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Thread: i need help again

  1. #1
    Banned Iori's Avatar
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    Default i need help again

    im stuck at the tainted cardinal scene... what do i do? i have a samurai, who for some reason, cant use any draw out abilities.. his second is guts. (ramza of course),
    I have Mustadio, w engineer mastered, and item as a second, Agrias, with Holy Knight mastered, and item as a second, and my brand new lancer, w no lance, and no way to buy a new weapon.. plus one black chocobo, who my ramza normally rides.. btw, id like to figure out why ramza cant use draw out... hes using dual bizen boats........ the cardinal used nightmare like 3 times, and completely assraped me

  2. #2


    Has he learned Bizen Boat in the Draw Out menu? And if he has, do you have any other Bizen Boats besides the two equipped? Because in order for Draw Out to work, the character needs to use an unequipped sword to cast the "spell".

    As for Cardinal Draclau (sp?), I think speed and distance are the most important things. You need your characters to be fast so they can act before he can. You should also make sure that each of your characters are spaced out from one another, otherwise that Nightmare attack is a real pain. My strategy is to have one person that has learned either Holy or Flare and cast it on him and run like hell. You should try to make the battle as short as possible, since the longer it drags on, the worse things get.

    Oh....and get rid of that Lancer. Because until he has a lance, he's pretty useless. Or you could do Equip Sword and use the Jump Ability. But calculating the cardinal's moves are kind of tough for Jumping.
    Last edited by Calvin; 05-06-2003 at 06:25 AM.

  3. #3
    Banned Iori's Avatar
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    fortunately, i assraped the cardinal.. unfortunately.. i lost my Summoner, who mastered summon skills... after i learned how easy it was to kill the cardinal... speed just as you said, it was too late.. for i had overwritten my save, which i always somehow manage to do.. thanks for the info on the draw out thing... didnt know that.. and my lancer now has a mithril spear, so shell be kicking ass... My black chocobo saved my ass though.. he does a pretty much unguardable, uncounterable, unblockable, guaranteed 98 damage to the cardinal w choco ball.... my only problem was my sleeping ppl from nmare... what a bitch he is :evilking: Thanks again for the help.. and if its not too much to ask, what do i do about the zodiac stones? are they useful for somehting?? and, should i hold off untill reis and beowulf , for casters, If, that is, they cast, which i assume they do... *excuse my hastiness/hyperactiveness, im like,... coked up.. but on coffee, cause coke is too expensive

    all the help you could give me would be.......... helpful (monty python & the holy grail )

  4. #4


    Well, you can't really do anything with the stones. Just think of them as the rare items in other FFs. Later on you'll understand the importance of them, but you don't really use them in battle for anything. And as for that sleeping thing, I just have someone throw a stone at them.

    I would suggest getting someone else to become a caster instead of waiting because Beowolf and Reis (whom I don't usually use) show up pretty late in the game. Or you could just change your fighting style and try without a summoner. Maybe you have someone who's somewhat proficient in the art of Black Magic?

  5. #5
    Banned Iori's Avatar
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    *cries* yes, i did have someone, who was...superficient in the ways of black magic...the summoner i lost... her second skill was black magic...nearly mastered too.. i just needed like.. countermagic and poison.. and maybe one other one... seeing as how i didnt wanna wait around, i tried fighting my way through the levels, and found that, a black chocobo, a knight w dual swords, Agrias, and Mustadio are all i need... mustadio is awesome... i love snipe arm and leg... theyre the best.. and agrias has masterd Holy knight... i like holy explosion, and lightning stab... stasis is ok, but im not a fan of crush punch.. and ramza, whom i renamed Vivi , wasnt doing well as a lancer, or samurai, so i made him a night, with the two sword ninja abilty i had.... mucho power, man.. hes got all diamond gear right now... but yeah, i dont think ill need a caster till later, if ever.. but my female knight, whom i havent mentioned... sucks ass. she has a p-bag, and does like.....30 dmg... and pbags are a huge waste of cash, im so sorry i ever bought one.. off to sleep now.. its 430 am.. tommorow i wake to TACTICS!!! i just gone done thwarting the evil plans of the assholes, whom names i forget (im tired).. The guys at Orbonne Monastery,... and that one dude, who used the Z-Stone to turn into a big ugly mufukka... i CANT WAIT to kick his ass...

