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Thread: Express your FFX-2 opinions!

  1. #1
    Yunie07's Avatar
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    Grin Express your FFX-2 opinions!

    Ok, here is my opinion on FFX-2!

    FFX-2 has brought many different opinions to the minds of FFX fans. Some say, “They should have just left it at that, and not made a direct sequel.” Others say, “I love the idea of FFX-2! It keeps you wanting more, and gives you the chance to reunite with some of the old characters!” Whatever your opinion may be, there will be an FFX-2. As far as myself can say, I am ecstatic about the release of FFX-2! In other words, I can’t wait until it comes out! I really love the idea about it! I also love the fact that the FFX ending gave a 2-way street to the creation of FFX-2. What I’m saying is, if they wanted to leave FFX at that, and not bother with a direct sequel, they could have. Although, it also has the type of ending that makes it where easily, there could be a direct sequel to it. I love that about it. Another thing I love about it, is that FFX and FFX-2 have completely different plots and story-lines, so it’s not like the same thing happening twice. As far as the characters, I simply love what they have done to them. Yuna’s new look is awesome! I love the whole “bad girl” theme. Some say they like “Summoner Yuna” better, as opposed to “Gunner Yuna”. Personaly, I like the idea of Gunner Yuna. This new reputation for Yuna, let’s people and fans know that there is no more of a nice, sweet, and innocent girl, but more of a bad ass, stay out of my way type of girl. Rikku’s new look is also very cute. I can’t wait to see what happens in the game! I am on the edge of my seat trying to put the pieces together. I’m one of the people who does not like surprises. Therefore, I love spoilers, and I love to know what happens before I beat it, or pass it. I don’t know why I’m that way. It’s just the way I am. So, I’ve been trying to find out as much information possible about FFX-2, but I haven’t found very much. I don’t think they want to give away much more of their information to us. That’s okay though. Even though I’m getting the game right when it comes out, another gamer friend of mine is sure to beat it before I do, and I will just bribe the ending out of them! (lol) Well that’s what I think about FFX-2. Please respect my opinions as I would yours! And, you are welcome to post a reply and let everyone else know what you think of FFX-2!
    ~*~Yuna, the Starlight of Spira~*~

    Realitys a bore. Search for distant places beyond the moon. Find out where you belong....

  2. #2
    ZeZipster's Avatar
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    Call her Yuna Croft, instead of "Gunner Yuna", please. Why exactly is a scarf and bikini cute? It's actually rather stupid and annoying. I've asked my self these question several times when thinking about FFX-2:

    Why is their no males?
    Why are the females wearing less cloths?
    Why is Yuna so utterly out of character?
    Why do they have costumes all the sudden?

    The answer to these questions, as far as I can see, is that Square wants cash. It's like they'd go Hentai but that'd ruin their reputation so they go as far as they can with out losing some of their kid/teen players in places like America/England (I've been told that apparantly the Japanese have a different set of morals, hentai/porn is supposed to be more accepted there)

    I think I'll some up my thought by quoting my previous statements:
    Oh-yes, and by the way- Japanese culture is different from American. Just because the Japanese love a game doesn't mean America or the UK will. Maybe they like flexible characters who are in one game subtle-shy and in other game half-naked and wielding two guns which, by the trailers, don't seem to have a limit on ammo. If they wanted a shooter than they should have brought in a new character not give the subtle one a make-over.
    Character designer 1: Hmmmm, recently I've been intriqued by guns we should make a shooter in this sequel.
    Character designer 2: But won't that require effort?
    Character designer 1: Your right let's just mess Yuna up.
    Character designer 3: Yeah! Screw the loyal Yuna-likers she needs to show some skin![/q]

    [q=ZeZipster]When square makes a descrete character half naked they're doing that to attract males or the opposite sex of what Yuna is. They're selling her. They're taking her out of character to attract males. HOW FREAKING BLUNTLY DO I NEED TO SAY THAT BEFORE YOU PEOPLE GET IT? It's like they're killing who she was so they can make a profit out of any dolt who'll buy a game because it has a hot-chick on the cover. It wouldn't bug me if they'd of made a new shooter.[/q]

