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Thread: Quotes In and Out of Context r return. <=]

  1. #211
    Shiroi Kumo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Wherever the winds take me...


    Shivering Sheep = Línxiâotùzi/Tokki-Ru
    Shi-WO-wi! = Me

    Shivering Sheep says:
    it is!! don't ignore me!! *shakes you*
    Shi-WO-wi! says:
    Gaa! *is shaken, not stirred*
    Shivering Sheep says:
    Shivering Sheep says:
    spoony bond.

    A song sung by ancient Mist...

  2. #212


    Jamas: Me
    Hang on to me, though I'm one of a million: Línxiâotùzi/Tokki-ru/BunBun.

    Notice the time being 6AM for me and 12AM for her.

    Jamas says:
    It sounds so wrong, you going to sleep the same time as me *dies*
    Hang on to me, though I'm one of a million says:
    oh yeah xDDDDDDD
    Jamas says:
    Time here = 6:04 AM xDD
    Hang on to me, though I'm one of a million:
    xD gooooo! sleeeep! i must rest for tomorrow! big day..MUSIC ROOM! xd
    Jamas says:
    *dies laughing* G'night Bunny ;D
    Hang on to me, though I'm one of a million says:
    Jamas says:
    *jumps in bed, gone*
    Hang on to me, though I'm one of a million says:
    *gone too*
    Hang on to me, though I'm one of a million says:
    Jamas says:
    *him too*
    Hang on to me, though I'm one of a million says:
    you're not really gone! ha!
    Jamas says:
    Neither are you!
    Jamas says:
    Hang on to me, though I'm one of a million says:
    xD let's both go! count of 3!
    Jamas says:
    Hang on to me, though I'm one of a million says:
    Jamas says:
    2 xDD
    Hang on to me, though I'm one of a million says:
    3!! night!!!
    That's really my hair.

    "Faris, Calvin; you don't seem to understand! This is not a thread about homosexuality! Girls can love Barret! Guys can love Barret! It's not gay! Barret's love is beyond any form of gay-ness. It is transcendent; like the sun and moon and stars! It's like loving God! Would you say a boy who loves God is gay? That's what I thought!

    So please, don't fight. Just spead the love! And the Barret sexyness. RAWR! =D~"

    - Linxiaotuzi

  3. #213
    an unusually clever whore
    Join Date
    Jun 2001


    Oh my, I don't even remember saying all that. xD I guess that's what 1:04am will do to you.

  4. #214


    Unstable Wings = Me, Cmkell = friend from school.

    Cmkell: how was ur day today?
    Unstable Wings: I hurt my back.
    Cmkell: ouch how?
    Unstable Wings: Were you *there* at lunch?
    Unstable Wings: We were screwing around and I got smashed into the drige handle, and was screaming?
    Unstable Wings: Fridge*
    Cmkell: oh yeah thats right
    Cmkell: haha
    Cmkell: that was funny
    Cmkell: lol
    Unstable Wings: Okay.
    Unstable Wings: It wasn't really funny, seeing as now I can't walk right.
    Unstable Wings: And I can't bend, or do anything without being in extreme pain
    Cmkell: haha g2g bye
    Unstable Wings: But haha, sure it's funny.
    Unstable Wings: You're such a good friend.
    Cmkell: hehe

    *shakes fist* My friends are so cruel to me.
    Mugwumps, hi-jumps, low slumps, big bumps

  5. #215
    I Love Shoyku


    Looosaaah~! says:
    Tyler says:
    Then I sank the boat!
    Tyler says:
    Looosaaah~! says:
    i rode it good.
    Tyler says:
    Tyler says:
    Tyler says:
    That was SO wrong.
    Looosaaah~! says:
    ...oh. >_@

    Loooooosaaah = Tokki

  6. #216


    Schwadrulantin: Moonlady
    OWA 67: Me

    Schwadrulantin: Lmao. I had to feel it an hour ago! Sooo you're not gonna get round it, Mister. xD
    OWA 67: feel it right? ;D
    Schwadrulantin: But of course. ;DD
    OWA 67: Ooh, *feel's 'it' * ;DDD
    Schwadrulantin: Do you enjoy it? xD
    OWA 67: Why of course! I'd want to feel it all the time xD
    OWA 67: *dies and quotes*
    That's really my hair.

