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Thread: The Journal Thread (July)

  1. #16
    ;______; *crie* Sheik's Avatar
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    WoW! Another day off! School's out for the second time! Damn.... I'm lucky. It's rather boring at home though... Well anyways I just wanted to share that. /endofentry

  2. #17
    computer-geekz's Avatar
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    Dear Diary,

    My first time posting here. It'll be nice to pi$$ and moan about my day, because it's been a hell of a weekend.

    My wife got the rental car today, and her car will be towed to the shop tomorrow morning. Thank God the insurance is paying for nearly everything, because the last thing we need right now (with us closing on the house in two weeks) is another big expense. I'm just afraid to see the insurance bill next month.

    Speaking of the house, we finally got to see it today, and it looks great! The tile is done, the cabinets are all installed, and all we're really waiting on is the carpet, the appliances, and some cosmetic work (the workers made a mess!) I just hope they can get it ready for us to move in on the closing date, because we're cutting it awfully close to the end of our apartment lease. I'll just be glad when this is all over. I'll probably sleep three days straight to make up for lost time over this past month.

    But enough ranting from me. I feel better now. Thanks!
    There are only 10 types of people in the world:
    Those that understand binary and those that don't.

    XBL gamertag: ZefZephyran

  3. #18
    permanently mitten
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    Day 1
    decided to post here just for the fun of it

    Went to summer school and was subjected to mind numbing lectures.
    stupid teachers

    Dance practice was cancelled today.
    Was surprisngly disappointed at this sudden change of plans

    Had 3 hours extra free time than expected
    Used this time to randomly surf the internet and lurk on the board

    posted a few times today.
    go me

    the board amuses me much, although this pesky 'newbie' status bugs me.
    must devise a way to get rid of it


  4. #19
    Banished Ace Recognized Member Agent Proto's Avatar
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    Journal, I don't like myself. Whenever I see Tatum online, I always feel terrible, and hated. Why? I want to get this over with, but it's hopelessly not, and I still want to be friends with her, but she wants time away, so I here I am. I haven't spoken to her for quite awhile. I do fine, but when I know that's she's on, I feel uneasy and terrible. I hate this. I want to stop feeling guilty each time. I hate it. I just want to go away and never come back. I've considered resigning, but I've been convinced not to, I want to hurt myself, but that's no way to end my life. I don't want to hurt myself, or anyone, but.... I've been feeling more pessimistic lately, and it's all this damn thing's fault. >=( No one reads my LJ, no one takes a look at me. I feel empty and void. *sigh* I am so hopeless, I lost a friend that I had cared for, but recklessly act foolish around with. Now I'm regretting myself, I'm doubting I'll ever be forgiven, I doubt she will ever be friends with me. I am such a *&*# idiot. why do even bother making fun of myself. ;_; Self-pity am not goal.

    I hate you Jeff.

    Apparently, I have been declared banished.

  5. #20
    bki's Avatar
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    Dear Diary,
    Today i was soooo bored that i got my mom to play piano versions of final fantasy songs...she thoght they were "cool little tune". also my form tutor(who i hate) is burning a cd for me...hehe...he doesn't realise i dun like him...but's nice that he's doin' it for me^^

  6. #21
    Lover of red wine! Nova Dragon's Avatar
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    Default Wednesday, July 10, 2002 - 1:30 AM


    Well here I am at Delhousie residence with Matt and Paul in Halifax after a night of drinking before we head home tomarrow. Been one hell of a trip but I am looking forward to getting home. Should probably make this entry short; too bloody hard to type in my current state! WEEEEE! FUN FUN SILLY WILLY!

  7. #22
    Ribs in flesh. Shattered Chest's Avatar
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    Default 10. heinäkuuta, 2002

    Oh, I thought a certain Nova Dragon had already come back from his trip, and I panicked. I haven't even e-mailed him yet. Weee, I still have time.

