
    Boys: Ian, Ethan
    Girls: Elyse, Iris

    Other info: Did you know this is the fourth survey I have filled out this week?

    Fill that out please! And then this: *throws confetti*

    3 Things You Love About Your Body:
    1. My lips.
    2. My hands.
    3. I'm actually starting to like being small.

    3 Things You Hate About Your Body:
    1. My thighs XP.
    2. My hair.
    3. My cheeks.

    3 Things You Like About Your Personality:
    1. I'm strangely...different.
    2. I'm quite good at being manipulatively cute...?
    3. Patience.

    3 Things You Wish You Could Change About Your Personality:
    1. Stop being quite so shy.
    2. Not feel so guilty, so easily.
    3. Be a stronger person.

    3 Things You Would Do With A Million Dollars Cash:
    1. Fly over to be with Daniel.
    2. Buy a Dance Dance Revolution 5th Mix Plus arcade machine.
    3. Um...spend/save.

    3 Things You Never Want To Do/Have Happen To You:
    1. Be alone.
    2. Lose someone I love.
    3. Seriously injure someone mentally/physically.

    3 Things you want to do/have happen to you before you die:
    1. Get married.
    2. Have children.
    3. Start a somewhat-successful animation studio.

    Do you like candles? Mmhmm.
    Do you like incense? Nope, strong perfume-y smells often make me sneeze.
    Do you like the taste of blood? *cough* Yes...
    Fetishes? Blood
    Biggest turn on?: For me to know and you to find out.
    If you could meet any one famous in the world, (i.e: they've been on television, or in a book, movie, etc...) who and why? I dunno. Maybe Yasuhiro Nightow 'cause he created Trigun.
    What song is stuck in your head right now? Save Yourself by Sense Field
    Do you like stuffed animals? Yeppers. ^_^
    If you could get away with it and murder anyone, who and for what reason? Nobody. Murder ain't nice. ;_;
    Person you wish you could be with right now? Daniel.
    What do you want done with your body when you die? Not sure. P'raps cremated.

    In the past 24 hours, have you:
    Flashed someone? No.
    Mooned someone? No.
    Tried to kill yourself? No.
    Tried to kill someone else? No.
    Told someone you hated them? No!
    Told someone you loved them and didn't mean it? No, again.
    Taken a shower? *nodnod*
    Hugged someone? Yep.
    Kissed someone? No.
    Had sex? No.
    Been drunk? No.
    Been high? On life/love?
    Been in a fight? A poking fight! XD
    Sang? Of course.
    Danced? Sorta. I somewhat dance/frolick all the time.
    Made someone laugh? No...
    Has someone else made you laugh? Yep. *giggles*
    Had a philosophical conversation? Mmhmm.
    Contemplated suicide? Not really. Tho' I did get asked how I'd would if I did.
    Wished on a star? Mmhmm.
    Fantasized about someone? Most definently.

    Would you rather....:
    Be in the Mountains or at the Beach? Mountains, definently.
    Have someone break up with you or break up with someone? Neither. ;_; But break up with me if I have to choose.
    Be caused physical pain or cause someone physical pain? Be caused pain.
    Be alone or with someone else? Someone else, depending on the person.

    Have you ever...:
    Ever Been So Drunk You Blacked out? No.
    Missed School Because It Was Raining? Maybe once...
    Set Any Body Part On Fire For Amusement? No. O_o
    Kept A Secret From Everyone? Most definently.
    Had an imaginary friend? Mmhmm. Several.
    Wanted To Hook Up With A Friend? Of course, silly.
    Ever Cried During A Flick? Many times... ;_;
    Ever liked a teacher? Not that way. Ewww.
    Ever Thought An Animated Character was Hot? Yes yes.
    Ever Prank Called Someone? No, I'm a chicken.
    Been On Stage? Yes. Going to be again next week.

    What are your/do you prefer...:
    Favourite Colors? Black and blood red.
    Day/Night? Night.
    Favourite Kind of music? The voices in me head! *sparkle*
    Lace or Satin? Er...satin, I guess. Feels nicer.
    Favourite Cartoon Character? Vash the Stampede!
    Do You Like Scary Or Happy Movies? Happy.
    Do You Like Talking To People On The phone or in
    person? In person, but I enjoy the phone too.
    Lust Or Love? Love. *nodnod*

    Do you Have a bf/gf? Mmhmm. n_n
    Who's your loudest friend? Robyn tho' Rose is close.
    Who is the shyest? Kasia or Zak.
    Who do you go to for advice? Generally Laura or Daniel.
    Most Mean? I don't really have mean friends. Maybe Kaysha but only 'cause she started the whole "Ho Boots" thing XP ...And calls me Mr. Stephen.
    Most sarcastic? I dunno.

