I used to be a huge blue magic cat... then I realized I don't need it. All the spells are useless, save a choice few:

Lv. 5 Doom - Good for beating a few choice bosses, but they're easy to beat in themselves. I doubt anyone had any trouble with Adaman T., and LVD only kills the launchers of the Sol Cannon, who can be beaten with just a few simple bolttechs or a couple of target-all bolt spells.

Aqua Rake - Okay, I admit, I even got this to beat the Sand worm. But, like above, he can be beaten with nominal struggle the good ol' fashioned way.

Blowfish - Damn, ifn't it a nice spell. But, lets not forget, by the time you actually get it, 1000 damage isn't ALL that hard to come by. And let's not forget, GP Rain does far more than 1000 damage to ALL baddies, costs no MP, and the fighting you do to make the gold will net you some collateral experience.

Big Gaurd - Hard as hell to get, and, while it is helpful, it isn't that helpful. By the time you get it, Safe and Shell, and that other one, are kinda useless, in a sense.

Aero Spells - Okay, these ones are helpful, easy to get, and powerful. Worth it, I'd say. But I'm not wasting my precious time/battle slots just to get a beefed up Black Magic spell.

I only wished I hadn't wasted so much time learning Learning - time that could've been spent learning Black, White, or Time magic, or even summons.

Archer! Now there's a class. Strong, fast, precise, elemental bows do TEN times the damage of elemental rods, and you get to use X-Fight. I'd pass up blue magic for that anyday.