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Thread: Why is this hated?

  1. #151


    then you obviously hate FFIX because you want to be "cool"
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  2. #152
    Sky Blue Sky Recognized Member Trumpet Thief's Avatar
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    What the hell are you talking about? I have stated why I hated FFIX in previous posts, and it has nothing to be "cool".

  3. #153


    whatever... its nothing to scream about
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  4. #154
    Sky Blue Sky Recognized Member Trumpet Thief's Avatar
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  5. #155


    Quote Originally Posted by Lionheart Griever

    Sure Zidane changed after Pandemonium, and Garnet had learned to cope with problems. Vivi had greatly developed as well, but what about the rest of them? Quina just continued loving food, and the only reason she went to travel with anyone was to find fooid from different places to eat. Amarant had sorta changed after Zidane and him had that man to man talk in Ipsen's castle, but it was nothing much. Freya would keep going on and on about Sir Fratley for the whole game, thank god she finally got him back at the end of the game so she could shut up. I didn't notice too much about Eiko, for I do not remember too much about her. Same goes with Steiner.
    Quina learned that there is mroe to the world then just food. Amarant learned that you can't always just go it alone. Freya learned how to be with out the one she loved. Eiko learned that you can't always get what you want. Steiner learned that he should not just fallow someone because they are in power.
    A long time fan of Final Fantasy I have always like the Final Fantasy games and I always well.

  6. #156
    Sky Blue Sky Recognized Member Trumpet Thief's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kuja124
    Quina learned that there is mroe to the world then just food. Amarant learned that you can't always just go it alone. Freya learned how to be with out the one she loved. Eiko learned that you can't always get what you want. Steiner learned that he should not just fallow someone because they are in power.
    Quina did? From what I remember, food was all she thought aobut, and wouldn't even mention something different than it. Steiner and Eiko I didn't quite remember though. But as for Freya, most of the time she would just whine about Fratley, and be saddened whenever she remembered that he had forgotten her. But then again, I do not remember FFIX that much, and am saying everything from my memory.

  7. #157
    cyka blyat escobert's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grover
    you only hate FFIX if you want to hate it...and if you hate FFIX, you probably hate FF I-VI... but think whatever you want to think... I dont care..
    I loved 1-7 and I've hated all of them since then.

  8. #158
    Polaris's Avatar
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    I enjoyed playing FF9 but I think that the battle system of FF8 is better is different, but I don't hate FF9 specially the ned it was so great! Lots of Vivi in the end!

  9. #159
    HEIDEGGER SI MY BISHI!!!1 DJZen's Avatar
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    It's a nice game, and it has great moments, but it really didn't capture that old-school feel for me. I'm not sure why, but I think it's just a "you can't go home again" sorta thing. I don't think that it sucked in comparison to its playstation contemporaries though. The ability system wasn't as complicated as Materia or Junctioning, but it wasn't supposed to be. I wasn't thrilled about having to get abilities from equipment (what kinda sense does that even make anyway?) since I was constantly having to use inferior equipment until I learned whatever ability before bringing out the cool new sword I just synthesized. I definitely liked the plot though. The overarching story was the same old same old, but I loved the caracter interaction (especially the "male ritual" scene). I think that's really what did it for me. Steiner's relationship with Garnet, Zidane's relationship with the members of Tantalus, and of course, the black mages. Oh man, I LOVED the black mages. Don't ask why, I just did.

  10. #160


    Just didn't cut it. Felt faked and underdone, like gluing together FFVIII's love formula with a traditional "chase the bad guy" plot. Half-hearted, inaccessible characters (save Vivi and perhaps Zidane) due to their two-dimensionality. Any death and destruction was downplayed, focused too much on too little. S1999AD will jump on this, but I probably won't respond, so don't bother. I only posted because this thread was most recently posted in from the main page.

  11. #161
    Sky Blue Sky Recognized Member Trumpet Thief's Avatar
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    Okay, I am replaying this game. Although I can still see many flaws, it's pretty good. I'm at the part where you guys are going to the Iifa tree with Eiko to get an Eidolion.

  12. #162

    Default Kuja is the problem

    People don't like the game cuz Kuja is a pussy--he wears that upside down thong dress thingy and he looks like a complete dope on the FMVs....FF6 had the greatest villain in the series, FF7 had the coolest villain in the series, FF8 didnt try to have a villain--and kind of made seifer a pseudo-badass sephiroth u could relate to and use--but at least they didnt create a weak villain---Kuja has no personel connection to the characters--like sephiroth--nore is he insane like Kefka---FF8 was smart enough to realize they oculdnt make a supervillain so they didnt--FF9 did--and they failed miserably--i laughed rediculously the first time i saw kuja--he never burned down nibelheim or poisoned doma and i suspect that left a bitter taste in a lot of people's mouths

  13. #163
    American Badass's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Rothgar
    Kuja has no personel connection to the characters--like sephiroth--nore is he insane like Kefka
    So I guess that the fact that he was essentially a "brother" to Zidane and was meant to be replaced by him, took control of Bahamut and killed Garnet's mother and rained mass destruction on Alexandria, created and manipulated Vivi's black mage "brothers", was was indirectly responsible for the razing of Burmecia and the complete destruction of Cleyra means he has no personal connection to any characters.

    Oh, and I guess him finding out he was soon going to die and decided to bring the rest of the world with him doesn't border on the psychotic either.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Rothgar
    he never burned down nibelheim or poisoned doma and i suspect that left a bitter taste in a lot of people's mouths
    No, he just completely destroyed what was left of an entrie planet. And he was responsible for the razing of Burmecia, the attacks on Lindblum and Alexandria, and the total annihilation of Cleyra.
    "Game over? Damn right I'm over!"

  14. #164


    [q="American Badass"]So I guess that the fact that he was essentially a "brother" to Zidane and was meant to be replaced by him, took control of Bahamut and killed Garnet's mother and rained mass destruction on Alexandria, created and manipulated Vivi's black mage "brothers", was was indirectly responsible for the razing of Burmecia and the complete destruction of Cleyra means he has no personal connection to any characters.

    Oh, and I guess him finding out he was soon going to die and decided to bring the rest of the world with him doesn't border on the psychotic either.[/q]

    Yeah, I guess not. Too bad you're not sure.

  15. #165

    Default That was exactly the problem tho...

    They tried to clean the whole thing up at the end tho being like ohhhh hes ur brother oh ur from the same race blah blah blah--but there was no tangible reason why ziddane should hate and despise Kuja besides the fact that he was bein noble--there was no personal reason to despise him---cloud had nibelheim--it was his town his home--he remembers fightin sephiroth after a time--Cyan had doma, Terra had Leo, Edgar and Sabin had their father's assasination, Celes had her desire to fix what she allowed to go wrong--and Kefka didnt try to destroy the world--he did--he banished it into the world of ruin

    garnett and vivi had a much more tangible reason to despise kuja--but then did anyone really like the queen?...and what was so important about the mages?

    alll im tryin to say is i finished the game wondering why Ziddane was so hell bent on beatin kuja's ass and that's never a good thing for a game--i played it trhough like i did all the other FFs, but to be honest its the only one that i never had a desire to replay...and now that uve brought up all these points about how great a game it was (personaly i think its the worst of any ffs....) im prob gonna have to replay it

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