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Thread: An ultimate weapon and extra Aeons walkthrough (Spoilers)

  1. #1
    Ravishing Introvert Recognized Member Shoyku's Avatar
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    Default An ultimate weapon and extra Aeons walkthrough (Spoilers)

    Celestial Weapons

    Tidus - Caladbolg

    Abilities - Break 9999 Damage, 3x Overdrive, Avoid Counter, Magic Counter

    Weapon - Found in the northwest end of the Calm Lands, down a narrow pathway. A person blocks the way until you win all four chocobo contests in the Calm Lands. The chocobo trainer is in the center of the area, near the save sphere.

    Crest - Return to the room in Yevon Dome in which you fought Yunalesca. The crest is in a treasure chest.

    Sigil - Re-do the fourth-chocobo training race in the Calm Lands and achieve a time of 0:00. Just try to avoid the birds as much as possible and try getting as many balloons as you can. You probably won't do this in the first few attempts, but the balloon arrangement is random, so the odds might be in your favor eventually.

    Wakka - World Champion

    Abilities - Break 9999 Damage, 3x Overdrive, Double AP, Avoid Counter

    Aeon Effect - Grants Ifrit to be able to break the 9999 damage limit.

    Weapon - The World Champion ball is given to you from the Luca bartender once you've won 5 Blitzball games.

    Crest - Located in the Besaid Aurochs' locker room at the Luca Stadium.

    Sigil - Found as a grand prize in Blitzball. Must first have all 4 of Wakka's overdrives.

    Yuna - Nirvana

    Abilities - Break 9999 Damage, 3x Overdrive, Double AP, MP Cost 1

    Aeon Effect - Valefore is able to break the 9999 damage limit.

    Weapon - The monster trainer in the Calm Lands gives the weapon to you once you get 1 of every creature found in the Calm Lands.

    Crest - Go back to the Besaid Beach. Yuna's Crest is in a chest there. Swim into the water and go up to the coastline until you see it.

    Sigil - You get her Sigil after beating all eight of the Bergimene's Aeons in the Remiem Temple. In order to get to the Remiem Temple, you must first go into the Calm Lands and get a Chocobo from the Trainer. Then go back to the entrance of the Calm Lands. Once there, head to the far right, and you'll find a feather which signals the Chocobo to jump. From there, you can find your way into the temple.

    Auron - Masamune

    Abilities - Break 9999 Damage, 3x Overdrive, Pre-emptive Attack, Counter

    Aeon Effect - Allows Yojimbo to break 9999 damage limit.

    Weapon - Located near the cave under the Valley (located underneath the bridge at the end of the Calm Lands) you'll find a Rusty Sword. Take this sword to the Mushroom Rock Road. On the left side of the road, you'll notice a small nook with an elevator. Insert the Rusty Sword into the battle statue there to receive the Masamune.

    Crest - Found in a chest on the Old Mi'ihen Road. (Requires a Chocobo to reach)

    Sigil - Requires you to capture one of each monster in 10 different monster catching areas. The monster trainer will reward you with Aurons Sigil.

    Lulu - Onion Knight

    Abilities - Break 9999 Damage, 3x Overdrive, Magic Booster, MP Cost 1

    Aeon Effect - Shiva can break the 9999 damage limit.

    Weapon - To find this weapon, return to the Baaj Temple. You'll find a chest near a wall in the lake. When the camera starts zooming in, you're close.

    Crest - Go back into the Farplane in Guadosalam to find the Crest.

    Sigil - Return to the Thunder Plains to begin the quest. If you can dodge 200 consecutive bolts of lightning by pressing the X button when the screen flashes successfully, you'll be rewarded by finding a chest in front of the Inn which contains the Sigil. This little mini-game will take about a half hour.

    WARNING - Trying this is a completely insane. Don't attempt doing this unless you're one of those people who simply has to get everything.

    Rikku - Godhand

    Abilities - Break 9999 Damage, 3x Overdrive, Double AP, Gillionaire

    Weapon - While on the airship input the password GOD-HAND and in the location, grab the actual weapon from a chest located not far off from where you land.

    Take it from a chest in the northwest corner of the Sanubia Desert (fourth area)

    Play a Cactuar mini-game in the Sanubia Desert to find the Sigil. Start at the Cactuar monument in front of the sand storm. This tells you about the 10 Cactuars. When you find each of them, each will play a game with you. In this game, you must catch them before the time runs out, and they can't be onto you. You don't really need to win these little games, you'll still get an orb even if you fail. You must return all the orbs individually to the monument in order to get the Sigil below. When you complete one Cactuars mini-quest, you'll be prompted to do another by the monument, the monument gives you little clues. But each of the mini-quests come at random and have no specific order, so here are all of them.