    Sam Sam :mog:

  8. #23
    bki's Avatar
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    Dear Diary,
    Today was sooooo cool!!!
    we were at chessington and a friend kept on asking out all these total strangers...most of them said smurf off...but one said yes and now they're going out even tho they live nowhere near eachother^^
    i can't believe it!!!they kissed^^

    also...i was too scared to go on samurai...but i went on...dragon falls, the wierd swing thing, run-away train...umm can't be bothered to put 'em all down^^

    the down-part is that i lost something and i got sunburnt;
    well...anyway it was still fun^^


  9. #24
    permanently mitten
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    I'm going to the beach today...

  10. #25
    DJ Seph Man

    Default Dear Journal,

    I seem to have hit the dumps this time..... I seem to have lost my life again due to an overflow of stress.... dealing with these things are hard but I never knew that they would be this containing and harsh to even think about the past that bothers you more and more...... the idea of feeling lonely haunts my dreams every night which wakes me in a horror of never to be loved like others are.... I look around and I see couples.... everywhere.... and then I think to myself.... why can't I be like them.... the first answer that comes to my mind is usually one that I do not come up with on my own.... something like You have no feelings if you don't have that, why do you want to love or be loved? the second thing is that I've been told many times that I'm not good enough for anybody, which makes me contradict that I am officially a loser..... not your loser who ends up with a girl in the end cause she's a loser too, I'm a loser. Period. nothing goes on in my story. I feel so bad about myself sometimes for thinking these things but they are true....... every last word is true.....

  11. #26
    Back of the net Recognized Member Heath's Avatar
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    Default WOW

    Hi, first post here so be nice,
    today these army people came into school so we had to (of course no had to tell me twice about the weapons ) I got the best score on the target range 9 in 30 seconds go me! We were on the net part and we were on artificail turf, word of warning sand on knees, teamed up with sunburn...kills!
    Oh well after running about practically all day (we had a whole-year group cricket tournament afterwards, 5th ain't THAT bad)

    Overall fun.
    Not my words Carol, the words of Top Gear magazine.

  12. #27

    Damn diary......

    I'm hate of life.
    Life sux.....
    Every 1 hatez meh.....
    I don't now what to like ppl.
    And my english sux.
    Also,i hear metallika all damn day,that makez meh more angry
    I'm by doin an stupidity.....
    Lifen shneider gu77a verdenn...
    Das engel rules your asses......
    No leaf clover....
    Which Final Fantasy 8 Character Are You? You are Seifer! You're a bad-boy (or bad-girl) loner whose
    cool, surly image can be very intriguing to the opposite sex.
    Deep down, you feel really screwed by the world in general.
    It's like no one understands who you really are. Even you.

    Take the Final Fantasy 8 Test here!

  13. #28
    the 420 man Johnny Mac's Avatar
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    it tookme 3 years but I've finally quite all drugsbut pot which is way better than everything else I was doin. I'm happier now
    ~Patience is for those who lack conviction~


  14. #29
    Lover of red wine! Nova Dragon's Avatar
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    Default July 18, 2002 - 7:35 PM


    Busy busy busy busy busy today at the store. 1 1/2 tractor trailers of stock came in; then on top of that all the paper products didn't arrive until an hour before closing. Oh well, that just means that tomarrow won't be a boring day like Wednesday.

    The post counter seems not to be working on EoFF right now. All the accounts are at 0 posts and 0.00 posts/day - I wonder what the problem is...Oh well, whatever it is probably isn't any of my business!

    Wonder how Sammy is enjoying her trip to Hawaii...I think tomarrow I will send her an e-mail. I am not exactly sure when she is getting home but I want to get the mail off before she does.

    The trip was AMAZING! Got back this past Saturday; rather than go into any major detail now I think I will make a thread about it (and other peoples trips so it doesn't get shut down. )

    Guess that's about it for now.

  15. #30
    bki's Avatar
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    Dear Diary,
    OMG!!! i'm going on holiday TOMORROW!!!
    i'm gonna miss u all...
    the down thing is that i've gotta get up mega early...

    me and my family are spending a week at a beach^^
    it's gonna be great!!!


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