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Thread: Quotes In and Out of Context r return. <=]

  1. #1
    Wanna live forever? Mikztsu's Avatar
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    Default Quotes In and Out of Context r return. <=]

    There's no active quotes thread anymore, and of course we need one. You all know how this works, so I don't need to explain.>=D Don't post too long quotes; attach them as a text file...or something. *ö_ö*

    Anyways, someone used to say that "Quotes thread ain't quotes thread unless it begins with weed whackers conversation - funny or not":

    Baron_Ghostraper> And how much is the local price of weed whackers
    Baron_Ghostraper> That you could find out while you're at it, Enano
    Enano> Weed Whackers eh...
    Del_Snizz> Yes, everyone loves weed whackers.
    Baron_Ghostraper> *nods*
    Baron_Ghostraper> Damn weeds. (sorry, just had to say it again)
    Del_Snizz> There are many weeds in Florida.
    Enano> I need a new Weed Whacker
    Baron_Ghostraper> Yeah, almost forgot about it.>:[
    Baron_Ghostraper> Why, Enano?
    Nicolas> There's a lot of sand in Florida.
    Enano> My old one broke...
    Del_Snizz> Why not? Wouldn't you like a new weed whacker, Mik?
    Baron_Ghostraper> How did it break?=o
    Baron_Ghostraper> Oh, I sure do.
    Baron_Ghostraper> Hot Rod one.
    Enano> I don't remember... i can't find it anywhere...
    Baron_Ghostraper> Heh.
    *** Bartholomew has quit IRC (Leaving: )
    Baron_Ghostraper> You are good with weed whackers, Enano?
    Enano> Meh... i dont have any weeds anyway
    Enano> To me... it just another dust collecting piece of crap
    Baron_Ghostraper> I..
    Baron_Ghostraper> I just don't know what to say.
    Del_Snizz> How dare you?!
    Baron_Ghostraper> But did you ever use it?
    Del_Snizz> Apologize at once!
    Baron_Ghostraper> Yeah
    Nicolas> Don't.
    Nicolas> Do no such thing.
    Enano> Uhhh once.... to cut something... I forget what
    Baron_Ghostraper> Weeds?
    Enano> No it wasn't weeds....
    Brittany> Weeds?
    Baron_Ghostraper> Well, whatever it was, it cut it well?
    Enano> Yes...
    Baron_Ghostraper> So, what's the problem here then?
    Enano> There is no problem
    Del_Snizz> Then why are you bashing weed whackers?
    Baron_Ghostraper> Yes
    Enano> ???
    Enano> I'm bashing weed whackers?
    Brittany> I'm gone. Byee.
    Baron_Ghostraper> Yes, you did.
    Baron_Ghostraper> Bye
    Del_Snizz> Bye?
    Baron_Ghostraper> Enano> To me... it just another dust collecting piece of crap
    Baron_Ghostraper> How do you explain that?
    *** Brittany has quit IRC (Leaving: )
    Enano> Well I have no use for a weed whacker....
    Baron_Ghostraper> *cries*
    Baron_Ghostraper> Yet you say you need a new one???
    Hito> Whaa.
    Del_Snizz> Everyone has thousands of uses for a weed whacker! You're just not creative enough.
    Hito> Boredom is a bitch.
    Enano> Because I lost my old Weed Whacker
    Del_Snizz> How can you be bored? We're talking about weed whackers.
    Baron_Ghostraper> But on what purposes you need a new one then?
    Baron_Ghostraper> Yeah, WEeeEEEd Whackaires!
    Nicolas> I'm a bitch. *nods drowsily*
    Enano> That is why I need a new one... and now would be a good time to add that I haven't even SEEN a weed whacker in 5 years
    ('-'*)/ - "sup"

  2. #2
    Untouchable Frihet's Avatar
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    "I R SMORT" --SerGe

  3. #3


    SuperTokki= Tokkiquil
    Joaquin = Me

    SuperTokki says:
    your cat is trying to seduce me! *tries to resist*

    Summore from just now:-

    Joaquin says:
    ah, if I have any rock music queries I'll be sure to ask you =)
    Supertokki says:
    you better! *kicks arse*
    Joaquin says:
    you hadn't quicked my arse in a long while I was starting to get worried
    Joaquin says:
    *kicked XP
    Joaquin says:
    *beats self up*
    SuperTokki says:
    rawr! naughty boy! *quicks your arse, too*
    Last edited by James Latimer Cockney Rebel; 07-12-2002 at 01:34 AM.
    That's really my hair.

    "Faris, Calvin; you don't seem to understand! This is not a thread about homosexuality! Girls can love Barret! Guys can love Barret! It's not gay! Barret's love is beyond any form of gay-ness. It is transcendent; like the sun and moon and stars! It's like loving God! Would you say a boy who loves God is gay? That's what I thought!

    So please, don't fight. Just spead the love! And the Barret sexyness. RAWR! =D~"

    - Linxiaotuzi

  4. #4
    an unusually clever whore
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    Jun 2001


    § ü Þ £ ® ~ -|- ð |< |< ï: "Exdee James, why you always bite people's arse?"
    Joaquin: "Because arse taste best part on animal! *smiley face*"

  5. #5
    Hanbun Heikin's Avatar
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    LOL. Thorn is gonna kill me for this buuuttttt

    Me: So?
    Thorn: No! Incest yes twincest no. WAIT! AHHHH!!!!
    Me: LOL

    And no you don't wanna know
    Why be completely average when you can be half average?

