Clearly this is not off topic we are still basically discussing what this forum was originally intended to do.

I.e. discuss the absolute.

Debate only arises out of the western inclination to value the progressive modernist doctrines. I have yet to see a valid argument against the existence of fate as no-one can, fate is an idea just like numbers and shapes. Its identity is absolute.

After this people claimed that free will was enough evidence that fate does not exist so I clarified this as an illusion. This is like the bolts of an engine saying that because they are made of a different metal do not belong to the car as a whole. Human like everything are bound, free will is just a novelty as implementing our "free will" only becomes our fate. Our genes, place of birth, and time of birth are already determined from these basic seed grow more complex events but they stem from the absolute origin.

I think that we can all agree that a sunflower seed will produce a plant. yet all the other universal factors outside it control determine whether or not it blooms.
We have to be less arrogant and realise that who and what we are is not because of superficial primary school tales that "if YOU try hard YOU will succeed". Do you think a starving economically deprived African child can alter his fate via "free will" no of course not it takes the greater "external universe" outside his control to change his destiny... Quite simply because it was things out side his control that caused his predicament. Sure you can rave all you like about free will when living in economic bliss, with food and clean water.

(oh and don’t say this is irrelevant I am merely providing example of how the greater power works)

Why do you think Lao Tzu told us.

Be yielding like the reed in the river... if you are stiff the river will break you, yet if you yield, go with the river you shall.

Fate is pretty basic stuff but everyone seems to misunderstand it.