    :evilking: peace... merry sinco de mayo to all, and to all a good night!!! :grr: :o :rolleyes2 :mog: :mog: :mog: :mog:

  6. #6
    Nakor TheBlue Rider's Avatar
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    Sounds like your near or just past the point of no return......

    theres a point where once you go past it there is no way to get back to the world map to buy stuff or get into random battles.

    Try to have as many Save blocks as possible (I use 3)and save on a differnt one each time so that you never save over your game.

  7. #7
    Banned Iori's Avatar
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    an exotic wizard pulled me over in Dorter, and asked me if i read the book... Do I, like, me, Phil, have to physically read this book, via TV screen? if so, how do i get to it.. thanks for the save advice, i started to use 2 last night just before i went to bed... as i have said in the past... my aim screenname is the same as the one here, spacing and all.... ill be playing tactics all day probably,but im near the computer, and the volumes turned up in case i get an IM


  8. #8
    Nakor TheBlue Rider's Avatar
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    Yes you Phil need to physicaly read it.

    It is important to the story however I have a friend who doesnt even read the text in RPG's so I guess its not like it can MAKE you read it.

    If you want to read it go To the World map and Go to the Tutorial. In there Somwhere there is somthing Called the Germonk Scriptures. Read that....

    Try reading it twice actually.

    You'll probably need to read it more than twice....

    Its not too long but it is a couple of pages.

  9. #9


    From what I remember, I think the Germonik Scriptures is in the Brave story under Treasures.

  10. #10
    Banned Iori's Avatar
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    Hey guys!!! guess what?? Im ED!!!! CAPITAL F ED!!! I am stuck on Velius..... Damn his minions!! dman them to hell!!! Oh wait,... thats where they came from.... i am smack in the middle of the point of no return.. all i have is a Geomancer w/ item, Agrias w/item, Mustadio w/item, and Ramza (knight) w/item... I refuse to restart!!! there has got to be some way to kill Velius!

    I still have a save game at Yardow Fort City, before the chaos began... but, how will i ever kill that ?! im gunna go lvl up now, but im supremely pissed off... i threw my controller (it split, but didnt break) thank god, because thats my only one... i threw my chair, the backing to it came off.. oh well, noone ever sits there anyways.. plus its an uncomfortable computer desk chair, which i can replace with like.. a dining room chair... anyways, what the hell should i do??!! i assume, raise another squire, and change that geomancer to, lets say,.... actually i dunno.. ive never even qualified for a dancer, bard, calculator, or mime, let alone used one.. should i be using them?? and another thing... is it possible to use the mediator skill invite on Velius's minions??? if so, the odds can be stacked 7 to 1 in my favor.. if not, its ??? to 4.... funny thing is, no matter what ??? is, itll most likely be in Velius' s favor.... im getting ideas as im typing, as well... Frog on his minions?.... seal evil on his minions?? i just wanna kill his minions, cause 2 shots form dark holy can kill ramza, and hes pretty badass.. dual diamond swords, diamond armor, diamond helmet, and some bracelet.. heh, probly diamond bracelet .. anyways, id like replys ASAP, cause i have like... 2 more days to kill velius before i loose all hope... but when i say 2 days i mean about 40 actual playing hours... considering today... 7:17 pm.. il probly play another 4 or 5 hours tonight... another 14 tommorow, and another 10 or so thursday.. ok i lied.. its like 30 give or take.. nothing coffee and sugar wont help...

