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Thread: FFX Love Story RPG (spoilers allowed)

  1. #61
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    A good start but it lacked a certain something..... NUKES!

  2. #62
    Maître de Web d'Élite Wind Shear's Avatar
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    What about this one?

    On board airship, fighting Evrae in Spira airspace.

    *Evrae breathes the air*

    Rikku:O, Oh... our HP is low and I am out of all items!
    Lulu: I'm also out of MP.
    Wakka: So am I.
    Auron: Me too.
    Kimahri: I out of MP.
    Tidus: So am I. *to Cid* Move farther!
    Cid: Don't be falling now!

    But suddenly an F-22 with the Ribbon Insignia intervened by firing two guided missiles at Evrae.

    Mobius 1: This is Mobius 1, I will help you defeating the dragon.
    Lulu: It's a wyrm.
    Mobius 1: Whatever.
    Tidus: Mobius 1?
    Wakka: Another machina from nowhere? Ahhh I can't stand this anymore!
    Rikku: Enough Wakka! That's only our hope!
    Mobius 1: Mobius 1 to Airship, move farther!
    Cid: Why?
    Mobius 1: I will nuke Evrae!
    All except Mobius 1: NUKE EVRAE?
    Mobius 1: Yeah, if you never go farther, you will be obliterated!

    The airship move farther, farther than the attack range of Wakka and Lulu.

    Mobius 1: Target acquired, Fox 2!

    The nuclear missile fired towards Evrae and a powerful explosion ensued. Evrae is nowhere in the airspace.

    Mobius 1: Mobius 1, shot one bandit down.

    Then the party on the deck of the airship cheered for destroying the wyrm.

    Cid: Thanks Mobius 1.
    Mobius 1: Welcome.
    Tidus: Can I ask one favor Mobius 1?
    Mobius 1: Go ahead.
    Tidus: Can you help me saving my love of my life?
    Rikku: He is referring to Yuna, the summoner.
    Mobius 1: Where is she now?
    Lulu: She is in Bevelle now, marrying a maester.
    Mobius 1: Okay. I will follow the airship since I am very unfamiliar of this place.

    Then the airship and F-22 speed away to Bevelle. Will the party and Mobius 1 save Yuna? What Mobius 1 doing in Spira? Why Mobius 1 is here in Spira?

    Comment: Anyway, its a crossover of FFX and Ace Combat 04: Shattered Skies.
    Courage is not the lack of fear. It is acting in spite of it. ~ Mark Twain

    Wind Shear in WikiEoFF

    - In Philippines, it's a rebel group.
    - In U.S. of A.,... err... do I have to tell you?

  3. #63
    I don't know anything IamTidus's Avatar
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    Good stuff Wind Shear! I like it!
    (SPOILER) he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he! (girly giggle)

  4. #64
    I less-than-three Ninjas Phil's Avatar
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    *sin opens mouth*
    Sora: Good gravy! the keyhole is in his mouth! Blast it you morons!
    Rikku: Hey look! Your two friends are in there too..and some other person,,is that the person you call Sephroth?/
    Auron: In my past ive seen him that darn one winged angel..
    Yuna: Cast holy on 'em..oh wait i can do that..*casts holy*
    Yuna: Well at least sephroth is dead..but so is riku and kiari..OH WELL...
    Sora: Yeah they were kinda weird anyways
    *Sin attacks the ship*
    Vivi:*comes out of engine room* WOW! They make black mages in your engine room too..HOLY COW ITS SIN! *casts Flare on sin*
    sorry if that bites but im new at this sorta thng..

  5. #65
    I less-than-three Ninjas Phil's Avatar
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    wow yall typed alot while i wrote that-well forget me

  6. #66
    NecromancerLesca's Avatar
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    She looked out onto the water below. So high--she was so high. How was she going to make it?

    Turning back, she saw her friends, fear written in their eyes for themselves, for her. Slowly, silently, she stood to face them, her face filled with grim determination.

    "No!" she cried out suddenly. Everyone looked at her, and saw she was on the edge of the platform, her white dress flowing behind, playing her hair around her face.

    "Everyone, put down your weapons," she said in a clear, resolute voice, " put them down, or else..." She walked two steps to the edge. The draft blew at her; her heels off the floor and hanging in midair.

    Her husband waved a hand to the guards and they dropped their weapons. Two of her guardians came and ran up to her. She stopped them with her hand out to them.

    "Go now please," she begged them, fear rising with every second that passed.

    The boy stepped towards her, "you're coming with us," he commanded, holding out his hand. She shook her head.

    "Don't worry about me. Go," she ordered firmly. Her crown shook in the violent breeze that came, making her wobble abit.

    "This is foolish," her husband, Seymour, said calmly, "if you'll fall, you'll die."

    She took her right hand and wiped it across her mouth savagely, hatred burning in her eyes to Seymour. Looking back at her two friends, she looked up at the sky and listened to the soft winds around her.

    "Don't worry," she whispered, "I can fly." Breathing in the scented air she looked back at them, especially Tidus, the boy who came forward with the girl.

    "Believe...."she said, looking into his eyes.

    He shook his head, but slowly, staring into her eyes, he saw a grave determination and no fear in her. It surprised him, and made him feel more braver himself. After a minute, he nodded his head once to her.

    She smiled, her sweet, naive smile and looked away from him, up at the cloudless sky.

