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Thread: who says FFIX isn't the best?

  1. #16
    I less-than-three Ninjas Phil's Avatar
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    oh ok. sorry i misunderstood. no problem
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  2. #17
    A Big Deal? Recognized Member Big D's Avatar
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    Not at all, it's only natural to stand up for, and defend, something that you like.

  3. #18
    lomas de chapultepec Recognized Member eestlinc's Avatar
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    the main part where I think the game could have been improved is the whole four shrines deal. They should have made you fight through each and face the boss with two member parties. that would have been much cooler.

  4. #19
    I have one matching sock PhoenixAsh's Avatar
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    The main problems I had with FFIX is how it's set up. For most of the game you have almost no freedom. You are completely limited as to how strong you can be until the game let's you, and you can't really go anywhere yourself till really late on.
    I also hate the lack of personalisation available. Not only does everyone have just four main commands, you can't choose what they are, when you learn them, or how good you are with them.

    Another problem was mini games. While they are nowhere near as bad as the torturous ones in FFX, they rewarded you with next to nothing for completing the longest hardest tasks possible. Hippaul, skipping, cards etc. all had no real rewards. Then of course there's the Excalibur II, which not only denies people having a perfect save game, it also means the rest of the game has to be way to simplistic.

    I say what I think. If you disagree, then that is up to you.

  5. #20


    I say FFIX is the worst possible FF ever because of the graphics the speech and especially the clothes its also one of the easiest except the final boss but if you think about it its actully very easy as long as you can protect the status effects so all around its a bad game

  6. #21


    a papa doc, IX is great, graphics: it's PS, Cloths: old fastion, good looking, and the spech is great (ooh, soft!)

  7. #22
    wo0t!!1 ChibiInuYasha's Avatar
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    I wish I knew. u_u


    I for one could never choose a fav. FF but I really loved IX! It was so lively and upbeat compared to the previous 2 installments and theme is just awsome (Life) Most people rant and rant about how the final boss didn't fit in and was unexpected. Well, sure he was unexpected, but after seeing how each character realized their reason for living, what better than to face death itself? True art! ^.^
    **insert catchy sig**

  8. #23
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    FFIX is my second favourite FF game, but I admit there were some flaws, which Big D and Phoenix 17 covered.

    I disagree with a couple of points though

    Frequently poor, even childish dialogue which was predictable at times.
    "H-hey, yo, whatcha gonna wanna do 'bout it? Gwa bwa mwa ha!" That kind of thing greatly decreased the impact and poignancy of the story. Slightly better English would've been a significant improvement.
    Come on though, FF has been doing things like "Gwa bwa mwa ha!" for years. Good ole' X-Death in FFV with his "Fwahahaha" and who can forget Cait Sith's labelling of Heidigger and Scarlet in FFVII has "Gyahahaha" and "Kyahahaha" H-hey, yo, whatcha gonna wanna do 'bout it? is inexcusable though

    * Zidane's attitude: his refusal to acknowledge the skill, intellect or authority of those in power. Most of the cast never learn that Regent Cid ordered Tantalus to abduct Garnet for her own safety. It's possible that even Zidane didn't know. Everyone except Cid, Artania and Garnet probably assumed that Tantalus was going to hold the princess for ransom, torturing or raping her to force Queen Brahne's compliance with their ransom demands. Abducting a young woman for personal gain is a completely abhorrent act, yet Zidane is still abusive and discourteous to those who try to protect what is right. He should've been greatful that Steiner or Amarant never gutted him on the spot for his 'crimes'.
    So Zidane is selfish and arrogant at times, isn't everyone? He does acknowledge Steiner at one point, if I remember rightly, but even in that sentence I believe he still uses the phrase "Rusty" But that is just Square's way of trying to make Zidane out to be a 'Street Urchin'
    and the (SPOILER) Sacrifice he makes for Kuja at the end certainly does not fit with how he has been branded.

    Now, I move on to Jesus's criticism.

    say FFIX is the worst possible FF ever because of the graphics the speech and especially the clothes its also one of the easiest except the final boss but if you think about it its actully very easy as long as you can protect the status effects so all around its a bad game
    First of all, try to include punctuation in your criticisms, as people will take it more seriously. The worst possible FF? You haven't played FFVIII, have you? As for the graphics being poor, just what are you talking about? they are the second best Graphics in the entire series! As for the speech, I think I covered my opinion on that above, and I pretty much agree with that. The Clothes? surely that isn't a thing to base a game on? OK, the clothes weren't all that good, but just look at some of the stuff in FFVIII and especially FFX. As for difficulty, I think it was fairly easy, although FFVIII and X were easier. There were some hard points - Oelivert with those evil mirror thingees(I can't remember their names!) was relatively hard. As for the final boss, I think he was a walkover, and a let down. I agree with the comment about status effects - I think that they did get inflicted on you a bit much, but I don't think they were a major problem. A bad game? OK, so that is your opinion, but in my opinion, I think we played different games.

  9. #24

    Default Re: who says FFIX isn't the best?

    Originally posted by Davis
    Who honestly can say Final Fantasy 9 isn't the best Final Fantasy???
    I can,just watch

    FFIX is not the best final fantasy

    So there,i did it so thread answered.time for a new one

    Join my FF forum.
    It is empty but it would really help out if you would join and help me get more members

  10. #25


    I'ma *snip* you up!

    Edit by Gau: Don't try to get around the swear filter.

  11. #26
    A Big Deal? Recognized Member Big D's Avatar
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    Default Re: Re: who says FFIX isn't the best?

    Originally posted by locke lionheart
    I can,just watch

    FFIX is not the best final fantasy

    So there,i did it so thread answered.time for a new one
    *Grins mirthfully*

  12. #27



  13. #28


    FFIX definetly is NOT the best Final Fantasy. Neither is it the worst. Actually, I have yet to see a bad FF game. Personally, I liked FFVII, VIII, & X better than FFIX. FFIX was still good though. It did have good music, and I loved the Invincible. But character-wise, I thought it wsa lacking something. Still good though, just not the best.

  14. #29


    Hey, Strider is a cool name. Thats what I allways call Armarant in FFIX, Strider suits that character much better than Armarant, speaking of witch, I dont like to call Zidane Zidane, I call his Davis, along with any other main character in any RPG as long as their hair is Blond, and preferibly spiky
    Last edited by Davis; 04-11-2003 at 11:23 PM.

  15. #30


    FF9 isn't the best
    I like 8 and 10 better (10 just a millimetre behind 8), but FF9 was great! It's that 7 that I do not like very much...But I'm madly in love with Medieval times so I felt right at home. And the peaceful atmosphere in the game is great too.
    Which Final Fantasy 8 Character Are You? You are Squall!
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    may not communicate your feelings to your friends, but you
    are a true friend to those you are close to. In spite of your
    hesitance to warm up to people, you're likely one hot number in
    the eyes of the opposite sex.

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