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Thread: The thief is a waste of space

  1. #1
    Dark Knights are Horny Garland's Avatar
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    Default The thief is a waste of space

    In FF1 NES, the thief was a justifiable addition to a party. He was the best to run away with, he was a passable attacker, and he dodged alot of attacks. While he was still more of an investment plan towards a ninja, he didn't hold a party back.

    In FF1 PSX, this is all changed. What IS the thief good for now? His running ability is all but gone - it seems even among all the classes. His attack power seems to be even worse than the NES version. He doesn't even dodge all that often.

    My point isn't to bash the thief as to wonder why they destroyed only this character. Has anyone else noticed this? No other class was neutered to this degree. My standard team of Fighter, Thief, Black Belt, and Red Mage really puts the weakness of the thief to light. He can't hold his own. Well, at least his outfit is improved...

    To people that use thieves in Origins, do you do it for any other reason than getting a ninja at class change? Please, enlighten me.
    Knock yourselves down.

  2. #2


    I *used* a thief on my run through, and noticed this too. He's now getting the boot for a Red Mage. Even though he'll probably still suck towards the end of the game, like I hear he did in the NES version.
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  3. #3
    programmed by NASIR Recognized Member black orb's Avatar
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    >>> Yes, in Origins they destroyed him .. stupid square..
    >> The black orb glitters ominously... but nothing happens..

  4. #4
    Verily unto thee! omnitarian's Avatar
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    *Never used thieves anyway*

    Ah well. I guess thief had no choice but nuetralization, considering the changes to running/evasion rate/crumminess of daggers.

  5. #5


    I always said they sucked compared to Monks, Now they just suck period. (I'm using the Origins translation when talking about FF1 from here on in....)

  6. #6
    Old school, like an old fool. Flying Mullet's Avatar
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    I always thought that the theif wasn't that great. The purpose of the thief seemed to be to have an agile fighter on the team, as opposed to a strong, endurance fighter. If he stole from enemies as theifs do in later games it would be worth while, but now I'd rather have the hit points and attack power of a figher or the magic of a red mage. The theif is a redundant character that is even more obvious now that they cleaned up the game for it's re-release.
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  7. #7
    penisword chionos's Avatar
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    I certainly noticed that fact. My Warrior, BMage, WMage, Thief combination no longer works. I think I'm gonna switch him out for a redmage. The thief in origins is COMPLETELY pointless.

  8. #8
    HEIDEGGER SI MY BISHI!!!1 DJZen's Avatar
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    He's not completely pointless, you just have to level him up. I think it's horrible though that your "swift agile fighter" has lower accuracy than the f..... I mean warrior who should just be bogged down by all the armor. I never noticed a huge difference between the NES and PSX, but maybe I'm just bad at these games, wouldn't suprise me much.

  9. #9
    Score: 0 out of 2 Dignified Pauper's Avatar
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    Yea, the thief did suck, but ninja seems to be upgraded... I'm using Kn/Ni/Bw/Ww party and they are awesome. I'm at level 29 and at the Temple of Fiends Chaos

    OOC:What is the code for the line through a word!?
    Last edited by Dignified Pauper; 05-02-2003 at 01:41 AM.

  10. #10
    Dark Knights are Horny Garland's Avatar
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    Thanks Indel - that's what I was hoping for, a reason to keep this green waste of space on my team.
    Knock yourselves down.

  11. #11
    Verily unto thee! omnitarian's Avatar
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    OOC:< strike > < /strike > (without the spaces, of course.)

  12. #12


    Even if the Ninja still rocks somewhat, I don't think it's worth having the Thief drag you down for the first half of the game. I'll just have to compare when I've finished it with a Red Mage instead.
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  13. #13


    In the WSC, the thief/ninja is totally worthless.

    I played a party with a fighter, theif, BB, and RM in order to compare them.

    Fighter: best all around before and after class change. Always does great damage, always has best armor, has highest hps until rather high levels (30+).

    Thief: worthless. Can't run better than anyone else (unlike in the NES version). Attack damage far worse than the RM, worse armor until you get bracelets, and no magic. When he becomes a ninja, he gets slightly better armor than a RW, but his hps are about the same as RW, and he does about the same damage. Only the RW has more spells, more useful spells, and wasn't absolutely worthless for 15 levels or so. There is no reason to take a thief over a RM.

    Blackbelt: worthless before level 10. RM has better damage and better armor. After level 10 he finally starts doing decent damage. However, he never really surpasses the fighter at anything until level 30+. His average damage is no better than a fighter, his high hps are worthless as he takes gobs of damage from every hit and drinks oceans of tonics, and he looks silly. There is no real reason to take a BB over a fighter. Note I say average damage...he is capable of occasionally getting a lot of damage in one attack because he attacks a lot, but he rarely gets all his hits in. So while he can do more damage than the fighter, he also often does less, and it's more or less even on average until you get to really high levels...far more than needed to beat the game.

    Red Wizard: nice class. In early levels (up to about level 15), has as many spells as WM and BM (fewer higher level spells, but you rarely use level 4 spells at that point anyways), and has better hps, armor, and attack damage. Fights better than the theif, as good as the ninja, and about 1/2 as good as a fighter or BB. And early on he has pretty good armor, making him tougher in those tedious early levels when the BB and theif are totally worthless and getting mauled.

    So that's it really. Figher > BB, and RM > thief. No doubt about it.

  14. #14
    Yeah, but...y'know. Fredde's Avatar
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    I think I'm gonna use thief in PSX anyway. Why? Because of nostalgica i guess...
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  15. #15
    lomas de chapultepec Recognized Member eestlinc's Avatar
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    the Ninja is good and really what does it matter if you have a crappy party member? If you have a fighter or two then the game is not that difficult regardless of your remaining party members.

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