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Thread: I need help on and english paper due tomorrow!!!

  1. #1

    Default I need help on and english paper due tomorrow!!!

    Hey. My English teacher gave us a one and a half page essay to write that is due tomorrow. He gave us a quote as our topic. The quote is "If you think education is costly, you ought to try ignorance". I need some ideas on what ya'll think of this quote. We have to write the essay on what the quote means. There are no right or wrong answers, just what you think. Please help, I need some answers A.S.A.P. Any help is very appreciated.

  2. #2
    why Recognized Member Pancaek's Avatar
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    I think it means that the price to pay for education isn't as great as the price our children will pay for being ignorant and not knowing anything because of a bad school system.

  3. #3


    Quote is a verb, quotation is the noun. Insignificant tangential pet peeve, I know.

  4. #4
    pirate heartbreaker The Man's Avatar
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    quote ( P ) Pronunciation Key (kwōt)
    v. quot·ed, quot·ing, quotes
    v. tr.

    1. To repeat or copy the words of (another), usually with acknowledgment of the source.
    2. To cite or refer to for illustration or proof.
    3. To repeat a brief passage or excerpt from: The saxophonist quoted a Duke Ellington melody in his solo.
    4. To state (a price) for securities, goods, or services.

    v. intr.

    To give a quotation, as from a book.


    1. Informal. A quotation.
    2. A quotation mark.
    3. Used by a speaker to indicate the beginning of a quotation.
    4. A dictum; a saying.


    Usage Note: People have been using the noun quote as a truncation of quotation for over 100 years, and its use in less formal contexts is widespread today. Language critics have objected to this usage, however, as unduly journalistic or breezy. As such, it is best avoided in more formal situations. The Usage Panel, at least, shows more tolerance for the word as the informality of the situation increases. Thus, only 38 percent of Panelists accept the example He began the chapter with a quote from the Bible, but the percentage rises to 53 when the source of the quotation is less serious: He lightened up his talk by throwing in quotes from Marx Brothers movies.
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    Hypnotising you crono_logical's Avatar
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    I guess by definition Doomgaze is a language critic then
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  6. #6
    Gobbledygook! Recognized Member Christmas's Avatar
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    My credit cards bills are also due tmr. Anyone can help pay them?

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