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Thread: What should I do???????

  1. #1

    Angry What should I do???????

    How do I beat NeoX-Deth? I'm only on level 33 and I hardly have any money to toss at him to do 2000 damage. What should I do . I just want to beat the game and move on to FFVI. :chop: :chop: :chop: for Neo X-Deth.

  2. #2
    Banned Faris_the_guy's Avatar
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    Thats a very bad level, and lokk at your jobs... do you have enough abilites...

  3. #3
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    OK, when I saw a post on people's levels at beating our little friend, mine were the lowest, at 38-39. Everyone else had way over 40, if I remember rightly. I had 2 knights, both with double-handed learnt, a white mage, which cast cure3 and probably holy a lot, and a samurai, which used $toss. And I had never used a Samurai before in the game, that's the only time I had one, but it did 2850 damage to ALL of the seperate parts, and at my levels that was pretty good damage - for this battle anyway.

    So I seriously reccomend you get a Samurai. I only ever mastered one job with each character, and it did me no harm.

  4. #4
    Verily unto thee! omnitarian's Avatar
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    Level up and get some cash. Simple as that.

  5. #5
    A Perpetual X-Phile ShivaBlizzard8's Avatar
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    It really depends on what jobs you have mastered, not your level. In fact, I don't think I used much coin toss against Neo Ex-Death since I used most of my cash against his first form. My MP also tended to run out early into the fight. What worked for me was three abilities: Two handed, Mimic, and Dance. Yep, DANCE. I had all of my classes as bare (so they automatically had the best armor and two-handed abilities), equiped ribbons to protect against status effect spells, and gave them all double lances. Against Neo Ex-Death, one of the characters got Sword dance almost every time, hitting Ex-Death 4 times with the lances and doing about 9999 worth of damage with each hit. I just had the other characters mime that action, and Neo went down pretty quick.

  6. #6


    Can someone clearly teel me what I can use to beat him. I'm on Lv.37 now and can someone give me a list on what to do on his 1st and 2nd form please? What wapons do I need to beat him, what abilites, and what strageies to beat both forms. Shiva Blizzard seemed easy but the way s/he described was bad.

  7. #7
    Scatter, Senbonzakura... DocFrance's Avatar
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    The absolute bestest combination. Ever.

    You need:
    -- The Mime class
    -- !X-Magic
    -- !Time (Lv6)
    -- The 'Quick' spell
    -- Mastered Summoner class for an Intelligence boost
    -- The 'Bahamut' summon
    -- The best Intelligence-boosting equipment you have
    -- A Gold Hairpin (halves MP usage)

    What to do:
    -- Equip these three abilities, the equipment, and the Hairpin on a Mime.
    -- Use !X-Magic and summon Bahamut once, then cast Quick on yourself. This will give you two extra turns where no one else can do anything.
    -- Use !X-Magic and summon Bahamut twice for the first turn. Do the same thing for the second turn.

    Add it up, and that will give you five Megaflares. That's pretty damn impressive. I suggest doing this for two of your characters. The other two should do nothing but feed these guys elixirs, because their MP will be wasted.
    (1) Eric Clapton is God.
    (2) Therefore, God exists.

  8. #8


    How much money do I probalbly need to do the best GP Toss damabe to Neo X-Deth? I have 170000 something GP and it does almost 3000 damage to him. I've heared it's suppoesd to do 4000 damage to him. I playing the Anthology version so it might be different. I'm on Lv. 38 now so I might have a much better chance of beating him.

  9. #9


    I think i had 50,000 that time.That way the gp wont run out in the middle of the battle.Btw,if u need lvls go to the selaed castle and fight those dragons.U need to cntrl them with that tamer guy.Have it use blaze on itslef.U will recieve a VERY nice amount of exp and ap.For gil uhh i dont remember

  10. #10


    How come if I have 170000 GP, how come it only does 2800 HP damage to Neo X-Deth? Is it because I have the Anthology?

  11. #11


    Maybe it has something to do with lvl then

  12. #12


    I'm relying on GPToss now to beat him. Does Gp Toss really do better damage to him if I'm on a higher level? If it's true, what level should I be on? I'm now on Lv.38.

  13. #13
    A Perpetual X-Phile ShivaBlizzard8's Avatar
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    That's usually about how much damage it does to him, regardless of your level (mine was 50 when I fough Ex-Death) - and I played the Anthology version as well. Although Coin Toss is a good start, it's not enough - you're going to have to combine this strategy with a few others if you're going to win. A number of people above gave you some good suggestions. Maybe if you told us what jobs you have mastered, we could be more specific.
    In any case, if you need AP, fight the Movers in the final area before you encounter Ex-Death. Beating them gives you 150 AP per character.

  14. #14


    Well.....okay. Bartz mastered the Thief job and he's a Lv.5 knight now. Reina mastered the White Mage job and she a Ninja now. I can't remember her level. Faris mastered the Summoner job and is a Lv.6 Black Mage. Krile mastered the Sumarai job and I can't find anything for her. But the Blue Mage job she used sometimes in the game. That's about it. Wasn't GP Toss suposed to do 4500 damage if you had alot of cash? The walkthroughs all say that GP Toss works VERY well for the battle. How come I'm only getting 2800 damage with 170000? THIS SUCKS. . I reallly need help here.

  15. #15
    A Perpetual X-Phile ShivaBlizzard8's Avatar
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    My advice isn't that you need to level up more, but that you need to master some more jobs - especially to recieve the innate abilities that come with mastering a job. (For example, mastering the ninja job allows your character, when bare, to equip two weapons - an extreamly useful ability.) Because you have so few mastered, you're unable to combine abilities - such as Faris being unable to wear armor because she only knows mage jobs. You don't have to be a freak like me and master every job for every character (although I must say it gives you many strategies to choose from ) but a few more would be helpful.

    For starters, finish up those jobs you're close to done with - let Bartz master knight, faris master black mage, and Reina master Ninja. The area right before you meet Ex-Death is great for gaining AP - you usually get about 30 a fight, and encountering the movers gives you 150. You should have those jobs done in no time. I wouldn't worry about Krile's Blue mage job - its a helpful skill earlier in the game, but it does little against Ex-Death. Instead, a highly recommend having Krile learn the Dancer job. Although at first it does nothing, once she learns the dance ability, it comes in highly useful: her jitterbug dance steals a lot of the enemy's HP and gives it to you, wonderwaltz steals lots of the enemy's MP and gives it to you (both these are great when training and you're running low on tents and cottages) while the ultimate dance, sword dance, does a lot of damage, especially when she's holding a big weapon (and since Krile has mastered the Samurai job, she'll be able to sword dance with a kantana - sweet!) This ability works well on Ex-Death. Finally, mastering that job allows you to equip a ribbon, which protects you from all the negitive status effects Neo Ex-Death throws at you.

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