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Thread: Who wishes Beatrix played more of an intricant role in the game.

  1. #16


    I agree BEATRIX RULEZ! Plus if u look at it from my point of view Zidane cud of had to chicks to look at. (Dagger(or garnet) would get jealous) plus I dont like freya either i named her hoe ne ways Sir Fratley is also a dum name. And for people who say Beatrix wud be same as Steiner heres somethin: If they take out a character im also saying for them to give steiner a few different attacks... duh.. thats what teh developers got to think about. Also the game is more interesting to play when u got 2 chicks even if garnet sometimes acts like a b!tch.

  2. #17
    Kurohime's Avatar
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    At first, I really did NOT like Beatrix! XD I'm not sure why... just seemed like that whole "OMG, I was wrong about the queen" speil was so fast and she was too quick to turn against Brahne...

    Anyway, beside the point. Hehe, when I got to playing the game more, Beatrix definitely started to make more sense, to the point where now she's one of my favorite ladies in FF. That whole sense of "Who am I and what am I fighting for?" started to make much more sense. Following orders may have been all part of her nature and training, but so was staying true to what ultimately turned out to be "right."

    I don't think she would have been as much of a comical relief as Steiner was, so surprisingly, I prefer Steiner's character to Beatrix's as a team member.

    Everything else about Beatrix, though... I really like. I like the time you get to use her in battle. (WOOHOO!! CLIMHAZZARDNESSFULLNESS!!!!!!1) and most of all... I LOVE HER THEME SONG!

    But do I want her to be more of a main character? Meh, not really. The information you get out of her is enough to make her good enough to care about, but leaves enough to interpretation.

    Hehe, oh! And the Zidane-flirting-with-Beatrix point Chosen1 brings up... it always cracked me up that Beatrix is probably the only woman that Ziddy DIDN'T hit on... XD She probably would have Climhazzarded his ass into oblivion.

    Turning the fantasy into SOME sort of reality... o_O

  3. #18


    Originally posted by Kurohime
    At first, I really did NOT like Beatrix! XD I'm not sure why... just seemed like that whole "OMG, I was wrong about the queen" speil was so fast and she was too quick to turn against Brahne...

    Anyway, beside the point. Hehe, when I got to playing the game more, Beatrix definitely started to make more sense, to the point where now she's one of my favorite ladies in FF. That whole sense of "Who am I and what am I fighting for?" started to make much more sense. Following orders may have been all part of her nature and training, but so was staying true to what ultimately turned out to be "right."

    I don't think she would have been as much of a comical relief as Steiner was, so surprisingly, I prefer Steiner's character to Beatrix's as a team member.

    Everything else about Beatrix, though... I really like. I like the time you get to use her in battle. (WOOHOO!! CLIMHAZZARDNESSFULLNESS!!!!!!1) and most of all... I LOVE HER THEME SONG!

    But do I want her to be more of a main character? Meh, not really. The information you get out of her is enough to make her good enough to care about, but leaves enough to interpretation.

    Hehe, oh! And the Zidane-flirting-with-Beatrix point Chosen1 brings up... it always cracked me up that Beatrix is probably the only woman that Ziddy DIDN'T hit on... XD She probably would have Climhazzarded his ass into oblivion.

    Youre rite bout that LOL :shoot: LOL But neways i also wanted to say that for watever reason each time I think bout ff in general i think of vivi or a wizard (black mage). Actually thats y i got ff9 and not ff8 just because his picture was on it. He might not be my favourite but he is like an ff trademark or something.
    His picture is even on top of this site to the right and no if u see a long haired guy its ur other right. And no i dont mean THE EYE.

  4. #19
    Gobbledygook! Recognized Member Christmas's Avatar
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    I like her eye patch as much as her abilities. Her sword skills & white magic can be a bit imbalanced though. If only it can be balanced nicely like her boobs.

  5. #20


    I'd have accepted her as permanent party member but it would mean either

    A) She follows her character trait and is super overpowered
    B) They have to dim her strength somewhat for gameplay reasons, making those earlier battles against her less formidable.

    Also, I think her and Steiner sweet talking and making kissy faces at each other would be distracting the other characters on the airship and stuff and it would just get annoying for them and Garnet would have to have a sitcom-like conversation about it with them.

  6. #21
    tidus79's Avatar
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    I would like to have Beatrix as permanent party member during the final part of the game instead of Quina Quen (worst FF character).

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