    "Faris, Calvin; you don't seem to understand! This is not a thread about homosexuality! Girls can love Barret! Guys can love Barret! It's not gay! Barret's love is beyond any form of gay-ness. It is transcendent; like the sun and moon and stars! It's like loving God! Would you say a boy who loves God is gay? That's what I thought!

    So please, don't fight. Just spead the love! And the Barret sexyness. RAWR! =D~"

    - Linxiaotuzi

  7. #217


    Unstable Wings (7:48:17 PM): If I watched Smallville, will you be nice?
    KalivosElscar (7:48:39 PM): Slightly nice. But i'll be really nice after you do one thing. =P
    Unstable Wings (7:49:51 PM): I will not have sex with you. Jesus.
    KalivosElscar (7:50:11 PM): Not that. Something else. =P
    KalivosElscar (7:50:19 PM): I dun sleep with people that sleep with my mom.
    Unstable Wings (7:50:19 PM): ........I won't do it with your mother either.
    Unstable Wings (7:50:23 PM): LMFAO

    Check the time stamps. *dies* That was the funniest thing today. Completely coincidental, too. *glee*
    Mugwumps, hi-jumps, low slumps, big bumps

  8. #218
    Super-Rad Recognized Member Spatvark's Avatar
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    Spatvark: Never noticed that before...
    Spatvark: I can see IPs now in Who's Online at EoFF XD
    Random_Hero: So can I. :x
    Spatvark: you can?
    Spatvark: That's not good
    Random_Hero: Nah. I was lying. :}
    Spatvark: phew...
    Spatvark: I was about to make a thread about it in Staff, hoping to keep it on the quiet
    Random_Hero: xD
    Skwowwy|AWAY: XD
    Random_Hero: I would have gotten in so much ass. xD
    Skwowwy|AWAY: Indeed. And that wouldn't be so smart, would it? XD
    Random_Hero: Nope. xd
    Spatvark: Notice how the last six line (including this one) all end in XD
    Random_Hero: Yep. xD
    Spatvark: I think we overuse XD
    Skwowwy|AWAY: Heh. XD
    Random_Hero: Its become a period, like Scottie said. *doesn't break the chain* xD
    Skwowwy|AWAY: Probably, but no one cares, right? XD
    Random_Hero: Nope, I don't. xD
    Skwowwy|AWAY: Good. XD
    Spatvark: I dunno, I'm sure we must piss some people off with it XD
    Random_Hero: Yeah, I know it pisses Scottie off. xD
    Skwowwy|AWAY: I know some people who don't like overusing XD. XD
    Skwowwy|AWAY: Like Scottie and Him. XD
    Spatvark: Ah well, who's scared of Sco Sco? XD
    Random_Hero: Over using xD is fun, though. xD
    Random_Hero: :O xD
    Skwowwy|AWAY: You have some guts there, Pete. XD
    JavaChimp: xD xD
    Spatvark: *awaits kicking* XD
    Random_Hero: Yeah. Big cojones. xD
    JavaChimp: I know how to get peoples IPs that are registered with nickserv xD
    Random_Hero: No one cares about you. xD
    JavaChimp: I do ;_; xD
    * ZMH was kicked by Guu (CAPS FLOOD)
    Spatvark: Oh, Dan, I replied to your LJ. I almost went with making it all about you being my bitch XD
    Random_Hero: xD
    JavaChimp: o_o xD
    Random_Hero: Stupid ZMH breaking the chain xD
    Spatvark: bastard XD
    JavaChimp: :{ xD
    Skwowwy|AWAY: Let's just pretend this hasn't happened. XD
    JavaChimp: Ok xD
    Random_Hero: He doesn't count. xD
    Skwowwy|AWAY: *didn't XD
    Spatvark: What happened? XD
    Skwowwy|AWAY: Damn straight. XD
    Random_Hero: Nothing. xD
    JavaChimp: Who? xD
    Skwowwy|AWAY: I still have to do three more tests. XD
    Skwowwy|AWAY: And then HOLIDAYS! XD
    JavaChimp: YAY xD
    Random_Hero: The 'xD's' are scaring me. xD
    JavaChimp: xD
    JavaChimp: xD
    Spatvark: *is already in the holidays kinda* XD
    Skwowwy|AWAY: Lucky bastard. XD
    JavaChimp: School got canceled due to snow xD
    Skwowwy|AWAY: We don't even have snow here. XD
    Random_Hero: Or here. xD
    Skwowwy|AWAY: XD
    Random_Hero: This use of xD could lead to some uncomfortable situations. xD
    Skwowwy|AWAY: Why? XD
    Random_Hero: Imagine if someone comes in and has to say "My cat's just died. xD"
    Skwowwy|AWAY: XD
    Spatvark: Yeah, I mean, what if someone says, "I'm going to kill myself!" XD
    Spatvark: ripper: i told u i was hardcore XD
    Random_Hero: "you're going to kill yourself xD"
    Skwowwy|AWAY: Then we'd be all grinning. XD
    Random_Hero: xD
    Spatvark: "Don't kill yourself! XD"
    Random_Hero: xD
    Random_Hero: We should perhaps quote this. xD
    Spatvark: Way ahead of you XD
    Random_Hero: Good lad. xD
    Random_Hero: I remember when I bet Laurens he couldn't use XD for one whole day. xD
    Skwowwy|AWAY: I failed. XD
    Random_Hero: And he failed. Miserabley. xD
    Spatvark: He failed miserably right? XD
    Random_Hero: xD
    Spatvark: Great minds think alike and fools seldom differ XD
    Random_Hero: xD
    Random_Hero: So true. xD
    Spatvark: Oh, btw, I may be leaving the country permanently in little over a years time XD
    Random_Hero: Where too? xD
    Spatvark: California, to be with Staz XD
    Skwowwy|AWAY: Staz? XD
    Spatvark: Go to UCLA XD
    Skwowwy|AWAY: Eh? XD
    Spatvark: Girlfriend Skwoo XD
    Random_Hero: Good for you. xD
    Skwowwy|AWAY: Good for you, indeed. XD
    Scottie: Mornin'
    Random_Hero: Broke the chain. :{
    Skwowwy|AWAY: :=O
    Skwowwy|AWAY: Shame on you! ;_;
    Skwowwy|AWAY: You just broke the all-wonderful chain of XD abuse! XD
    Seriously the best band in the world.
    And here's where I'll stay / For ten years and a day
    We're on a quest to find hidden treasure / And mystery on The Wild Sea

