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Thread: Why is this hated?

  1. #46


    I think this game was just too simple. Except for the final bosses, one could breeze through this game easily if one leveled up enough. It's just too easy, and it just doesn't compare to the rest of the series. It's a great game, but it's just not up to the standard of the rest of the FFs.

  2. #47
    Sultan of sexy ;) Jackschitt's Avatar
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    I guess everyone DOES have an opinion , the game is easy mini games, suck chars look like cartoons, no freedom, stupid kuja. Did i miss any other opinions?or can we just keep adding on?
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  3. #48
    Recognized Member TheAbominatrix's Avatar
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    I think you're the only one who said 'Stupid Kuja'... and you may wanna relax a bit, man. It's just a game, chill out.

  4. #49
    I have one matching sock PhoenixAsh's Avatar
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    Actually I hadn't even realised that post was inteded critically untill you pointed it out. Hostility sure is confusing these days.

    I say what I think. If you disagree, then that is up to you.

  5. #50
    programmed by NASIR Recognized Member black orb's Avatar
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    >>> I think FF8 is more hated than FF9.. Im playing FF8 right now, and my brother laughs and make fun of me because of that..
    >> The black orb glitters ominously... but nothing happens..

  6. #51


    I don't think FFIX is that bad of a game. FFIV was my first final fantasy ever, so I didn't mind the battle system in FFIX. I have just finished disk 3, and so far the bosses have been way too easy. The only time I have died in the game so far is attacking that boss in the Alexandrian Library.

  7. #52
    ¤ misery is a butterfly ¤ Aya Nekoneko's Avatar
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    FFIX is without a doubt my favorite Final Fantasy. Great characters, involving plot, good graphics (especially for a PS game... it's really amazing), and last but not least, its wonderful fantasy setting.

    I'm a huge fan of fantasy (and for the records, sci-fi) so FFIX was really created for me me ME! ^.~ I actually prefer the world of FFIX to the world of FFVI... the entire fantasy thing I mean. FFIX felt like a fantastic fairytale to me. Everything was bright and lush and beautiful. I'm a sucker for eye candy as well.

    Plus, the game itself managed to touch nearly every human emotion ever, and it did it well. Sorrow, happiness, anger, regret, etc etc. It honestly made me feel for the characters and I care for them more than I have for any videogame character ever (especically Freya and Vivi... heck, I care for all of them and would have wished them all the ultimate happiness, even though I'm a big fan of depressing endings).

    And although I personally love this game, I can see how others would dislike it. Not everyone can love the characters nor the minigames nor the plot nor the--well, you get the idea. I loved FFVIII while others hated it. I loved its story while others thought it was less-than-awe-inspiring. Not everyone's gonna like the same thing as it really doesn't benefit anyone to try and convince them otherwise.

    Besides, there's a bunch of people here that adore FFIX. Why not talk about FFIX with us instead? ^.~
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  8. #53
    Banned Angel_Reaper's Avatar
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    I love FFIX. The characters, music, and the FMV. But the fights was easy to me. But I do like the game.

  9. #54
    I less-than-three Ninjas Phil's Avatar
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    Originally posted by PhoenixAsh
    Why do people say it's just graphics lovers and people who hate medievil styles that hate IX. From what I've seen it's usually only IX fans who even mention that stuff. "Ooh it returns to medievil it's great!" Who cares when it's set?

    The reason I though IX failed to compete was the gameplay. It was beyond simplistic.
    Not being able to decide character abilities is annoying, but forgivable. Not being able to have much control over their developement rate is annoying but forgivable.
    Doing this and then not allowing the player to even choose which characters they use for a huge chunk of the game is annoying. Making it so that there is almost no freedom of where to go for a huge chunk of the game is annoying.
    Adding Excalibur II to meant making bosses easy which is annoying. Having this make a perfect save impossible is annoying.
    Making most mini-games be annoying and repetitive or have near to no rewards just left nothing redeemable in the gameplay aside from the chocobos.