  11. #11


    Haha.....sorry to laugh at you, but you just got as frustrated as everyone else who played the game. Welcome to the hardest boss in the game: Velius. He's a real pain. I recently played against him (took me three or four times to beat him), and here was my team. I had Ramza with two swords (either Geomancer or Knight, can't remember), a Ninja, a Monk, Lancer, and A Summoner with White Magic. Now everyone had their second ability as Item, White Magic, or Punch Art so that they could revive the fallen characters. This seems to work, even though it took me quite a few tries. Also, I found that attacking his minions first is a good way to go. Because even if they kill a few of you, there's only one guy left. And since everyone had the ability to revive, it's gets a little easier. But trust me, I know how you feel. I hate Velius.

  12. #12
    Banned Iori's Avatar
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    is it possible to invite his minions to yur team w a mediator??? if so, cool... if not, holy it is.. i got two new chars, and trashed my geo.... my new guys are Mercutio and Becca.. Fittingly, mercutios gonna be a Mediator w/ White magic... Becca is going to be a Summoner w/ BlackMagic...well, time to go kick some more ass.. ill check back later *adds calvin to buddy list*

  13. #13
    Banned Iori's Avatar
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    Ok my new and improved team as of 1:12am cst, wednesday, may 7th....

    Ramza: lvl 40sumthin (low 40s)
    two swords

    Agrias: lvl 30sumthin (high 30s)
    Holy Knight
    Throw Item
    --i forgot--

    Mustadio: lvl 30sumthin (high 30s)

    Becca: lvl 10
    Black Magic

    Mercution: lvl 10
    White Magic

    I plan on getting the sing ability for ramza, to replace throw, and the math skill ability for Becca, to replace black... i think ill leave Agrias and Mustadio alone, unless someone posts good reason why i should change them.......Goddamn Velius... i dont have the old problem of just plain old sucking... my two lvl 10s should get to at least 20 before i try Velius again... plus he kept Clopsing and petrefying everyone... i still havent tried inviting his minions, because on this last try, i raped them oh-so-easily

    wish me luck, imma level up a lil more after this break...

  14. #14


    A couple good characters to beat Velious:

    I had Ramza set with Damage Split (Autopotion works too) & using a Blood Sword (stolen earlier from Gafgarion). This is not the most powerful weapon around at this point, but it does absorb HP. With these 2 things, Ramza was fully healed when Wiegraf went down & Velius came out to play.

    Ninja with Battle skill. Double sword attacks make quick work of the Archaic Demons & double breaks minimize the threat from Velius.

    Summoner with Math. Hide this guy in the back while the fighters close in & take all the damage. He can quickly heal or Flare the Archaics while they charge a spell. (Don't try Holy, for some reason Archaic Demons are about the only enemies I have ever seen evade Holy.)

    Velius is tough, but if you can take down his Archaics & land a double Speed Break, he's all yours.

    Try Sing, but I find it pretty worthless. The spells take a long time to execute & just aren't that powerful. At least train Move+3, so it'll be worthwhile if you decide you don't like Sing either. Also, try to avoid levelling much while you're a Bard - they have the worst stat growth of any class in the game.

    If you should decide to stick with Throw, set Ramza with a Move+ ability. Throw range is equal to your Move range, so Move+1/+2/+3 will extend your Throw range.

    I assume you mean that you'll leave Agrias & Mustadio alone until after Velius. They should work fine as is. After that, of course you'll want to change them simply to train additional reaction, support, & move skills, even if you don't want to train more skill sets.

    Good luck.

  15. #15


    Oh yeah, and don't bother trying to Invite Archaic Demons, Ultima Demons, or Apandas - it is impossible. Invite also won't work on any story-related NPC, whether enemy or guest.

    Boss characters & Demons are also immune to alot of status anomolies. Sleep, Don't Act, Frog, Death, Death Sentence, Confusion, Doubt Faith are generally worthless on bosses. Slow, Blind, Chicken/Foxbird will usually work. (With Foxbird or Chicken, you can reduce Brave to 0, but they will not turn into chickens. Does eliminate their reaction skills though.)

    Good luck again.

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