  9. #219
    This is England
    Papa Waigo
    Recognized Member DK's Avatar
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    Tyler says:
    That roast was a slut
    Drive by movies, By the cemetary, If my corpse can talk then I will tell you I am sorry says:
    Tyler says:
    But it was so tender
    Tyler says:
    ....and that did NOT sound right.

  10. #220
    Wanna live forever? Mikztsu's Avatar
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    Nothing funny in this piece of irc Log, folks. Just to show how depraved me and Dan are these days. =o

    Mikztsu> Y0 Dan, getting nailed tonight? :D?
    * Mikztsu sets mode: +v Loki
    Loki> Not tonight, unfortunately. :x
    Loki> How about you?
    Loki> xD
    Zell> XD
    Mikztsu> Yeh, I am.
    Mikztsu> Is getting nailed an actual Englsih slang word for drinking?
    Loki> What you drinking? Beer and red wine? :p
    Mikztsu> Because my friend says "Naulaamaan" in Finnisg
    Mikztsu> Yesh
    Mikztsu> Not too much today though
    Loki> Not really. I guess it can be, but getting nailed is a slang for having sex. xD
    Zell> XD
    Zell> heheh
    Mikztsu> Hehe.xD
    Mikztsu> Alright, are you gonna get drunk tonight then?
    Loki> Getting Hammered is slang for drinking.
    Loki> And no. ;__;
    Loki> No booze. xD
    Mikztsu> That sounds good.
    Mikztsu> Getting hammered
    Mikztsu> Aww...poor Dan, no booze.>=\
    Loki> I know. ;_;
    Loki> But, I should get some money on monday. :D
    Mikztsu> :D!
    Mikztsu> Yay, and everything goes on booze?
    Mikztsu> :D:D
    Loki> Not all of it. Some goes on food. :x
    Mikztsu> Yes
    Mikztsu> To keep you alive soi that you are able to drink
    Loki> Or maybe going to the movies. But definately booze too.
    Loki> Maybe some Vodka, I haven't had any for a while
    Mikztsu> That's my boy. *pets*
    ('-'*)/ - "sup"

  11. #221
    Super-Rad Recognized Member Spatvark's Avatar
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    And the depravity continues...