    [q=ZeZipster]What logic is behind the authors of the game deciding to change Yuna entirely instead of creating a Yuna-look alike or Shooter-person? Why did they make her change from subtle-summoner to Yuna Croft (nickname stolen from some FF news site)? It doesn't make since and it's not cultural, it's greedy. As far as I can see it's pure greed. -Cloths + guns = more buys (I had a much better equation involving squaring body parts, but that one seems stupid to me now).[/q]

    I'm sorry, I don't remember Square ever trying to create a sequel to any other FF except for X and in the sequel the clothing is not the thing that matters, It's the fact that Squares taking the characters they made out of character. They made Yuna subtle and now she's Yuna Croft, complete with guns, skin, and ass. It's not the fact that Yuna is wearing these things, It's that she defies all logic Square provided in X by doing so. Had Yuna kept her old cloths now one would complain about Rikkus or Paines cloths, because they're still in character. Square changed Yuna to sell. That pisses me off.[/q]
    and the latest:
    [q=ZeZipster]Ok, I'm fine with the idea of them making more obscene characters. But guess what, they've taking it to far, you can't have some one who was portrayed as subtle and shy and then half naked in the sequel the change is to dramatic. They are selling her. They could have made an entirely nude shooter I wouldn't give a trout. The fact that they decided to take Yuna and change her to the EXACT opposite of what she was pisses me off. She went from a staff to two GUNS. WHAT? HOW THE HELL!? I never saw any dark magician or summoner in any game whip out two pistols and fire off rounds like their is no limit on ammo! NEVER.

    I do have evidence. Three girls walking around changing cloths every battle. No male characters from all the previews I've seen. Although I'm fairly sure I wouldn't want to see in male characters in this one.[/q]

    Some people just aren't bothered. They can't imagine why people are so upset by this. I have respect for the classics thats why, Square could have just as easily made a continuation of 10 with Yuna wearing cloths. Maybe it's because I've been a Final Fantasy fan since 7 and realize they could have just as easily ruined Aeris by taking her out of character to make a profit.
    Last edited by ZeZipster; 05-04-2003 at 06:16 AM.

  3. #3
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    Ze, as he doesn't like to be called, is a genius. We should all bow down to him.

    Although I have never played it, I currently hate FFX-2. Why? because Square is so blatantly embarassed by it's heritage.

    Final Fantasy X:

    No World map

    "Oooh, it's more realistic!" Yeah, right. But I tolerated this.

    No Levelling up

    "It's customisable!" No, no it isn't. But I tolerated this too.

    A Direct sequel.

    "I wuv Yuna! she is soooo kewl!" Yes, and the idea is moronic, but still, I tolerate this.

    Female main character

    "It's a step in a new direction" Be that as it may, Squsre is still trying to shake off it's heritage, but still, I tolerate it.

    A Job-like system with no Dragoons.

    At this point, my patience snapped. Just what the hell is wrong with Squaresoft? They've taken out jobs that have been there from the start, and from FF3 and FF5. Yes, there would have been a lot, but frankly some of the ones they took out is just sheer stupidity.

    No Dragoons, No Red Mages, No Monks, no Geomancers(I'd like to add they were there from FF3 you anti-geomancers you!)

    And what are they replaced by? Gunners? What the hell is the tactical advantage of a gunner? It shoots things? Is that it? And then a Dark Gunner? oh no, the bullets are going to be dark! OK, I just learned that they can learn enemy skills. So they are basiclally Blue Mages. So why not call them Blue Mages? No wait, that's not "kewl" enough for Square.

    There was only one good new job class, which is Songstress/Popstar, because it combines elements of Dancer and Bard, which makes two weaker classes a bit better.

    And have a look at Rikku as a Black Mage. That's no Black Mage!

    THIS: is a Black Mage. Yes, it does look like Vivi... But surely Rikku can't change into one of those? Oh yeah? THIS: is Reina, a nice girl from FFV. She can become a black mage at will, thus: All characters from FFV can, so why can't Rikku do it? I'll tell you why. It's because Square is embarassed of it's heritage.

