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Thread: The Journal Thread (February)

  1. #16
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    Worst weekend of the year. To date.
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  2. #17



    We got my sisters stuff from the wheelboy. Now she can continue her life, and move on.
    My friend hasn't any internet yet. This will probably take a while. This is of course bad, because I really need someone to talk to right now, but My sister cries everytime I bring it up and repeatedly tells me not to die. This is frustrating. How can I ever leave her alone in this world? It is so unfair.

  3. #18
    Lover of red wine! Nova Dragon's Avatar
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    Wink Wednesday, February 20, 2002 - 8:35 AM

    Boy did I get a nice break today - classes are cancelled today due to all the ice on the roads. I guess in theory being as I drive to school I am suppose to go, however if it is not safe enough for buses then why is it safe enough for me? Anyway, there are no regular classes so in any case it is a very nice break.

    I sure have had a lot of work everyday in my courses - this final semester of high school certainly is not going to be a cake run. Ah well, I have been able so far to get all of it done during my spare so I guess it is not all bad.

    Looks like Matt is not as down as he was last week - good thing. I was really starting worry about him - I had never seen him so depressed before. On the bright side he has really perked up this week.

    Saw my brother on Monday night. Heh, he brought his girlfriend with him. Nice girl....extremely good looking. I just kept my eyes to the floor while they were here. Didn't want to give him the idea that I was making eyes at his girl - even though it was very, very, very hard not to.

    Hmm....I guess that's about it for today, but man! I am in such a good mood today!

    Been a few days since I posted here - guess that means there are a few days less until the trip this summer!

  4. #19



    I got myself a new job. yay. I'm now a chef in a VERY fine restaurant. Which means, I'll be earning more money than Bill Gates! Well, not really, but I'll have a profit. It'll be about 9$/hour. It's a lot indeed (with a broken arm and all). Soon I'll have enough money! yay. And the best thing is: Zoe and Marxo works there too. This is too good to be true. Great! Though, I hope that I don't neglect my homework. Rissy is doing fine too. This will be the best year in years!

    There's one thing though. I've noticed some guy following me wherever I go. Let's see how this will turn out. If he's planning something nasty, I'm dead. Let's just hope he'll give me a briefcase with plenty'o'money!

  5. #20
    Fullmetal Alchemist LOVE Dee's Avatar
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    Ahhh!! I'm totally infatuated with Apolo Ohno, the new 19 year old speedskater in the Winter Olympics. *runs away giggling*

    Somebody please give me a life.

  6. #21


    Everything's fine right now. As fine as my life allows it to be. The man still stalking, my sister still....? I don't know what my sister is doing. She's not in school that's for sure. Better find out what she's doing. Friend, no computer. Me, feeling better. I think I'll be alright again after two months only. When I've fully recovered, I'll buy a bike. It'll be fun to learn how to ride a bike.
    Visited my parents today. Someone has already been there. Maybe it's Rissy. Got to ask her myself. Tomorrow I'll visit Laurana.

  7. #22
    Fullmetal Alchemist LOVE Dee's Avatar
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    ARGH!! I cannot believe my all time favorite Michelle Kwan DID NOT win gold yesterday. I'm officially pissed. This is the 2nd time in a row this happened. She doesn't deserve this.

  8. #23


    I had a little headache yesterday, so my this sent me to her doctor. "Why not?" I thought. After a quick check, the doctor, which by the way is 26 and VERY goodlooking.....ahem, tells me to rest and all:

    "Thank you doctor."
    "You should get some rest and drink more water."
    "I feel better already"

    Nothing to do so I asked her about my cancer while I was there:

    "Doctor, I have cancer. Can you see if it has...grown?"
    "Cancer? Well, let's take a look, shall we?"

    After the check:

    "Well, doctor?"
    "You don't have cancer."
    "Not? But my doctor told me that I only had 75 months. And that was 2 years ago."
    "I can assure you, you do not have cancer. I don't see anything wrong with you."
    " Are you trying to get a date?"
    "I can next Friday."
    "You are confused because of the cancer? Should I get another doctors' opinion?"
    "No, it's alright. I'll go home and get some rest."
    "I'll see you around then."