    Have you/do you...:
    Talked To Someone you have a crush on? Yes.
    Miss someone? Yes... *sighs*
    Hugged someone you liked? Mmhmm.
    Fought With Your Parents? Yeah...
    Laughed Until You Cried? Very, very rarely.
    Watched A Sunrise/Sunset? Technically no. I've seen them but never really watched.
    Went To The Beach At Night? Many times. It's fun!

    Are you...:
    Are You Happy? More-or-less yes.
    Are You Talking To Someone Online? Nope.

    Do you believe...:
    Do you believe in God/Devil? Yeah.
    Do you believe in Love? Yes.
    Do you believe in the Big Bang Theory? I have no idea.
    Do you believe in love? *points up*
    Do you believe in soulmates? Mmhmm.
    Do you believe in Love at first sight? Nah.
    Do you believe in Heaven? Somewhat.
    Do you believe in Hell? Not sure, maybe.
    Do you believe in any of the following: Santa Claus, The Easter Bunny, The Tooth Fairy or Jesus Christ?: Yes.

    General stuff...:
    Who Named You? My parents.
    What Is Right Next To You? On which side? A wall then.
    What Is You Computer Desk Made Of? Wood, I think.
    What Are The Last 4 Digits In Your phone number? 0845
    How Many Buddies Do You Have On Your List? *too lazy to count* Not many tho'.
    How's The Weather Right now: It's night. But it's been warm lately. XP
    How do you eat Oreos? Pull the halves apart. Eat one, then the other.
    Are You To Shy To Ask A Girl/Guy Out? *nodnod*
    If You Could Change Your Name, What Would It Be? Probably wouldn't change it but...Michael! XD
    Do You Consider Cheerleading A Sport? Depends. Generally not.

    Which forum do you visit the most? General Chat
    Do you visit the website often? Not really.
    Would you say the mods did a good job? Yep.
    Would you say the admins did a good job? Yep yep.
    Do you find the forum members friendly? Mmhmm. ^_^
    Would you be interested in helping with the site? Of course.
    Do you feel at home on the fora? A little.
    Are there are any fora you would wish to see added? Not that I can think of.
    Are you for or against the merging of the artists/writers forums? I'm rather neutral.
    Other thoughts: I'm kelp! XD

  10. #25
    *permanently smitten*
    A Vey Good Friend
    Calliope's Avatar
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    Name: Nicky the Great
    DOB: feb 27 84
    Gender: female
    Location: Aotearoa/The Land of the Long White Cloud/Kiwiland/New Zealand
    Sexual Orientation: straight
    Hair: long. brown. straight. boring!
    Eyes: two. hazel. faulty.
    Height: 5'4. i think
    Weight: 51 kgs...what's that in pounds? i dunno, but that's exactly the same weight as the baby hippo at auckland zoo! *dies*
    Religion: um...i'm starting my own. Seussism!
    Nationality: NZ Maori

    Music Genre: Britpop
    Band: Blur
    Song: constantly changing
    Album: "parklife" by blur
    Singer: damon albarn/bic runga/fran healy/cerys matthews
    Soundtrack: Ocean's Eleven/phantom of the opera
    TV Show: The Simpsons!
    Movie: Forrest Gump, shindlers list, the fugitive...
    Game: Alex the Kidd for Sega Master System Two
    Actor: tom hanks, brad pitt/ed norton, jackie chan!
    Actress: i dunno
    Food: rice. yeah!
    Drink: red bull/water/fruit juice stuff
    Quote: "Lucky you guys told me my bed was on fire otherwise I might have gone to sleep and burned to death!" - Neil, the young ones
    Person at EoFF: only one? pfft.

    What you want your kids' names to be.
    Boys: smashy eyes
    Girls: ebolaette
    (you really think i'd make a mother?! ha!)

    Other info: I formed the official eoff spam brigade. and the pez dispenser jedi knights. it's great.

    Fill that out please! And then this: all of you owe me mail!

    3 Things You Love About Your Body:
    1. it's mine
    2. it can fit in the space under the kitchen sink
    3. i'm impervious to sunburn

    3 Things You Hate About Your Body:
    1. no one else wants it
    2. it can't fit in the actual sink
    3. it can't withstand work's stupid giant knives and ovens...grr...stupid chocolate grater/giant knife/coconut tray scarring me for life...

    (c'mon! you didn't want serious answers, did you?)

    3 Things You Like About Your Personality:
    1. i'm insane
    2. i can stall for ages without saying what i mean
    3. i fool everyone into thinking i'm smarter than i am

    3 Things You Wish You Could Change About Your Personality:
    1. i wish i were louder sometimes, ie with guitar (shut up towns!)
    2. i'd like the ability so say what i think regardless of what i think will happen
    3. i wish i wasn't a robot. sigh. *goes to and feels slightly better*

    3 Things You Would Do With A Million Dollars Cash:
    2. Randomly turn up on the doorsteps of unsuspecting eoffers disguised as a pizza delivery girl
    3. save a rainforest?