    It was play by numbers, and if the characters were better it might have been decent to just watch. The characters were by large annoying and underdeveloped so it didn't.
    The setting was good. I could say ff7's setting bites but that doesnt mean its true. Oh and by the way, since when did FFIX fail? FF8 was the one that wasnt even able to tie knots in the plot with misisng peices and explenations. You can also greatly control how the charachters level up. You decied what to equp and which skills they learn, so I guess they DO have control after all eh? Lets not make unjustifiable statements shall we? You could choose which charachters you used for over half the game. The reason you couldnt was for plot development. I liked it however, because it helped you level up without having to worry about the other charahcter's stats. As stated. Excalibur 2 was optional and received at the end of the game, so it actually wasnt that easy. The mini games may be repedetive, but so were FF7's. I mean come on. How many times can you play the snowboarding games and Mog House before you throw up your innards of boredom? As for the charachters bieng better, FF7 and FF8 could have done lots of work. The main charachters were pissy little twits with massive weapons that did nothing but complain. Oh and by the way, squall wasnt underdeveloped? Yeah, he was. Imo he was seriously underdeveloped. Phoenix Ash, you need to look on the good side of the game. Its easier to insult something than it is to make good complements about it. YOu did nothing but bash the game in the other thread. Lose the bad attitude. HOnestly. As for not being up to standard, I think thats all opinonated. I loved the game. Its my absolute favorite. Personally, I thought the other FF's stank to heck (especially 10).
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  10. #55


    *growls at Vincent for Bashing VIII*

    Well for me I don't see what the big fuss is. Every Final Fantasy is a new experience. I enjoy them as that.. When I was contemplating re-playing FFVIII (which I'm doing now) I remembered all the bad things about it - unballanced Junction system, for instance. But now that I'm actually playing it... Mega fun!

    So please. Before you bash... Think.
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  11. #56
    I less-than-three Ninjas Phil's Avatar
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    I did think. I just don't like the game a whole lot. The junction system was pointless and stupid. Plus the fact that getting new weapons is my favorite part of the FF games, which rarely happened in 8. You get what?" Like.. 7 weapons? Compared to the masses of them in other games. Squall has seven weapons... wow... talk about being shorthanded.
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  12. #57
    No More, Little Girl Jack's Avatar
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    Ok, I'm here, I'm the one who started this. So shoot me.

    Most people I know who don't like FF9 are diehard FF7 or FF8 fans. They're all horrible, horrible, no good people, I tell you!
    Yes I like FF7, and yes I love FF8, but there's others. FFV and the sublime Job system, and VI and it's wonderful style and story. I also like FF2 better then FF1 becasue it had a constructive story (Compared to 1)
    So you see, I may hate FF9, but I'm not a horrible, horrible no good person who just bashs FF9 becasue I can.

    Yeah and a good number of them are graphics whores who dislike the Kiddy graphics the game has.
    Nope, I will happily play a game whether or not is has good graphics. I may be young, but I love Bomberman (On the MegaDrive) and Grandia (PS1) and you can't say
    A:They look good
    B:They aint kiddie
    I like them becasue they play well. Bomberman is fun in multiplayer and Grandia is fun kiddie, it doesn't take itself seriously. I Like them cause they play WELL

    No, it isnt the most cliched game out there
    No, your right, it isn't. Do I care? Nope.
    Do I care if a game is cliched? Nope.
    All car games are cliched (The car will finish a race!) all sport games (Score a goal by putting it in the net!) Most films nowadays (Face it, you knew the keymaker was GOING TO DIE in Matrix Reloaded, oh and the latest Star Wars are abug with cliches). I don't care, I'll still play (Or watch) it cause I like it.
    FF being cliched? Nope, still don't care.

    (You see, I can hate FF9 without swearing!)

    The reason why i hate it is....*Drum Roll* because ity's a step backwards for the FFs. Why, well, FFV began the revolution, the revolution that is CUSTOMISATION. Then FFVI upped it, and FFVII improved it even more. But still, they were trapped. They were still like the other FFs, but dressed up. FFVII was the pinacle of the former FFs. FFs that were restricted to leveling up, and the such

    Before I say anything. Think back. To the greatest triumphs of mankind ,the invention of cars,penicillin,landing on the moon,cracking our genetic code in our DNA,introduction of cloning. All these accomplishments have one thing in common. Before and after it, all these moments were met with furious and scathing debate from people. Resquiste of our existence is to dispute and toll over everything that might advance our civilization.

    And thats what we did over Final Fantasy VIII. Yes, it essentially gave a middle finger to all the usual RPG staples. Weapon shops meant nothing, magic was woven into the stats (therefore, discouraging you to use it) and money no longer spilled out of dead monsters.

    These are the things that people hate (As well as hate Squall and Rinoa, and the theme, and the Junctions system, and.......basically everything) And why, you cannot deny that it's opening was fantastic, that the clothes were different, and it was different. That why people hate it, it's becasue it's different.

    Now, the reason I hate FF9 is becasue it didn't continue the series, it went backwards. Gone was the middle finger and was replaced with a peace signal. I no it was a lookback, but it stopped the wheels turning of revolution. And thats why I hate it, because I could have bourght it years ago, with less prettier graphics, and it would have still played the same. It wasn't a change, it was the same. And thats why you like it.

