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Thread: Master Final Fantasy Cross-Over Game

  1. #1
    Old school, like an old fool. Flying Mullet's Avatar
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    Default Master Final Fantasy Cross-Over Game

    I know that this topic has had variations that have been exhausted to no end, but I have to put this here anyway. Instead of Square creating a sequel to another game, what do you think about a game that would have main characters from some of the final fantasy games in a saga style game, i.e. open-ended, you pick a player and play it through, meeting others along the way, etc... It would be fun to pick characters that are mentioned a lot for sequels and such and have them live their lives further, or just pick a random character and put them in a new situation and see how they react. What do you think and would you buy it?
    Figaro Castle

  2. #2
    The Manga Otaku Mattokenzi's Avatar
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    oh you mean like Kindom Hearts well...

    FF should go back to there roots (nintendo) thats where if first started that might be a good cross over

    Dono Arigato Macwere San for the sweat signature and avatar

  3. #3


    i think it would be cool to see characters from old school games like ff3 brought onto the ps2- but you should be able to use them in your party (and not see donald duck in the same picture...ugh)

    Originally posted by bbhood86

    FF should go back to there roots (nintendo) thats where if first started that might be a good cross over
    i hope they dont do that (and i dont think they will) because if they did then that would mean i would have to buy a gamecube.....which id rather not do if i can avoid it (even though the old snes classics ff3 and ff2 rock!)

    ::braces for criticism since i dissed on the cube::

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  4. #4
    Summoner of Nessie Brian The Pink Shark's Avatar
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    Not a bad idea although Kingdom Hearts does have some charachters from other FF's but they are unplayable

  5. #5
    Old school, like an old fool. Flying Mullet's Avatar
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    Kingdom Hearts does some of this, but yes, I want playable characters. I also want the game to be open-ended. you pick which character you want to play and take them through the game on their adventures, meeting others as you go. Basically a game like the Saga Frontiers except the characters are all from previous Final Fantasies, and maybe a few other Square games.
    Figaro Castle

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