    3 Things You Never Want To Do/Have Happen To You:
    1. accidentally break my guitar
    2. accidentally break my brother
    3. most of the stuff that happens in my head xD

    3 Things you want to do/have happen to you before you die:
    1. help out majorly bigly lots in some greenpeace thing
    2. go see a van gogh in paris or somewhere
    3. finish this bloody survey

    Do you like candles? yup
    Do you like incense? not really
    Do you like the taste of blood? you haven't heard my blood pudding story, have you?
    Fetishes? art? what?
    Biggest turn on?: uh...
    If you could meet any one famous in the world, (i.e: they've been on television, or in a book, movie, etc...) who and why? too many people!
    What song is stuck in your head right now? 'till there was you' - the beatles
    Do you like stuffed animals? toys, yes. actual 'stuffed animals', no.
    If you could get away with it and murder anyone, who and for what reason? can't think of
    Person you wish you could be with right now? *runs*
    What do you want done with your body when you die? i want it stuffed and mounted and stuck at the top of the skytower so tourists will think all nzers are crazy and jump off buildings. what the hell kind of question is this? bah!

    In the past 24 hours, have you:
    Flashed someone? no
    Mooned someone? no
    Tried to kill yourself? no
    Tried to kill someone else? i wouldn't say "tried" *cough*
    Told someone you hated them? no
    Told someone you loved them and didn't mean it? no
    Taken a shower? yes
    Hugged someone? no
    Kissed someone? no
    Had sex? no
    Been drunk? no
    Been high? no
    Been in a fight? no
    Sang? *cough*yes*cough*
    Danced? no
    Made someone laugh? yessiree
    Has someone else made you laugh? yup yup
    Had a philosophical conversation? yes
    Contemplated suicide? my own?
    Wished on a star? no
    Fantasized about someone? noooo

    Would you rather....:
    Be in the Mountains or at the Beach? beach
    Have someone break up with you or break up with someone? this doesn't sound good. it has the word 'break' in it.
    Be caused physical pain or cause someone physical pain? um...depends who it is
    Be alone or with someone else? someone else

    Have you ever...:
    Ever Been So Drunk You Blacked out? no. wait...yes. but it doesn't count, i was only three at the time...
    Missed School Because It Was Raining? no, i don't live in oz
    Set Any Body Part On Fire For Amusement? no
    Kept A Secret From Everyone? yes
    Had an imaginary friend? yes
    Wanted To Hook Up With A Friend? yes
    Ever Cried During A Flick? yes. stupid chick flicks. *scowls*
    Ever liked a teacher? define 'like', it carries negative connotations
    Ever Thought An Animated Character was Hot? no
    Ever Prank Called Someone? millions of lots!
    Been On Stage? yes many times yay!

    What are your/do you prefer...:
    Favourite Colors? blurple.
    Day/Night? night
    Favourite Kind of music? something with guitars/drums/violins
    Lace or Satin? satin
    Favourite Cartoon Character? homer is funniest, donald duck has the best voice
    Do You Like Scary Or Happy Movies? no "scary" movie has ever scared me; i laugh through them. "happy" movies probably strike me as cheesey. i dunno...
    Do You Like Talking To People On The phone or in
    person? in person
    Lust Or Love? love?

    Do you Have a bf/gf? no
    Who's your loudest friend? ash?
    Who is the shyest? stupid demented bear!
    Who do you go to for advice? no one, anymore...
    Most Mean? Mr Really Very Mean! (copyright)
    Most sarcastic? i dunno...

    Have you/do you...:
    Talked To Someone you have a crush on? i have, yes.
    Miss someone? sure do.
    Hugged someone you liked? no. wait...yes. dammit!
    Fought With Your Parents? no.
    Laughed Until You Cried? yes. i've also done the reverse!
    Watched A Sunrise/Sunset? yes
    Went To The Beach At Night? yes

    Are you...:
    Are You Happy? now?
    Are You Talking To Someone Online? no. stupid 'no IMers at uni'

    Do you believe...:
    Do you believe in God/Devil? depends. do they believe in me?
    Do you believe in Love? i'm a communist and i'm okay...
    Do you believe in the Big Bang Theory? maybe it was a Medium-Sized Bang?
    Do you believe in love? why torment me with this question again!
    Do you believe in soulmates? kids! there may be a boogey man, or boogey men in the house!
    Do you believe in Love at first sight? again with the love, this isn't a hallmark card, it's a survey!
    Do you believe in Heaven? no
    Do you believe in Hell? no
    Do you believe in any of the following: Santa Claus, The Easter Bunny, The Tooth Fairy or Jesus Christ?: three outta four ain't bad!