  6. #6
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    Ally> I need something to
    Schala> *raises hand*
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  7. #7
    toxic nerd noir Lindy's Avatar
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    why_even_try @ = me says
    With overly large tights! (and if you don't get that joke...well bugger me...) says
    With overly OLD tights! says're right.. says
    well? says
    Well what? says
    I believe that you owe me a buggering....


    Note : "With overly old tights!" is the true meaning of w00t, if you didn't know that!

  8. #8
    ☆carrot☆ Linus's Avatar
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    SerGe is the man. And so is Frihet. Me too, for that matter. We're the man.

  9. #9
    Feel the Bern Administrator Del Murder's Avatar
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    More musings from work:

    Me: *looks annoyed* I see how it is.
    Kelsey: Uh, what?
    Me: Somebody put my Stuff magazine away.
    Kelsey: Ok.
    Me: I'm not denying that I'm not supposed to read a magazine at the counter. Of course I'm not allowed to do that. But you just don't go put away a man's magazine. You know?
    Kelsey: Uh-huh...
    Me: At the very least yell at me when you see me reading it. Then, five minutes later when you see me reading it again, that's when you put it away.
    Kelsey: *laughs*
    Me: This place has no class.

    Jose: *loud sigh* This is going on forever.
    Me: *looks at watch for a while* Well, only 35 more years.
    Jose: *laughs*

    Proud to be the Unofficial Secret Illegal Enforcer of Eyes on Final Fantasy!
    When I grow up, I want to go to Bovine Trump University! - Ralph Wiggum

  10. #10
    Wanna live forever? Mikztsu's Avatar
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    I dunno why I found this funny. Maybe because chef's hilarious, and for some reason he fears Master Vivi, who's probably friendliest mod ever.:laugh:

    HalifaxChef> The 3 people Im scared of in EoFF is Wyllius, Kishi, and Master ViVu
    HalifaxChef> > <
    Mik> Why Master Vivi?:P
    Mik> Master Vivi's so friendly
    HalifaxChef> lol. I dunno. Im just scared
    Mik> xD
    HalifaxChef> Wyllius scares me the most. There all nice, im just scared of them.
    Enano> pfft... scared of Master Vivi...
    HalifaxChef> *runs*
    HalifaxChef> > <

    ('-'*)/ - "sup"

  11. #11
    Untouchable Frihet's Avatar
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    Heatherfield, Kirkston Abbey


    Originally posted by Linus
    SerGe is the man. And so is Frihet. Me too, for that matter. We're the man.
    You know it.

  12. #12
    #eoff Flayer Mindflare's Avatar
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    <12:03:24AM> < Del_Snizz > Only authorized personnel may use excessive punctuation...?":;,!.
    --It's me!--

  13. #13
    an unusually clever whore
    Join Date
    Jun 2001


    Greg: Cause I'm quite, and mean, and heartless ;P
    Greg: quieit
    Greg: queit! argh!
    § ü Þ £ ® ~ -|- ð |< |< ï: PUAHAHA!
    § ü Þ £ ® ~ -|- ð |< |< ï: you still didn't spell it right, though. wanna give it one more go?
    Greg: quiet you :P

  14. #14
    Banned The PC Fascist's Avatar
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    Me and solid-gear

    BeforeIGosXe: dude! Veganopoly!
    sUpErWeEzErNeRd: ?
    BeforeIGosXe: yes! Vegan monopoly!
    sUpErWeEzErNeRd: whats that?
    sUpErWeEzErNeRd: oh
    sUpErWeEzErNeRd: monopoly
    BeforeIGosXe: they also have vegan condoms and vegan lube!
    sUpErWeEzErNeRd: what lemme see
    BeforeIGosXe: I'll try
    BeforeIGosXe: can't find it but I'll keep trying
    BeforeIGosXe: found it!
    sUpErWeEzErNeRd: k
    BeforeIGosXe: read the description

    Here's the description:

    Aqua Lube Personal Lubricant 4 oz.

    Aqua Lube's specially designed formula enhances sensual pleasure, providing a silky, slippery and well-lubricated experience. Aqua Lube is water-based so it can be used with condoms or other latex products.

    I dunno it's just funny.

    Oh, and my fav. non AIM quote:

    The greatness of a nation and it's moral progress can be judged by the way it's animal are treated. - Gandhi, yes, Gandhi was vegan.

  15. #15


    Me and Mikzy, I found this pretty funny xD

    mikztsu2000: Hi
    mikztsu2000: My comp booted me
    mikztsu2000: I opened it and looked what's wrong, and the fan of my comp had fell.*__*
    mikztsu2000: OOps
    mikztsu2000: Wrong person.
    starphyter: XD anyways, hi Mik =)
    mikztsu2000: xD
    That's really my hair.

    "Faris, Calvin; you don't seem to understand! This is not a thread about homosexuality! Girls can love Barret! Guys can love Barret! It's not gay! Barret's love is beyond any form of gay-ness. It is transcendent; like the sun and moon and stars! It's like loving God! Would you say a boy who loves God is gay? That's what I thought!

    So please, don't fight. Just spead the love! And the Barret sexyness. RAWR! =D~"

    - Linxiaotuzi

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