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Thread: FFX Love Story RPG (spoilers allowed)

  1. #1
    dizzy up the girl Recognized Member Rye's Avatar
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    Default FFX Love Story RPG (spoilers allowed)

    I was this in the FF9 forums (I DIDN'T THINK THIS UP AND I DON'T TAKE CREDIT FOR DOING SO!) and i saw this so i wanna try this here...

    If you can change the love story of FFX how would it go...

    RikkuYuna89's FFX

    At end: Yuna grabs one of tidus's arms and rikku grabs the other arm.

    Yuna: Rikku get off! My boyfriend!
    Rikku: I saw him first! Im gonna get my Al bhed friends to get you if you don't let go!!! I know were you live!!!

    Tidus fades and both girls fall (you see tears fall from both of their face instead of just yuna's in the end)

    Lulu: Hehehe I got you all to my self now! Come 'mere hottie!

    Wakka: What!?!?!?, What about me!?

    Tidus: *Running from lulu, jumps of airship, Instead of High-Fiving jecht hides behind him, and tells him, his girl troubles*

    And thats MY FFX! *bows* (Wow it's so much like the Techi Muyo girls, that chase Tenchi and try to kill each other all day... lol)
    Last edited by Rye; 02-04-2003 at 01:04 AM.

  2. #2
    I don't know anything IamTidus's Avatar
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    That is some funny stuff you got there RikkuYuna89. I am really bad these eh I try any way.

    (Tidus starts to walk away)

    Yuna: NO! Please don't go!

    (Tidus turns around towards Yuna)

    Tidus: I am sorry I have to.

    (Tidus walks towards Yuna places his hand on her shoulder)

    Tidus: Don't worry everything will be fine. This is all for the best.

    (Tidus starts to fade and his arm goes right through Yuna. Yuna crys Tidus does the dive to the farplaine high five and all)

    (Rikku walks toward Yuna cheerfully)

    Yuna: Why are so happy we will never see him again.

    Rikku: No your wrong! (Rikku jumping and waving her index finger back and forth) We'll see him again!

    (Yuna turns around torwards Rikku)

    Yuna: What do you mean by that? (confused look on her face)

    Rikku: Well duh! He's going to be in the sequel! What are you stupid!

    Yuna: (much happier) Oh Yeah! I almost forgot! Hey Rikku where are my hot pants on the airship? Oh and don't forget your thong!

    So what did you you all think? Pretty lousy huh? Told you!
    (SPOILER) he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he! (girly giggle)

  3. #3
    dizzy up the girl Recognized Member Rye's Avatar
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    Lol! I thought it was great! Except i wouldn't call what yuna was wearing hot "pants" ^.~

  4. #4
    NecromancerLesca's Avatar
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    (Tidus walks to the end of the airship, his body dissolving around him. He looked back at Yuna, tears in her eyes.)

    Tidus: I have to go.....sorry Yuna...

    Yuna: No, please, don't leave me.

    Tidus: I won't leave you, just go to Zanarkand....I'll be waiting.

    Yuna: (confused)

    (He smiles and jumps off the ledge, looking back at her. Everyone waved good-bye and cries, except for Yuna, who looks thoughtfully sad.)


    (Zanarkand Ruins: the place is quiet and peaceful, no one was in sight. A girl under a woolen cloak to hide her appearance raced to the old Chamber of the Fayth. Inside safetly, she threw her cloak off. Yuna looks around, letting the quietness settle.)

    (Kneels before the now resting fayth, looking at it with new tears) Yuna: I have brought you to rest....everyone is happy...except me. Please, I know you may not hear me...but I need to know...where is Tidus?

    (A voice answers her, a wind picks up)

    (Startled, Yuna gets up to her feet, feeling a power around her. Blinking back tears, she answer.)
    Yuna: who are you?

    A friendly listen...what you need to the lost spheres....

    Yuna: Spheres? can they help me? How can they help me find Tidus?

    It's not how they can's how you can help yourself.....

    (Yuna thinks, then a determination comes over her.)
    Yuna: What must I do?

    Find the spheres,'ll find the souls of old Zanarkand.....find the spheres... And the voice disappeared.

    (Yuna got up and walked out, turning back to the doorway, confidence in her step.)

    Yuna: Don't worry Tidus, I'll find them....and find you once again.

    Henceforth, the sequel and the Sphere Hunters of Spira.

    The End
    Necromancer of the Souls.

    "I have the wings, and now I can fly away."

  5. #5
    dizzy up the girl Recognized Member Rye's Avatar
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    Wow! That was good ^.^ i'm gonna try to do a serious one like you...

    ______________________ (anything with star means action/thoughts)

    Tidus:*Yuna... *
    Tidus: *Looking at hands wishing it was just a bad dream*

    Yuna: Tidus... no...
    Tidus: Im sorry Yuna... I have to go...
    Tidus: *How can I say this to her... My true feelings...*
    Tidus: Yuna I have to go.
    Yuna: *Shakes head, tears welling up in eyes*

    Tidus:*Walks away, I have to say it*
    Yuna: Wait!
    Tidus: *"Maybe i can say it now..."*
    Yuna *falls*
    Tidus: *too sad to look at yuna*
    Yuna: *gets up* *"I-"
    Tidus: "Yuna! I have something to tell you"
    Yuna&Tidus: "I love you"
    Tidus:*thanks you*
    Yuna: *My dream just came true...*
    Tidus: *Tries to hug yuna*
    Tidus: "Yuna, this is the hardest thing in my life to do... Goodbye"
    Rikku: "We'll see you again!"