    General stuff...:
    Who Named You? the right honourable sir walter raleigh! i dunno...i never thought to ask? what?
    What Is Right Next To You? my bag
    What Is You Computer Desk Made Of? i don't have a desk, my computer levitates.
    What Are The Last 4 Digits In Your phone number? 8531
    How Many Buddies Do You Have On Your List? i dunno, i didn't even know there was a list!
    How's The Weather Right now: dark
    How do you eat Oreos? i don't know, i've never tried
    Are You To Shy To Ask A Girl/Guy Out? yup
    If You Could Change Your Name, What Would It Be? i'm not entirely sure...
    Do You Consider Cheerleading A Sport? no way!

    Which forum do you visit the most? gen chat
    Do you visit the website often? too often
    Would you say the mods did a good job? sure
    Would you say the admins did a good job? yup
    Do you find the forum members friendly? wouldn't be here otherwise
    Would you be interested in helping with the site? i have said i was
    Do you feel at home on the fora? there's no place like home!
    Are there are any fora you would wish to see added? um...general spam, muso forum
    Are you for or against the merging of the artists/writers forums? against!
    Other thoughts: The Official Eoff Spam Brigade! is great. *nots*

  11. #26
    *permanent smite* Spuuky's Avatar
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    Hell, eventually.


    Most of those questions are ridiculous, but how exactly can you not believe in Jesus Christ? I mean, I "believe in" George Bush. I've seen the man. I "believe in" Julius Caesar, and I "believe in" Louis XIV. I'm fairly sure the man existed, and anyone who denies it is denying all historical records of the time. Perhaps that question needs to be rephrased to say "Do you believe that Jesus Christ is somehow divine?" or something.

  12. #27
    Quack Shlup's Avatar
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    I feel that there's a difference between believing someone existed and believing in them, probably in the same matter as you feel that there's a difference between believing in someone and believing the stories about them are true. *shrug*

    Now to the point of my post... There's no way in hell I'm reading any of these, which would make it hypocritical of me to fill one out expecting someone else to read it. Does it really have to be so long? It's not like anyone acctually cares.

  13. #28
    Recognized Member Nait's Avatar
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    Name: Kristian Lars Rafael Järventaus
    DOB: 27.11.1985
    Gender: Male
    Location: Southeast Finland
    Sexual Orientation: Post-Puberty Straight.
    Hair: Brown, never coloured.
    Eyes: Brown.
    Height: c. 180 cm
    Weight: 85-90 K
    Religion: Atheist.
    Nationality: Finn

    Music Genre: Celtic
    Band: The Gregorian
    Song: Scarborough Fair
    Album: -
    Singer: -
    Soundtrack: FFIX.
    TV Show: -
    Movie: Shrek.
    Game: Planescape Torment/FF/Something
    Actor: Alec Baldwin *_*
    Actress: -
    Food: Meat pastries.
    Drink: Milk.
    Quote: Incendite Tenebras Mundi
    Person at EoFF: Too many to put here.

    What you want your kids' names to be.
    Boys: Loki, Odin, Myrddin.
    Girls: Tuletar, Maatar, Ilmatar, Meritär.

    Other info: Toocoo birds.

    Fill that out please! And then this:

    3 Things You Love About Your Body:
    1. My hair.
    2. My hands.
    3. My eyes.

    3 Things You Hate About Your Body:
    1. My nose is so small.
    2. I'm so fat, yadda yadda yadda.
    3. It's not in very good shape.

    3 Things You Like About Your Personality:
    1. I dunno..
    2. Is there anything likeable?
    3. I'm so desperate...

    3 Things You Wish You Could Change About Your Personality:
    1. Stupidness.
    2. Toocoo birds.
    3. Nothing, really >=]

    3 Things You Would Do With A Million Dollars Cash:
    1. Get some more.
    2. New computer >=)
    3. Debt.

    3 Things You Never Want To Do/Have Happen To You:
    1. Bugs.
    2. Wrist-slashing.
    3. Torture.

    3 Things you want to do/have happen to you before you die:
    1. Sex.
    2. Money.
    3. I want to write a book on the two before *_*

    Do you like candles? Yes.
    Do you like incense? Yes.
    Do you like the taste of blood? Sometimes.
    Fetishes? Naked females, as I wrote the last time I filled this >=]
    Biggest turn on?: Clothes?
    If you could meet any one famous in the world, (i.e: they've been on television, or in a book, movie, etc...) who and why? Terry Pratchett or Neil Gaiman.
    What song is stuck in your head right now? None.
    Do you like stuffed animals? I would want a raven! Not as much as a live on, though. *_*
    If you could get away with it and murder anyone, who and for what reason? The Pope. I want to piss off believers >=P
    Person you wish you could be with right now? None.
    What do you want done with your body when you die?
    I made a thread on this, read that.