    1. Tomay - At the Bikanel Island oasis (1st desert area)

    2. Rovivea - Northwest area of the 2nd desert area

    3. Chava - Hiding behind the Al Bhed 20% off sign in the 4th area

    4. Alek - Running around the ruins in the West section of the 3rd area

    5. Aloja - Same as above

    6. Vachella - Hidden behind the save sphere in the 2nd area

    7. Robeya - In a treasure chest in the Southwestern part of the 3rd area

    8. Issra - In an antlion pit in the 4th area. (But you must first leave the 4th area and return for the Cactuar to be there)

    9. Elio - At the Bikanel Island oasis, but he warps onto your airship. He can be found inside the airship.

    10. Flaile - He appears back at the monument once you get 9 Cactuars

    Kimahri - Spirit Lance

    Abilities - Break 9999 Damage, 3x Overdrive, Double AP, Avoid Counter

    Aeon Effect - Ixion breaks the 9999 damage limit.

    Weapon - You'll find some glowing Cactuar monuments located throughout the Thunder Plains. Press the Square button to pray at three of them. Then, follow the ghostly Cactuar that appears to a wrecked thunder tower. Pray at the base of the tower to uncover a treasure chest, which contains the weapon.

    Crest - Go back to Mt. Gagazet, just a little beyond where you fought Seymour. It's located behind a pillar on the left.

    Sigil - Win the butterfly-catching mini-game in the Macalania Forest. What you do in the mini-game is touch all the blue butterflies within the allotted time limit. Touching a red butterfly engages a battle and wastes some time. This is harder than it seems. Believe me.

    Secret Aeons

    Seymour's Aeon can be yours, I assume you've already collected the Destruction Sphere treasures from the 6 Aeon shrines already. If you missed a few, you can return to the shrines after beating the Seymour inside Sin. Input the airship co-ordinates X16 Y57 to reach the Baaj Temple. Tidus, Wakka and Rikku jump into the lake and Tidus vows to finish something he started with an aquatic beast that bested him in the start. This beast can prove to be difficult. Rikku's grenades and gems will make the battle a lot easier. Once you get that thing out of the way, you'll dive into an undersea Fayth. Yuna will pray here and receive Anima.

    You'll find Yojimbo in the forgotten cave between the Calm Lands and Mt. Gagazet. You can find the cave underneath the bridge at the exit of the Calm Lands. You'll encounter a spirit in the cave. She'll summon Yojimbo to fight you, but he's a complete pushover to beat. Afterward, Yuna will be able to enter the Fayth. However Yojimbo will not join the party for free. He requests 300,000 gil for his services. Although you can probably haggle the price down to around 170,000-200,000. He has no real overdrive, and can't cast spells, and won't let you control him. He asks for money for each attack. You can pay 1 gil for his normal attacks, or fi you pay him lots of gil he'll whip out Zanmato, an Odin-ish move which slices enemies in half.

    Magus Sisters (Cindy, Sandy and Mindy)

    First, you must capture 1 of each monster in the Calm Lands and Mt. Gagazet. Return to the monster trainer in the Calm Lands to receive a small prize. Once you get all 21 creatures, go to the southeast corner of the Calm Lands on a chocobo. You'll see a feather on a ledge. Use it to get your chocobo to jump to a hidden ledge. Then, get off the chocobo and get to the Remiem Temple. Yuna must now face off against an Aeon trainer against every Aeon she has. You can heal between fights, so it shouldn't be too hard. Eventually, you win two items that will open the nearby door to the Fayth of the Magus Sisters. On the way out, you can challenge the Aeon trainer one last time for a special item. She uses the Sisters in the last fight, so use Anima for the last duel.

    *places hands in a large bowl filled with cold water and ice* Ahhhh, that's refreshing. Anyways, I hope this helped.

    Edit: *fixes some typos*
    Last edited by Shoyku; 07-01-2004 at 12:59 AM.

  2. #2


    It had better help. I'm piss tired of answering the same question again and again. Maybe I should do one for the AP trick crap.

    edit: Ok, to be productive for once, the lowest Yojimbo will go is 202500 gil. So if he offers that, might as well pay up. If you offer him triple his asking price, he'll throw in 2 Teleport Spheres.

    For the aeon effects, you only need to power up the weapon with the Crest for it to take effect.

    For the Sun Sigil, your time must be BETTER than 0.0.0, otherwise you'll just get a Turbo Ether.

    For the Mercury Sigil, it doesn't matter how many Loser Spheres you have, just as long as you tried to get all 10, I believe you'll get it. Catching all 10 is an obscene pain.

    And trust Shoyku: The Venus and Saturn Sigils are [ expletive] hard to obtain.
    Last edited by -N-; 07-29-2002 at 07:54 PM.

  3. #3
    Banned Lengis's Avatar
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    lol, u wanker, I'm gona copy and paste that entire thing into my website! LMAO!

    *edit* actually now that I take a look at it, you just stole that entire thing from! lol*
    Last edited by Lengis; 07-31-2002 at 02:10 PM.

  4. #4


    It may be a good idea to sticky these for others in the future. Just a suggestion. That's all. Really, it is.

