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Thread: Geez, that's it?

  1. #1
    Take me to your boss! Strider's Avatar
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    Default Geez, that's it?

    Okay, well, early early this morning I finally beat the game. Go me. I had one qualm with it, though. . .


    Okay, or maybe it's just me. After all, I did level up quite a bit. Cloud was at . . .75, and Tifa and Red XIII were at 69. Then again, I didn't really have to use much of anything. I used Knights of the Round once (I didn't level up that Materia at all), Leviathan once, Odin a couple of times. . .I used Red to mostly heal, and Tifa basically fought with Premium Heart (her limit bar was nearly full).

    I did almost die a couple of times, but nothing really really threatening. Tifa died once, so did Red. But they were both revived without too much of a problem. The fight was over in about seven minutes (a lot of that can be attributed to the fact that Supernova takes so freaking long to connect, so actual fighting was more like four minutes).

    So here's the question. . .Was Sephiroth too easy for you?

  2. #2
    Wightraven's Avatar
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    Sephi was a breeze. I had some problems with Jenova Absolute or whatever form it was she was in, but that was it.

    Ending's a real disappointment too, ain't it?

    Anyway, it's been a year or dva since I've beaten it, but I can almost assure you my party was Cloud, Cid, and Yuffie. Yuffie used All Creation a few times, Cid kicked some major ass with skills, and Cloud just hit the crap out of Sephi. Needless to say the boy barely got off his second Supernova before he was a deader.

  3. #3
    Been Here Way Too Long =\ Max's Avatar
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    OMG he was so easy I dont get why they made Ruby and Emerald so tough and Sephy so easy. :mog: :mog: :mog:
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  4. #4

    Post me he wasnt easy at all.infact,it took me an hour to beat him...and yeah,sadly,i cheated with gameshark.tifa and cloud were levels 99,while vincent was 89.vinc and cloud both had their ultimate wepons.I did have kotr,but even with it it was dificult for me.perhaps its because im not one of the best 'gamers'.

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  5. #5
    ZeZipster's Avatar
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    zacks_clone, you have commited one deadly gamer sin. Your gaming life is doomed to pointless cheap quick-game beating. I reccommend you make up for your act against the gaming community by using when you need help. You don't need any cheating and you still can beat the game.

  6. #6
    Wightraven's Avatar
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    zacks_clone, besides all that I don't believe I had KOTR when I beat Sephi. Perhaps why it took you so long, ne? I mean, you can start KOTR, get up, make some popcorn, order a pizza, use the loo, call grandma and talk about her surgery, then get the pizza, flirt with the delivery person, sit back down and it's STILL going on.

    Still, shame on you for cheating. Only cheat AFTER you've beaten the game once. After.

    Also, I've heard that once your characters reach level 99, Sephi becomes harder, so that might be a part of it.

  7. #7
    Dukes ate machinaw Zifnab's Avatar
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    My very first time through I had some major problems on Bizarro Sephiroth. My party was so weak that he healed more than I was dealing him with his Bizarro Energy.
    Then I went back out, did the (rather long) chocobo breeding quest to get KoTR materia. And when I first summoned it, it was pure bliss... those Kalm Fangs didn't know what hit 'em. :P
    Bizzy died in one KoTR, and Safer died pretty quickly too.

    Hmm, I'd say now they're too easy, but at the time they was more than challenging.

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  8. #8
    A Big Deal? Recognized Member Big D's Avatar
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    FFVII was my first RPG, and as such, I got used as a doormat by Jenova-SYNTHESIS, Bizarro Sephiroth and Safer Sephiroth many time before victory was mine.

    Now, though, they're never a problem.

  9. #9
    Star gone! Shadow Staffer Recognized Member eternalshiva's Avatar
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    Sephiroth was super easy, I was full in everything and had all the materia... nothing like having everyone copy cat Knights of the round ;p
    Too big.

  10. #10
    Mr. Clean wannabe Rude's Avatar
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    All of them are very easy. The only threat to your party is Super Nova, and that is because it lulls you to sleep in the middle of the battle with Safer(Savior) Sephiroth.

