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Thread: The Windurst Liberation Army

  1. #211


    Nice pic. Your all so lucky geting to play befor the release. Maybe if I luck out I'll end up on the same server as the rest of you and can ride along once or twice.

  2. #212
    A Real Guitar Demon Tom Morello's Avatar
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    Jun 2002
    Are you blind?!? I'm right here!!!


    I'm not giving up games completely... I play about 1/3 of what I used to... and I'm not getting FFXI...

    But I will be getting other online games maybe... not yet sure of what the future will bring...

    But meh... whatchagonnado?
    I used to have one... but it was erased... *sigh*

  3. #213
    Nakor TheBlue Rider's Avatar
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    Gamina Condoin (Sargatanas)


    Tom Morello: But meh... whatchagonnado?
    I am soo getting a Chocobo......THATS what i am gonna do!!!

    Also ..... Grand Leathal and the rest of the beta testers:

    When the game comes out will you guys be giving the rest of the WLA a world pass like right away so we can be on the same server as your pre-existing characters?
    Last edited by Nakor TheBlue Rider; 09-20-2003 at 09:40 AM.

  4. #214


    I'm not sure whats happening yet with world passes etc... not even sure where I'll end up in the end. Have to wait to see what happens when retail comes out.. I know I'll be playing differently when the retail comes out.

  5. #215

    Join Date
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    Does it matter?


    Originally posted by Grand Lethal .. I know I'll be playing differently when the retail comes out.
    What do you mean by playing differently? Do you mean more often, more seriously, etc?

  6. #216


    Yeah, I'm gonna be playing more efficiently in retail... Beta was just fooling around, I think that I will not play as much whm in retail. I do like the class, but It was easier to level war classes. I think I wil actually be a Taru DRK/something in Retail. I have been having a blast as a DRK. I really didn't like BST after I tried it... havig a monster really pulls away exp... although you don't have to heal as a BST if you let the beast do the work. I do think that DRG would be fun, and I will try it in retail, but we'll see I guesss.

    I can't wait until it comes out

  7. #217
    I might..depend on you.. Lionx's Avatar
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    Hey GL i wanna ask u..would it be better if i be a melee class first and then switch to my WHM? because u said its easier to lvl...and from my WHM point of view at the moment...easier and more gil is give me opinions?

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  8. #218
    Nakor TheBlue Rider's Avatar
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    I also Have some Character Creation Questions....

    I plan on Becoming Either Dark Knight/Dragoon

    Or I was thinking about a Dark Knight/Paladan

    Or a Dark Knight/Ninja or a DarkKnight/Monk

    3 Questions

    1.) Should I be Elvaan or Hume?

    2.) Whats a good Class to mix With Dark Knight?

    3.) AND Should I start out as a Warrior or a Monk?

  9. #219


    Lionx: It is so much easier to level as a Warrior class. I can get to level 10 in a few hours with a warrior class (even without subbing whm) and the Gil is way better as well (especially around Sandoria). My DRK is now lvl 13 (almost 14 and I have only played it for 2 days and only about 6 hours or so), and I have only been in a pt once so far. I got PLD up to level 10 in just 4 hours, and I got WAR to 10 in about 5 hours before I switched to WHM which took forever to level because of the lack of physical attacks.

    Nakor: DRK is a pretty hard class to sub for... well yes and no. DRK is probably the easiest class to solo as with the massive amounts of Damage they do, but the have horrible defence. I have been subbing PLD for the past little while, but if you are going to be in a PT I would suggest subbing WAR,THF, or BLM. WAR just gives you an all around melee buffer, THF gives you a little agi boost to attack faster and such, and BLM gives you a magic boost for the Bl. Magic yuo already possess and some extra MP. If you are soloing you can really choose what you want, but I llike PLD for cure and the defence boost. DRG is the WORST thing you can sub for DRK... they are weak defensively, and you can't use the wyvern 2 hour special as a sub... so that really only gives you enhanced spear and a tiny bit of dex bonuses. Ninja might be alright, but their major bonus is the ambidextrous trait (hold 2 weapons) which is pointless because DRK use 2 handed weapons all the time (scythes and greatswords). I haven't head much about monk, but it would give you more HP, so I can't see it being to bad... but again they are weak defensively so probably not great. As far as race goes, I think Galka make the best DRK, but Elvaan run a close second. I would definitely start with WAR though, it is versitile and MNK is pretty crappy as far as I am concerned... just my opinions though

  10. #220


    Grand Lethal: How's it going? Haven't talked in a long time. I want to be a Tarutaru I'm sure of that, and I was thinking of starting off as a Theif, would this be wise? I was planning later on to have Theif/Monk then Ninja/Theif. What do you think?

    "... and so I close, realizing that perhaps the ending has not yet been written."

  11. #221


    Its a rough start as a Taru Theif, but later on Theif/Ninja is a great combo.

  12. #222
    Nakor TheBlue Rider's Avatar
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    I am Not sure if I am Gonna be A hume or an Elvaan YET

    But I Will Start Warrior then go DRK/Warrior for a while and eventually Become DRK/PLD

    At least thats the far.....I'll Probably go Hume....

  13. #223


    Originally posted by Grand Lethal
    Its a rough start as a Taru Theif, but later on Theif/Ninja is a great combo.
    What if I started out as a Warrior, then when I've done the subjob quest, go to Theif / Warrior. Or is it just hard to be a Theif overall as a Tarutaru, not just when you start off?

    "... and so I close, realizing that perhaps the ending has not yet been written."

  14. #224


    That'd probably be a safer route to take. War added defense and such would be a real asset for a taru theif.

    I think I may try and get level 30 again with my whm (lost it getting pld) and then go for summoner, ranger and bard, just for kicks

  15. #225


    OoOo, taking a big step there with the Summoner. I've heard it's a pretty hard job to work through. Although I'm probably very wrong.

    Thanks for the info Nick.

    "... and so I close, realizing that perhaps the ending has not yet been written."

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