    In the past 24 hours, have you:
    Flashed someone? No.
    Mooned someone? No.
    Tried to kill yourself? No.
    Tried to kill someone else? No.
    Told someone you hated them? No.
    Told someone you loved them and didn't mean it? No.
    Taken a shower? Yes.
    Hugged someone? Yes.
    Kissed someone? No.
    Had sex? NO ;_;
    Been drunk? No.
    Been high? No
    Been in a fight? I hit my friends because he hit me! >=O
    Sang? No. We were in church. I don't sing in churches. Even if everyone else does >=P *hates church*
    Danced? No.
    Made someone laugh? I guess.
    Has someone else made you laugh? Dunno.
    Had a philosophical conversation? Naah...
    Contemplated suicide? No.
    Wished on a star? No.
    Fantasized about someone? No.

    Would you rather....:
    Be in the Mountains or at the Beach? Mountains.
    Have someone break up with you or break up with someone? Someone else.
    Be caused physical pain or cause someone physical pain? Be caused >=| Yeah, I know, I'm weak.
    Be alone or with someone else? Alone.

    Have you ever...:
    Ever Been So Drunk You Blacked out? No.
    Missed School Because It Was Raining? No.
    Set Any Body Part On Fire For Amusement? No.
    Kept A Secret From Everyone? Doesn't everyone?
    Had an imaginary friend? No.
    Wanted To Hook Up With A Friend? Naah.
    Ever Cried During A Flick? I guess.
    Ever liked a teacher? As a friend? Yeah. *_*
    Ever Thought An Animated Character was Hot? Hell yeah.
    Ever Prank Called Someone? No.
    Been On Stage? Something like that.

    What are your/do you prefer...:
    Favourite Colors? Red, Purple, Blue.
    Day/Night? Night.
    Favourite Kind of music? Celtic.
    Lace or Satin? Satin.
    Favourite Cartoon Character? Scrooge. *_*
    Do You Like Scary Or Happy Movies? Happy.
    Do You Like Talking To People On The phone or in
    person? Person.
    Lust Or Love? Lust.

    Do you Have a bf/gf? No.
    Who's your loudest friend? Patrik or Leif.
    Who is the shyest? Dunno.
    Who do you go to for advice? Myself.
    Most Mean? Patrik or Leif x_X
    Most sarcastic? Leif or Patrik.

    Have you/do you...:
    Talked To Someone you have a crush on? Crush? Naah.
    Miss someone? Naah.
    Hugged someone you liked? Yeah. *_*
    Fought With Your Parents? Yes.
    Laughed Until You Cried? Yes, last time it happened while I read a Wyll-quote in the Quote's Out of context... Lemme quote...

    Andaris: You can't feel pain right?
    Wyllius: Depends really
    Anaris: How so?
    Bossker: He can feel my foot in his rectum.
    Bossker: *shoves it up there*
    Wyllius: *shoves Unne up Bossker's rectum*
    Bossker: Oh god! Get it out! GET IT OUT!
    Wyllius: The fun part is when Unne shakes his head.

    Watched A Sunrise/Sunset? Yeah.
    Went To The Beach At Night? Define beach.

    Are you...:
    Are You Happy? Yeah.
    Are You Talking To Someone Online? Not now.

    Do you believe...:
    Do you believe in God/Devil? No.
    Do you believe in Love? No.
    Do you believe in the Big Bang Theory? It's a theory, very likely one.
    Do you believe in love? Again? No.
    Do you believe in soulmates? No.
    Do you believe in Love at first sight? No.
    Do you believe in Heaven? No.
    Do you believe in Hell? Hell no.
    Do you believe in any of the following: Santa Claus, The Easter Bunny, The Tooth Fairy or Jesus Christ?:
    Jesus is a historical bugger.
    General stuff...:
    Who Named You? Dunno.
    What Is Right Next To You? Another nerd. Patrik *_*
    What Is You Computer Desk Made Of? Mine, or the one I use now? I think this one's plastic. The one at home is wood.
    What Are The Last 4 Digits In Your phone number?
    How Many Buddies Do You Have On Your List?
    How's The Weather Right now:
    How do you eat Oreos?
    What are those?
    Are You To Shy To Ask A Girl/Guy Out?
    Never done that.
    If You Could Change Your Name, What Would It Be?
    I made a thread on this also. *_*
    Do You Consider Cheerleading A Sport? I don't like sports.

