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Thread: Warmech?

  1. #1
    Score: 0 out of 2 Dignified Pauper's Avatar
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    Default Warmech?

    Well, I've beaten all of the fiends (PS remake). I then went to the hall where Tiamat was (before I killed him in 4 rounds) and after running up and down for a good 25 minutes, found... NO WARMECH!? My people are at level 27 and they crave to have a battle worthy for them, or perhaps dangerous! Is he more rare now than in the NES version, or is he in the winding passage before Tiamat's hall? I thought he was in both... I was in a state of disarray just conjuring the thought of him being... TAKEN OUT!?!?!?!

    Someone verify to me that he wasn't taken out and that's he's just more rare to fight now... SOMEONE, ANYONE!?!?!

  2. #2


    He was not taken out but the odds of running into him seem much much lower. I spent two hours looking for him... my guys were at level 50 before I actually found him.

  3. #3
    Score: 0 out of 2 Dignified Pauper's Avatar
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    NOOOOO! I just don't have that kind of patie--- Wait.. what game am I playing again... oh ya... Nevermind, I have lots... THANKS...

  4. #4
    Banned Faris_the_guy's Avatar
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    In the easy version, hes not there. in the hard versoin, hes is VERY hard to find. Once you find him hes easy though.

  5. #5


    Actually I just found him in the easy version... after the afformentioned 2 hour hunt.

  6. #6
    HEIDEGGER SI MY BISHI!!!1 DJZen's Avatar
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    well, there's a reason for his rarity... If I remember correctly....

    The original NES version didn't have random battles, it had a sequence that you would fight enemies in that would cycle every X fights. So while encountering Warmech was rare, it would happen with some regularity.

    The PSX version has randomly generated battles with the chances of meeting enemies approximated. So while it is possible that you'll encounter him, there is no guarantee of it. It's entirely possible that you can walk the bridge forever and never meet him.

    ...It's possible I'm wrong about this. If anyone knows better please say so.

  7. #7


    I know what you are talking about DJzen.

    You can test this out yourself to an extent. If you play the original on an emulator you will find that the steps walked before an enemy encounter is a set thing such as are the battles. You can save state and then walk a bit... say three steps and fight... reload the state and walk three steps and the exact same battle will occur. In addition it has nothing to even do with direction. As long as you are in the pre-mapped area for encounters of a single type the third step will always be the same group.

    Now in the FFO version I doubt that the memo save works like a save state on an emu. Therefore every time you soft reset the number of steps and probability of a particular group of enemies is reset as well. I believe it is the same after every battle... it is completely recalculated unlike the original where it is preset

    In addition... from what I've heard... the odds in the original (which aren't really odds so much) are 1/32 where as in FFO it is a 1/64 chance. Not great odds... plus it is recalculated every time.

    In the original... you would come into the room and there would be a preset and who knows... maybe you would fall on number 27 out of 32 and then it's only 5 battles until you fight Warmech. Whereas in the FFO version it is actually 1/64 chance EVERY time you get into a battle. It is absolute luck.

  8. #8
    Score: 0 out of 2 Dignified Pauper's Avatar
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    I found him, he killed my WW and Ni, BUT! I killed him... Then i got the eff outta there and fast too.

  9. #9
    HEIDEGGER SI MY BISHI!!!1 DJZen's Avatar
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    Arg, that's pretty annoying, I always used him to level up my characters and rake in the cash. Now I guess I'll have to find someone else to beat up....

    BTW, why do we call Warmach "he"?

  10. #10


    Yes... I liked using Warmech in said way as well... it is too bad.

    As for the he thing... I think we just assign masculinity to everything that is not expressly feminine.

  11. #11
    HEIDEGGER SI MY BISHI!!!1 DJZen's Avatar
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    not feminine? CHECK OUT THOSE LEGS!!!!

    Hehehehehe, actually, Warmech should probably be an "it" since Warmech is a robot, and has no gender.

  12. #12
    ORANGE Dr Unne's Avatar
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    Took me an hour to find Warmech in easy version. He exists.

  13. #13
    penisword chionos's Avatar
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    I had more trouble finding a friggin tyrannosaur than warmech. It took me 3 hours to get the bloody dinosaur to show its face. Warmech took about 45 minutes, so I guess I got lucky with him.

  14. #14
    You never knew. Never. Seifer's Avatar
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    Forget Warmech. Try beating these guys(see attachement), or even running from them. I was at level 27 inside of the Ice Cave today. While a pretty easy dungeon compared to some of the others, these guys ruin my day every time I bump into them. Actually, it's when there's four. It's an almost impossible battle, much more of a challenge as opposed to Warmech. And the four pack isn't as rare as you'd hope it would be. I'm sure most of you already had a run in with them. I don't even remember them killing me NES version. They're a real pain in the arse on the remake.

    What happens: They usually get the first attack. All of them attack with Fire 3, most of the time. Whoever isn't dead after that(most likely anyone wearing Flame Mail), is usually killed by a single Poision attack.

    But meh, I don't want to spend one to two hours looking for Warmech. Oh well, I guess it must be done for me to complete the game in its entirety.
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  15. #15
    Banned Faris_the_guy's Avatar
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    Theyre not hard, the game gave you bad stats at lvl. ups
    (It always happens, so dont be pissed)

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