View Poll Results: Will you go for it?

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  • Yes, I must play all Final Fantasies

    26 53.06%
  • No, it's not worth wasting my money

    8 16.33%
  • I can't quite decide yet

    15 30.61%
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Thread: Is it really worth the money?

  1. #1

    Default Is it really worth the money?

    A long time ago, before I found out there were monthly fees, I was extremely interested in FFXI. I thought it would be great for there to be a team EoFF. Now I have to wonder.

    You're basically paying monthly fees for a game that eventually will lose its replay value considering that once the money runs dry, it will be discontinued. I like paying for a game and playing it for years and years to come. I don't want something temporary. And especially not for a monthly rate plus the cost of a modem and hard drive.

    So tell me, do you think that FFXI is worth all of the cost? Are you going to join the FFXI community?

    I personally am not.

  2. #2
    Bruce Lee Vaprice's Avatar
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    I am. Man I dont care how much, seems very interesting and very well long lol.

    Yeah, I wonder how much it costs for a monthly rate that is.
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  3. #3


    I've heard speculations that it would be like $10 a month. I don't know how accurate that is, but at the end of five months, you'd be overpaying for the game.

  4. #4


    also, it will get alot of competition from other online games. Probably many with better gameplay and graphics.

    Star Wars Galaxies sounds much more interesting than ff11 does. And will also have a much bigger and more wide spread community than ff11 will. Hence, more people will be playing the game. Hence, much more chances for character interaction.

  5. #5
    rowr Recognized Member Leeza's Avatar
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    It's not worth wasting my money. First of all, I don't like to play my games on the PC, I like the PS2 better. Second, it takes me a long time to finish a game because I start and stop and start and stop. At $10 a month I'll be paying way too much money for it. It's one FF that I'll have to do without.
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  6. #6
    ZeZipster's Avatar
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    It's not wasting money, it's good entertainment. For rich people. 10 bucks a months is to much for my poor ass. I'll probably get it to find things I can gripe about though. But only because people seem to think the game is perfect and unexploitable.

  7. #7
    Sane Scientist Bahamut2000X's Avatar
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    I'm playing it. The game looks like the best online RPG I have ever seen. Not to mention I'll be playing with all my friends and I'll be making new ones as I play too. Besides it's not so temporary as long as people play it. I mean look at star craft, it's been out since 1995 I beleive (could be wrong, I'm just guessing) it's been out so long and still is played quite a bit. Or look at Ever Quest, still going strong after god knows how long of the same thing.
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  8. #8


    I donīt think I will play this FF. I like to play in my own time and sometimes I donīt play for weeks, it would be difficult for me to do that if I had to play with other people.
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  9. #9
    Bruce Lee Vaprice's Avatar
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    OH just $10? or around there? snap In gonna get it, since I have the money, I also like playing on ny PS2 but it maybe new for ne since I usually dont play games on the computer.
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  10. #10
    Old school, like an old fool. Flying Mullet's Avatar
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    Online games aren't any fun unless you know the other people you are playing with. I haven't had many good encounters with random gamers on online games. So I'll be staying away from FFXI unless a bunch of people i know start playing it.
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  11. #11


    I agree the cost is a little high, but it FF! If you have seen or read anything about it you would know that it is going to be sweet... and as for lack of interaction, there can be up to 10,000 users for each server and 20 servers... they are expecting it to be huge, and I don't doubt it will be. and if you think it'll disappear after a few years, look at games like warcraft and starcraft... they have been around for quite a while and there are still servers set up to handle those. Sure they may shut down a few servers, but as long as there are people playing then there will be servers.

    Oh and as for $10 a month... I make more than that in an hour of work... its not a lot of money for entertainment. How many games do you rent a month and how much does that cost you? Do you go out to see movies, or maybe hang out at an arcade for a few hours? $10 people, its chump change...

  12. #12


    HELL NAW!!! I got more important stuff to waste my money on. I still might buy the game though, even though I know It'll make me broke.

  13. #13

    hell ya

    Ten dollers a month is nothing for online gaming...And btw it actually translates to about $8 a month with the current value of the Yen. I got the import and it's worth every penny. Seriously if you don't have it...import it...if you don't speak japanese...wait and hope they release like they say thier going to. I mean all you have to do is go to one less movie a month or stop supersizing your fast food if your tight on money. I think all true RPGers will agree with me when I say Hell ya squaresoft keep the good stuff flowing

  14. #14


    Nah, I wouldnt pay for an online game. Considering they'll be spending about $1 from those 10 bucks on the game and the rest will just make the developers richer... Besides, Star Craft onli lasts this long cause there are people willing to play and there are no monthly fees. My friend was an Everquest junkie before, but a few months later he got bored because every game is only so limited, and when you reach the limit its not fun to play anymore. As for playing with your friends, thats not guaranteed. When you create a character you will be assigned to a server, so if they have 20 servers up then youll have 1/20 chance in playing in the same server as someone you know. You could pay extra for a global ticket that will allow your characters to travel between servers but that would cost ya. So basically unless you are a filthy rich person, who couldnt give a damn if he lost a $100 bill, then its not too wise for you to play this game... simple as that.
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  15. #15

    Default nope wrong

    You can pick your server as long as you have a friend cost GIL to buy a world pass not real money...and the world isnt really a bit about how they set the game up and you'll see they left alot of options for expansion in...knowing square they'll follow up on them...but i am a biased hardcore square fan...

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