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Thread: Do you think Final Fantasy VIII is the worst Final Fantasy ever?

  1. #1

    Default Do you think Final Fantasy VIII is the worst Final Fantasy ever?

    I do I mean its so dull I loved FF6 But seriously I mean no Final Fantasy is bad.....but this one wasn't at the top of me list!

  2. #2


    but I think it's the best one~
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  3. #3


    Funny - I think 6 is the worst and 8 is the best.

  4. #4
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    " Do you think Final Fantasy VIII is the worst Final Fantasy ever?"

    Out of the ten main ones, yes. But that doesn't make it a bad game.

  5. #5
    Cyan_Lightning's Avatar
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    Not at all, having played from 6-10, FFVIII still ranks as my favourite for many reasons.

  6. #6


    Six the worst no way I mean I loved it Well 8 Its so like weird I aint a bad game tho I loved Selphie

  7. #7
    I have one matching sock PhoenixAsh's Avatar
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    How can VIII be the worst if IX and X haven't been taken out of circulation? That just defies logic.

    I say what I think. If you disagree, then that is up to you.

  8. #8


    Oh for the love of Hyne, not another one...

    No, we do not think FFVIII is a bad game. Actually, since we've all gone to the trouble to go to the forum DEDICATED to the game one could assume we, in fact, LIKE the game. At least enough to have an interest in it.

    Some people have WAY too much time on their hands I think.
    The storm was coming? Light, he WAS the storm

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  9. #9


    All Final Fantasys are good no GREAT games even this one but......I wwelll the love story to much fer me I know im a girl and all but to much love in this game they could've focused on something else more! All of uhmm kinda had a love story but this one.......The whole Garden thing was confusing and all but thats just me............I still love the game! Its awesome just not at the top of me list!

  10. #10


    I honestly don't think any of the Final Fantasy games are bad. Each one has its faults.
    However (here I go again!), I think Rinoa is the worst FF Heroine, and wussy Edward is the worst FF Hero!

  11. #11
    Sorceress Fujin's Avatar
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    FF8 is the best, followed by FF7.

    ~Best magic system-Unlike FF7's Materia system, no hit points are taken if a character is a dedicated magic user. It was a little confusing when I first played it, but once I "got" it, it was great. Junctioning rocks!! :rock:

    ~Most memorable music

    ~The love story. Yeah yeah, I'm a girl, but I'm just a sucker for love stories.
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  12. #12
    entirely amelie-minded Ethéré's Avatar
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    Its so cliche to say oh yeah VIIs the best, VIIIs the worst. Why? I find wonderful things in most every final fantasy I've played. They each hold a special place in my heart. *Sob* That's my baby...growin up so fast. *Ahem* Anyway, I seem to be going against the majority here, but I found VIII to be more challenging than VII, or maybe its just me. VIIIs FMVs were just gorgeously and artistly done, and the story got me wrapped up. As for the Draw and Junction system, people need to stop being so against change. So no. Its not the worst. *Rambles on, off into the distance*

  13. #13


    Hmmm yeah sorry, might have overreacted a bit. Problem is that you've got so many people coming here for NO other reason telling how much they hated Final Fantasy and it gets... a bit on my nerves sometimes.

    But on the subject, I'm with the FFVIII favourite people. The characters just appeal to me.
    The storm was coming? Light, he WAS the storm

    -Rand Al'Thor.Path of Daggers. Robert Jordan

  14. #14


    i can't understand, why do u, girls, say u love the love story and add the fact, that u'r girl...

    i liked ff7 love story, i haven't finished ff8 yet, but i'm romantic, so... ff7 and ff8 are the best games ever created... i think i'd like and 9 and 10, but they aren't made on pc so far....:/
    yours Auridas

  15. #15
    Not a Banana Mo-Nercy's Avatar
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    Thanks for your input about hating FF8, now never talk to me again. Just kidding.

    All FFs for me are pretty closely ranked. I got nothing against any of them except FF7 *runs away*

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