    I will buy FFX-2 certainly, but currently it is only because it is a Final Fantasy. Yes, that is the wrong reason to buy it, so what?

  4. #4


    Times change, but it seems that a lot of hardened fans don't.

    I'm willing to give it a go.

    It doesn't always have to be the way it was. If everything was like this then we'd still be living in caves and dragging our women around by the feet (maybe some still do...that's their choice...)

    All I see in FFX-2 is some very nice looking women in appealing clothing. Square have never made a FF game that I didn't enjoy so I don't see why this will be any different.

    It'll be DIFFERENT, but it'll be great - I imagine.

    I'm willing to give it a chance before I draw up an opinion.

    Also, shouldn't this be in the FFX-2 forum?

  5. #5
    Yunie07's Avatar
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    Yes, sorry about it not being in the FFX-2 forums, I just wanted to see some opinions from the old fans. Aparently alot of people are annoyed by "clothing". Not me though. Yes they want to make money, but imagine yourself in their position. Wouldn't you? Alot will be different, but as a FF fan, I've decided to keep an optimistic view on FFX-2.

    Another thing. With the way people dress now days, I consider the way Yuna and Rikku look, "normal". Yes, it's a little trashy, but that's not for me to decide. I also think there change of attitude is due to the new theme of the game as opposed to their new looks.
    ~*~Yuna, the Starlight of Spira~*~

    Realitys a bore. Search for distant places beyond the moon. Find out where you belong....

  6. #6
    I have one matching sock PhoenixAsh's Avatar
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    ZeZipster what on Earth are you talking about? Square are not idiots, they didn't design the game specifically to make money from barely clothed females. It's simple logic:

    Sex has sold for a long time, Square have never relied on it in FFs before, do you really think they would start using the ONLY FF that is specifically aimed at people who are already fans of the series?
    Even if Square were that stupid why would they expect people to buy games based on that? If you want bare ladies there are far cheaper and more realistic ways to do it. It takes a lot of money to make a video game, I think they'd have thought it through.
    As for Yuna changing, well as far as plot goes it would be completely ridiculous if she'd stayed the same after losing her love, her faith, been thrown into a huge position of power, went undercover, lost her main form of attack, had everything she'd been brought up to believe in taken away from her.....

    I agree with Psychotic almost entirely, though I think Black Mages should be allowed to dress how they like. Simply because, why shouldn't they?

    My only problem with FFX so far is that they picked two of the worst characters in FFX to keep and dumped all the good ones, including the only decent female.
    That and that many FFs deserve sequels far more than FFX.

    I say what I think. If you disagree, then that is up to you.

  7. #7
    Yunie07's Avatar
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    I agree with Phoenix 17. Square are no idiots. I think all of the pesimistic people will be very suprised when the FFX-2 comes out. Although, neither one of us (The people who think of it optimisticly or the people who think of it pesismisticly) can really say anything regarding the game altogether yet, until we play it. Don't you agree? This game will be big, and I don't think Square is stupid enough to screw it over. I also don't think it has anything to do with sexuality.

    PS- One thing I do not like about the idea of FFX-2 the idea of Yuna having guns. At first I was like, "Oh, cool! That's gonna be awesome!" but then I got to thinking... Is the whole deal with the guns going to loose the theme and atmosphere of what the FF games are suppost to be about? Swordes, and Staffs, and magic.... but.... guns? Maybe it will be okay. We can only wait and see.

    ~*~Yuna, the Starlight of Spira~*~

    Realitys a bore. Search for distant places beyond the moon. Find out where you belong....

  8. #8
    Yunie07's Avatar
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    ZeZipster, you asked these questions earlier, and I think I may have an idea of some of the answers, but forgive me if I'm wrong.

    The first question you asked was, "why are there no males?" Honestly, I don't know. There may be deeper into the game, just not as main characters. Plus, there's been games with no females before, so what's the difference?