    Which forum do you visit the most?
    Do you visit the website often?
    Would you say the mods did a good job?
    Hell yeah.
    Would you say the admins did a good job?
    Do you find the forum members friendly?
    More than usual
    Would you be interested in helping with the site?
    Naah. I don't know how to do anything.
    Do you feel at home on the fora?
    Hell yeah.
    Are there are any fora you would wish to see added?
    The Finnish forum xD :P Naah... This is fine as it is.
    Are you for or against the merging of the artists/writers forums?
    YES. It was my suggestion in the first place! It was MY names! xD
    Other thoughts: Toocoo birds fly at night.

  14. #29
    angel's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Some place scary

    Default Re: Once Again: The Official Eyes on Final Fantasy Survey

    Name: *prefer not to disclose anymore*
    DOB: 07-05-1482
    Gender: Undecided
    Location: the moon
    Sexual Orientation: *DROOLS OVER GIRLS*
    Hair: YES
    Eyes: YES
    Height: 184
    Weight: 76
    Religion: No
    Nationality: Yes

    Music Genre: techno
    Band: no
    Song: I love rock & roll - britney spears
    Album: play- aerosmith
    Singer: no
    Soundtrack: no
    TV Show: Startrek enterprise
    Movie: no
    Game: starcraft
    Actor: no
    Actress: no
    Food: chineese,japanese
    Drink: no
    Quote: no
    Person at EoFF: Lucrecia , Rydia, sita, shlup

    What you want your kids' names to be.
    Boys: no
    Girls: no

    Other info:

    Fill that out please! And then this:

    3 Things You Love About Your Body:
    1. [not allowed]
    2. [not allowed]
    3. [not allowed]

    3 Things You Hate About Your Body:
    1. [not allowed]
    2. [not allowed]
    3. [not allowed]

    3 Things You Like About Your Personality:
    1. [not allowed]
    2. [not allowed]
    3. [not allowed]

    3 Things You Wish You Could Change About Your Personality:
    1. [not allowed]
    2. [not allowed]
    3. [not allowed]

    3 Things You Would Do With A Million Dollars Cash:
    1. Go to florida
    2. [not allowed]
    3. [not allowed]

    3 Things You Never Want To Do/Have Happen To You:
    1. [not allowed]
    2. [not allowed]
    3. [not allowed]

    3 Things you want to do/have happen to you before you die:
    1. lose virginity
    2. [not allowed]
    3. [not allowed]

    Do you like candles?NO
    Do you like incense? no
    Do you like the taste of blood? no
    Fetishes? latex
    Biggest turn on?: Asian women,asian looks.
    If you could meet any one famous in the world, (i.e: they've been on television, or in a book, movie, etc...) who and why?no
    What song is stuck in your head right now? sunglasses at night
    Do you like stuffed animals?yes
    If you could get away with it and murder anyone, who and for what reason?no
    Person you wish you could be with right now? lucrecia
    What do you want done with your body when you die?
    i intend not to die
    In the past 24 hours, have you:
    Flashed someone? no
    Mooned someone? no
    Tried to kill yourself? no
    Tried to kill someone else? yes
    Told someone you hated them?yes
    Told someone you loved them and didn't mean it? no
    Taken a shower? yes
    Hugged someone?no
    Kissed someone? erm.
    Had sex? [prefer not to disclose]
    Been drunk? nope
    Been high?no
    Been in a fight? no
    Made someone laugh?yes
    Has someone else made you laugh?no
    Had a philosophical conversation?no
    Contemplated suicide?no
    Wished on a star?no
    Fantasized about someone?erm.

    Would you rather....:
    Be in the Mountains or at the Beach? mountains
    Have someone break up with you or break up with someone? have someone break up with me
    Be caused physical pain or cause someone physical pain? cause someone physical pain
    Be alone or with someone else?
    with someone
    Have you ever...:
    Ever Been So Drunk You Blacked out?no
    Missed School Because It Was Raining?no
    Set Any Body Part On Fire For Amusement?no
    Kept A Secret From Everyone?no
    Had an imaginary friend?no
    Wanted To Hook Up With A Friend? no
    Ever Cried During A Flick? no
    Ever liked a teacher?yup
    Ever Thought An Animated Character was Hot? YES
    Ever Prank Called Someone?yes
    Been On Stage?no

    What are your/do you prefer...:
    Favourite Colors? bloo !
    Day/Night? night
    Favourite Kind of music? techno(again O_O!?)
    Lace or Satin? lace!
    Favourite Cartoon Character? calvin
    Do You Like Scary Or Happy Movies? no
    Do You Like Talking To People On The phone or in
    person? both
    Lust Or Love? both go together in my book

    Do you Have a bf/gf? yes
    Who's your loudest friend? noone
    Who is the shyest? noone
    Who do you go to for advice? noone
    Most Mean?noone
    Most sarcastic?noone