  11. #11

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    Sephiroth? Easy. Or at least, now he is. Now that I've taken my time and gotten the Ultimate Weapons for my characters. Now that I've taken the time to obtain KOTR and the other materia on islands only accessable by chocobos. Now that I've taken the time to deafeat Emerald Weapon and obtain the Earth Harp, just so I could get the Master Materia. Now that I've taken the time to beat Ruby Weapon just because I beat the other one, and this one had to die. Now that I've taken the time to get to level 99, and obtain 4th level limit breaks for the people in my party. Because I've taken the time to prepare, Sephiroth is the easiest son of a bitch ever in videogaming history.

    But before all that, I had a hard time not getting my ass handed to me by Jenova-Synthesis. I haden't taken the time to get all the stuff that would have made beating him a lot easier than it was. Not to mention I was a little intimidated by him (FFVII was my first RPG).

    You have all the stuff I didn't have when I first confronted him (I was around level 54 at the time). If you seriously thought Sephiroth was easy, and want a real challange, than I suggest you go and take down the two most powerful enemies in the game (their techinacally not bosses). Go get in you sub and kill off the Emerald Weapon. Than go to the Corel Desert and beat the Ruby Weapon (or visa-versa).

    Oh, and zacks_clone? It's not right to cheat. Cheating is wrong. Now, I want you to go back and play the whole thing over again, and think about what you did.
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    Holy Sh*t!
    Where's the Tylenol?

  12. #12


    Jenova-SYNTHESIS? like eating hash browns. Bizzaro Sephiroth? easier than brushing your teeth in the morning (ok, maybe not, but still...) for Safer, he was just way too easy. I mean, my Cloud was at level 88, Yuffie and Vincent at 85, and the rest at 62 cuz i never bothered using them at all.
    but in fact, i beat safer with my weakest characters. Cloud, Tifa, Barret. after he cast SuperNova, which takes away about 90% of ur maximum HP, i did a LIMIT BREAK galore. Barret used Big Shot (HAH! now you can see how much i really trained him). Tifa used Beat Rush and Somersault, and Cloud used Omnislash and he was a goner.

    "There are some people in this world like me who have killed their emotions long ago. Never forget that." -Shadow, to Terra
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  13. #13


    lol, my Cloud is so powerful, i can use Omnislash on Savior Sephiroth using my Buster Sword and kill him in one turn. hehe, and they call him the Final Boss, lmao.

  14. #14


    Doesn't Safer Sephiroth have enough HP to take a fully powered Omnislash? I don't remember being able to beat him with Omnislash (At least, with just one Omnislash.), even when each hit dealt 9,999 damage. Then again, it's been so long...

    But for me...Uh...I guess it varied on how I attacked. Safer Sephiroth can been quite hard if you limit yourself, he (can) keep you on your toes in some parts. That's just my opinion though. I think a lot of Final Fantasy VII's attacks were very...VERY powerful, which is why the game may have been easier than others.

    Oh...Safer Sephiroth does get stronger though, depending on Cloud's level. That's what I remember people saying, anyway. I think that if Cloud was at level 75 or higher, Safer Sephiroth would become a lot more difficult. I'm not sure though, although I'd really like to think it was Level 75.

    And Big D, I feel your pain. Final Fantasy VII was my first RPG as well. I think it went worse for me though. Instead of getting whipped around by JENOVA Synthesis, Bizarro Sephiroth, and Safer Sephiroth, my experience (And lack of reading the instruction manual.) got me batted around by the Guard Scorpion.

    I could always use the "I was uneducated! I didn't know any better! I didn't know Lightning did more damage to it, or that I should have healed!" excuse, but that'd probably only make me look more pathetic. ;_;


  15. #15
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    You all think he is easy? well, you brought all that upon yourselves.

    1) Don't use KoTR or any level 4 limit
    2) Be at level 40-60.

    Try again, tell me if you find him easy. The first time I beat him, I found him extremely hard, I did stay to those rules, but that wasn't out of choice, that was out of me not being very good at the time.

    SOLDIER #819, I sympathise with your Guard Scorpion problem. I misread what Barret said as "Attack when it's tail is up" rather than "DON'T attack when it's tail is up" I didn't trust Barret ever again. (It may have been Cloud that said that, I don't know, but I presumed it to be Barret)

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