Linus> Make a little birdhouse in your soul.
Justanotherguy> Alright.
Kane> Do you really want birds troutting on yout soul?
Justanotherguy> I think I'm gonna kill the next person to make a dumb thread in General Chat.
Justanotherguy> There's a lot of dumb threads there right now.
Linus> Kane
Linus> I said a birdhouse
Linus> Not birds
Linus> Noron
Linus> Moron too
Linus> Noron is better though
Kane> What do birdshouses attract?
Justanotherguy> Well, not exactly dumb threads, but threads that aren't interesting.
Linus> Nothing if their in your soul
Linus> Stupid
Kane> Then what's the point of it?
* Patrick has joined #eoff
Kane> Doof.
Linus> Decoration
Linus> Bitch
Justanotherguy> It looks cool.
Linus> Stu - 1, Josh - 1, Kane - 0
Kane> Decoration, or craporation?
Kane> Slut.
Linus> Stu - 1, Josh - 1, Kane - -1
Kane> PSsh.
Gau> omg stupid threads r c00l
Linus> Stu - 1, Josh - 1, Kane - -1, Matt - -10
Gau> What's your favorite color pen!?!?
Starpulse> Lol.
Linus> Stu - 1, Josh - 1, Kane - -1, Matt - -15
Gau> I like Black cause it writes dark ^_^_^_^
Linus> Stu - 1, Josh - 1, Kane - -1, Matt - 1
Gau> stfu, bl00 is so much better you jackass! ^_^
Linus> Stu - 1, Josh - 1, Kane - -1, Matt - -2
Linus> >=O

"You can't start a Comments thread without a weedwhacker quote! It's sacred!" - Spatvark