    Have you/do you...:
    Talked To Someone you have a crush on? ...
    Miss someone? yes
    Hugged someone you liked? yeah
    Fought With Your Parents?yup
    Laughed Until You Cried? yah
    Watched A Sunrise/Sunset?yeah
    Went To The Beach At Night?no

    Are you...:
    Are You Happy?yes
    Are You Talking To Someone Online?yeah

    Do you believe...:
    Do you believe in God/Devil?no
    Do you believe in Love?yeah
    Do you believe in the Big Bang Theory?yup
    Do you believe in love?yeah
    Do you believe in soulmates?kinda
    Do you believe in Love at first sight?yup
    Do you believe in Heaven?no
    Do you believe in Hell?no
    Do you believe in any of the following: Santa Claus, The Easter Bunny, The Tooth Fairy or Jesus Christ?: nope

    General stuff...:
    Who Named You? my family
    What Is Right Next To You?another laptop + ice tea can
    What Is You Computer Desk Made Of? calvin & hobbes
    What Are The Last 4 Digits In Your phone number? 3491
    How Many Buddies Do You Have On Your List? 600+
    How's The Weather Right now: sunny
    How do you eat Oreos? i don't
    Are You To Shy To Ask A Girl/Guy Out? no
    If You Could Change Your Name, What Would It Be?no
    Do You Consider Cheerleading A Sport? no

    Which forum do you visit the most? Gen chat,artist
    Do you visit the website often? no
    Would you say the mods did a good job? erm. *gets banned*
    Would you say the admins did a good job? *gets even more banned*
    Do you find the forum members friendly? sometimes
    Would you be interested in helping with the site? no
    Do you feel at home on the fora? no
    Are there are any fora you would wish to see added? no
    Are you for or against the merging of the artists/writers forums? YES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
    Other thoughts: make a shorter list

    There we go! Enjoy! [/B][/QUOTE]

  15. #30
    ;______; *crie* Sheik's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    island in the sun


    Name: Krystle
    DOB: Aug. 24, 1986
    Gender: F
    Location: Philippines
    Sexual Orientation: hmmm.... haven't really given it much thought
    Hair: Black
    Eyes: Brown
    Height: 5'2
    Weight: 130-ish, somewhere there!
    Religion: Catholic
    Nationality: onipilif (read it backwards) or ^abyssinian^

    Music Genre: Alternative and RnB
    Band: Lifehouse or Incubus
    Song: Only One by Lifehouse
    Album: Incubus: Make Yourself
    Singer: JLo!!!
    Soundtrack: FFX OST/ Charlie's Angels
    TV Show: Angel and Gilmore Girls
    Movie: Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
    Game: Final Fantasy 10
    Actor: John Cusack
    Actress: Nichole Kidman
    Food: Chinese/Japanese
    Drink: Iced Tea
    Quote:"Seibzehn and I shall be the dark wings which carry you all to your deaths!"
    Person at EoFF: I don't know that many people..... probably chubisco and Sakura Yume...

    What you want your kids' names to be.
    Boys: Angelus... hehe
    Girls: Andrea (the name I never had!)

    Other info:

    Fill that out please! And then this:

    3 Things You Love About Your Body:
    1. my stunning eyes...
    2. my impossible smile!
    3. --

    3 Things You Hate About Your Body:
    1. I like myself the way I am. I don't care what others say!
    2. --
    3. --

    3 Things You Like About Your Personality:
    1. Funny...
    2. --
    3. --

    3 Things You Wish You Could Change About Your Personality:
    1. I think I'm dull...
    2. Too judgemental!
    3. --

    3 Things You Would Do With A Million Dollars Cash:
    1. Buy a house and a Jaguar
    2. (or drop the house and just buy a jaguar!)
    3. --

    3 Things You Never Want To Do/Have Happen To You:
    1. Fail
    2. Be alone for eternity...

    3 Things you want to do/have happen to you before you die:
    1. Succeed in life
    2. find my true love.... bleh! just the one above!

    Do you like candles? scented ones
    Do you like incense? Yes
    Do you like the taste of blood? No
    Fetishes? None at the moment
    Biggest turn on?: Is this a yes or no question?
    If you could meet any one famous in the world, who and why? Hironobu Sakaguchi!
    What song is stuck in your head right now? Foolish by Ashanti
    Do you like stuffed animals? Yes
    If you could get away with it and murder anyone, who and for what reason? The Abu Sayaff, for social reasons
    Person you wish you could be with right now? Kimi Raikkonen.... yeah right!
    What do you want done with your body when you die? Cremated (sp?)