    Mikztsu: I just peed doen from balcony.:P
    Mikztsu: *down
    Spatvark: XD
    Gau: o_o
    Loki: xD
    Mikztsu: There's this two long holes in muy balcony
    Mikztsu: And it was good to pee from there.:D
    Spatvark: I pissed in a mates gastank last week
    Mikztsu: XD
    Mikztsu: XDDDDD
    Gau: o_o
    Mikztsu: When I was about 11 or 12, I peed on my friend.
    Mikztsu: His shoes though, but yeah
    Gau: Uhh
    Mikztsu: Hello
    Gau: I just peed in the toilet?
    Gau: Go me?
    Loki: I think we've all peed on our friends at one point in our lives.
    Mikztsu: Well, that's one option
    Spatvark: I haven't
    Mikztsu: I pee whereever I please.
    Gau: Loki: I never have.
    Loki: You will.
    Spatvark: Mik: Golden Showers?
    Gau: o_O
    Mikztsu: No, I'm not gloden shower type of guy.
    Mikztsu: You?
    Loki: xD
    Spatvark: Nope =P
    Mikztsu: XD
    Loki: What a freaking question to ask someone.
    Mikztsu: Damn right.xD
    Loki: xD
    Gau: On that note.
    * Gau is now known as Gau-work
    Loki: You're going to work thinking about that? O_o
    Spatvark: Go piss on your customers!
    Seriously the best band in the world.
    And here's where I'll stay / For ten years and a day
    We're on a quest to find hidden treasure / And mystery on The Wild Sea

  12. #222
    Wanna live forever? Mikztsu's Avatar
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    Aug 2000


    Now that I'm bacj and still drunk, that brings up memories from few hours ago, and are strangely amusinng in some weird way.
    ('-'*)/ - "sup"

  13. #223
    Shiroi Kumo's Avatar
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    Apr 2002
    Wherever the winds take me...


    Leave me alone. = Me
    i think i luve you / hey = they

    i think i luve you says:
    who is this
    Leave me alone. says:
    The ghost of Christmas Past.
    i think i luve you says:
    i think i luve you says:
    who is this
    Leave me alone. says:
    Santa Claus.
    i think i luve you says:
    who is this
    Leave me alone. says:
    The Pope.
    hey says:
    who is this
    Leave me alone. says:
    Obi-Wan Kenobi.
    hey says:
    whats ur problem
    Leave me alone. says:
    I have gas.
    hey says:
    oh really!
    Leave me alone. says:
    Yeah, kinda need it to drive, ya know.
    hey says:
    so ya anyways i forget who this is
    Leave me alone. says:
    The ghost of Christmas Past.
    hey says:
    stop playin around
    hey says:
    grow up
    Leave me alone. says:
    But I'm a Toys'R'us Kid.

    Edit: Added bold for ease of reading.
    Last edited by Shiroi Kumo; 03-12-2003 at 07:36 AM.
    A song sung by ancient Mist...

  14. #224


    Greg; *SMACKS!!!*
    Greg; AHHH!!!
    Greg; SNACKS!?
    Greg; AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!
    Me; Yumyum, Greg in a Box? xP

    Mugwumps, hi-jumps, low slumps, big bumps

  15. #225
    an unusually clever whore
    Join Date
    Jun 2001


    Coded Veronica: I'm Wangman. And Nater is my trusty sideslut, Bobbin Robin.
    heyguesswhatstfu: who is nater? *whimper*
    Coded Veronica: My 15-year-old man. xD
    heyguesswhatstfu: let me see him =D
    Coded Veronica: BLarrrrrrrrrmies
    Coded Veronica: But my dick of his pictures is in my car! xD
    Coded Veronica: O____o *disc

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