    You asked, "why are the femails wearing less clothes?" This could be one of two reasons. One, which I think is the reason, is because of the fans. Yuna has a new attitude, and there has to ways to show it. Also, there will be jumping in this game, remember? It's kind of hard to do that with a skirt. Two, so it will not be as boring, and the characters all look the same. It's kind of like they've "grown up" in a way. (and it's not like they're naked)

    Another thing you asked was "Why is Yuna so utterly out of character?" This, I think, is because of the new game plot. No matter what, FFX-2 is not like FFX. It has a completely different goal and theme to it. Yuna has developed a new character to contour with the new way of the game. That much I know.

    And I'm not really sure about the reason they have costumes all of sudden, but I'm sure there is one. I hope I could answer atleast one of your questions. Thank you for replying

    ~*~Yuna, the Starlight of Spira~*~

    Realitys a bore. Search for distant places beyond the moon. Find out where you belong....

  9. #9
    Exiled Idiot of Doom? Blackmage's Avatar
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    What it all boils down to is profits.

    How many of you who have played Devil May Cry and thought it was one of the best games ever, then went out to get DMC2 and was thoroughly disappointed? Those of you who did, myself included, were all suckered into buying a crappy game because of the reputation of the game before it. It's probably going to be the same story with FFX-2.
    Kuja Highwind/Blackmage: Some guy that used to be active back around 2001... He almost made his way through Proto's Custom Title Tournament way back in the day...but almost only counts in horseshoes and grenades. Oh well.

  10. #10


    Thing is though - Square haven't made a bad FF imo. I enjoyed all the ones I've played so it's not like they're new to this sort of thing. They know what they're doing.

    Yes of course it's financially driven (this sequel) but it's still Square!

  11. #11
    ZeZipster's Avatar
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    Fantasy is Fantasy, Guns are reality, that's the facts. When Cloud kicked some bodies ass with a huge metal blade that normally nobody could hold it was fantasy, in reality we all know he'd be dead if he took on a soldier that's why it was a fantasy, a Final Fantasy. Now when Yuna holds a gun and shoots some body, even if that bullet has dark energy or what ever it's reality... It's gone from entertaining fantasy to insane reality.

    Square is trying to be different, and I'm getting really pissed at them. I have nothing to look forward to. Why, because I don't play MMORPGs. I don't play games that are called RPGs when their really just a Action game that's a sequel to an RPG.

    Why Square, WHY!? Are they going insane???? Nobody asked for an MMORPG, and any body who did could have gotten Everquest... Square doesn't need to be different that's what I liked about Square, I like random battles, I liked fanfare, and heck I had grown adjusted to square hands by the end of FF7... Maybe I'll rent X-2, maybe I'll buy FF11, chances are though I'll stop playing Squaresofts games for a while and just play what ever RPG is decent.

  12. #12


    Have you even played the other Final Fantasies?



    FF8 - Laguna (again, possibly the most important character) uses a gun. Estar soldiers use them. Irvine uses a gun too. Sh*t loads of guns.

    The point is it IS fantasy. In any of the FF games if it was reality then the swords would be cutting heads off. A strange dog creature attacking would just get sliced in half, it would never get an attack in.

    That's not how FF works. It works because Square use their magic on it to make all the FF games fantastic.

    Why shouldn't they be different?
    If you think about it - times change. Change occurs because people want it to. Things don't change just for the sake of changing so really you need to take a step back and maybe think that it's time you tried something new.

  13. #13
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    They're not forced in your party Yuna is the main character, I never had to see Barret jump up in to the air do a flip and fire with out stopping and in the air, I use to think that required years and years of training but obvisoully Yuna fairly good at after she JUST transist to need to use guns. Also note that those people had been using guns their entire life they never just picked them up and their not using special sphere grids either...

  14. #14
    ZeZipster's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Prodigy
    Why shouldn't they be different?
    If you think about it - times change. Change occurs because people want it to. Things don't change just for the sake of changing so really you need to take a step back and maybe think that it's time you tried something new.
    Strange I remember Adolf Hitler saying some thing about change, too. Changing isn't always good, Squaresoft is taking it to far to fast, their was no need for change.

  15. #15
    I have one matching sock PhoenixAsh's Avatar
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    Yes for once I agree with ZeZipster, I mean look at the evidence. In the original FFX the main character wasn't just handed a weapon and instantly knew how to use it was he...

    I say what I think. If you disagree, then that is up to you.

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