    In the past 24 hours, have you:
    Flashed someone? flashed?
    Mooned someone? mooned? (forgive my ignorance)
    Tried to kill yourself? thought about it but not recently
    Tried to kill someone else? No
    Told someone you hated them? Not anyone in particular
    Told someone you loved them and didn't mean it? Nope
    Taken a shower? No... uh, I mean yes!
    Hugged someone? Nope
    Kissed someone? My mother! How's that?!
    Had sex? Never!!!
    Been drunk? Never!!!
    Been high? Never!!!
    Been in a fight? Mostly with my brother
    Sang? Last night
    Danced? Nope
    Made someone laugh? I don't remember
    Has someone else made you laugh? Not since April!
    Had a philosophical conversation? Eh?
    Contemplated suicide? No
    Wished on a star? Not since I turned 6!
    Fantasized about someone? Usually every night but not anymore

    Would you rather....:
    Be in the Mountains or at the Beach? I'd rather be where I am now
    Have someone break up with you or break up with someone? break up with someone
    Be caused physical pain or cause someone physical pain? cause the pain (what's with these questions)
    Be alone or with someone else? be with someone

    Have you ever...:
    Ever Been So Drunk You Blacked out? Never
    Missed School Because It Was Raining? (classes get cancelled when these things happen)
    Set Any Body Part On Fire For Amusement? I accidentally burned half my face once but not for amusement
    Kept A Secret From Everyone? Yes
    Had an imaginary friend? NEVER!!!
    Wanted To Hook Up With A Friend? He wasn't exactly my friend...
    Ever Cried During A Flick? Yes, when I watched Armageddon
    Ever liked a teacher? No
    Ever Thought An Animated Character was Hot? Squall is hot!!!
    Ever Prank Called Someone? I pranked text someone....
    Been On Stage? Yes

    What are your/do you prefer...:
    Favourite Colors? blue, silver and black
    Day/Night? Night
    Favourite Kind of music? I already gave my answer
    Lace or Satin? neither, who cares!?
    Favourite Cartoon Character? Kimmy of Rugrats
    Do You Like Scary Or Happy Movies? Both
    Do You Like Talking To People On The phone or in
    person? In person
    Lust Or Love? love

    Do you Have a bf/gf? No, what of it!?!
    Who's your loudest friend? Margaux but she's not my friend anymore
    Who is the shyest? Me!!!
    Who do you go to for advice? usually from chubby or eloise
    Most Mean? too many to mention
    Most sarcastic? um... me!!!

    Have you/do you...:
    Talked To Someone you have a crush on? Yes
    Miss someone? my friends who went out of the country
    Hugged someone you liked? Yes
    Fought With Your Parents? usually my dad
    Laughed Until You Cried? Yes
    Watched A Sunrise/Sunset? I remember seeing a beautiful sunset in Ilocos
    Went To The Beach At Night? No

    Are you...:
    Are You Happy? Yeah, my life's fine and dandy!
    Are You Talking To Someone Online? Sakura Yume, Super Christ and Sigg

    Do you believe...:
    Do you believe in God/Devil? Both
    Do you believe in Love? Yes
    Do you believe in the Big Bang Theory? a lotta rubbish!
    Do you believe in love? (stated above)
    Do you believe in soulmates? No
    Do you believe in Love at first sight? Yes
    Do you believe in Heaven? Yes
    Do you believe in Hell? Yes
    Do you believe in any of the following: Santa Claus, The Easter Bunny, The Tooth Fairy or Jesus Christ?: Only Jesus...

    General stuff...:
    Who Named You? My mom, dad, grandma and aunt. I've got 3 names ya know!
    What Is Right Next To You? my phone
    What Is You Computer Desk Made Of? metal-ish slash wood and plastic
    What Are The Last 4 Digits In Your phone number? 3204 (what gives?)
    How Many Buddies Do You Have On Your List? 6 or 7 *don't remember*
    How's The Weather Right now: Hot as usual!
    How do you eat Oreos? I put 'em in my mouth, chew em then swallow em!
    Are You To Shy To Ask A Girl/Guy Out? I haven't dared so it would only mean that...
    If You Could Change Your Name, What Would It Be? Andrea... hehehe
    Do You Consider Cheerleading A Sport? No

    Which forum do you visit the most? Gen. Chat
    Do you visit the website often? A lot lately
    Would you say the mods did a good job? Yes
    Would you say the admins did a good job? Yes (I have to or they'll kill me!)
    Do you find the forum members friendly? Some... *not sure*
    Would you be interested in helping with the site? I'm already doing my part
    Do you feel at home on the fora? I wouldn't be here if I didn't, right?
    Are there are any fora you would wish to see added? A newbie forum where newbies introduce themselves
    Are you for or against the merging of the artists/writers forums? *doesn't care* do whatever you want...
    Other thoughts: damn.......... that wasssssssss longgggggggggg!!!!!!

    EDIT: a lotta mistakes, I had ta fix....
    Last edited by Sheik; 06-05-2002 at 08:20 AM.

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