  5. #5
    Hypnotising you crono_logical's Avatar
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    If I'd noticed sooner, I would have

    EDIT: I personally found the Thunder Plains and Chocobo race easy, doing both in under 1/2 hr each

    Only Wakka's is annoying, because I really can't be bothered to play blitzball that much

  6. #6


    nice one!... i found that FAQ as well :P

    i didn't find those 2 too difficult.. and i was like 1 tournament away from wakka's which would have been my last before my file got wiped ¬_¬
    Last edited by The One Winged Angel; 07-30-2002 at 09:51 PM.

  7. #7


    Or alternativly you can just buy the Final Fantasy X official guide, get the blitzball methods, tips on how to get all the celestial weapons and aeons, and a really good walkthrough all in one?

    Oh I forgot, not everyone WANTS to spend skates *cough cough cough* and I already have all the aeons and celestial weapons so nyah!

    And YES Wakka is a pain in the ass and he has an annoying laugh.
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  8. #8


    Thank you for not adding anything intelligent, Rikku.

    On another note, this is a question that could clear up future questions, can you get the Caladbolg on the first visit to the Calm Lands, or do you need the airship?

    From what I know, Nirvana can be obtained on the first visit (win Cloudy Mirror, backtrack just a little to Macalania and make it Celestial, and then go back to Calm Lands), and since Nirvana is in the Calm Lands, I hope the same applies for Caladbolg.

  9. #9


    Originally posted by princeofdarknez
    Thank you for not adding anything intelligent, Rikku.

    On another note, this is a question that could clear up future questions, can you get the Caladbolg on the first visit to the Calm Lands, or do you need the airship?

    From what I know, Nirvana can be obtained on the first visit (win Cloudy Mirror, backtrack just a little to Macalania and make it Celestial, and then go back to Calm Lands), and since Nirvana is in the Calm Lands, I hope the same applies for Caladbolg.
    i think you can.. not sure tho.. i'm pretty sure i got it first go, tho even if i didn't it wudn't have been muich after so *shrug*

    u can get the Nirvana 1st visit.. but to power it up u need the ship (to get Anima)

  10. #10
    Back of the net Recognized Member Heath's Avatar
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    On another note, this is a question that could clear up future questions, can you get the Caladbolg on the first visit to the Calm Lands, or do you need the airship?
    I'll try to find out for you. I have got my Basic sphere grid file (Yuna, Wakka and Kimarhi) up to Calm Lands just after (SPOILER) Bevelle so I'll try today.
    Not my words Carol, the words of Top Gear magazine.

  11. #11


    You can get Tidus and Yuna's Celestial weapons on your 1st visit to the Calm Lands. You need to train a chocobo so that you can get to Remiem Temple. Than race the chocobo and win. You should have the Cloudy Mirror. Return to Macalania Woods change the Cloudy Mirror into the Celestial Mirror. Go back to the Calm Land, train chocobos and get the other ways to train them. Beat the Trainer by racing and you can get Tidus Caladbolg. For Yuna's all you need to do is capture all the fiends in the Calm Land. Then use the Celestial Mirror on the treaure box that the guy gives you and you now have th Nirvana.

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  12. #12
    Back of the net Recognized Member Heath's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Masamune 2
    You can get Tidus and Yuna's Celestial weapons on your 1st visit to the Calm Lands. You need to train a chocobo so that you can get to Remiem Temple. Than race the chocobo and win.
    Thats funny on my file at CALM LANDS I can't find the trainer anywhere. Yet when I played on, returned in the Airship the trainer WAS there. I'm playing a PAL Australia and New Zealand copy (I live in Uk but a friend bought it for me who lives there, because Uk is PAL).
    Not my words Carol, the words of Top Gear magazine.

  13. #13


    Yeah, I got Caladbolg, Nirvana, and Sun Sigil first time at the Calm Lands all right. If you can't find the Chocobo Lady, just exit the Calm Lands and re-enter, and hopefully she'll be there again.

    Which leads me to another question: Do you have to power up a Celestial Weapon with a Crest before you use the Sigil?

  14. #14
    ~Massive Light Power~ ~Zodiac~'s Avatar
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    In my savegame, when i first arrived there the lady was in North West of Calm Lands, after i did the Sun Sigil thing with the Chocobo racing, everytime i go to the Calm lands she sout of the Little village standing there ready to give you a Chocobo
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  15. #15
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    Small problem with getting the Sun Crest:
    After going to the Zanarkand Dome I head straigh into the room where I beat Yunalesca.This is where the problem comes in: Dark Bahamut dislikes me for some reason and decides, just for a laugh, to wipe out my party doing regular attacks(either 99,999 or 999,999 I can't tell cause he does it too fast)*Repeats twice*
    ARGH! HOW DO I GET THE SUN CREST IF THAT THING IS IN THE WAY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
    And don't say beat it.In all three attempts I only got one turn(Couldn't escape so I did the honourable thing and attacked.It missed.)

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