    Heart racing, she brought her hands together in a clasp, closed her eyes, and let her body fall into the winds that sang to her. She felt her body go into the air and be suspended for a moment, then fall to the unforgiving ground below. A voice spoke from above her, the only thing she heard clearly in the shrilling winds screams that echoed in her ears.


    Necromancer of the Souls.

    "I have the wings, and now I can fly away."

  7. #67
    dizzy up the girl Recognized Member Rye's Avatar
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    I liked it ^.^. I liked when Vivi just came out of nowhere and casted the "spell that makes the peoples fall down."

    You too Necromancer! You made it sound it so creative, how you gave the names after, and made it so descriptive ^.^

    I'm gonna continue my story with FFIX's melodies of life playing so im inspired!


    On the last episode of "FFX" Tidus just seen the spider like thing i think is called a Machea, and screamed "EIGHT LEGGED FREAKS!!!"

    Tidus: "Man... You don't get ones that size in Zanarkand."

    Machea/Spider screeches Intimidatingly. He jumps to hit Tidus but... BOOM

    Tidus: "What!?"

    Mystery wet suit girl(the thing that scuba divers wear) throws another bomb.

    Tidus: "My savior!"

    Mystery Wet suit girl fights along side tidus

    Tidus: "YAAAAH!"

    Machea gets slashed and scurries away, injured

    Tidus: "Hey! Thanks!"

    Gas- Mask guys walk up to Wet Suit girl

    Gas-Mask guy 1#: Oui Fiend? (You fiend?

    Gas Mask guy 2# :Oib ra'c yh utt muugehk uha.(Yup he's an odd looking one)

    Tidus: "Uhhh... What third world language is that?"

    Wet Suit Girl: "Cunno..." *Punches in stomach*

    Tidus: "My mom warned me about girls like you... *faints*"

    On Ship

    Tidus: "Oooo my head... HUNGRY!"

    Wet Suit girl :"Here you go!"

    Tidus: *Shoves face in food tray*

    Wet suit Girl: "ew..."

    Tidus: *HACK... HACK* Somebody! Do the Himlic monuver! WATER!"

    Wet suit girl: "Umm.. here"

    Tidus: *Gulps it down*

    Wet suit girl: "Hey!"

    Tidus: "Oh sorry... Here lets start over... Whassup! I'm Tidus! What's your name?"

    Wet Suit girl: "
    *shocked* Rikku..."

    Tidus: "Hi rik-"

    Alarm goes off

    Alarm: "TEEN BOY ALERT!"

    Cid: "WHAT!!! A teen boy on my ship... near RIKKU!"

    knocks tidus of ship

    Rikku:" Dad!!! Stop being so over-protective!"

    Tidus: *climbs back up* "Um...Hi"

    Cid: "Ok Pretty boy, don't you think about laying a hand on my princess, you hear!?"

    Tidus: *shaking* "Yes sir!"

    Cid: "So kid, What do you wanna be when you grow up?"

    Tidus: "Blitz ba-"

    Cid: "Ain't good enough to date my princess!" *Knocks off again*

    Rikku: "DADDY!?" *Runs into ship crying*


    I guess Cid never approves... lol ^.^
    Last edited by Rye; 02-25-2003 at 11:17 PM.

  8. #68
    NecromancerLesca's Avatar
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    That was great RikkuYuna!

    Especially Tidus and his "whassup!"
    Necromancer of the Souls.

    "I have the wings, and now I can fly away."

  9. #69
    dizzy up the girl Recognized Member Rye's Avatar
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    Thanks ^.^ My favorite thing was when cid knocked tidus of the boat. How over protective

  10. #70
    NecromancerLesca's Avatar
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    Sounds like something my dad does when I bring guys over.
    Necromancer of the Souls.

    "I have the wings, and now I can fly away."

  11. #71
    dizzy up the girl Recognized Member Rye's Avatar
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    Lol! Yeah same with me... Does anyone want to start from where I left off? I love those stories when people do that ^.^

  12. #72
    dizzy up the girl Recognized Member Rye's Avatar
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    Does any one wanna start where I left off!? (Sorry I just want to start this topic again!)

  13. #73
    I don't know anything IamTidus's Avatar
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    Cid: Why the hell did I ever have a daughter?
    (Tidus climbs back up again)
    Tidus: I'll anwser that! (says poundly holding up his index finger)

    Rikku: Yeah you tell him!
    (Cid grabs Tidus' head and punches him in the head and punches him in the head. Tidus lies on the ship knocked out.)
    Cid: I don't wanna hear any crap outta you kid! Rikku!

    (Rikku looks sheepishly)

    Rikku: Yes, Daddy?

    Cid: Stay away from that bleached son of a shoopuff.

    (Rikku seems mad)

    Rikku: But Daddy!

    Cid: Enough Brat!

    Rikku: DAD! Listen I love and I'm carrying his baby!

    Lets keep it going!
    (SPOILER) he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he! (girly giggle)

  14. #74
    dizzy up the girl Recognized Member Rye's Avatar
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    Cid: WHAT!?!?!?


    Only thing I could think of @.@ what a surprising ending IamTidus! ^.^

  15. #75
    Gobbledygook! Recognized Member Christmas's Avatar
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    Everyone was so innocent back then. Even RikkuYuna89 (Rye).

    We even have teen pregnancy's thing going around here! :

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