As about three of you are probably aware, I've spent the last month and a half co-modding the FFXI forum at Final Fantasy: Worlds Apart. I realised, during that time period, that FF:WA's staff was a disaster. We don't receive any sort of instructions upon becoming moderators; we don't have a staff forum to ask questions in privately; we don't have any sort of organisation. It's lucky for me that my co-mod and I get along, because some forum mods don't have it that lucky and there's nothing they can do about it. Double-standards run rampant; favours are given to people simply because they're friends of the owner or of the admins. People aren't given any sort of feedback on how they're modding the place; some people get away with flaming other users to death without a scratch, despite the fact that they're basically ruining the place for everyone who's joined within the past two years. I could go on for pages more about how hellish things are at WA, but I'm already getting bored of it.

I used to think Eyeson's staff could be better, but I've realised something during my time running Fool's Gold: The larger a place gets, the harder it is to keep it running. Eyeson's staff, while it hasn't been perfect, has, for the most part, kept the place running and helped contribute to keeping it interesting. Everyone on the staff is actually a part of the community (possibly excluding Sean). That's very special. I'm just here to commend you guys for running a forum that doesn't stress me out half the time I visit it.