    Of course these are not the exact words.

    The big problem is, I don't have cancer. Or do I? Maybe I should get a third opinion. If I'm not going to die, then I'll have to take my studies very seriously. I've been sleeping through most of the classes. This is too weird, because I'm used to think that I'm going to die within a few years. Maybe sooner. But now, it's all so cloudy. I can't see through this. My mind has been cloudy lately. Maybe I was dreaming it all? The whole no-cancer thing was a dream. Maybe I'm going insane. I should seek a shrink or something. I'm very confused. I should talk to my own doctor too, because, maybe the cancer just dissappeared? Let's see, third opinion, shrink then my own doctor. Let's solve this thing before all my hair turns grey.

  9. #24
    Lover of red wine! Nova Dragon's Avatar
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    Well, our Canadian women did it! They snapped that 8 game winless run against the United States, even though they had to do it with probably the WORST referee's I have ever seen and won the gold! What the hell was with that? An American head referee during a game where the United States was going for gold? What a bloody load of crap! This simply proves my point that US are using these games to showcase the greatness of their empire. If I am not mistaken, a country did the same thing in 1936. God, why can't the Olympics just forget about political issues? This is suppose to be a bloody celebration of humanity and a show of world unity - guess that will never happen.

    Looking forward to men's hockey final tomarrow night - it is going to be a classic battle - which we will of course win!

    Can't be sure, but I think I may have a shot with one of the girls in my economics class - be interesting to see how it plays out.

  10. #25


    Third opinion: no cancer
    Shrink: I'm sane.

    Now, I just need to talk to my own doc.

    EDIT: Yeah I was kinda afraid people would kill me for double posting.

    The doctor ahd some interesting things to say. I'll have to think about it. I won't post them here though. It is pretty serious, and I will have to deal with it in a rather unpleasant way.
    Last edited by Bulldog; 02-26-2002 at 07:46 PM.

  11. #26
    Lover of red wine! Nova Dragon's Avatar
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    Smile Wednesday, February 27,2002 - 2:56 PM


    Desided to drop those last 3 high school courses - I do not need them (only took them so I would have something to do until this summer) but they turned into nothing but the biggest headache I can remember. Glad I am done with high school - next year it is on to college! YAY!!!! And before that it is the trip this summer! Double YAY!!!!!!! Now that I am off I will have some time to do some person stuff - study some politics, philosophy, cooking, techniques on women, keep up with my running and working out, and help my old man at the store when he needs it. I am SO glad I am finished with high school and I have graduated - those courses were making me feel so depressed, and until yesterday I had had headaches everyday day this month - this is such a relief, I feel better than I have for a long time!

    Canada ROCKED at the Olympics! 17 metals was a new record, 4 in one day was a new record, we took the double hockey gold and ended the 50 year dry spell of not getting any men's hockey gold! What an Olympics! Geez that was one hell of a celebration on Sunday night after we beat the Americans! CANADA! CANADA!

    Can't wait until this summer - Matt, Paul and I backpacking across Canada - OH YA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. #27
    Ribs in flesh. Shattered Chest's Avatar
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    Default 28. helmikuuta, 2002

    Dear diary, I love Sam.

  13. #28


    I have dealt with this... problem of mine. It seems my uncle had something to do with my "cancer". I'll have to confront him with it. My sister now knows, that I do NOT have cancer of any kind. She knows that I'm not going to die by cancer. I must say, I have never seen her this happy for years. The only thing that will be the cause of my death now, will be my sisters boyfriends. First my arm, next time it'll be my neck.

    After a long time of consideration, I have decided to move on. This state of mind, which has caused me pain, confusion and a lot of grey hair, has got to stop. I will move on with my life.
    I have got to socialize a bit that I know it's worth it.

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