    Ok thats mine... ^.^

  6. #6


    you guys are good..
    hehe.. i like to see some more!

  7. #7
    dizzy up the girl Recognized Member Rye's Avatar
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    Lol thanks... I think i have one but it's in "The Spring" scene, Inspired by your banner ^.~


    *Yuna crying*
    Tidus: "Yuna"
    *Tidus starts to kiss*

    *Kimahri comes, (remember he see yuna and tidus in the real FFX*

    Kimahri:"Get away from Yuna you Damned Stalker!"
    *Shakes head*

    Kimahri:"What would Braska say"

    Tidus:*whisper* "Yuna lets go!"

    *Dive under water*

    *Rikku pops up from bottom of lake*

    Rikku: AH HA!

    Rikku: "How can you pick HER over me?"

    Rikku:"I fed you!"

    Tidus:"Man don't i get any privacy!?"

    Ok thats mine! ^.^

  8. #8
    NecromancerLesca's Avatar
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    Hahaha RikkuYuna89
    I liked the part with Rikku, "I fed you!"
    Hmm....okay, here's my Spring one...

    *Tidus walks to the spring, breathing in the tangy scent of the flowers around him. Looking out on the waters, he sees Yuna. Smiling, he goes toward her.*

    Tidus: What are you up too?

    *surprised, Yuna turns to him* Yuna: Oh, nothing I-I just wanted to think.

    Tidus: About what?

    *Smiles* Yuna: It's nothing....just, what we're up against and all...

    *He nods* Tidus: Yeah, I know *thinks back to what Rikku said at the Al Bhed Home* But Yuna...don't worry okay? I won't let you die, I just can't let that happen.

    Yuna: It won't help to think about it. Death will come no matter what.

    *Looks at her* Tidus: What does that mean?

    *Tears for in her eyes* Yuna: It's all wrong...everything..about Summoner's Pilgrimages and Sin...sacrificing ourselves for the greater good. But don't you see? We can't stop it, no matter what we do, I'm still going to call the Final Aeon and fight Sin. I have to, I can't stop now....I'm not afraid of death anymore. *She spins in the waters, her face unreadable* I...I will fight on, my life doesn't matter after Zanarkand...

    Tidus: Yes, it does Yuna! Listen to me, I won't let you die, I'll figure it out somehow! Do you think everyone will give you up without a fight? Just let you go out there and die? Believe me, it won't happen! I won't like it happen!!

    *She looks at him, frustrated* Yuna: Why can't you see? How come you care so much about me? When I'm gone, maybe you can reach Zanarkand, then go home! Don't you want that?

    Tidus: I do! But...

    Yuna: But what?

    *He looks into her eyes, emotions taking over* Tidus: Because...because...I love you Yuna.

    *She steps back, looking at him* Yuna: You...what?

    Tidus: I love you Yuna....that's why I won't let you die. I wouldn't be able to let you go.

    *Yuna looks at the water between them, tears coming from her cheeks. Silently, under the water, Tidus felt her quavering hand touch his and he took it, bringing it to his lips. She let out a sob and let him put his arms around her, letting her weep into his shoulder.*

    Yuna: This, this isn't real Tidus. I've never dream of having someone who cared for me, knowing my fate. But...this...this IS unexpected.

    *He laughs, pulling her away to look at her face* Tidus: I know, but now that you know, it's clear why I won't let you die. I couldn't live with myself, even if I did reach Zanarkand somehow. My life would be empty, and I know why.

    *She smiled, her reflection limp on the water* Yuna: Does that mean you will stay with me, even if we die trying to defeat Sin?

    Tidus: I will Yuna.

    Yuna: Promise? *She holds out her pinky finger. Tidus wrapped his around hers*

    Tidus: I promise. *And he pulls her toward him, pinkies still clasped to each other, and kissed her*


    Hmmm......I'm not good at romance. hehe. Needs work.

    Necromancer of the Souls.

    "I have the wings, and now I can fly away."

  9. #9


    wow i like yours NecromancerLesca

    and yeah i agree.. i like the part " I fed you"

  10. #10
    NecromancerLesca's Avatar
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    Thanks TheLadySummoner_Yuna.

    Goes to show that some of us have too much time on their hands

    Why don't you try it? It's fun!!
    Necromancer of the Souls.

    "I have the wings, and now I can fly away."

  11. #11
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    Tidus pulls out a machina pistol, and shoots Yuna in the head 17 times, before promptly jumping up and down on her head

    Tidus:Hee hee hee!

    A Nuclear Missile came down, and killed them all.


    No wait, it needed love, ah well:


    Wakka:I love you Nuclear Warhead



  12. #12
    dizzy up the girl Recognized Member Rye's Avatar
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    That was good NecroMancer! Im not to good at romance writing. Lol i like your's phycotic.

  13. #13
    NecromancerLesca's Avatar
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    Haha, I agree. The Nuclear Warhead was a nice touch.
    Necromancer of the Souls.

    "I have the wings, and now I can fly away."

  14. #14
    dizzy up the girl Recognized Member Rye's Avatar
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    A Nuclear Missile came down, and killed them all.
    I guess Seymore's wish came true then,

  15. #15
    NecromancerLesca's Avatar
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    Originally posted by RikkuYuna89
    I guess Seymore's wish came true then,

    And all of the maesters' planning. Hehe.
    Necromancer of the Souls.

    "I have the wings, and now I can fly away."

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