    So you see, it's the same with football games (Or soccer for the Yanks). Everyone buys FIFA when they should but PRO EVOLUTION SOCCER. Why don't they buy it?

    Because it's different. Make of what I've said if you will

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  13. #58
    I less-than-three Ninjas Phil's Avatar
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    FF9 was certainly not a step backwards. It just introduced a new feel which was a healthy change. In my opinion, FF10 was about ten steps bakcward. That game smelled like a dying cow. FF9 is a great and marvelous game.

    By the way Legolas63, its spelled customization. And FF9 was very customizable. You could choose which skills and abuilitys you wanted to learn.
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  14. #59
    No More, Little Girl Jack's Avatar
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    My Thread Has Been closed...for this one!!!!!!!!!
    Oh well, I'll focus my energies on this one then.....
    (While I'm here, anyone who replied to my thread adside FROM CERTAIN PEOPLE THAT WILL NOT BE NAMED, thaks, I really learnt some stuff, and I hope, that you'll join this cool thread too)

    By the way Legolas63, its spelled customization
    I've had this Twice and both by FFIX lovers.
    Most people I know who don't like FF9 are diehard FF7 or FF8 fans. They're all horrible, horrible, no good people, I tell you!
    And I guess it goes both ways as well. Those that are diehard FF9 fans are horrible,horrible, no good people.

    FF9 was certainly not a step backwards. It just introduced a new feel which was a healthy change.
    What new feel? For all I could see, it was the same, no difference then the earlier games. It brought back old-age staples of the FF series, jumbled 'em up and spat out the result. The idea of FF9 is to look back, so it sort of failed since it has a "new feel".
    Maybe, it appears it has a new feel, simply because you didn't like FF7 or FF8 because they were too futuristic or too different. You were waiting for a return to the the norm. The usual. Then FF9 came and you guys lapped it up. It was what you wanted (No wonder it sold so much!). Don't worry, I'm not judging, everyone buys FIFA, no matter how much I tell them not to. I did actually buy FFIX straight away (On it's release date) so I'm the same.

    FF9 was very customizable. You could choose which skills and abuilitys you wanted to learn
    That wasn't customizable, that was choice of when you were going to learn something.
    "Right. Should I learn this attack or this ability first. Oh wait, I'll just hang in this area for bit, and learn them both. Solved problem!"
    You didn't lose sleep over it, thats for sure.

    Who cares for the setting?
    FF7's setting was different FFIX PEOPLE HATE IT
    FF9 setting was the same as FF1, 2, 3, 4 5, and a bit like 6 FFIX PEOPLE LOVE IT
    So the only reason the setting will rock for you guys, is because it's like your childhood, playing FF in castles and stuff. Now, you're 36, and you're childhood comes back! But in prettier graphics

    Phoenix Ash, you need to look on the good side of the game. Its easier to insult something than it is to make good complements about it. YOu did nothing but bash the game in the other thread. Lose the bad attitude. HOnestly. As for not being up to standard, I think thats all opinonated. I loved the game. Its my absolute favorite. Personally, I thought the other FF's stank to heck (especially 10).
    Vincent06, I still think you're cool, but being a hypocrite isn't. YOU have done nothing but bash FF8, yet you slag Phoenix Ash off for bashing FF9.

    It was different. Square tried something new, and the devout FFs (Who love the Medievil themes) burnt it.
    Why? Didn't you dig the peaceful feel it had, th one where you didn't feel you had to do anything, for the first time, the plot wasn't driving it forward, you were?
    Didn't you love the beautiful Asian style backgrounds?
    Didn't you love the powerful love story, one that felt so real and powerful? One that brought you to tears?
    Didn't you love the highly detailed characters, and it being the first FF that made simple characters something (O'aka, Clasko, Dona), a part of an epic tale?

    Ok, I admit, I hated the minigames (Apart from the cool blitzball....but even THAT got boring) and monster catching is dull. And I hated the lack of a world map, it didn't feel as big becasue of that, and I didn't like that one bit. But hey, they tried.

    The point is, FFIX wasn't a change, it was a rehash of the others. it probably is a better version, but, that was then, and this is now. And FFIX should have stayed in the past.

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  15. #60
    I less-than-three Ninjas Phil's Avatar
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    I didnt mean to bash ff8. Its a good game, I just dont like it as much as 9. I was angry because phoenix ash was stating what he said as facts, when they were opinions.
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